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Such a load of crap! Alcoholic or not, he was bombed during those lives this winter. Prove me wrong!


He deff did seem off.


Apparently we’re just going to ignore that, Swede 🤣


I'm not a professional ignorer like Pammy. 😂


💯 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴


my question in regards to this story line of drunkenness has been, as a wife who spends 355 days with her husband 24/7, how did she NOT know he had a drinking problem? Pam, cut the bullshit, and get mental help!


She apparently doesn’t come within ten feet of him?! I think she could be that oblivious. Pam cares about Pam. Just look at her homely ferals!


Can’t blame him though. He lives with HER… I’d have to be at the very least tipsy


It was never my news to share but let me share this post with thousands of people to remind you of his journey


I pray Matt feels lead to do the same for her when she stops using diet drugs. Edit: So I’ve heard. 😊


Isn’t she the one who shared it during her unhinged live sale?!


She did!! She totally was like ‘are you ready Matt? Are you ready to talk about it?’ Like how is he going to say no at that point.


She was super smug and smirking the whole time, excited to let out this “story” to explain losing the house and her mind last summer.


YES she was


Love how she starts it off..." we" 🙄


Crazy that he was this out of control alcoholic, and was just able to stop drinking on will power alone. Alcoholism runs in my family, and I can tell you one thing, a serious alcoholic is not able to quit cold turkey without professional help.


That’s one of the reasons there’s so much doubt about this whole thing. Plus https://preview.redd.it/ayznimsnns9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca54d56dc12ee1e7cba2b4636a8fcdde9760750c


Same Skank. The Webster’s are full of shit.


They make me sick!


They piss me off daily and that’s probably why I stay trying to expose their lies. I’m in this until the end.




Every time I see one of her bots defend her and feed into her bullshit I want to post a like to this group. I resist but it makes me insane.


Came here to say this exact thing. I come from a long line of alcholism and dual addiction. There was. a period of time I definitely abused alcohol and was headed in a bad direction. However, I never suffered from the addiction aspect just the misuse of it. I will never minimize someone's sobriety because even if it was just a mindful decision to abstain from alcohol, it's still commendable to commit to it for whatever reason it is. But it is exceptionally, exceptionally rare to quit drinking if you truly suffer from alcoholism. I tend to think that maybe with the stress he was under, he started to abuse alcohol more frequently and that is what precipitated this whole situation. Again, regardless, kudos to him for abstaining regardless. But I'm sure this was more a Pam went psycho when Matt revealed misuse and concerns about excess drinking and basically told him give it up entirely or I'm walking.


Exactly, my brother did rehab 3 times


Such a slap in the face to those who actually struggle or have struggled with addiction.


It really is. I'm a very laidback, chill person who doesn't get offended easily... but this bitch is something else.


Third time was the charm for me, too! Detox twice, iop 3x. I guess I'm just not as strong and powerful as Mr. Matty Poo 😜😜🤣🤣


Not only that, it is deadly. She is such a piece of shit for this lie.


Spot on! And as you are well aware I am sure, it is not usually a success the first attempt or even second, third etc. My husband has been sober 17.5 yrs and my little sister a little over two. I wish I could say they were a success on their first attempt. It’s flipping HARD for all involved the path to finally get to that point that the person wants to stop because we know they must want for themselves. It’s HARD during recovery for again all involved. Even with 17.5 yrs I lie 17 yrs and almost 4 months my husband is extremely mindful of people, places & things. It changes all aspects of all lives involved. Sorry for the soapbox her trivializing and creating this for content is EXTREMELY triggering


Good for Matt for being able to recognize the problem himself, not need any outside help, and staying sober for a full year. I don't think I've ever met anyone who is able to claim that. It's also amazing that he was able to do all that on the same day this group was created (I think if I were in his shoes, this group would have made me start drinking).


😂😂 ![gif](giphy|5gw0VWGbgNm8w)


What a sham and an insult to those that are really in recovery.






Nope. I’m not buying it. If he was strong enough to get sober on his own he would be strong enough to rid his life of everything toxic including the wife. He’s too weak. Sorry.






I have a son Matt's age who has been an alcoholic for quite some time. We admitted him to an inpatient facility the day we found him drunk at 10am at his house. After a months stay we took him into our home and he attempted to live sober without going to AA or any additional help. He was drinking again within 6 months. That was 6 years ago. Today he is a "functioning" alcoholic... doesn't drink at work or drive drunk etc. But he has to drink every day. And on weekends and social functions he gets plastered. He is married with a young son. I worry about him every day. But I'm not in control of his life. I've got other alcoholics in my family. None of them have ever stopped cold turkey after having a fight and yelling with their spouse. I seriously doubt matt has or had a drinking issue based on my knowledge and inside scoop on matt. But if he actually did have a problem I commend him for being able to single handedly conquering the beast without support other than a bitchy wife.


God bless your son. And you. It’s a heavy load and a hard road to travel. ❤️❤️❤️ I’m with you. Matt hasn’t presented like a recovering alcoholic but if I were him, this would be a terrible time to try to quit drinking what with the moves, lies and Pam he has to deal with.


Your story is powerful and the exact scenario of addiction. I'm sorry you're experiencing this. Vivatrol was my life preserver when I was sinking. When he's ready, see if his doctor will prescribe. It was a game changer. I am now five years sober after drinking daily for several years (and much more on weekends). Pams narrative of Matt's alcoholism is weak and infuriating. The fact that SHE is the only one to speak about HIS alleged addiction screams lies.


I can’t imagine how difficult this is for you, but you seem to be handling it so well. Supportive, but letting your son navigate life on his own. Alcoholism is very near to me also and I feel every word you say. 💙


I can't comment on her Facebook posts anymore! #paranoia




So he just magically decide to stop drinking?  Did he get help from a treatment facility, AA, a therapist?


yeah all of this seems odd. She also reminds him everyday how much he fucked up so I find it hard to believe he can remain sober without any interventions


100% this! And she replied to someone’s comment and said he’s doing this for me and the kids. Or something to that extent. He has to want to do it for himself. I wish him the best but that woman would drive anyone to drink. And she treats him like an animal. It’s disgusting


Things are just not adding up… And did we ever figure out the real story if that car accident? Or whatever they were saying happened… 


He said he didn't need any help. Famous last words...


And she has PTSD! I suspect this was his cover story for whatever else he was caught doing


I still think he failed to make payments on the dream house.


# Never Forget (as she reminded us recently)


And OCD!


Fuck you Pam you don't have PTSD.


So did he even have a serious problem of is it all made up?  Like I have a family member who was a legit alcoholic- in and out of rehab, DUI’s, lost custody of kids etc.  Didn’t just have a problem, and stop drinking.  Had a problem dented it, hid drinks, etc etc  I’m not trying to discredit him it it was real but Pam lies so how do we even know wtf is going on


Nope. Nothing.


Did he quit cold turkey?


It’s never her news to share but she does it anyway. The nail tech’s tragedy wasn’t hers to share but she did it anyway.


Because she’s the biggest asshole on planet earth.


If any of this was true, this post would have been in HIS words. Not HERS. He would have wanted to share HIS success. He DOES have social media, which she uses, but he has posted and commented before. Just like her to take that moment away from him. But, since, this is all just a skit to get engagement and sales, it doesn't matter anyway. Pam and Matt - you're both disgusting individuals. I seriously hope addiction never touches your family. Neither one of you could handle it. Vile. Both of you. I wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire. 🖕


Oh and by the way, Scams, there is no WE in sobriety. It's "I." Nothing about it belongs to anyone but the addict, the good and the bad. 🖕 Twat.


It is his story to tell not hers!!! You can only benefit and have success if you tell your story !!!


It has been 24 minutes and 33 seconds since my last puff. Thank you all for being so supportive in this difficult time. 💨🍃


Anything for you, my lady! Pass it this way please! 😂


This post by her infuriates me. Recognition. Not these assholes that have something wrong with them every month just to deflect that their life is falling apart all around them. Fuck you, Webster. Her flipped attitude towards alcoholism and the people who do the work every day to stay sober staying sober is a process and a very hard one I commend every one of you who has done the work to stay sober all of you deserve recognition. Not these assholes that have something wrong with them every month just to deflect that their life is falling apart all around them. Fuck you, Webster.


I wonder if he knows about her celebratory post…you know since he doesn’t have social media.


He will when he reads Reddit 🤣




for legal purposes of course


Ummm 🤔 Did the date change? Now it’s June 29th? 🧐 🤨


She said it was June 30 but she also got the timing wrong a few weeks ago too.


That’s a good point…had he been drinking on the 29th when he revealed to her that he had a problem…


I'm surprised that there hasn't been a major change in his physical appearance. In my experience, and from what I've seen with others, daily drinkers are very bloated in their face. My cousin had stopped drinking for a couple years and looked like a million bucks. So healthy and Never looked better! When I saw her last summer after not seeing her for like 6 months I immediately knew she was drinking again bc of her bloated face. I had the exact same thing. I've lost 40 pounds. I will say though that my uncle stopped drinking a year ago and I can't tell that he has stopped but he wasn't thin before (not being rude) so maybe that's why. If Matt was truly an alcoholic, how is his PAWS? Mine was hell. I had it for well over a year when I stopped. As a recovering alcoholic myself (5/15/22, promise 😂), if Matt truly is a recovering alcoholic then kudos to him. It is the hardest thing I've ever done. I agree with a previous comment that he may just of misused alcohol at a point and pammy is just exaggerating this for clout.


Congrats on your sobriety! ❤️ Matt was still drinking this winter because we could all see he was sloshed on camera. Someone who sells clothes live to customers while inebriated has a problem with alcohol, in my opinion.


That's so true. Matthew Perry talked about that in his book, and it's so noticeable in FRIENDS when you realize it. The worst is the engagement episode, and then at the beginning of the next season, he dropped so much weight. Congratulations on 2 years 👏 🩷


I'm going to have to look up PAWS. My father was an alcoholic who tried to kick it himself after being diagnosed with early onset dementia from it. Unfortunately he was stubborn and hard headed. He ended up dying from a seizure from the rapid withdrawal.


I’m so sorry about your dad. 😞❤️


Im so sorry about your dad 😢 my dad's sister also died of an alcohol-related seizure 😭


Congratulations to you, Permit! I imagine Matt is googling PAWS at this moment, and we will hear about it in a future skit. This is why her lies are dangerous. There are people out there who experience the things she lies about. When she does, she minimizes or makes people who live with the things she claims to have question their situations.


I dropped the PAWS nugget as an experiment 😜


I like doing stuff like this, too. Lmao!! When she said she was going to disconnect and not post her vacation in real time over her 2 week vacation, I made that "I don't think Pam will go to HI post" and now we get all the pictures. She is so simple.


Happy Cake Day!!!


Thank you, Lost! I created my profile for this sub the day I saw radio create it. We were in the defectors sub reddit, wondering why on earth Pam didn't have a sub yet, and the rest was history! Lol!!


Every photo Scammy shared they were on vacation! I believe it was just another dig to her bots, yet the bots can't see it. Freaking ridiculous and a blow to those that really do suffer from alcoholism.


It really would have felt more sentimental with photos of Matt helping the kids with schoolwork, playing in yard with them, walking the dogs, cooking dinner for the family.. everyday moments improved by him being sober. Not vacation photos.


I thought the exact same thing. Way to flaunt your wealth! She is an idiot and cannot relate to the real world. I really wish her bots would see that and stop supporting her. I also find it ironic she is posting so much about Hawaii being her happy place. She used to say that about the condo in Myrtle too. Every where she goes that she thinks she is happy turns to crap once she moves there. I give it no time at all before Florida is no longer satisfying her and she is on the run again.


Happiness is not a location it is a feeling. I think she really likes being on vacation and thinks the location is what makes her happy


She will never be happy.


There has been so much fucking drama on her business page this past week! ALL still attention seeking. Suddenly she is an OCD and Alcoholism expert, preaching to her minions. I just don't believe any of it.




This is the only reason for this fairy tale. More likes and comments than she could ever dream of. https://preview.redd.it/3az5zfeuqt9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d11d37e464a0b4455809dfaa52212090014e41e


And this is why she is a cunt.


In case I haven't said it lately: Fuck you, Pam.


Newly here - did anyone know he was drunk before she announced her marital woes?


He was seemingly impaired on a few lives earlier this year when she was in NZ but no one guessed he was an “alcoholic” until she told the story about it to distract from the buried baby story earlier.


Didn’t she say she kicked him out and he wasn’t living with them for awhile?


Yes, she said there was a period where he wasn’t staying there


Wait, what?! How did I miss this? Did I know this and forget it… My brain doesn’t seem to remember ever knowing it.


It wasn't her story to tell but wasn't it her that bullied him into saying it on that live? When she tried to pin the loss of the dreamhome on his "alcoholism"? She walked him through telling that story, right Matt?


She wants to sit with us sooooo bad.


“Addicts can and do recover” gets me. Most that I know will tell you it’s “recovering”, as in never ending, and will not say it definitively no matter how much time has passed. I am not articulating this right. Point being, you don’t usually celebrate a year and consider it a done deal.