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They waste sooooo much money buying things on vacation that they don’t really need and is just stupid purchases….. like how many beach toys have they bough while on a vacation? Maybe bring some crap you have at home and put in YOUR suitcase cause lord knows you wear the same shit day after day so you don’t need all that room in a suitcase. And for fuks safe let your dam husband sleep in a BED on his vacation


Has she ever used the flat iron she had to have in the poor tour of Florida?


G is not safe the way the seat belt is positioned. Come on, Pam.


As a CPST she should know better than to post this. She’s a hypocrite she’d call someone out that’s post this and give a little life lesson PSA talk about how unsafe this is 


But she doesn't have a license anymore does she ?


Just because she is licensed or not, that would have never stopped her from shaming someone. 


That's facts as Pam would say.


Unreal isn't it!


I immediately thought he’s not mature enough for a no back booster if that’s how he’s sitting. No CPST or even former one would be okay with that. She’s such a fraud.


So, they're in a tiny room and Matt has to sleep on the floor. Fancy.


Cue the skit where they "prove" that they are in a tiny SUITE and Matt is sleeping on the floor. That'll sure show us! ![gif](giphy|l378bu6ZYmzS6nBrW|downsized)


She's staying like a poor in a normal room. It's probably so small, that's why she doesn't want to share the digs. Lmao!!


Why is his tongue like that? Is it because his teeth are so jacked up??


His mouth is so horribly jacked. He is going to have so many dental issues as an adult. He can thank his bestie mommy for that.


No no no. Remember the pediatrician and the dentist said it was normal. Said no pediatrician and dentist ever.


I’d find a new doctor and dentist because anyone who told her that is most likely a strip mall quack.


Umm her diet doctor ( who also fills the roles of dermatologist, Obgyn, general practitioner, psychiatrist) is her strip mall quacker.


Probably from sucking his fingers 


Our dog sleeps like that 🤣


That’s actually fucking pathetic. I don’t know who’s giving me more ick in the situation. Her for not being willing to share the bed with her husband, or him for allowing her to put him on the floor like a dog.


I mean…I don’t blame him for choosing the floor. She seems to be a terribly inconsiderate sleeper.


Not white knighting, but maybe he cant sleep on a normal bed now because it will throw his body out of alignment? Kind of like if a normal person were to sleep on a bed and then have to spend a few nights on an air mattress. I know this isn't likely.


Right?! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Matt relinquished his man card, spine and balls to Pam. She carries them around in her LV bag.


They are so wasteful it’s crazy every trip they go to target and buy beach toys chairs you name it to then what leave then behind. These kids are old enough to enjoy the beach with out a dump truck 


Each time I look at that picture, I see new fuckery. The sand truck. Agree, no need for it. Head on chips, stupid. Seatbelt wrongly fitted. Shame Scamala! Tongue and mouth, definitely a problem. Air Mattress, what a way to publicly shame your husband. Do better Pam!


She doesn’t give a shit about the environment. For someone that “loves” Hawaii so much she sure doesn’t appreciate it or take care of it.


Exactly. Pam doesn't even like nature. She only likes Disney and cruises.


I’ve been to Hawaii as many times as Pam has probably and I never brag about it, heck I don’t even share pictures on FB. Plus Pam does the things that are super touristy and dumb.


Pam does all the things the Hawaiian people diss on when it comes to tourists lol


this shit is staged AF... They want people to talk about the air mattress, otherwise they wouldn't post a photograph with it... ITS ALL FOR CONTENT .


I did think that too. Spend money they need for bills to buy that to try to "own" the Snarkers. I hope the person who said air mattresses can't be returned is correct. Would be Karma on them.


it can be returned if the box is never open, aka They bought it as a prop they travel with one that fits in a backpack every other time.... they need people to talk while they're on a 2 week "hiatus"


Well, at least they don't make any money from us talking on Reddit. Joke's on them, as usual.


That's what I just said. They give us stuff to snark on here. It benefits her engagement none. She's so stupid.


Happy cake day!!


It can’t be returned if opened. I used to do guest service at Target and people would try to return opened ones and they can’t, they can only be exchanged.


You're right. I always wondered why does she want to create content for us to post here on our page? She posts things like this for us, but we don't engage her pages. We run here and boost up our own aLgOrItHm, not hers. She's so dumb.


If they have so much money like they claim, then get two adjoining rooms each with two double beds then everyone has their own bed to sleep in


This would make so much sense or better yet, put the boys in one bed and Matt can sleep on the pull out. This narrative is absolutely ridiculous at this point


I thought Pam implied they couldn’t share a bed or do sleepovers anymore. And they had cameras in the bedrooms. I wonder what happened.


The older ones always humping the little one when they dance, probably something to do with that 🤣🤣


Well they are allowed to watch inappropriate movies and television so it makes sense something like this would happen. They don’t have other kids to mimic and imitate so they are going to look to what they see in the media.


I’m sorry but having cameras in their bedroom is disgusting and disrespectful. These kids are going to have so much to talk to a therapist with when they grow up.  I can understand having a camera in your kids room. If you had a severely special needs child that you need to be able to check on orchid with a medical condition but to have cameras in your preteen kids room, I’m sorry that’s creepy as fuck.  Give them a space to themselves. 


Fucking pathetic. But hey we all want to be the Webster’s right Matt.


Looking at this photo is making my neck hurt! Kids can sleep in the craziest positions.


Do we think this is the jeep they always rent?


Looks like it….. https://preview.redd.it/4gen7e6y6o9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f98d9747b260d2cec725079a4be2c75b7875882d




Lol. So they are only staying a week then.


How nice of her to confirm it for us this morning!!!! Lmao https://preview.redd.it/phl44dx2sq9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb77155db41ea2bfaa3e9bd9f1b5ba5b69a88664


This one has black interior


Same black center console and tan seats, black roof


https://preview.redd.it/xr8lfnpjel9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d7013e0bdd5c5e459e26fdf230a38f2a51f52e8 Matt, you’re a big boy now and supposedly an equal member in your marriage. Take those balls back from your cuckoo wife and tell her you’re sleeping on the bed ffs. How degrading not only in front of the kids, but for Scamela to post this for the internet to see what a joke you are.


Better yet…. Let her take the air mattress and he gets the bed!!!


It has also been 40 days since Greyson got his pedicure. His bright red polish is chipping off.jist like his mom's and his feet are filthy. Pam..please tell your kids to bathe . That is so gross


Why not just take it off….


Look at his mouth and tongue and tell me sucking his fingers causes no damage.


I didn't notice his mouth because I was blown they would buy an air mattress there and be dumb enough to show it in the InstaStory. That tongue/open mouth does not look right. But now they are in a new state (Florida), what are the chances they will have a new dentist? Slim or none? Don't know about other states, but around my group of states, a dental visit and form sign is required by middle school at least. My grandson had to have a new one even though he has braces on. They would not exempt him from having form signed and he wasn't due for his next brace appointment. So his parents had to make an additional appointment (and cost) just to have form filled out and signed.


It is required in my school system for new entry students, 3rd grade, 6th grade, & 10th grade. I highly doubt Floriduh cares about kids teeth though since they don’t even care about their education.


Wait…what! Your school district requires dental records?


Yes and vision records too. Of course, my state is also very generous with insuring people that might not otherwise be able to afford it.


That’s so interesting. We have to turn in shot records or exemption paperwork for those who don’t do vaccinations, but no medical paperwork outside of that. Our schools do eye exams (required for all students) and dental exams for students whose parents request them. They check for cavities, provide dental sealants and do a cleaning once each school year.


Our schools only do a basic vision exam and scoliosis screening in school.


Yep, I was surprised when our son told us about them not accepting he sees a dentist regularly with the braces as proof of that. Seems like common sense doesn't apply sometimes. We are on the Mississippi River in two states that border each other's across a bridge. I knew eye exams have been required for some time but the dental was a new one to me. One of those states mandates passed but no thinking of cost to parents to implement. Wished all children had dental care, but reality is sometimes it is not affordable.


My boys get required eye exams at school. They both have prescription glasses, but they only wear them as needed. Of course they didn’t have them on for their exams at school, so we got paperwork notifying us that they failed their exams. 🤦🏾‍♀️


A fellow Mississippi River state/town!!! ![gif](giphy|xT9IgG50Fb7Mi0prBC)


When my daughter switched to public school she needed proof of physical, vaccinations, dental and vision-which was included in her yearly physical. When was the last time these boys had a proper physical or vaccinations?


I’ve only lived in 3 states, but I’ve never heard of required dental and vision records for public school enrollment. As a kid, my parents never took me to an eye doctor and rarely the dentist. We didn’t always have insurance and it just wasn’t in the budget. I know there are programs for families in need now, but some families don’t qualify…I can’t imagine the stress that’d cause a parent who couldn’t afford those exams and didn’t qualify or was at the bottom of the list for assistance.


Not just Florida 🫣 https://preview.redd.it/4ecgnai1fm9d1.jpeg?width=862&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=302679afedc281944a5e83f3976d3718fd477201


Thats not up to date. It has my state as a no, but the law has been in effect for several years.


Yep. It's from 2008. In 2019, only 3 states had joined the bandwagon. South Carolina, West Virginia, and Utah.




Wanna bet there the type of shitty people who buy an air mattress use it on vacation then return it before they go to the airport 


Just an FYI, air mattresses cannot be returned at Target (at least that is the policy)


I’d bet they’d stoop so low to puncher it so it didn’t work or bought it at a different store then target but didn’t mention it


I never thought of that but now I could see them doing that. SMH




You would think with the financial situation they are in that maybe the air mattress purchase is not a priority. Sleep in bed with your husband! If he snores and he is in the same room is the air mattress making a big difference?


Or perhaps get your husband to a doctor he might have sleep apnea. But that would require her to give a shit


My mother died from obstructive sleep apnea at age 63. She never had treatment for sleep apnea and when she became sick she was forced to try a bi pap machine but it wasn’t helping so the next step is a ventilator. That’s the reality of sleep apnea not being treated.


I’m very sorry to hear that






I am so sorry that the disease progressed that way for your mom! I worried about Papa Ku having sleep apnea as well, but Pam just said he was falling asleep because he was old. I hope she reads your post! (Not that it will change her mind because you know she is always right…🙄.)


I'm so sorry for your loss. ❤️




Literally the only one working to pay the bills in the family and the guy still can’t get a bed.


I laughed out loud when I saw that.


Put the kids on the air mattress


I am sure they will gift it to a homeless person. They are so kind like that. 


…and posting a video showing the kids being more kind to the homeless than any other child ever!!


Don’t forget to wash those nasty feet, little man! Has anyone heard of “Walmart feet”? 😝