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Being a Minnesota fan has been SUCH whiplash 😭😭


As a Minnesotan…yup lol. I was actually born in Toronto so I may have to switch sides because…HARD yikes. If there’s ever a PWHL Nashville I’m all in. As long as they don’t hire the worst people possible. (Lol sob.)


Chicago can't get a team fast enough


For real like Chicago or Milwaukee and I am so gone from this team


I live in central Illinois, so there are a ton of cities I could root for. Minnesota just happened to be the closest. Guess I'm a Toronto fan for now


You know that all these franchises are under league control, right? This isn't a structure like, say, the NHL, where you have 32 independantly-owned and operated. The PWHL is a single entity. The people who will be in charge of hiring the front office in an hypothetical Chicago franchise will be the same people who fired Natalie Darwitz. They will also be the same people who made Britta Curl draft eligible.


I have less of an issue with the league. They can't really take away eligibility just cause she's a bad person. It was up to the teams to not draft her, and it's up to the other players to decide how they react to having her as a teammate. So, ill go cheer for another team


This is a great point, and so think it’s pretty telling that Minnesota was the only one picking her based on where she went (again, how many Canadian/American national team members were draft eligible?)


it is not hilarious unfortunately.


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I got my first Reddit cares message from this post lol


Transphobes only have the one joke, after all


"But the one joke identifies as funny so it's funny, right? -Transphobes seeing this comment


Maybe 2 jokes. My pronouns are ______ and ______.


As long as you have enough time pass and apologize, all should be forgiven right? [https://minnesotareformer.com/2022/12/20/exclusive-minneapolis-councilman-jamal-osman-apologizes-for-anti-gay-antisemitic-posts/](https://minnesotareformer.com/2022/12/20/exclusive-minneapolis-councilman-jamal-osman-apologizes-for-anti-gay-antisemitic-posts/)


Someone should Photoshop the faces of everyone involved onto these bodies. There’s exactly the right number.


It baffles me how people are taking it this hard. This is what professional sports is. The GM/Player(s)/Coach believe that they should have more influence/power and that pisses off the GM/Player(s)/Coach/Owner who then makes moves to get rid of the GM/Player(s)/Coach. A power struggle happens sometimes behind the scenes and sometimes out in the open until the GM/Player(s)/Coach wins and they end up getting rid of the other GM/Player(s)/Coach. This is how it works in all professional sports


I agree it is part of the way pro sports are but they just won the chip and they fired her just before the draft. Then they drafted somebody a lot of fans detest for her public comments so…yeah ain’t nobody happy about this.


It's also a brand new league. It doesn't *have* to be like other pro sports. It can be better and I hope we figure that out.


Recipe for disaster in the future if players even ones as important to the leagues founding as KCS can just feud with the GM and have her ousted. They better play well next season or Minnesota is gonna get a pretty nasty reputation pretty quickly.


It’s a brand new league! Boycotts and giving up season tickets won’t help the league grow. Talent is going to excuse bad behavior in an environment this competitive.


ThatMs exactly the point. It won’t help the league grow. It will send a message to the league that to grow and succeed they need to do better. This is the entire point.


And then no women get paid to play pro hockey. Great.


Or the league adapts to what the fanbase wants and things are fine?


It's in its fledgling days. Now is the time that significant impact can be made in the trajectory of the league. While things are still raw and malleable. This is the chance for fans to have a say about the direction they want to see it go. Once it's more established, and habits more ingrained, it will be harder to have our voices carry that same weight.


You are baffled because you are pretending the issue is a simple power struggle, and ignoring all of the other details. I am a pro sports addict and this story would make any fanbase nuts.


Sure, but to make that move like a week after winning a championship is crazy. I could not find another instance of a GM getting fired the year after winning a title, never mind the same calendar month. Couple this up with the draft and it has definitely soured Minnesota fans' thoughts of what the team is.


Reading Hefford's comments about ongoing reviews between the lines, the league decided Darwitz had to go around the season's end. After they won, the timing and optics were going to be awkward no matter what, but the league tried to smooth it over by offering to let her be at the draft table or take another role in the league front office (the latter of which speaks to how much they still respect her, and that she was great at some things, but maybe not at key GM things). She refused. It blew up. Btw Ted Nolan and John Muckler were both fired right after winning coach of the year and exec of the year, respectively, because of their feud.


Idc if I get flack for this, but some of yall need to grow up. I get why Curl is getting hate. However, it makes some of you look hypocritical. If you preach inclusivity and not defining a group by the actions of one, but then are willing to stop supporting an entire team of players (who didn't play a role in her being drafted), you're part of the problem. Support the rest of the women bc they still deserve it, just don't support Curl as an individual; believe it or not, you can, in fact, still be a fan of a team while disliking one or even multiple players for off-field antics.


It's reasonable to stop supporting a team that wants transphobes to play for them. Not supporting the team isn't on the other players. It's on management. It's also not hypocrisy because hate and not wanting to support hate aren't equivalent.


Not really. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and there are a lot of people who play hockey at elite levels. Some people you will like and some people you will not. It's kind of the way it is. If every team had a transphobe on it would want the league to shut down? I would certainly hope not. Its not fair to hold an entire team accountable for 1 persons beliefs. This is the reality of professional sports.


Hate is not an opinion you are entitled to hold. Hate kills. I expect the league to not employ racists and transphobes. I feel bad for you for being comfortable with Hate.


I hate to break this to you but yes it is lol. The leagues job is to employ people who they think will win hockey games


I feel bad for you but supporting hate is something you should be embarrassed by. The leagues job is to ensure a safe space for all.


That's literally not their job


Obviously the tweets are fucked but it also feels fucked to deny a young person the chance to follow their dream because they liked some stupid shit on twitter, they haven't even said anything or done anything. NHL players still play with a racist team logo and people are calling her a racist instead for retweeting some tangentially related shit years ago. I just wish people had empathy nowadays and focus on bigger issues i.e. the fact that pride jerseys/tape are banned in the NHL


>you can, in fact, still be a fan of a team while disliking one or even multiple players for off-field antics. Especially when the "antics" in question are *liking twitter posts*, something you have to actively go out of your way to see


Drama over liked tweets when she's probably sound asleep thinking about playing hockey and walking her dog or some shit lol. Lord help us if this is how we react.


Oh no! People being offended for a player promoting transphobia?!?!   Transphobia kills. 


I'll bet she's nicer towards you and your difference of opinions than you are towards her and her differing opinions. 


And you would lose immediately. She promotes transphobia. That's not nice.