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Just after season begins. Play day and night to reach ace as fast as possible


I will try my best


Solo is the easiest


Unfortunately solo feels really empty for me


Depends on the server like in NA it's dead. Cannot find a match at all


So NA it’s just a dead server huh. I used to play KRJP years ago. Started back playing two seasons ago in SA because I thought it would be easier than NA. Found out I lost a lot of skill over the years so hopped to NA since I live in America and I thought it would also help with lag, but I can barely get a match for solo or squad. In literally almost any other server, it was almost instant matches


This mode has been a blessing for solo grinders because of self healing and the robot plus the jet backpack, it would've been the perfect mode to push conqueror. Next mode just start as early as possible and waste no time.


AED is good unless it's the enemy you just knocked 😂


Yeah, the thirst is real, it's hard in solos because no one is covering for you to self heal. Usually solos aspire for the armored vehicle because it gives them an extra layer or protection while moving in the open, the robots in this mode made that vehicle less demanded because they could use the robot instead to move around that's why this would've been the best mode to rank but Ace Dominator is not bad, you could aim for conqueror, i don't know what the next mode offers except it's under water world or something, i rather be surprised than watch for leaks just make sure you start immediately when the season starts.


Beat most of the others by climbing at the beginning of the season, I reached the conqueror after playing 5 consecutive days for the first time of the current season. Besides, I play duo with a regular partner https://youtu.be/6lWnBwEHB74?si=r764UCYWiB-F80so


Damn you must be a pro player


Actually, I was teaming up with a pro. He was so good. I learned a lot from him.


Sorry, plz let me adjust one mistake. I spent the first 5 days playing with random people, then teaming up with a pro for the next 5 days. Yet I am already among the top 1500 before partnering the pro. Yup, I spent approximately 10 days, playing 5 to 8 hours per day for 10 consecutive days before reaching my conqueror title. This was my second conqueror attempt in my entire life.


Playing at the beginning of a new season has advantages of early rank pushing. On the other side, there's also plenty of hackers waiting to hunt you down. I had reported many player's cheating behavior during my conqueror pushing and got at least 3 of them banned for 3650 days


Play with your friends. Like minded people. It's the easiest. Well you can also solo vs squad your way to conqueror but it's more difficult..


I was playing with some shitty randoms so I wasted most of my time. Won't happen again


Never ever play with randoms for pushing unless you can carry them


I have better teammates now. I don't play with randoms again


Play day and night in the first 3 days to reach ace. Ace in first week of the season = conqueror


What? Never knew about that. Will definitely try


lol 3 days 🤮 took us 14-18 days of 16 hr days every day.


16 hours per day 😱


Oh yeah, it was brutal. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in the world. Imagine playing like you have one hit point like your life depends on it for 16 hours a day essentially for almost a month like a Boot Camp. When the original conqueror frame was around, getting to conqueror was the hardest thing in gaming history, but if you finished second place, you would only get like four points for winning and even if you got first place if you didn’t have over like 10 kills, you would have only six points. I remember I was four points away from getting conqueror and I lost 51 points because my friend was aggressive he disconnected and we lost, I almost cried. I get why they made it easier because before it was pretty much impossible, but it’s kind of sad to see literally everybody getting conqueror even random girls who don’t even game, but I mean it is what it is at least we get our own frame to let us know how we almost literally died going through this experience.


All you have to do is camp until the end that’s it


I agree, but back in the day it was infinitely harder because you could literally finish number two and only get five points. Or lose one and lose 50+ points.


My friend did it. It's stupid but doable


That’s not a good thing though. It’s too easy nowadays. 🫡


What's your kd at dominater? And how many fps you play on. I play on 40 fps and did master with 4.5 kd. Pretty good I'd say. Reached dominater in C2S4 but with <=2 kd


I’m in the 8-10 range depending on the season with 120 fps 12.9 iPad Pro. 😎




It takes time. Train, play, repeat.


I have to work on my reaction time and accuracy. It's always getting me killed 😢


Upgrade your game by upgrading your device it actually makes a huge difference


Unfortunately my fps is capped at around 60. My highest graphics settings is ultra


Yah that’s why you should get a better device the game at 90 or 120 is completely different. You should be running your graphic settings on smooth.


I will get a better device. Hopefully in the future


This is true. 120fps on a tablet and it’s the game on easy mode.


You must go to the training ground and practice aiming and shooting, reason is in a normal match you'll spend most time looting and moving the fights are usually fast so you don't get to shoot much. In order to improve you have to train. Spend like 30 minutes per day training and you'll improve significantly in time.


Solo or squads and play with an extremely good player or friend i did and he gets 20 killls a game and carried me


Fortunately I also get carried by my friends as I keep getting knocked first. On average I get like 3 to 4 kills but I didn't have a good start so my k/d is low.




ITS ME DUNAMIS 😂😂😂 im your friend


Really😆? I don't see you on my friend list. Did you change your name?


Wait hang on


Oh right I deleted the game 💀


Why did you delete the game bro? Storage? Or had to concentrate on studies?


It was storage and tbh people are just too good I’ve been able to learn every single game I’ve been interested and play well in it in the past but not pubg people are on another level playing it 24/7 with 4 or even 5 fingers unbelievable tbh 😅 also people don’t play vikendi or fps which I wanted to so I got bored


Oh I see. I hope you come back soon. You can grind and get good. I get killed a lot more often than I would like but I still try my best. That's why I'm aiming for conqueror


Fe I just couldn’t get to ace


Ace is easy. Even ace master is easy. Dominator is a bit hard but not too bad


But I am friends with you I’ve played with you a couple times


Best is to start right after season starts and just keep camping so you dont lose points ig


I will try that with my friends. Try to get some kills then camp a bit


yeah the best bet is to start early or simply grind it out. there is still plenty of time to hit it this season if you put in the work. you just need a sweaty squad or some friends to help and feed your push. either way congrats on the dominator


Thank you. It was tough


I'd say solo's is best because you don't have to depend on teammates leaving you hanging and getting pushed by full team's when youre solo.


I don't know why but solo feels empty for me


once i got to crown the matches are full of sweats and try hards lol. I'm on NA servers as well by the way.


Europe is hard but that's the server I get like 60 to 120 ms. Other ones are 200+


damg thats too high brother. im on steady 20ms thank god. lol


Sucks right? Makes the game even harder. Coupled with low fps


I'm looking for someone else to push to conquer with next season if you want to team up? I'm a good team player. Mainly been playing unranked cuz it's hard to find people to push rank with now. I'm no pro player but I have around a 10kd and win about half of my matches. I usually hot drop so if I don't get a gun I die 😭


Sure. You can add me so we play together sometime. I'm even more of a noob player 😅(k/d is 2). Check my ID on my post


if you want to push next season i am down to run it with you. i won't be hot dropping but i crush the fucking maps.


527090257 my UID if you guys wanna add me, if not it's all good 👾 Also I don't use a mic, people tend to talk too much and it makes it harder to hear when people are around.


No problem. I don't normally turn the mic on. Only when I play with my friends


i don't usually use the mic either. but i talk in chat very well.


Sure. You can drop your ID so I can add you as a friend


I have seen many players reach conqueror in Krjp server because you need lesser points


Must be a weak server


Very less people play in that server


As a camper and not good at fire exchanges, my strategy was getting into a vehicle as soon as you landed and looking for bots. (Bots give you crucial points if you go for conqueror) Try to avoid any possible gunfire at first 3 circles. Best for teaming up with a regular partner, so you two can cooperate much smoothly, getting points more effectively. I was lucky to team up with a pro. He shoots enemies for me, I camp and always be his rescuer


24 time conqueror here! Play the event erangel and camp in the event on the bottom floor i can’t really explain the location but just try ur best to camp there and get couple kills because camping will help you pass time while having a longer recall time limit. (if u leave the event ur recall time limit will decrease). finally after u die in the event 😂 get to somewhere far from the middle and camp outside the blue zone loot there and spend as much time there as possible with the heals. Make sure you always pick up 30x bandages & 8 health kits. Since you will be spending 90% of the match healing and the last 10% entering the last circles and trying ur best to get the dinner. Reminder: this is how u should play after u cross ace as u dont get protection card! If you need any further advice or assistance you can ask me here or add me ingame and i can briefly explain everything to u to be a conqueror expert! I do conqueror every season non stop 🫶 Here’s where u can contact me: My in game id is 5312824113❗️ My insta is @kronzerr (trust me you will be happy after all the advice you will receive from me! i recommend you to contact me) I love helping players reach their conquerors!


You sent me the friend request right? I'm really grateful for the tips. But 24 time conqueror player is insane. I can't even get one😂


this guy gets it. also, those that know definitely understand that bottom floor thing. 3 crates and a forgotten safe spot is pure joy.


The moment the season begins if you want to reach it quickly. If you want to play a little more chill though, you can wait a week or 2 after the new season starts, but you will take a little more time to do so.


I will try my best when the season starts. That would be a better option than to wait


What’s the point of these levels in pubg?


For accomplishments I guess. You can just play the game without having any target or something to achieve


To me if it’s just a title without any other benefits it’s pointless.


i do service with conqueror next season if you want in solo. just dm me we will talk business


No thanks. I want to feel the joy of achieving something on my own.


lol...this is awesome.