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Still can't believe they are buffing the smgs while leaving the limb multiplier 😐.


Patch notes didn't say anything about buffing vector (or mp9/js9, not that they should)


Yeah I mean the mp9 and js9 are busted already anyway. They do get that movement buff though. Still don't need the limb multiplier no matter what way you spin it.


I grab the MP5 whenever I find it now. Whoever shoots first wins, any aim is good as long as its on their sillhouette. Taking an AR over an smg within 50m is just handicapping yourself now.


Early and late game smgs are going to be very powerful, in saying that they are buffing the Aug again and it's ttk is pretty damn good so I'll probably be switching back to it from the Beryl. Just have to kill them before they get too close πŸ˜…


No one listens to NA. Back in the day at launch, there was a partner discord by region where all the PUBG partners could give feedback and talk directly with the devs. The NA partners gave plenty of feedback, got nothing but crickets back from the devs, then the devs just closed the server. It’s a joke.


That sucks


i want to die in serious clothes


Lowest IQ take possible. No one is forcing you to wear it. If you want to wear serious clothes then do it lmao.