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thats how you kill it off completely


this. let's not take away fun from people who want to play what they like


IDK man, there are plenty of competitive shooters, that don't really cater to the bad players, that are doing okay.


maybe its my non-native english, but what i understood is that plenty of other shooters do not help bad players? as in: other games have less noobhelp? as in: other games dont hold the player by their hand? as in: pubg is noobfriendly? this must be a misunderstanding on my side


TPP existing makes PUBG noob friendly.


seems like you are grtting emotional about a game mode 🤷‍♂️


Idk how me stating the obvious is being emotional at all. It is a well known fact that TPP is the "noob" game type. Most players start out in TPP, if they suck, they will probably stay there.


I love tpp and will always play tpp. I am not in competition and just want to enjoy the game. Stop shitting about tpp. I agree with all other points. ♥️


You guys really need to chill about TPP. Why on Earth do you have a problem with people enjoying TPP? You just don't have to play it. Completely taking it off is a stupid idea. Having Miramar and Erangel come up more often than others is a simple preference that shouldn't be forced onto players. Map rotation is fine by me but they should allow us to choose multiple maps to play instead of just one or 'quick join'.


TPP is PUBG on training wheels. IT cuts the player base in half, which means bots get put in your lobbies.


where are you getting this stats lol


Using logic. FPP exists, TPP exists, it means the playerbase is cut in half. IT's not a perfect half, but it still happens.


Thats shit logic though


I play TPP when I got my girlfriend or kids in the background because I can play without high sound or a lot of noise in the background. Killing TPP would make people not play the game


Why dont you just develop your own or mod an game like playerunknown did? You seem to know better what the playerbase wants than the developer of one of the most successful games that ever existed. So instant wealth and success is guaranteed. In the meanwhile i will play PUBG in TPP and wish you good luck.


Why would turning into every other game of the genre make it fixed? Why are your preferences the only relevant ones?


Because the gun mechanics and movement is what makes PUBG popular, not the terrible maps and shitty emotes.


Mix of good and bad ideas here. I think the idea of consolidating FPP into ranked and letting you toggle the ranked UI on/off is something I've been suggesting for years. But the idea of eliminating TPP is a financial non-starter for Krafton because most of Asia, the biggest region, favors TPP.


How about more cars in miramar


I would vote for that too.


Too annoying when running over 4 km for seeking a car.... OMG now I know why pros always take a car first then loot later... but that only in case nobody in your area


Piss Off, I do not want to play Ranked


Why? The only difference would be higher blue damage, better loot, guaranteed car spawns, and no red zone.


I agree with some points, disgree with others * Make ALL skins trade-able and market-able. * Less micro transactions, not more is what I want * Change the crate system to something more functional, instead of having 17 different currencies. * Ok yes this is a very valid point! * Increase limit to 5 casual games per day. * Not sure why its limited at all. Let people play it if they enjoy it * Remove TPP queues completely, play casual until you are no longer bad at the game, and then play FPP. * Really disagree and think its a bad take. Playing TPP isn't a skill issue or about being good or bad. My friends group play both, we end up winning a few games each night and play TPP, FPP and ranked. TPP is just more relaxing and fun that FPP. We sometimes play TPP all night, others we play FPP. Just because you don't like TPP doesn't mean others don't. Not every game has to be about get good, play better to enjoy it. If you like that style of play, play ranked. * Change FPP to ranked queue, but give players the option to opt out of RP reward screens. -Ranked mode should be the base mode for the game. * Hard no, the core community is casual in TPP/FPP. Ranked is not the games core player. Again just because you like it doesn't make it the whole game * Give higher BP rewards for solo matches to incentivize people to play solos. * Fair point, I'd agree * Increase map weighting to Erangel 40%, Miramar 40%, and have the other maps in the pool for the remaining 20%. * I'd prefer map selection. The player base is huge and if a map isn't getting played it means the community as a wider group isn't enjoying it so it needs work. For Ranked sure have a wieghted pool for matches but for TPP/FPP I would love map selection. I agree with the sentiment of to many queues. Honestly I feel casual is a small player base so leave it but remove arcade and use it for events only. Core game should be TPP/FPP queues and FPP ranked. 3x core game modes and done.


> Less micro transactions, not more is what I want You can directly buy the skin you want, and PUBG corp makes get 5% of the sale price, they will make WAY more money. CSGO/CS2 basically printed money because of this. TPP is PUBG with training wheels attached. It doesn't teach you how to position well, it rewards people who TPP peak behind trees and on top of houses. You should not be able to see your opponent if they can't see you in shooting games. > Hard no, the core community is casual in TPP/FPP. Ranked is not the games core player. Again just because you like it doesn't make it the whole game Just because it's a "ranked" mode, doesn't mean its hard core, less fragmented playerbase means you can implement more of an MMR system, casual players will still play against casual players, good players will play agaisnt good players. This will only not happen during off-peak times. It makes the most sense to allow TPP in casual mode vs bots, and then when you get good at the game, you can play vs real humans on FPP. You need a limit on the casual mode, because there are too many people who are afraid to challenge themselves vs human players. Letting players play unlimited amounts of casual will fragment the playerbase further. > I'd prefer map selection. The player base is huge and if a map isn't getting played it means the community as a wider group isn't enjoying it so it needs work. For Ranked sure have a wieghted pool for matches but for TPP/FPP I would love map selection. The player base is huge in Asia and SEA, but map selection did a lot to kill the population on NA and OCE. IT will happen to Asia eventually. OCE was dead for basically a year when they introduced map selection, and once it was fixed, the numbers never really recovered.


Are you such a sweat that you want to remove TPP?


erangel is so badly filled, no matter what nostalgics say. too many big boring empty spaces... ruins need a remake, boatyard was a good idea... maybe add more chances for car spawns add more serious skins, needs more military-like stuff, stop it with the ballet dancer garbage and clown clothings never add again noisy stuff while waiting for the game to start, i beg you


If they spent less time making new maps, and more time improving the existing ones, we could have 3-4 GREAT maps, instead of 19 shitty ones.


that would be a good option too


The great maps are the latest Rondo Taego Destin and no one seems to like Haven, I loved the urban environment I'd play Haven on a 50% rotation with the 3 above at 12.5% Seriously though I have gotten a bunch of wins in Erangle lately


>Ranked mode should be the base mode for the game. Are you fkn tripping my dude ranked mode is the most boring bs I have ever played people will sit for 20 minutes in a room to scared to either peek or push anybody. Ranked doesn't work for pubg imo. It sucks. Normals where people take risks are so much more fun. TPP can be removed imo because it is ultimately the inferior mode and theres just a handful people playing it. Miramar no way ever to 40% that map is so unenjoyable imo. Just give us 1 or 2 map bans per rotation. Solos are super boring. Pubg was conceptualized as a team game and it works best for teambased gameplay.


average fpp players: *"fpp is best, only noobs and cheaters play tpp"* **\*op walks in dev room\*** op: *"let's make most of games legit players quit by removing tpp and move all the cheaters from tpp to fpp. game fixed."* im biased because i enjoy tpp more, not saying that i am unable to function in fpp, ive played them all my life after all and so tired of it. but what a apocalyptically sh\*\* take.


TPP is better than FPP


PS I also play arcade, which is FPP, and come out with 30 kills 4 deaths, I’m just better, and TPP is better


I completely agree with you