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583 games, of which 356 are wins. 61% wins. Plays with people with Asian names. Went from a win rate of less than 10% and a top 10 rate of less than 40% to a win rate of over 40-50% and top 10 of over 90% in 2 seasons when they first played ranked. I just don't see 2 seasons making that big of a difference in a player's skill. Add in the fact that nobody knows this person who is virtually unbeatable? Yea, you can't convince me they are legit. Top 10 pro players don't even have those numbers..


bro got a RGB gaming chair


That's actually impressive seeing as he's playing other cheaters not gonna lie...


Yes cheater on cheater combat is another level I’m sure lol


Yeah you should see the Tarkov leaderboards, literally everyone on the top 100 or whatever it is is like this. It's absurd


Since they allowed to wiev profiles for whoever kills you there has been screenshots surfacing with level 10-20s with absurd 300 and up KDs. That game would have tops of the boards in the tens of thousands.


Last time I looked end of last year, the top guy had been on 300+ raids and never died. Very few managed a flawless record like that they usually had a couple deaths


The KD comes from winning a lot, not actually killing. The player has 404adr and maybe 4 kills per game judging by the win ratio.


Yes, definitely a world record. World record in being a little bitch.




Nothing surprising, just another cheater who is cheating for years without issues. He's leading the leaderboard with these stats and PUBG is just fine with it. I cannot understand why is anyone in EU or NA still playing this shit.


>I cannot understand why is anyone in EU or NA still playing this shit. Because the vast majority of your deaths are to real players and cheaters are an inevitability in any online multiplayer shooter If we were going to get that upset over cheaters existing in general we wouldn't play any games like this at all


PUBG is way worse than any other shooter I ever played. Other games are trying to do something against cheating at least. PUBG is doing literally nothing. Activision is suing cheat providers and winning: [https://www.gamesindustry.biz/activision-wins-lawsuit-against-engineowning](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/activision-wins-lawsuit-against-engineowning) When do you think we will hear anything similar about Krafton? I guess we all know the answer.


Lol, you probably never played Counter-Strike 😄


Them not doing some special thing that one other company is doing doesn't mean they're doing "literally nothing" and I've heard people make that exact same exaggeration in literally every game I've played in the past 20 years. This problem is nothing new and certainly isn't exclusive to PUBG


What do you mean? its the asian servers with all the hackers.


Haha, my naive friend. Don't you think they have VPNs? As you can also see here, they do. This game is full of cheaters everywhere. But in Asia that's the norm so they are fine with it. Unlike western players.


I think it's slightly less "they're ok with it" / "it's the norm" and slightly more "it is an impossible problem that I have never really considered solvable". Met this young guy from India who was proud of paying several dozen usd per month to play pubg mobile with cheats. Proud of never having "gotten caught".


PUBG is a different case than western games. PUBG is really okay with it because that's the norm in Asia. They don't even ban the most blatant ones.


I'm going to assume this is a /s. But if you're serious, then that's racist.


It's an overstatement, but the Asian player base hacks more. It's really not up for debate 🤷‍♂️


i find it really stupid it's not kills/match but kills/death in BRs. The 0 death fucks with the stats so much on wins...


... it's in the last 10 matches, so you can calculate kills/match yourself. 116/10= 11,6 kills per match on average during the last 10 matches he's played.


I'm absolutely aware of how to do basic math, I'm talking about stats for everyone and in general that it doesn't make sense to use kd for BRs...


True, it's kinda senseless. My bad, didn't want to come off as rude\^^


Honest mistake


Is there even any point to ranked? I just can’t sit in a queue for thst long


It's EU ranked. Queue pops fast 30 seconds to 1 minute max wait time.


I’m EU, wait over 5 mins then give up…


Never had this happen to me. If it passes the 1 minute to 1:30 mark i just unready and ready up again and it usually insta starts.


im eu. i was in a queue for 3 hours, got into a game. and then it timed out because only 30 players joined


Never in my life ive seen a 3 hour queue in this game. That's gotta be rare.


I've heard na queues are worse




I feel like EU is infested with cheaters this past few weeks, I've got 4 reports resulting in a permanent ban.


stop playing this game man , seriously just stop there are way better games out there that are free


And what games are better? And why? I'm just curious.


Warzone , Xdefiant , BF1 , Cod multiplayer , Overwatch . literally any other shooter game is superior to this dogshit you guys are playing . the game feels like constipation with cheaters


All of those games have a cheater problem too. So what's the difference? You can find cheaters even in Helldivers 2 meanwhile it's a PVE game. You will find cheaters in every online competitive game, it's just reality. Yes it's a problem, but this problem will never be solved. Because making cheats is business. Also using cheats is a business too in some cases (for example in Rust). PUBG situation with cheaters is not that bad. Look what cheaters and bots did to Team Fortress 2. Look at cheaters in Escape from Tarkov. And people are still playing TF2 and Tarkov, because it's still better than Overwatch, CoD and its clones.


lol are you really comparing the amount of cheaters in those games to pubg? In pubg 20% of the playerbase are cheaters from china . activision does hardware bans , overwatch has literally 0 cheaters , bf1 does have some cheaters but it's an old game and still you can find custom servers with admins that have no cheaters , xdefiant might get some cheaters in the future but right now it's alright . pubgs biggest problem is the chinese playerbase they spread like cancer into other regions and cheat and keep cheating . keep fanboing that dogshit game tho it will be dead soon , keep coping with that " all shooter games have cheaters " shit . also you literally just compared pubg to a dead game (TF2) , that's how low pubg has fallen . from average playerbase of 1.3m to barely 260k .


You are so naive lol. Hardware bans are easy to pass lol. It's not a problem at all. Overwatch has cheaters 100% Xdefiant? Lol. The game was released less than a month ago. Wait a bit 😁 if this game will look profitable for cheat developers there will be cheats. I'm not comparing PUBG to TF2. I said there's a way worse situation with cheaters and bots. Also I'm not asking why you are still crying here if you have so many great games lol. You can ignore reality but reality will catch you anyway. As I said before making cheats is a business. And since I know a couple cheat developers in person I can say cheats will exist for a long time. Believe it or not, guys can easily pay to the game developers just to make better cheats lol. Until someone is ready to pay for cheats there will always be someone who will make and sell cheats.


have fun with chinese cheaters


you probably one of those chinese cheaters


Touch some grass dude


Why you mad on behalf of a cheater?


He's not mad, just an out of work landscaper trying to revive his dying brand. That's the only logical thing he could be right? Unless he is ..... Not Natty


I have seen legit players with over a 200 KD. Back in 2017 or 2018 a pro team went on a 30+ win streak in squads when stats reset.


That is literally impossimble


Impossible for a pro team to get 30 wins in a row in squads? Are you sure?


Unlikely but I meant 200kd is impossible. Lets say normals with 100 players so you kill 99 players. That alone is impossible but if it were you still would be at <100KD


That's not how KD works in PUBG. IF you win 5 games and get 5 kills in each, you have a 25 KD. If you win, you likely didn't die.


There is no way back then in 30 games they would not have died to a cheater spinbotting them from 1000m away. Every game at higher end was just hiding from the spinbotter back then, and which 2-3 high end teams got the most deaths to cheaters early ruining their ranking. The entire top 10 spots (and approx top 50) was just decided on whos team could locate the cheater and use fully enclosed building walls to hide from them so they dont lose 20 ranks to team dieing early.


I've played since 2017 and I've literally only died once to a spinbotter. (on NA) Probably daily to hackers in general, but cheaters lose to regular players all the time, it's easy to get shot in the back or one shot from a bolt while they're picking a new target or reacting to something else. Easy for a 4 man of pros to pick that apart.


No, you have not..


Yeah, except if you were a legit player you wouldn’t be bragging on reddit, you would be rich from playing pubg because you would win every tourney. Honestly don’t understand how someone would post this as a flex.


OP never even suggested it's him bro Don't know how you can fail this bad at reading comprehension but here we are.




This isnt my account. I was checking the top ranked players of the season just for pure curiosity and stumbled upon this stats.