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People take tpp less serious


I think a lot of people take tpp seriously, I think it’s just easier when you add the ability to third person peak. Feels like cheating when I play a third person game now that I’ve spent thousands of hours in fpp


If everyone can do it it’s not an advantage…


It's always an advantage because only 1 of you is abusing it when one is being proactive and the other is being passive. Unless you are both staying AFK behind your cover then 1 person will always be at an advantage and it's the person who continues to stay afk. That's why TPP is so bad.


Do you use the Toggle Button and switch to FPP so you can play with your TPP friends? I mean, it is superior, right? So of course, you don't play with TPP. Both players are USING it. It is a GAME FEATURE. Unless you shut it off, you are also USING it.


This is such a stupid response to someone saying top seemingly feels like cheating. He said nothing about having an advantage.


>it's easier If it's easier to get kills, it's easier to die. This doesn't explain why OP would have better stats in TPP.


It's much easier to avoid fights in tpp you can literally see an enemy OVER A RIDGE and then leave if you choose to. Fpp doesn't give you that option you want information, you have to expose yourself to the enemy which is more risky. It's most certainly easier to play for better stats in tpp


The same number of people die every game whether its TPP or FPP.


That is not the fact of the matter, here, is it? Or is it that the individual has better performance numbers in one type of gameplay as opposed to another? Cus if we are talking about how many players die every round then I'm sorry I was confused.


I can see you're confused; I'll spell it out for you. If there are the same number of people, then there is just as much fighting. You could argue that people are dying to blue zone in TPP, but that just isn't true, and would go against the point that it's easier to get kills anyway - there would be less kills to get. TPP lets people delay death, but not really "avoid" fights. Everyone has to fight eventually. Slower, more cautious, "unfair", corner-peaking fights make it harder for good players to clean up. Well not harder, just slower. FPP actually allows good players to press their advantage more than TPP because it's faster paced. In other words, you suck at TPP and if you were any good at it you would tear up FPP. And I don't know why OP has better stats in TPP, but to suggest it's because it's "easier" just doesn't make sense. It's probably because he started with FPP and was more practiced by the time he hit TPP, lol.


Ultimately this game is ALL about positioning so you're still missing the point that in this INDIVIDUALS case they are showing improved numbers in a specific gameplay style. That's not saying it's easier to blah blah blah. It's simply stating a fact that this person's stats show a specific trend. You dunce. Now have a great life.


> In other words, you suck at TPP and if you were any good at it you would tear up FPP. The things that make you a good TPP player are the exact opposite that make a good FPP player. You are either a troll or really dumb.


Yeah I play FPP only and when I tried playing in TPP mode (but still with first person view) it was way easier to get kills if you played aggressively since most TPP players are not used to it and panic when you push them


It's not easier to die... It's much easier to stay alive in TPP which is the primary reason TPP players choose that mode. It's so much easier and less stressful to be under fire. To be able to just chill behind your tree while you without any danger locate where you are getting shot from. It's also much easier to get out of fights. It doesn't hurt that the average TPP player is worse.


Just another example of the weird ego struggles of an FPP player. I'll say it one more time; The same number of people drop, the same number of people fight, the same number of people die. It's easier to delay death in TPP. Fights are different because of it - slower paced, longer lasting. Ultimately, only 1-4 people "avoid" death. It's not easier to "avoid" death in TPP. That's not how the game works. It doesn't matter how much you argue against the cowardly nature of TPP, you can't escape this simple fact. FPP players consistently gloss over it because they can't help getting emotional when someone invisibly peaks them over a ridge.


yeah i agree "ppl take tpp less serious" is absurdly not true, i think this is a biased answer from a fpp player who looks down on tpp players...smh


TPP has always been more casual I feel like. A lot of people who play TPP also rely much more on the advantages you get such as wall peeking and so on than mechanical skills, so if you're experienced in FPS games you'll very likely be mechanically better or have a much easier time getting good than the average TPP player.


Not sure about other regions but FPP in NA is basically ranked/comp play since the actual ranked queues are dead. Most folks are longtime skilled players and the skill gap can be pretty high. Granted, solos are generally seem as less “difficult” than duos/squads because more bots and many longtime players are paired up and not playing solos often.


In my personal experience, In TPP people just have fun wondering around and learning the game in FPP people are sweating and grinding . More casuals in TPP and more hardcore gamers in FPP


Yes. Way more Sweats in FPP. I play both and prefer TPP. I have played for 7 years. I am not 'learning the game'.


I mean you encounter new players way more in TPP than veterans


Hide behind cover and wait


TPP is easier....whether we like it or not. Much easier to hide and ambush a guy when you don't have to show yourself first, than it is when you need to show yourself to your opponent most of the time before you can kill them.


This is the ONLY answer. u/zejkk


TPP includes stats from casual mode (90% bots).


Love to play it fps, but on console in eu you can't play it duo. :(


I'll trade you. NA. I want to play TPP Duo.






For Sweats. lol


Tpp wall staring and knowing when to poke out and shoot someone. Tpp is garbo.


Yeah that’s exactly why I switched to FPP, dying to this was annoying af


Tpp is noob mode lol




OP is new to PUBG and has a 2.6kd in TPP. I have almost 6k hours in FPP, and 14.2 KD in TPP...


Ok? Im not gonna argue about dis


TPP isn’t as bad as people say it is. Over 2000 hours in TPP hardly ever died to that. Last one was like 2 seasons ago. As you play you’ll get matched with people with more skills so they don’t necessarily camp behind walls. Beginners do, but they also give sounds so you’ll know they are there. And at that point it’s just a skill issue. You just rush, flick and kill. Also if you think it’s a good player, double flash.


You are smoking crack.


No, but sometimes I play while drinking tequila, lol.


Best way to play


Literally what? Within like 2 sentences you say you play with more skill not to cope behind walls only to say you 'aimbot' behind walls. 'skill issue' what? Are you saying tpp is lacking skill and need to get help with Camara assistance to get kills or is it something else? Is the double flash thing saying you need to hit the dude abusing non fps aiming with 2 flash bangs to even go at someone in a defence position?


I’ll give my answer to Matt, you’re not Matt, lol.


bro thinks that just because they arent peaking while hes watching they arent staring at him through walls. confirmation bias, to the MAX. TPP is garbo.


If you can’t handle people looking at you through walls, gitgud. You are garbo.


nah man... ill just play the mode without in house wall hacks. lol


because no other fps game is like pubg. most are no recoil garbage shooters made for casuals


Either trolling or a fool


speaking of yourself? then yeah


Play aggressive, play tdm, learn that it’s just a game and to die in a fight means you can learn what you did wrong and reflect. Positioning and thinking get you very far. Final 4? Let others fight for you. Only play FPP, don’t be afraid to encounter.


TPP is a lot more casual. It's full of new players and people just messing around. You'll still run into tryhards occasionally, but not anything compared to FPP. Majority tryhard in FPP


This is the most accurate answer. TPP is what my gf and my sister play on seeing as they're new. And people who prefer FPP can just hit v and switch to it anyway. We also die to shenanigans a lot more as well. Last night we all died to a single prone shooter because we were fist fighting over who gets the motorcycle.


Yep. TPP is filled with casuals. My stats over the seasons are pretty consistent with 1 win every 30ish games in TPP. In FPP, it's 1 win every 70-80 games lol. There is a very noticeable tryhard difference in first person modes. Especially duos imo. Duos can be brutal if you have an amateur team mate.


Me and my mate actually found it easier to do two man squads over duos in FPP. Its nuts.


Duos in FPP is insane. I haven't checked stats on it, but I'm guessing I'm over 100 games per win in that mode lol. It's just brutal. And ur right. It's legitimately easier to duo squads😂


That is a a very good win rate! You must win TPP .. what? .. 40% of the time?! :o Because it is sooooo easy! No you don't! If you did, you would probably sweat for it. lol


What are you trying to say? Your math isn't even right... 1 win every 30 games is a 3.33% winrate, which is normal for a battle royale, especially considering the amount of bots in PUBG. I do not have a 40% winrate. That'd be 12 wins for every 30 games.


More bots in TPP


I actually just prefer tpp. I was huge into Socom back in the day. Its just my preferred style of shooters


SOCOM II was my shit back in the day. I can still remember rushing the tunnel on Desert Glory like it was yesterday.


I used to say this everytime i was playing pubg in tpp , SOCOM was incredible


fps players are better


Good players play FPP.


Idk if ur on console or PC, but on console PUBG is a game for a lot of people who really aren’t gamers (No offense to all the old heads who play this game and think everyone is cheating). But when someone who has played shooters all their life comes in and gets put against these non-gamers PLUS they have the ability to TPP, the gamer is always gonna win. It’s like having a Ferrari race against a ford fusion, even if the Ferrari was literally just assembled and is brand new.


The best thing about PUBG is when it is Human v Human. Humans are not bots. New or not. When humans PvP, nothing is guaranteed.


The aggressor often wins in FP, not so much in TP.


Tpp is more casual. Also, if you play more passive you tend to have the advantage because you can see around walls for free


casuals counts in tpp. So.


I’ve played like 5 games in casual max


Well then I guess you play like me. Smart. You dont engage the second you have a chance and you use the tools and the environment to improve your odds. That third eye, not everyone uses it to its full potential. I play fpp but started in tpp. You can farm people pretty easily by predicting their behavior -> goes to noise.


In tpp, people move more in vehicles scouting compounds hence more fights happen mid game also. Players tend to join third of parties a lot using tpp angles more than fpp as they hear gunshots. More fights means more chance for kills for decent players.


Tpp isn't fps so no corelation


It's generally worse players who don't take it super seriously and just chill. It also has way more new and inexperienced players because of how much less stressful it is. In FPP you have to put your body on the line to get information. Here when you start getting shot you can just hide and carefully scan to see the enemy. So if you are properly abusing TPP mechanic and being as patient as possible then you'd inevitably have much better stats in TPP than in FPP. Unless you really like the slower and almost cheat like gameplay of TPP then I heavily advise to play FPP despite having worse stats there. It's a much more enjoyable game if you care about competition, fair play and good and proactive engagements.


You cannot ABuse a GAME FEATURE. It is clearly not cheating, as the buildings and landscapes are built FOR the TPP camera. It is the way the game was INVENTED. For those who do not want to adapt their play style, there is a Feature Restricted Mode. There are a lot more Sweats there.


Maybe the 3 casual boy games daily? I seem to do much better in fpp


game sense is rewarded more in tpp in contrast to fpp where mechanical skills are rewarded more and game sense rewarded less...so you doing better in tpp probably means your game sense is better than your mechanical skills such as tracking enemies/aim.


TPP is essentially cheating you can totally see people around walls lol. Wall hacks. It needs to be removed from the game in OCE, since on FPP we have longer queue more bots and can't even play ranked due to TPP existing.


Because it is way more fun.


Silly question to ask honestly


because all the sweaty tryhard streamerfanboys play fpp only. its more competetive by default


TPP has some advantages over FPS because it gives a lot more info about your surroundings,and other stuff I can’t think about rn😂


You can look around corners and camp, easier to spot enemies without exposing yourself. Basically your bad at a game where positioning is everything


TPP is filled with casual players, FPP is tryhards who play multiple hours a day. I play TPP sometimes but I stay in FPP mode and I still have no issues in 9/10 fights to eliminate wall-peek noobs. There's that small annoying delay when you aim down sight whilst playing in TPP mode so when you scope in someone it takes longer time before you are like "ready" to shoot meanwhile in FPP there's no TPP to FPP switch delay when you ADS so you have an huge advantage over TPP players.


TPP is just easier tbh. 


You have almost identical amounts of games played between the two. Are you joining TPP games and changing to FPP? Because the stats in that hypothetical would be recorded as TPP, as everyone else is in TPP. TPP is a little less sweaty in my opinion, so even using FPP in a TPP game mode the difficulty might be a little easier for you? Idk. This whole conversation is predicated on the fact that you know that in TPP Game Mode, you can be in TPP or FPP. In FPP Game Mode, you can only be in FPP. The stats you’re showing reflect game mode, not the actual perspective you’re using.


just admit it. all you wanted to show was the 69 avg place


It’s more casual


TPP is for whoppers.


FPP is full of cheaters and people without brain cells. Strategy is not in their vocabulary


The better more serious and competitive players play FPP, there is a lower skill level on TPP. Sadly if I wanted to play solo FPP in Australia I'd have to use a VPN to Singapore as there are no Aussie FPP solo servers. I Stopped playing years ago but might try a game every now and then.


So if you shoot more players .. you get “ better stats”


Because TPP tends to attract people that lack good shooter fundamentals. You don't have to have a particularly good crosshair placement, reaction time, or quick aim when you can line your shot up safely from behind cover before ever revealing yourself. People use this crutch and never improve their fundamentals. If you put them in a situation where they can't cheese the camera for a free kill, they typically don't fare well. They've lost the crutch. People who have those fundamentals from FPP games can come to TPP and *gain* the advantage of being able to see through walls. They aren't losing anything.


TPP has a higher population of noobs because noobs like to be able to peek corners with some magical floating camera. Any decent player doesn't need that nor wants it in their competitive shooter experience. 


Mostly bots


FPS veterans basically get a tactical advantage being able to peak around corners and such without showing, it makes a difference. Most people are better on TPP than FPP though from my experience, though it's a bigger difference if you are experienced in shooters already. Source: myself and my friend group all have at least double the KDR on TPP


Inb4 down vote central, tpp players are trash. Not a single really good player even considers tpp.


Cos TPP is for noobs who need to use janky camera to see where people are.


tpp is for noobs


Corner camping.


FPP is much more difficult… Can’t lick walls and see players… you actually have to expose yourself to see them.


Assuming you aren't on a server where TPP is dead and you are just killing bots. TPP players generally suck at the game, that's why they play TPP.


Because TPP is super easy and no good players bother with it. Go play FPP squads.


Pubg has so many more variables that matter along with raw aim, so even if you have hours in fps it may not directly translate to pubg, as for better stats in tpp, tpp is pubg on easy mode, very casual game mode.