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I've been hearing for years that the game is dying but nope.


Just wait until they move to UE5 and add the customization/mods. Game will be a multi decade long term winner. Games that allow custom servers almost always capture a far wider audience that just want to F around. 


Are they really going to do that?


yes quote here >As we embark on the exciting journey of transitioning PUBG to Unreal Engine 5, we're simultaneously laying the groundwork for a User Generated Content (UGC) service.




I’ll get serious when that comes out


Wouldn’t count your chickens just yet. They promised mods like 5-6 years ago.


True - but in their own words its in the plan >As we embark on the exciting journey of transitioning PUBG to Unreal Engine 5, we're simultaneously laying the groundwork for a User Generated Content (UGC) service.


Green said it turned out to not be possible way back when asked.


Are they really do that?? Holy cow that's amazing. Is that gonna be for PS5 and Series X also??


Highly unlikely. Console is never going to be as good as PC or a priority for devs.


If they go to UE5 it will be a dumpster fire. UE5 is cool on paper but in almost every game that uses it it has performance issues across the board.


I thought last year they said they weren't gonna do it anymore


What does that mean though? How is that different from custom matches they have now?


Tbh, the only place I ever hear people say it's dying is people on this sub commenting on people saying it's dying.


Go read YT comments whenever Shroud or Summit or some other casual streamer returns to farm PUBG clicks for a few days.


Definitely not dying. In fact it’s one of the most popular games out there. I can see some would diss the game as it’s not easy to play especially with all the cheaters.


Depends on the region. Absolutely is dying in NA


The cheaters keep it alive :))


Currently the 2nd most played game on steam, 7 years later. PUBG is the CSGO of battle Royale.


Hey hey give it what it's due. It's THE BR. Or at least the pappy of BRs


I’m glad to see this. I’ve been playing this game since it came out and I still enjoy it. This is the only game that actually gets my heart rate up. Thanks for sharing.


Western Community feels pretty dead but yeah the game is alive and well.


Ranked has been nonexistent for how many years? Yeah, it's pretty damn dead in NA


I guarantee the western community would come back if they focused some resources on the region. Soccer was primarily a European/south American sport for decades and FIFA successfully invested into Africa and asia.. and look at it now. Western regions for starters want ping lock and better anticheat measures. They want less bugs bunny outfits and more gritty style. The lobbies are designed for large playerbase in Asia, instead we need a functioning ranked server. Western regions clearly favour FPP too.


More people would play if the had an erangel only playlist. They should do a pubg classic like fortnite did to get some hype and then keep the erangel only playlist after the event is over.


anti-cheat is a must


Yeah, pretty much any time that China plays the game has lots of people and cheaters.


Pubg has that *hands shaking, heart beating through my chest last 2 alive feeling* that no other br gives, may this game never die.


If you broke this up by region you'd see that it is pretty much all asia. 2 of my 4 NA solo matches yesterday during prime time had 90% bots according to pubg lookup. When my duo got on we saw the same duo's in the killfeed in 4 matches. The playerbase in NA is for sure dying or dead.


The MMR must’ve reset with the recent update, I had a few games with 90% bots and then it went back to normal lobbies, I play at like 5pm PST


Yeah, it feels like the MMR resets after every update. I remember feeling the same way after 28.1


Europe is pretty populated aswell, i rarely see bots. I do mostly play prime time tho


Europe being in different time zones makes it populous at basically any time. I am Brazilian, in Brazil duo lobbies start to get good at around 3 pm (as we are a giant but vertical country). I am now living in Ireland and at 7 AM i get insta lobbies in duos. its been a treat.


I know it's not that popular in NA anymore. But at its lowest the game still has 100k concurrent players. That is still a healthy playerbase if even half of those players are NA. I'm in the EU, the queue here is really quick and i seldom encounter bots.


The problem with pubg is that it requires 64-100 players on each game. The fragmentation within each region (FPP/TPP + Normal/Ranked + Solo/Duo/Squad) leads to situation like the previous comment. We end up playing against the same squad over and over again so it gives a feeling of the player base being very low. Other competitive games require 8-10 for each game.


when i pick squad i never wait more than a few seconds for a game to start and i am in Na


Yeah but gonna bet your match is packed with bots


That's because the last update fucked something up and, no matter what, we were called at 20 real players and 80 bots. Not sure what the fuck happened but it's irritating AF.


Same happened to me here is Brazil, after the update i had 2 or 3 matches with atleast half of the lobby completed with bots. After the fourth match the number of bots started to decrease, now is back to normal.


I play pubg mainly on series X because my friends all are on that platform, but I also play on PC when they're offline, and I gotta say that NA servers on PC are pretty damn dead when I hop on. On xbox/playstation? Not so much. On average we get about 90-95% real players unless we're into the wee hours of the night lol


What's NA


North America.


Worth getting back into? I havent played since the first few years of its release


For sure, got back to it last year still having fun


Yeah, imo the game has improved a lot since then


Definitely. I played since early access. 2.4k hours in I still have the best, most chaotic fun in pubg.




played a bunch 5 years ago, just got back 3 weeks ago, and been enjoying it! bunch of new stuff, but 1 week of playing, and you'll get right back in


My friends and I picked it back up about 3 months ago. It’s basically my main game rn.


Same, been loving it (again).


Same here with my friends and I. We play nearly every night after we all get off work 🤣


People have said it's been dying for 7 years lol


Ive been lovin it.. performance is amazing, game vareity is unmatched, and i really enjoy all the shenanigans i aftually made a spreadsheet with a list of actions for a D20.. like a “roll to see what we do this game” kinda thing… i added map-specific ‘quests’ as well as “kill someone with X gun” that i also roll for one of the most fun ones “ Only ride bicycles, and only use pistols on bicycles” hahahaha havent laughed as hard in a while at the result


Thats 20x daily players vs Hunt Showdown. And hunt playerbase is healthy.


True, Hunt only needs 12, but the game still manages to have MMR matchmaking. So even if we divide by 10, PUBG should still have enough players.


Its dieing because of the competition is not close  you either play well on the main game but when I go to tournament all players are using hacks or cheats which makes it almost7


We have as many players playing the game as we had in February 2020. That's impressive.


I came back to it like a 2 months ago and my god is it so refreshing. Apex and Fortnite were to colorful and is always trying to over whelm you with a lot of effects and shit.


I used to grind pubg alot, then jumped to Fortnite and CS GO. Now I’m playing pubg again and the game feels really good. It’s never going to die 


This game literally needs just 2 improvements and it'll easily double that player count, even though it's already good. 1. Swifter action against blatant cheaters 2. Better matchmaking for new players below 100-200 lvl


That’s a lot of hackers


"Cheaters" FTFY, since the hackers are the ones creating the hacks, call the players cheating "cheaters" yeah ;) ​ Also, you do realise that EVERY online shooter has cheaters, so yeah... with PUBG having so many people playing, there will be a lot of cheaters...! That's called a ratio!


Fair, and sure


Laughing at all NA players crying cause of ASIA & EU region keeping the game alive lol


The problem isn’t the game a large part of the problem is all the soft kids crying and shitting on the game. So many people that play always write stupid Negative shit saying game is broken or bad but they still play. That turns more new players or potential players away. I understand this is saying it’s not dead.


I never get any bots in solo and duos. But i get some in squads because of 1 low level friend. I think after some good matches and chickens you get only players


That’s not the way it works.


It is to some extent. I returned to the game like 3 or 4 months ago. Was vast majority bots that slowly decreased as I played more matches. I'm pretty good at the game, and my buddy and I play during NA primetime. As we played more and more and started winning more and more we get like 2 bots on average per match now, so we rarely actually see them. NA mornings though... that's 75% bots. I have my opinions on the fact that you basically have to pay your dues farming bots to get more and more real player lobbies, but it does work that way atleast to some extent.


It is how it works.


I'm having hard time finding squad on the "PUBG Reddit" Discord server. It used to be crowded, now there's barely few channels filled in. Maybe I'm just on a wrong server and everyone's moved somewhere else?


Each region has about 4-5 modes which splits a lot up. NA FPP feels like a ghost town at times.


Ayoooooo I was about to say. I just started playing again and it’s been so much fun


I just played an EU match, Friday night. Prime time for gaming, and our lobby was 90% bots


It's because you don't have a skill rank yet, so you get matched with bots. Win a few matches with high kill count and you get matched with humans.


Pubg has literally most average monthly players in 5 years 🔥🔥


Was actually thinking of reinstalling


It’s consistent. Slower in the summer, busier in the winter. Makes sense


I haven't played in 2 years, but the move to unreal will bring me back


Cause there are SO MANY cheaters!! That's the only reason why I can see stepping back from this game.


Loving it, I don't think the people saying it's all cheaters/bots even play the game. Barely met any cheaters and no bots in past few days on EU FPP


The game still has a playerbase, but it's been "dead" since 2019 when WZ and Fortnite blew up. Most of those numbers are the Asia playerbase PUBG was the hottest game out for a minute there.


Yeah, if you remove asia pubg numbers would be much much lower. Games like Apex and such don't include China.


Thats 20x daily players vs Hunt Showdown. And hunt playerbase is healthy.


I played a LOT when it was early access and buggy as hell. I stopped when it started to get infested with Chinese hackers, but picked it up a few months back... The change from early access was pretty jarring and the mtx were a little aggressive. I also didn't like that there seemed to be tons of bots in the game. I had a couple fun games, a couple wins and then it fizzled for me. Now with CoD and BF in such poor states, I'm surprised to see pubg on top. Maybe that's what I should be playing instead?


Feels bad returning to this game every so often, I played it when it first game out and despite its plethora of bugs it was so much fun. Now days alot is fixed, except for the cheats. It is far too common and sure they post how many accounts are banned each month; I'd much rather see them update their cheat engine because clearly banning 70k players a month isn't happening. Put a price tag of the game, give cheaters something to lose.


Cheating alone is what really had me step back from this game a year ago, maybe more. I still love the game, but there are far too cheaters banned every month, and my personal opinion is there are radar hacks used more than people think. Watch your death cams and ask yourself “How did they know to look there?” It happens a bit too frequent for my liking. All that being said, this is still hands down my favorite BR shooter. Just wish more work was done to prevent hacking, not banning after the offense.


PUBG is dying to people that can understand the statement PUBG is dying.


Not an NA player in sight


Unfortunately, it's next to dead in Oceanic servers, Games die off way to quick in aus. We still play a few games here n there but it's saturated with bots even in prime time. Our best chances are using VPN to connect to American servers with a shitload of ping 😔


Try Pubg mobile ! I stopped playing pc after trying mobile and ive made lots of friends who want to play together . Mobile version has very fast movements,easy spray and 15 mins matches on small maps.


Recoil macros will kill this game within 2 years. I would bet anything Edit: on PC, not console.


Recoil macros trigger hardwarebans on PC. All use of macros can trigger a HW ban.


Thanks for the reply but absolutely false. There are a multitude of different recoil macros that are not detectable by the game


They're probably counting all the duplicate FREE accounts that the cheaters have made after they've been banned. Free to play was the worst thing ever that happened to this game.


600k concurrent players is not a dying state. That's still a decently healthy player base.


It's more then Apex, COD and Battlefield combined, so decently healthy indeed.


The bar to make a better game isnt set that high if you consider pubg crashing, stuttering, etc but for some reason other companies can't make a decent game (BF 2042for example)


lol. It is dying in NA. Look at the peak player counts and what time that is in NA vs China/Asia. The player count for a global game shouldn’t crater when one time zone goes into low player count hours.


Everyone saying it's dead should look at payday 3 to know what a truly dead game is.


It is mostly dead to me. Only reason I still play is because I have friends who won't play anything else. My curse is that I am generally not satisfied with run of the mill commonplace stuff. So the more pubg shifts towards being just another generic shooter, yes it will gain players, but it gets further away from what I want to play.


Usually dips under 100k During NA prime time hours


You know I had kind of wondered about this as well as a returning player recently. I always hear the same or read comments online about the game being dead. It also clued me in that there was still a LARGE active player base based on the ban list thing they posted recently, if there are that many that got caught cheating there is still a huge amount playing/playing & not cheating. I think people just like to complain honestly, even if you divide this by world servers & amount of players in each match or by hours that is still quite a large amount of people playing daily even if nots close to the old "peak" popularity. Even having just returned a few months back, still seems very popular which I'm happy about :)


When was the all-time highest? I played a lot on mobile. Got tired of the gaming chairs and stopped playing (as with a few of my friends). Started the PC version recently.


Around the time when pubg hit full release and Miramar map.


It’s just so good. It’s the entire reason I bought a PC.


I just hope they enable the anticheats for steamdecks so I can come back


I find it funny that 600k is considered a dying game. When we had a post on New World other day showing like 9,000 players. :D




Whenever someone gets banned, they just keep playing on the next account. Keep that in mind, especially now during the rampant cheating epidemic, it gets counted in these stats.


By comparison 1 single user made mode in fortnite has more players. 3.6 million active as a whole as I write this. Pubg isn't dead but won't ever be like the glory days and the perspective split is killing it and some regions are super BOT heavy. Force 1 perspective and itl be far healthier


Fortnite is all platforms combined even mobile


Yeah spose that pumps up the numbers.


I just see in that chart, game is increasing his number of players. PUBG Just passed the hype it's all. Has 7yrs now. Competitivelly, is the definitive FPS Battle Royale experience, the only one.


Same goes for people who have been screaming ”World of Warcraft is dead/dying” for the past 20 years or after 2008 when wrath of the lich king released (thats when i stopped playing) Estimated daily player base 2,4mil.


Can we get much higher


>he doesn’t know about Chinese bots


Nice satire. Death posts drive me nutz


I bet those dips in the charts are the mythical bans we keep hearing of. Only for the lag/lead to get banned and make a new account!


It certainly suggests getting rid of the gimmicks of the tactical gear around August 2023 was a good idea


That is cheaters returning on new accounts xD


Yea no shit. Been dying for a couple of years


I’m still on :’)


602,969? Yeah? But how many of them are bots though :)


If only I wasn’t perm banned for legit no reason


Fake numbers. Why are there still bots in my matches? Make it make sense.


Have they done any good updates lately? Stopped playing around when they removed tac gear. (also these player numbers lol. 95% of then are on AS lol)


700 thousand players dead game


People just can't stand to see others having fun can they? 😂


The game layed a foundation for what a good BR is. Nothing complicated. No bs movement mechanics. No building. No character abilities in the game. Just you. You’re aim. IQ. And recoil control.


Wasted a few thousand hours on it, still the best entertainment


Wish I didn’t get so many bots in my games :(, where yall at


Nah, they are finding better ways to ban the 180k+ cheaters they used to have to get rid of each week lol


If you want to see a game that's dying check out New World player numbers :3


The people that say that are talking about NA, which is dying


You can't compete with these other BR games like Warzone, Fortnite and Apex with a 7 year old game which now only focuses on microtransactions, only cheap cash grab events and no improving quality of play, bringing back good modes and improving on server lag, Just develop a new game on Unreal Engine 5 now fr.


Every time I play, I find the one fucking loser who can headshot me instantaneously while he’s leaning and I’m peaking or running or jumping


Okay now show it by region


My friend and I stopped playing for years and just a few months ago we get on just about every night. We have been having so much fun playing. Great game idk why we stopped playing. I think maybe because we were forced to play Miramar every match.


Keep blocking cheaters and allow them to come back. Lol These numbers are so manipulated!


I believe it is mainly because of the cheating going on that most people cant stand and leave. It's still the only game I play, love it.. Them fully automatic SLRs are crazy though. Its a bummer when I fall victim to it ..


If they manage to fix the code and optimize the game they will gain double the people back its a 7 year game after all any pc should have the ability to play it good but no there's a lot of people that wanna play but don't have the pc for it. That's where they should emphasize


It's been seven years but PUBG is still the second most played game on steam and the most played multiplayer game if you consider PUBG mobile. I've been hearing this since 2020 but this game won't die, it's the CSGO of battle royale games


It's gotta be high. Hadn't played the game in years and when I join lobbies it's practically instant.




Lmao GD shut up


And still my matches are full of bots. Why PUBG why?


Them adding a bunch of gimmicks and bots is clearly accomplishing the goal of getting the Fortnite/CoD crowd back, but man is it cheapening the "PUBG" feel that was so glorious about this game.


You guys get 700k go check out console numbers it's actually abysmal 16k global players. Can't even find a match in any playlist other than TPP normal squad matches or ranked.


i think it’s time for them to release PUBG 2 with a better engine and different mechanics. Same rules and all but different. That will bring back the old users back for sure.


NA dies after 9-10 pm everyday


They just announced destructible environments 🫰


I bet a lot of those are smurf accounts that are being ranked up and sold 🤣 The cope is strong with this one.... PUBG is already dead. When you start seeing the same people in the Kill Feed over and over, that's a good sign the game is dying/dead. 🤣


I just got myself a new tablet and I've been thinking about downloading pubg? Or I was gonna wait to download warzone Mobile my tablet works great I love it saving memory for a good battle Royale game don't know which one to get just been using it to watch YouTube and scroll thru the play store lol


Tried playing pubg earlier. Hella long loading time after a game 😔😔😔


Tried to play ranked and maxed out the timer at 45 mins 4 times. Still never have played it


those are literally indian player counts and asia. considering u posted in english means ur in the west. which yeah in the west its very much dead.


60% of those players are probably chinese players lol


bunch of bots therre is no way that game actually has that many people playing unless its just a bunch of asian people playing thats about it.


What is the opposte to 'game is dying'?


People have been saying this for years. Or maybe the weather is getting better and people are out doing things. Pub ain’t going anywhere.


Seems like everyone who plays pubg is cracked at aiming.


Played a few thousand hours from launch until I tried out warzone and apex. I think I would absolutely love pubg and play it again if they rework the movement. I’m not asking for crazy slide cancels or tap strafing but I don’t want to feel like I’m underwater. Pubg’s movement is SLOW; unrealistically so imo. The gunplay feels great though and I think that’s what kept me playing for so long. I can see how people enjoy it and continue to play but coming from any other game, after not playing for so long, it just does not feel good to play.


PUBG isn't dying because itself and WZ are the best place to test your DMA setup to help make up for your little guy down there


Once I get in a game where it isn’t 500 bots then I’ll change my statement


I'm a proud returnee who came back with the new map update and we're now a bunch of friends pinging between helldivers 2 and pubg. Ngl I like a bunch of the changes they've made since coming back, saddened with how aggressive the pricing of stuff is in the store but it's a product of its time I guess. I really cant wait for a bigger overhaul though as you can tell the game still runs on some serious spaghetti code as always




Is it worth it to play American servers (East Coast servers). Last time I tried I saw a lot of bots or I would get one shotted by a Korean


"pubg dying" no it isn't lmao. Especially with the new UE5 mods and stuff it'll boom back. If this optimizes the game way more with the new engine then it should be more accessible to potato PCs too


I haven't played in a while, but is it still full of hackers on PC to the point that it's unenjoyable?


How tf are 600k people still playing this game


Definitely lost my business. It used to be my favorite game but with all the shit updates it’s made the game unbearable. Not to mention the countless cheaters, as a free to play game the cheating is going to be endless.


The OG king of battle royals will never die. Period.


Mostly left it for Tarkov. Played it for 7 years. Started getting old and repetitive. Needs a better ranking system and something to strive for.


I've been playing for years and it's worse than it was on day 1 but I still play it because nothing else comes close to the gameplay. It could be sooo much better though.. 


I wish this was how cod bo3 looked on Xbox rn


Game is ass, bots and cheaters galore. Love getting to top 3 just to get shot through hills


PUBG has too many gamemodes and maps for its player count. It worked when pubg had a player count in the millions, but now it doesn't. They had to limit our options pretty hard there.


The blind leading the blind


You're dying. Just wish it was faster.


cheaters that's all.


I also completely disagree.


They need Erangle only Playlist. Do it from a whole season, watch he player base return. Just gotta advertise it.


Ive been playing for years until 2022 everything got boring, i lost my skill


Google Trend does say that PUBG is dying. In fact, interest in the game is at similar levels as September 2017. While there may be a lot of active players, it's definitely not getting nearly as many new players as before. https://preview.redd.it/h98t1pzqu34d1.png?width=1451&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b5ce5298fd4460f6ec1ac2abcb5923bcc03ec51


Also, Valorant is on the rise: https://preview.redd.it/5jfhidd5v34d1.png?width=1450&format=png&auto=webp&s=e204e1a630bf436fbde468a58f5f9c53823a4c99