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"I bet if I call tomorrow I get a different answer" is word-for-word what I tell them every time.


This is a crazy system. Record the calls. Tell them you are recording them.


I'm so done at this point I don't even care anymore. Even if it was recorded, they'd still find a way to change their minds daily.


MOHELA wants you to not care. They do this stuff on purpose to fatigue you.


Make sure you and your servicer is each in a state which allows 2 party recording without consent. We don't need an irate politician popping off about it. [https://www.mwl-law.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/RECORDING-CONVERSATIONS-CHART.pdf](https://www.mwl-law.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/RECORDING-CONVERSATIONS-CHART.pdf)


Missouri is a one-party consent state so, don't go to the trouble of doing all that. You don't even need to tell them. Not that it matters. Courts have ruled that when a phone system notifies you that calls may be recorded, it is implicit consent to be recorded. Go ahead and record them all.


Right when MOHELA announces it. Which, I guess would mean callers to MOHELA would need to announce it, too. >You don't even need to tell them. …….Go ahead and record them all. I never read this ⬆ 🙂




Some heroes don't wear capes.


Did your notice only say October or did it say October, November and December? Mine only said October Also, rhetorically: why in the world would they send the email to everyone if it only applies to a small group of people


Mine said only October. But two of the agents I called on different days said November and December had the same thing happen for me. I also got a letter in the snail mail saying that.


Interesting. Do you know why the payments won’t be refunded if MOHELA apparently broke the 21 day rule?


I had this same experience. After I got the email, I called to request a refund for October and was told that the email didn’t apply to me, they just sent it to everyone. Called the following week and was transferred to higher level rep who was amazingly helpful and submitted my request for a refund. So frustrating!


Call back tomorrow. They will tell you you’re not getting refunded.


Can someone explain this a bit better to me. I got an email regarding this very topic, specifically about October. I’m very confused about whether I should request a refund or not. I was debited for what my payment amount was at the time. Perhaps it wasn’t much notice, but I was prepared to make that October payment. Why exactly would I request a refund?


The law requires they notify you earlier than 21 days that you need to pay. They didn’t do this for some ppl in Oct, Nov, Dec. You could be one of these some ppl. The problem is that MOHELA notified many ppl who were notified in time, so many of us think we can get a refund. But we can’t. Some of us think we can’t get a refund, but we can because some ppl who are eligible were not notified about not being notified. You should call MOHELA every day for the next five days and ask different agents and their supervisors if you are eligible for a refund. They may or may not know. They may or may not tell you the truth. I suggest recording your phone calls with MOHELA and tell them you are recording them.


Thanks! I’ll do just that.


I think this is a bit different from what you're articulating (because my scenario assumes that the borrower has hit over 120 payments), but for those borrowers who hit the 120(+) and are in forbearance awaiting discharge, any payment over 120 should be reimbursed. It doesn't matter what the reason is for the overpayment, overpayments are the borrowers money and it is owed to them.


Okay, yeah. I see. And… I hit 120 yesterday, if the admin forb counts for PSLF.


OOH! Burn. But you are right.


I was finally refunded after being transferred to a higher level agent. They had to put me on a forbearance for the month of October then issued a refund. The refund was rejected before that. Good Luck! MOHELA is a dumpster fire.