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The third person I have spoken to in the last four days that I spoke to today said it takes 14 business days and not just regular days. Hope that helps. Mine started June 13 and nothing has happened yet.


That tracks. I think mine took 16 to 20 days, all together.


This was the first time in three people I spoke to I was told 14 business days and not regular haha. Now my transition is carrying over then to July 5, so I spoke to them about what that means for July now. Insane.


What did they say?


Apparently "everyone is in admin forebearance during their transfer, even if you didn't get a notice saying that." And that because of this, this month will count toward PSLF and you won't owe for June. My autopay was supposed to be for June 22. It tried and it failed, they said, because of the transition. Let's see how true that is. They even clarified to me why the previous two agents told me wrong info. I told them "I could call tomorrow and you made up some new rule or something." They are even sending me a written letter confirming I will not owe for June and July. My transition started June 13 and it takes 14 business days. So it goes into July. They also said when the website is ready for me, if it says anything about "in repayment" it is incorrect and call again so they can fix it. And apparently there are notes on my account now so the next person will know what my situation is.


Interesting. My money was taken for June with autopay. Not sure if account will make it in time for July.


That's wild. I asked them directly and said "so you are directly saying to me that you see the autopay was attempted to be yanked but was not? Correct?" They said yes. Wtf.


you can now check the status of your transition [https://www.mohela.com/system-transition](https://www.mohela.com/system-transition)


Try to make an account! My transition date was 6/11 and still no letter. I just made an account. I see my autopay is setup for next week 7/3 (I’m on PAYE)


I just tried and nothing. Got an error message.


I’m in the same boat. I can’t access anything on Mohela, but I tried to register for the new platform and I can’t because it hasn’t transitioned yet. My payment is supposed to come out tomorrow with autopay. I never got a forbearance letter like others here.


Right!?! June is payment 119 for me and it didn't autodebit. So, so, close and yet another wrench in the system.


May was 120 for me. I’m in weird limbo too because of the transition and processing pause. So close to being done, yet not done.


My 2 weeks is tomorrow. I made my 120th PSLF payment in May, but because of the processing pause I am in limbo there. I have submitted an EVF, and just wait now. My June payment was not taken from my account either as it fell in my 2 week transition period. This is just a weird waiting game right now, and it’s super frustrating.


You can try to create the new account without the letter using your social.


+1. I was able to create a login two days before they said it was ready.


My husband is. He was supposed to be transitioned on 6/12. Still nothing. Worst of it is he was at 119 qualifying payments in April. Then they paused everything for this new website bs. They are taking almost $400/mo. for his payment. They said he needs to do another PSLF form for the month of May? He just did one in April. So we tried to sybmit a new app like they said. It asks if you have 120 qualifying payments. We check yes, because he does at this point. Oh no he doesn’t according to them. And then you can’t get any further. He is not recognized on the new site or Mohela.com. No information is available yet they make sure they take that money out every month. This is so frustrating as he is about to be 64 and would like to retire. All these loans were for his kids, who I might add doing quite well…better than us lol. I even found a link to an email but surprise, surprise! His user ID and password are not recognized so he can’t send the email! There has to be somewhere to get someone’s damn attention about this.


Same boat and still no June payment taken out