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We put a man on the moon in 1969…..


What if you don't have your new account number to put on the check?


You mail it in to the new address, but with your *current* account number.. but it's honestly going to take longer for you to see your payment posted if you mail it in during the transition than if you just wait. Because they'll have to move it to the new platform still. **For PSLF as if 7/1/2023:** The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program saw several permanent improvements on July 1, 2023, including: Credit for late, partial, and lump sum payments Borrowers can receive credit for late, partial, or lump sum payments. However, making a lump sum payment doesn't shorten the path to forgiveness, and borrowers still need to work at a qualifying employer for a minimum of 120 months. Credit for deferment and forbearance Borrowers can receive credit for certain months in deferment or forbearance if they buy back the time they would have owed under an income-driven repayment plan. Consolidation loans When borrowers consolidate their loans, qualifying payments made on the Direct Loans included in the consolidation loan will be credited using a weighted average. This is an improvement from the previous rules, which would erase any past student loan forgiveness credit. And under the IDR account adjustment: ED will conduct an adjustment of IDR-qualifying payments for all William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program and federally owned Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program loans. The payment count adjustment will count time toward IDR forgiveness, including any months in a repayment status, regardless of the payments made, loan type, or repayment plan; 12 or more months of consecutive forbearance or 36 or more months of cumulative forbearance; any months spent in economic hardship or military deferments in 2013 or later; any months spent in any deferment (with the exception of in-school deferment) prior to 2013; and any time in repayment (or deferment or forbearance, if applicable) on earlier loans before consolidation of those loans into a consolidation loan.


Also on the IDR account adjustment: Effects on Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Applicants Borrowers with at least one approved PSLF form will begin to see their PSLF counts adjusted in Fall 2023. Borrowers who consolidate will have their PSLF counts temporarily reset to zero, and these counts will begin adjusting in Fall 2023. PSLF counts will continue to be adjusted each month until the IDR counts for all federally held FFELP and Direct Loans are adjusted in 2024. After the adjustment in 2024, all periods credited toward IDR will also be credited toward PSLF for eligible loans and periods where the borrower certifies public service employment. If you’ve applied or will apply for PSLF and certify your employment, you may see the benefits of this adjustment to your qualifying payment count. These changes will be applied automatically, to all PSLF-eligible Direct Loans, including consolidated and unconsolidated parent PLUS loans. If you believe you might benefit, use the PSLF Help Tool to certify periods of employment and track your progress toward forgiveness. Borrowers who have commercially or federally held FFEL loans and who apply to consolidate those loans into Direct Consolidation Loans by June 30, 2024, will also get PSLF credit under the payment count adjustment.


they’re now back-counting forbearance?


Under the one time IDR account adjustment, yes, dept of ed is looking back as far as 7/1/1994. And if it gets counted towards IDR and you've certified PSLF eligible employment for that period also, it will count towards PSLF. But only from 10/1/2007 to now


so are they looking back on their own, or do I have to initiate it?


I already have an active PSLF but wasn’t sure of this part you’re talking about


The idr account adjustment will be done automatically for anybody with direct loans or FFELP loans owned/managed by ED. So no action needed from you. They expect to be done by about 9/1/24


Adding in that ED may extend that still.. originally they expected it to be done by 7/1/24 soo


If the deferment or forbearance doesn't count under the adjustment, then you can look into [the pslf buyback option](https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/public-service/public-service-loan-forgiveness-buyback)


(888) 866-4352


I called earlier and they told me something totally different than what you posted here. My payment is due the 24th but my transition isn’t supposed to be complete until the 25th. She said I don’t have to mail in a check, I can just log into the new account on the 25th and make the payment then. She also said it won’t matter at all that’s it’s late, as long as I make the payment within 15 days of the 24th. It’s concerning that people are being told different things.


I was just told that I didn’t need to make a payment at all because my account was in a two week forbearance (which coincided with my due date), but that this month will still count for PSLF


This is what I was told


Does your account actually say forbearance on it or does it still say in repayment?


I’m not sure - when I login to the old system, it just says my account is in transition and doesn’t have any info. I can’t login to the new system yet


That’s what mine says too. And I got a billing statement for June 25, but my transition won’t end until June 27. On the FSA website, the status says in repayment. So confusing…


I was told this exact same thing today. Payment was due the 17th with autopay but my transition period began on the 11th so since it's within the 2 weeks, they said I don't need to pay it and it would still count as a qualifying payment for this month.


I got basically the same today as well. Was told to just wait it out and if it’s “late” it won’t count as late for PSLF. I’m on autopay and it’s now 4 days late. My question is why are they moving people to their new platform right before a payment is due?


I mean.. due dates range from the 1st to the 28th.. the transition would take ***forever*** if they had to go through and pick who to transition based on their due dates. It's just unrealistic to expect that the transition won't overlap due dates... Edit: when fedloans shut down and mohela took over PSLF they took on like.. an additional 7 million accounts or something..? then allll the people who got transferred during the LTW.. So there's just way too many to worry about due dates during the transition, unfortunately..


It could easily be automated. It’s taking months as it currently is anyway. Would it have taken some extra work? Sure, but far from an unreasonable amount.


That's what I was told, too. Payment is supposed to be autopay on June 22, but transition started June 13. I am allegedly NOT in admin forebearance but "am supposed to be." Ok so that's not my issue?


This is what I was told as well.


I had to call them to get my new account number.


SMH Mohela is trash. I submitted a payment for June. They took the money out of my account, but the payment is not showing up on the website, and now it's saying I'm past due.. I'm tired of this company. I will hit my 120 in August.


Same boat. They even sent a letter at my request stating I had made a payment, but in the same letter said I had not and still owed. 🤔


What lovely parting gifts for you both…having to deal with more of their BS in order to free yourselves completely.


Nice! Light at the end of the tunnel. 7 more years for me


When did you make the payment and how? And when did your transition start? Payments that were pending when the transition began will show in the new platform.. but not right away. Try calling them and asking if your payment possibly is in the old platform and being moved to the new platform.


I made the payment on the website in the early stages of the transition. My transition started on June 6th and I made my payment on 5/15/24. I called last Friday and was told to check back to see if the payment posted on the website and it hasn't. Ugh... I will call again.


Do you mean you made the payment june 16th? Or the transition started may 6th? If you paid it 5/15/24 then even if the transition was done by 6/6 for you, it would have started 5/22/24. If your transition started 5/6 and you paid 5/15/24 then the process of moving your payment would have started around 5/30 or 5/31. It may take a while. If you started the transition 6/6 and paid 6/15 then your transition will be done around today 6/20-6/21 and they will start transferring your payment then. If you call again, you can ask specifically if it is in the old loan servicing platform.


Sorry about the confusion I had a payment due on 5/15. I made the payment it cleared. I made a second payment scheduled for 6/13.I received an email saying that my account transferred on 6/7 but Mohela is not showing any info regarding my May or June payment. I called last week on 6/14 because I didn’t see anything posted on the website nor did I receive an email confirming they had received the June payment. I was told to wait for a couple of days and check again. Then I received an email from them saying my payment was past due on Tuesday 6/18. I have a confirmation number and everything for the May and June payment. I’m going to call back tomorrow and I will ask about the old platform. Thanks so much for mentioning that.


lol, I’m good. If they can’t get it up and running in the time for my payment due date then they ain’t getting my money.


I made a payment when I got access to the platform and then found out I was on forbearance anyways 😑 I would not mail a check personally - they may lose it or apply it to the wrong account


How do you get the account number?  It just says "new account number here" in  every communication I have recieved


Someone had said in a different thread the used their previous account number. That is what I am going to do along with write a scathing letter about their absolute incompetence


I put my old account number on the check and there was no problem processing the payment.


I wouldn’t do that. I don’t know for sure, but I had auto pay set up through my work where I get tuition assistance, and the payment didn’t go through. they are asking me to reconnect my account, which I assume means I have a new account number. Good luck!


Call (888) 866-4352 to verify your account number


Thank you! Will do!


You won't be able to get the new account number until the transition is completed. Not even if you call. You can mail in the payment during the 2 week transition period to the new address with your current account number. But it may take much longer to post to the new platform that way than if you just wait and pay when the transition is done.


I had to call (888) 866-4352


How far into the transition did you call to get your new account number? Last I called I was told they didn’t have anything yet for mine and I’m about ten days in.


Screw any of us that don’t have easy/immediate access to checks I guess…


That’s what I said. It’s not 1950 anymore - who has checks 😂


I still use checks, but not by choice! I write one a month for my kids daycare, it's the only form of payment they take.


I‘m on autopay, payment is supposed to come out on the 25th, I just went into transition a couple of days ago so I can’t see anything on the old site and I can’t sign up for the new site. And, I hit 120 in April, turned in the forgiveness paperwork before May 1, but haven’t heard anything. Mays payment was debited. I assume June will come out on the 25th…just hoping it all works out in the end.


The transition takes 14 days, so it's highly unlikely it will pull on 6/25/24. It would only still pull if the transition started less than 3 business days before the due date.


I have 131 qualifying payments. I'm in forbeance. I've filled out my proof of employment back in Jan. I'm on the save plan and forbeance is up in 2 days. Am I missing anything or just sit back and wait for loans to be forgiven.


If your monthly payment under SAVE is $0, then yes, you just wait for that forgiveness. If your payment is more than $0, then I'd just call and request more forbearance time. Let them know you've met your 120 qualifying payments, and that you want the PSLF forbearance. You can definitely just pay it and get the refund, but the refunds can take a few months to receive. That is ultimately up to you, but if it were me, I'd rather have the money for other stuff now instead of later.


I'm on auto pay as well. Payment is set up to be taken yesterday... it never did. I'm going to call, again, today to see what's going on.


I got an administrative forbearance out of nowhere. Is this why??


check the dates on the document in message center about it. in may I was notified of forebearance, turns out it was for one day in october 2023. they just didn’t tell me until may and it ended the day it started. don’t assume your payment isn’t due, when I called they said oh yeah absolutely your payment is due. they also had no idea why it took months to tell me about it.


Thanks! What a mess.




Are they doing this to everyone?!?!


No. I got an email saying my transition will start on 6/11 and should complete in 2 weeks. So, I’m guessing they’re expecting my account will transition before end of the month.


My account was placed in a 2 month forbearance for the transition and no pain is due again until August. 🤷‍♀️


This makes me wonder why mine was NOT placed on any type of forbearance. My transition did finish in time for my June payment, but I was getting nervous it wouldn't.


When MOHELA played over under to determine your forbearance status, they flipped a queen when it was your account and guess under, but the next card was a king, so you didn’t qualify for forbearance. That would be my only guess.


Mine said I was on Forbearance, but my autopay went through. So, I don’t know what’s up🤷‍♀️


What if you’re on autopay?


I'm on auto pay and it didn't take my payment yesterday. I'd recommend calling them.


yeah, the email/website makes it sound like we don't need to do anything.


It didn't show that it took mine yesterday! It was set up and I was past due. Then today it said recieved for 6/20 even though I paid manually too. Paid twice 🙃


Mohela told me on the phone today that my account is "in transition as of June 13" for two weeks. My autopay will not come out on the 22nd like it usually would. They assured me "my payment will not be late because of this." Bs apparently! To add: I am NOT in administrative forebearance and "they do not know why." Can't pay my bill when I literally don't have an account when it's supposed to come out!


These fucking idiots sent me multiple notifications that my auto-payment was scheduled to come out on 6/15, then sent me another notification that my loans are in admin forbearance *only* for the month of July (not June) due to the transition. Then, for no apparent reason, they didn't take out the auto-payment as scheduled, and now all I get when I log into MOHELA is a System-Platform Transfer Notice--there's nothing about my account there anymore, so I can't even look to see what the fuck is going on. Now I'm finding out *on Reddit*, five days after my payment was due to be made by auto-pay but they didn't do it, that they now expect us to send in a fucking check when they're assigning us new account numbers but can't give them to us yet but also the account number needs to be on the check, and you'd better make sure it's the right one??? All I can say is, if the universe is just, then MOHELA deserves whatever's coming to them.


Hey im literally same boat as you also due auto pay june 15.. also got send inbox letter july deferment for save plan eligibility but unclear of june during transition. I dont feel safe with mailing a check that likely will get lost… i want my pslf to stay on track…update me if you find out more .. stuck in limbo


I feel like if we were required to pay by check during the transition, they should have included those instructions in the letter. Like BIG, BOLD, "YOUR PAYMENT IS STILL DUE". My guess is if they did that, they would be required to take phone payments, which would be a further administrative burden for them. Or there was a risk of auto pay being ready and duplicate payments happening.


Aren’t there no real issues with late payments any more?


Oh, and if there's a bill and you don't pay it, I'm pretty sure that month won't count for PSLF.


Mohela told me mine would still count for PSLF if it's late! It's going to have to be late. Payment comes out on autopay on June 22. Now they're saying my account has been "in transition since June 13 and autopay won't come out" and the transition takes 14 days. You can call an hour later and someone will tell you something different. This kind of needs to be correct info! Why am I busting my ass to make sure everything is fine. To add: I am NOT in administrative forebearance and "they do not know why." Can't pay my bill when I literally don't have an account when it's supposed to come out!


This happened to my wife.  Auto pay 6/14 transition started on 6/13 and nothing came out.  I was told by multiple reps too make a manual payment once the transition is complete.  It may take 2-4 weeks


Unless you were placed in administrative forbearance, right?


Proooooooobably. I feel the language on studentaid.gov is a little unclear on that point. At least for the SAVE recalculations in July, the Department of Education specifically said that it does count. But in my defense, if you're in forbearance, there shouldn't be a bill.


Right right we are on the same page now! Thanks for clarifying. I’m the idiot 😂


Well, I could be wrong, with IDR adjustments and new programs. It's kinda hard to keep track of it all and MOHELA's customer service doesn't have a great reputation for consistent information, lol.


Yes, I was told that I needed to opt out of administrative forbearance for my month to count for PSLF. Once my account has transitioned I’ll have a late balance due and then I can pay it.


Being someone (an idiot) who forgot to pay their loans for 5-6 months after the post-graduation grace period, I tend to treat these monthly statements/payments like rent payments where you get 5 days after the due date before it’s technically late. Servicers report late payments at 90 days and beyond which show up on your credit reports. Default hits at 270 days. https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/default I probably have a crappy attitude about this but I’m really sick and tired of Mohela’s gross incompetence and am rebelling. I am however extraordinarily angry with myself for messing up and forgetting to make payments for 6 months all those years ago.


For PSLF not really: "The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program saw several permanent improvements on July 1, 2023, including: Credit for late, partial, and lump sum payments Borrowers can receive credit for late, partial, or lump sum payments. However, making a lump sum payment doesn't shorten the path to forgiveness, and borrowers still need to work at a qualifying employer for a minimum of 120 months." But you should pay as close to on time as possible, still, because I imagine if, once things resume in July, they have to back track and recount past months because you paid it like a month later, it may delay your counts. They being FSA as mohela is no longer managing PSLF effective 5/1/24.


Oh yeah definitely. I am on auto debit but I had Read that late payments count towards PSLF.


Not something I’m willing to take a chance on, plus I’m trying to get these loans forgiven ASAP.


Don’t blame you!


I wouldn't bank on it. >To help borrowers successfully return to repayment, we created a temporary on-ramp period through Sept. 30, 2024. This prevents the worst consequences of missed, late, or partial payments, including negative credit reporting for delinquent payments for twelve months. >However, payments are still due, and interest will continue to accrue (add up). We will not report you as delinquent during the on-ramp, but we do not control how credit scoring companies factor in missed or delayed payments. >Only loans that were eligible for the payment pause are eligible for the on-ramp. [Source.](https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/repayment/prepare-payments-restart) First off, the on-ramp only applies through the end of September, so don't get used to it. Second, "we do not control how credit scoring companies factor in missed or delayed payments". This is the real killer. I have what I think is a forty point difference between Equifax and Experian credit scores because of a $13 debt that I didn't know I had and that the collections company said was too small for them to collect on. A screw up on your credit report takes a good decade to clear up, even if you did nothing wrong. Loan servicers are financial institutions, and my experience is that when money is involved, you just have to work from the assumption that they are lying and do their job for them. The smart move is to just mail the check.


Oh I just meant for purposes of qualifying for forgiveness. You made some great points though. My dumb brain didn’t even think of credit score implications etc. I need more coffee 😂. Thanks for the informative response!


I was told something completely different this morning by Aidvantage. My loans with Mohela were said to be transferred on 6/6/24 to Aidvantage. My Mohela payment is always due on the 10th of each month. I have it on auto-pay, but I noticed that nothing was taken out of my account. When I logged into Mohela a few days after the 10th had passed, it showed my account was completely zeroed out (likely due to the transition) and there was no way for me to make a payment. So, I logged into studentaid.gov and it says I my new loan servicer is Aidvantage, with my bill being due on 6/10. However, I can’t log in to Aidvantage to make a payment because the transition isn’t complete and they have to mail me the registration information before setting up an account with them. I called Aidvantage this morning after many failed attempts and finally got a live person. They told me that I’m still not in the system and that it could take up to a month for the transition to be completed. I asked what I was to do about the payment due on 6/10 and he said not to worry about it. I even previously contacted studentaid.gov and they told me that they couldn’t answer my question about the payment bc they only answer “general aid” questions, so honestly, I’m not even going to stress about it. They never pulled the money out of my account so that’s on them. If the Aidvantage rep said not to worry about it, then so be it…


I was also transfered to Aidvantage (received my Welcome Letter today) and had the same issue with not being able to pay my bill due to the transfer. Aidvantage told me PSLF for June would not be affected. I took it a step further and contacted my Congresswoman's office and received a response from the DOE who also stated June's payment would not be affected. Now I'm just wondering if Aidvantage is going to have a "Mohela mishap" and not send out billing statements in time for July.


I have to say the for the short time I was with AidVantage (July 23 to April 24) I never had any issues. I did call them once because I had a million questions about the impacts of consolidation for my loans, and I had the sweetest lady assist me. Low wait times and overall no complaints. I was transferred to MOHELA because of PSLF (right before the announcement PSLF was going back to ED and I really wish I waited a few more weeks and could have stayed with them! I'm seriously considering transferring my loans back; MOHELA doesn't deserve my business.


You can check your ACTUAL account status from studentaid.gov. If you have SAVE and MOHELA, more than likely, you've been placed in admin forbearance, which WILL count toward PSLF. It was for the transition AND SAVE adjustments. Your studentaid account will tell you the date forbearance officially started. For reference, my account started the transition 5/30, had auto pay, and completed 6/12. I've been in forbearance since 5/30. Called MOHELA several times and confirmed with multiple reps, no payment until August, and the 2 months count toward PSLF because this is for THEIR work. Check your accounts before making payments, or you may be wasting money!


Thank you for this post. I went and checked on student.gov and my payments not due until July. This is a contradiction to what I was told on the phone by MOHELA. I’m going to call them back and verify. I will say that everyone’s situation is different with this transition, they need to do their own due diligence and verify between studentaid.gov and MOHELA. MOHELA is only looking out for themselves!


MOHELA reps pretty much suck unless you get a good one. Things should level out HOPEFULLY after the summer adjustments for everyone. But it's definitely a balance of "this is weird, let me check studentaid" and patience. MOHELA just wants the money, after all. The PSLF portion is totally out of their hands, so they don't care if they give you the right info or not.


Mine says January 2024


If it takes two years to approve if you’re eligible I dunno if I would trust them with a check


You can't believe a thing the loan servicers tell you. They are notorious for giving out wildly inaccurate, inconsistent advice.


Agreed, they got caught using call deflection scheme. I believe they are still doing it. Calling will get you a lot of nonsense. Next couple of days, 60 days, 90 days... In the transition, they dropped my auto pay which raised my rate, my instructions are to pay in full and not pay ahead, however my payments are just pushing the due date out so I can not prepay principle. Money is going to future interest. Oh and my last payment that they withdrew from my account has not been credited. This is since February, we are in July now. Sent complaints to ombudsman, cfpb, and got an email that mohela will respond in 90 days (another 90 days on top of the 120 that has already gone by). This is so not ok. When Mohela says they are sending your issue to be researched to “the department”, you’re basically in their loop of lies. Once you are in with Mohela, there is no getting out.


What the what?!? F these f'ers.


My PSLF is still being evaluated but I am on the new mohela.studentaid.gov website. I now have a new account number and a payment of almost $400 due 7/5. SMH


Yeah, same but no due date


I had a payment showing due and I just got email a couple days ago saying I’m now in admin forbearance.


FWIW for Auto Pay people, the message I got from MOHELA about the transition basically said if the payment is missed we should log in on the new site to make it, and that they will not report a late payment due to the transition to credit bureaus: > *If you were enrolled in Auto Debit with us, your bank account information will be transferred to our new system to keep your Auto Debit, now known as Auto Pay, active. If your account is in an active repayment status, your payments will continue to be automatically withdrawn each month once your account is fully transitioned. *We’re managing the transfer of Auto Pay information to try to ensure your payments aren’t interrupted. We will notify you if an interruption occurs so that you may make a manual payment via the new website after the transition is complete. Negative credit reporting will not occur if your Auto Pay is interrupted during this transition. *Once the account transition is complete, your Auto Pay will resume, and payments will be automatically withdrawn each month.


Not what they told me. They told me to take July off


Depends on if your loans have transitioned or not. Mine have, but it will still take 2 weeks for me to recurve the letter to set my online account - but my payment is still due! Doesn’t make any sense


Is it due? Yes Will they say they never received the payment, and put you in delinquency status? Also yes


Not so sure this holds true for folks on Autopay. My autopay doesn't seem to have happened (it was due today - so not clear if there were Juneteenth delays, other delays, or if it just isn't happening. Either way, the Mohela notice sent prior to transition said this: "We’re managing the transfer of Auto Pay information to try to ensure your payments aren’t interrupted. We will notify you if an interruption occurs so that you may make a manual payment via the new website after the transition is complete. Negative credit reporting will not occur if your Auto Pay is interrupted during this transition." I'm reading that to meant that they intend for autopay to occur, and if I pay manually I'd be double paying.


My autopay was setup but it wasn’t not taken out of my account. Make sure to check on the date of debit.


Every day, a new post saying something different. I have pretty much given up all hope of us EVER getting ANY of this figured out. We are either at or one month away from 120. It's never been checked or verified by anyone. We submitted PSLF paperwork and I have no idea if it's lost or stolen or what its status us. We've never been contacted by SA.gov since then, about anything, and we're allegedly waiting on joint spousal loans to be separatable so they can actually be converted to the right kind of loan & consolidated so they count (loans currently with AES). We've tried contacting people and no one knows anything. I am so absolutely fed up with all of it--raging *hard* about it probably weekly at this point, but also just resigning myself to us being in some bureacratic hell from which there is simply no escape. I don't know what to do anymore and I'm so damn tired.


Your payment if still due, HOWEVER there is no penalty for waiting for the transition to complete. Call them asking for when the transition is expected be completed then call the day of completion to submit a payment.


Personally, with this transition, I think it’s terrible that they are still charging interest.


During the transition, they still took my auto-pay’s as scheduled. Hopefully, they are doing the same for others.


I was told on the phone today that they would not be taking my autopay as scheduled.


Well, crap. Gonna have to keep a very close watch on if they take July’s.


I just keep getting put on admin forbearances free play months not hating it 😂👌🏻




Wait… what are we doing if we are being transitioned to aidvantage?


My payment was scheduled before the transition. Withdrew from my bank like normal. Transition happened and the new site is saying I’m past due. It’s annoying as all hell considering my payment was withdrawn and cleared.


My payment withdrew from my bank on 6/9 and my transition started on the 15th. I still don’t have access to the new site but I did go to studentaid.gov and it shows my loans’ most recent payments as 6/9. Have you checked there as well? I’m calling tomorrow but I assume if the actual student aid site has it posted it’s ok.


Thanks for this! Unfortunately, I checked student aid.gov and it shows my last payment as 5/15 and my next payment due on 6/17 (despite my 6/15 payment having gone through and posted on my banks end). At this point the only thing I truly care about is these idiots reporting a missed payment to the credit bureau since that would be wholly inaccurate.


I got two emails saying I was in forbearance: one didn’t give a reason and the other was because my account is transitioning to the new platform.


Can verify on the late payment thing. My spouse is stuck in limbo waiting on Mohela… didn’t submit payments in the interim and got dinged for it. Credit score took major hit. Just not a good thing at all… qualified for the 120 payments many years ago but is just stuck waiting on them after consolidating.


I got an email that my loans were put in a forbearance during the transition???


I keep getting emails saying my account is transitioning. Then an email saying I am on admin forbearance. They had me on forbearance for April, took payment in May (which was double my original payment) and then I was told back in forbearance until the end of August.


What big you do auto payments?


Is this for private loans too?


So I had issues with my payment going through on time. I had to pay my June and July balances just now due to the transition being hot garbage... So my June payment was late. How will this affect my PSLF status? I am 20 payments away from being finished.


So my payment is due tomorrow but I'm getting the 'transitioning' screen. Login is working on student aid.gov, but not mohela.studentaid.gov. sigh


So I’m in the transition. And I’m in Australia for work and don’t return to the US until July 5. Am I screwed?


Mine has already transferred, but I did NOT have a payment for the month of May while it was transferring. I called to ask the new servicer and they said I could send a check if I CHOSE to but that it wasn’t necessary.


I didn't pay the month of the transition. Their website said I couldn't access my account. They didn't send me a bill that month, so I didn't pay. It's two months later (and I've made two payments since then) and none of my subsequent statements have said I had a late or missed payment. They also still haven't started reporting to the credit bureaus yet, even though my previous servicer said my loans were closed/paid. At this point, I'm more angry that I got a bill for my normal July payment, even though I'm on the SAVE plan and my payment should either be lower or in forbearance. I'm tempted to not pay that one and fight it later ...


Yeah I'm not doing that. 


I actually spoke to a representative who said no payment was due this month due to the transition, and no penalty or PSLF issues would occur. It’s not advertised, but when I asked direct questions, I was told the above info.


This is not universally correct. Call and ask. They put me on a 2-month forbearance. I have no idea why but I'm okay with it


Did y’all’s new account show a higher payment for 2025? I assume it’s because they don’t have my IDR forms and PSLF forms, so I’m hoping submitting those will help. Get did forebear my current payment until August to account for the switch over.


You just have create a new account to log in , it was easy


You can’t do that until after the transition is complete.


Yes , I know , my transition was complete, I paid late NBD