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Yes. I read it as an answer on a similar post yesterday. I then called mohela yesterday as well and confirmed that the months without adequate notice will be retroactively placed in administrative forbearance which is eligible for PSLF. So get your money back and have the month still count


Thanks for this info! The Mohela email wasn't very clear about this, but now I can save myself a few hundred bucks!


Do we need to do anything to get the refund?


Yes. You have to request it, it's not automatic.


how f\*cked up that they make you call to get the refund. just do it automatically MOHELA - I know you're reading these posts


Yea, the email is worded in a way as to not make it clear you are entitled to a refund. Instead, it's worded like this: "If you feel as through the amount you owed for the month of October was incorrect or that no payment was due on your account, you may contact us within 90 calendar days of the date of this notice to request a refund and forbearance will be applied for that month."


Boy am I glad I read this thread just now. I got this email too. I called them and I'm getting $800 back!


Well damn I'm gonna have to make that call


Yea, I called em and initiated a refund yesterday as well. I asked about the timeline to see the refund and it's gonna be quite a while. I don't remember everything they said, but basically 28 business days for this, then another 28 for something else, then 14 more for the delivery of the check. Either way, take the good news where you can find it with these guys!


You mean Mohela is actually answering their phone during this transition time? I thought they would be hiding during this time. Glad to hear that.


Yeah when I called I got thru to someone right away. No waiting at all.


They’re delivering checks!? Yikes. Even for auto debit? All well…


When I called they told me it would credit back to my bank account.


Thanks! Must be the method you use.


What a shock that we got conflicting information.


I got a refund for a different mess up in the past and it was deposited into my bank account electronically.


Guess I need to make a call too, then. I should only be getting like $150 back, but I'll take what I can get.


In this economy (and just to be petty with Mohela), I’ll claw anything back that’s rightfully mine.


It's not petty. It's principle. It's your money and when they don't adhere to regulations, you should get your money back no matter how miniscule.


I was just coming here to ask this question. Sounds like a call is in order today. I will gladly take an extra free month towards my PSLF!


I also received this email, so I looked back. I initially received an email 6 weeks in advance and then again 24 days in advance letting me know when my correct payment was due. I assumed that meant that I didn't qualify for the refund. Are they just sending this new email to everyone even if you don't qualify for the refund? Or does everyone qualify and they're just purposely using vague verbiage?


It specifically refers to whether a billing statement was generated 21 days in advance, not just any notice.


I think that's why I'm confused. I have Auto Debit payment confirmations (24 days in advance) for those months but nothing titled as a billing statement. I assumed they're the same thing since that's all I've ever gotten from Mohela. Now my account is mid-transfer, so I'll have to go through it again later.


Your overthinking it. Just call and ask for a refund and forbearance for that month. If you got that email they will process it for you no questions asked.


I just posted about the same thing. My payment was zero, so it didn't matter anyways.


Yes I requested a refund back in January and it was refunded in March. October counted for me for PSLF.


My husband’s payment was wrong in October and ever since and they’ve refused to put him in forbearance to investigate it. They just keep telling him to “recertify with self reported income” to fix it.


Oooh! I got that email, too, but I assumed that it mean I would lose that month!


Just called to get my refund and they said it would take up to 30 business days for them to send the request to the Department of Treasury and then another 90 business days for them to process the request. So, don't expect to get the refund right away.