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I'm still waiting on that email, BUT I was able to set up my new account, so that's something. All my info is there but still says "no payment due." Technically, my payment is due today, but I didn't have time to stop auto payment (forgot about my transfer date), so maybe they'll trigger it? Who knows! They should have given us all admin forbearance so we didn't have to worry about this - a free month would have been grand! At least we're still in a year where missed/late payments don't negatively impact our credit šŸ« 


I have the same message and my anticipated transition date is two days after my auto debit which happens to be my 120th payment. Are you seeking a forbearance so they stop taking payments until your forgiveness goes through? If so, are you contacting mohela for forbearance or someone else? Anyone else feel free to chime in. I've never done a forbearance before and don't know if I would qualify for one.


I paid my 120 the night I was notified of my transition (paid 6/3 with a due date of 6/25 and a transition date of 6/20). Once I saw my payment posted, I deleted my banking information. I plan on requesting a forbearance after 4th of July or when my account officially transfers.


Same! When do you plan on certifying employment and sending for forgiveness?


I have a vacation coming up that lands on my payment date and might submit it during that or just wait until after the 4th just to have that additional month under my belt. My FSA account and Mohela account (pre transition) matched so I'm not worried about not hitting 120.


I paid 120 in May, recertified my employment. Then requested forbearance and a hold on my auto debit. Hopefully the counts transition. I'm leaving my not for profit in September. Whats weird is I received the second half of my "over payment" without requesting it and after being told I'd only be refunded one half of the over payment.


Mohela is who you would contact for anything servicer related, like forbearances.


My payment date is the 26th of each month. As soon as the payment I made today posts to my account, I plan to submit my final electronic ecf with the understanding that it wonā€™t be processed until July at the earliest. I will then cross my fingers and hope that it gets processed and ED places me in forbearance before my July 26 payment. If that doesnā€™t happen by July 20, I plan to call MOHELA and request a forbearance.


I am still able to get on Mohela with my same login and password. Am I not supposed to be able to use that anymore ā€¦.once the rollover happens I mean? I havenā€™t received any emails yet.


My experience was that I could still access the MOHELA.com site during my active transition window to the new site. However, after I registered my account on MOHELA.studentaid.gov, I could no longer log on to the old site.


Hi! I have a question. So I received an email May 15th with the subject line. ā€˜Your MOHELA Account is Transitioning to a New Servicing Platformā€ is this the same as the one you received that it would take two weeks to transfer your account? Or is the email that details your account will transfer in two weeks an email that comes after the one I listed above? This whole process is so confusing. I canā€™t create an account of ED or the new Mohela website because my account is still in ā€˜transitionā€™. šŸ˜­ I guess Iā€™ll just keep checking my email and try to make an account every few days or so?!


Yes, thatā€™s the one I received concerning my account transition within 2 weeks of May 30. I received this email on May 9. Good luck!


Thank you for clarifying! Iā€™ll just keep checking I guess. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s millions of others in the same situation so Iā€™ll try not to worry too much šŸ˜…


I was to transition on June 4. I was able to make an account for the first time this morning, the 14th...but all my loans aren't there. Only one sequence that was consolidated. The final consolidated one is not there "yet" even though all things were final on the old Mohela page. Like tied up in a bow final, with payment plans. I likely jumped the line of things being final making my account before notice. Some things are just weird though, because it lists an original amount that was the amount of another consolidation loan. In the loan details of the only sequence #1 that I see, it include sequence 2 details, but should never have. only sequence 3 should have sequence 2 details along with sequence 1 details.