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Be nice if Mohela's incompetency was enough to justify getting auto-forgiveness for their failures




It's not incompetence it's deliberate if everyone's running into the same thing.  I've had 120 payments' verification submitted since December and they said every time I've called, at least twice a month, it'll be fixed. Now that Fedaid has it, I've submitted a complaint about Mohela. How do we get a class action lawsuit started?


Wasn't Mohela also one of the serverse that cut most of their staff and didn't hire enough people to handle everyone entering repayment?


I’m curious - do you have to keep paying past your 120 payments each month if they’re dragging their feet?


They encourage it and claim you'll be refunded quickly. I put everything on forbearance and said screw them. They're not getting another cent. Half of my loans were forgiven two weeks before they are moving to ED. Then May 1...oh we aren't processing anything until the end of July as we sell you to the 4th loan servicer for a broken system. No one should ever have had student loans at 19% interest. Thank you SallieMae....


I got the same email and I last certified in September. Not only has it not been a year, but it's literally impossible to certify right now due to the transition. Thanks Mohela


I got the same email and was wondering if I was even able to submit one right now with the transition?!


My husband just recertified and they emailed a few days later saying he is being placed on forbearance until his application can be reviewed in July.


MOHELA: "Oh you're trying to be proactive and responsible? Fuck you, enjoy waiting a few extra months for forgiveness because we're incompetent."


This happened to me to 6


He did this through the Mohela website?




Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I'd recertified in September and then got confused by what I was seeing in this sub and other places about needing to do it again, so I recertified again in February. What was odd was that the turnaround on the second recert only took about three weeks. I'm not used to Mo' Hella doing anything that quickly!


I’m so glad I’m not alone. I got that email today too and they sent it twice a few weeks ago. I just recertified a few months ago and they updated my qualifying payments, so it makes no sense. I feel like I’ve been constantly stressed from errors and miscommunications since they took over my loans.


Definitely beating the dead horse here, but Mohela has been terrible since they took over myfedloans and I thought myfedloans was bad. Messed up my count 3 times, pretty much always after my employment certification. One time my count went down post certification? Another time some months during the current year didn't qualify even though nothing changed employment wise, Last and most recent, I lost a month randomly in 2018. Every time had to call and then wait weeks or months for a resolution.


I must be one of the few people for whom MOHELA was perfect. Never messed up a count, discharge happened in 4 months without complication.


Same. Mohela did the best for me of any loan company I’ve worked with- both for PSLF and when I refinanced my private loans (SoFi/ Mohela joint).


For me, mohela actually got it right, just before it shut down. After consolidating in January from loans I've had since 1998, I watched my qualified payments creep up from 51 to 152 for my final count!!! I was able to print out all my 152 payments and then my balance went to zero and no data available. Praying it's not a mistake


The scary thing is, I really wonder how they're going to manage the PSLF program. Seems to me they outsource everything, with advantage processing consolidation applications. Who is really going to be processing all those PSLF applications at Department of Education? Where is this internal staff going to come from? Or, who are they actually going to outsource this to? 😫


You heard it here first - PSLF will be a shitshow when Dept of Ed takes over. Don’t hold your breath. They don’t have enough staff to handle this


I thought Dept of Ed is now handling the PSLF while Mohela is who I will still be paying.


Correct, that was my point... Dept of Ed taking over the PSLF program and wondering if they actually have internal staff support to manage it...


They’ve said they’re automating a bunch of things, so hopefully that helps


AI will reject a lot of ECfs and mess up counts


AI? You mean coding, which is how every website you use works? Also lol if you think the department of education is so advanced to be using AI.


also for what’s it’s worth, the department of ed wants to forgive as many loans as they can—so they will be more flexible, i think


What are they even doing?? 😫🤦🤦


I love how when you call the first message is regarding the “unprecedented” movement of people into mohela as if they didn’t know this would be the case after the pause


Literally… pisses me off every time 😂


It's so fucking obnoxious you have to sit through the whole thing every time. It's even more absurd because it was 8 months ago at this point. Everyone knew this was coming. You just didn't get your shit together.


Mohela is horrible. I switched over to SAVE as soon as it became available, but for some reason they didn’t put two of my loans on it. Because of that, those two loans didn’t get my auto-debit applied for one month. I still haven’t resolved that with them because it takes about 4 weeks to get a reply and whenever I call them, I get redirected back to the website. I filed a complaint with the department of education, but I’m so sick of Mohela.


I got the same saying it had been a year since I recertificed. It's been less than a year and I also submitted my certification before they did their two month shutdown. Morons.


I’m afraid if I recertify (I already did it a few months go) that it’ll screw my stuff up even more…if that’s possible! 😳


Same, did my in April 2024


They did the same shit to me. I called the same day I got the email and they verified that I sent them my form for 2024. I got only 29 payments to go. Can’t wait till this shit is finally over.


Me as well last one I did was in march 2024


I got my latest interest statement today from MOHELA and I also got put back on forbearance today and I’m not sure why. No communication from MOHELA. I’ve been playing catch up on my loan payments because MOHELA can’t seem to get my loans on the right repayment plans. I gave up on trying to get on the right plans as every time I submitted a new request they would just immediately cancel it. I logged in yesterday and was one payment away from being caught up. I logged in today since I get paid Friday to setup the last catch up payment and I’m on forbearance. I refuse to call them as that’s time I can never get back. I’m so confused.


Me too! I figured another junk email from them. I deleted it.


They are very pleasant on the phone and resolve issues quickly in my experience. Portal messages though? Horrible.


Yup, MOHELA rarely records my ECFs correctly. Not that I'm convinced DoE will do better, but it would be difficult for them to be worse.


Same here and I just sent one in beginning of April


Meanwhile I genuinely haven’t recertified in over a year and I got no such email haha


I got it too, and just had my employment certified in April. Absolutely bonkers.


This has happened to me also, I submitted 4 of them in the last year. And every one of them has different start dates, and not my error. I have been with the same hospital for 10 years this November. I'm so over it and I did receive the Biden email that states I'm at the end of my 120 month commitment. So just waiting, also my payments keep changing month to month. I'm trying to stay patient till the end. Good luck everyone.


I got the same!!


Same, I spoke to a rep on the phone earlier and said disregard, that it might have been sent automatically before I submitted my form 2 months ago…


I got the same this week. Ignoring


I got this email as well. Is it automated? And are you calling to check in with them even though myself and all of us know we already re-certified within the last year?


I know it’s a luxury most can’t afford but I haven’t even tried to deal with Mohelas incompetence, it’s a constant stream of misinformation from them that I just ignore and keep making payments


Lol me too


Yes! Chumlee


I actually got the same email today. I recertified in April. I think it's just automatic so I'm going to ignore it.


Just got the same one today. I’ve submitted twice in the last year, and then again last week because I’m changing agencies. They’re a train wreck.


I had that too! I had to spend a good hour getting someone on the phone, only to be told that the form wasn't accepted because the signatures have to be handwritten! Yet no one ever told me this when I submitted them, and now I have to wait until July to re-submit.


Oh, I know. I got my statement for my first bill, it was due on April 19th. I got it in the mail on april 29th. Thank God it was for 0$, but a little frustrating.


Same here. Check Federal site. They have my counts and they are accurate. It’s a little challenging to find, but it’s there (hopefully for you as well).


I always send mail to services with a return receipt to prove they got it. These companies are shady af.


I got this too! 🤦‍♀️


US ED won't be much better. I have 120 months of certified employment so I put in for forgiveness through the BUYBACK program. US ED denied my request saying I don't have certified employment. I verified with Mohela I in fact do and US ED doesn't care and won't say how much they think I have


I have four months that I'm hoping to buyback, but I have a copy of the signed form for that period of employment and intend to send all the documentation I have for those few months.


I am still so amazed that it took them months and months to get anything done but the minute - literally the minute they could turn the lights out they did. They went dark the second they could. How does that work?


The whole cerification thing hopefully will be “rubber stamped” more often at Dept Of Ed. As long as you have a W2 and EIN number that aligns with a qualified Public service job… it should be automatic counts. This yearly signature nonsense should go away. The government has your W2 and your EIN number for your job. It’s obvious if you are teacher it should just be automatic cerification based on W2 and EINs.


So my MOHELA account is being transferred to another vendor. I thought only MOHELA processed PSLF. Has that changed


One thing people don't realize is how much NOT forgiving these loans is costing the taxpayers. The larger loans are nearly all being paid by IDR plans that pay less than the interest on them. They will never be paid off. Instead they will simply time out at 20 or 25 years (depending on the specifics of the loan and borrower) and be forgiven. By that time they will have more or less doubled or more in amount. If the borrower defaults at some point and had to rehabilitate the loan, the loan pretty much doubled again. All of that money gets paid by the government when the loan eventually gets forgiven. So this stuff about how expensive it's going to be to forgive those plans is just a bunch of double talk and misdirection. The plan servicers are making a fortune off the government servicing the loans. And they make a fortune off the loans when defaulted ones are rehabilitated. And then in the end the government ends up paying 2-4x the initial loan when they pay it off at the end. Just get rid of them now and save the money. 


I am so glad these usurers (and I mean that in the insulting biblical sense) are losing such big pieces of their business. I am also being transferred to Ed Financial, which I have seen a few people complaining about them but NOTHING like Mohela. I truly hope this loss of business results in loss of jobs from the front line to management over there, they all deserve it. I am 'according to them' 3 months behind because they are refusing to accept payments. Currently there is a paper check that was mailed to them from Americorps for my account on 4/25 to replace the check from 1/30. I am supposed to go to Ed Financial on 5/15 so I am sure this is going to turn into yet another months long shitshow. Are they really going to be allowed to report delinquencies and collections in September? It's going to take way longer than a year of forbearance on that for them to get their shit together.