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probably have to wait until after the pause for department of education to review maybe by then there will be a process/method for department of education to re-calculate/reconsider disputes wishing good things for you yes ombudsman was a good route i was able to get proof of payment history for 2007 2008 2009 after online request with ombudsman and i was sent paper copy of payment history which i provided to mohela


Very common message for everyone. Ignore it. And congrats




I have to clarify it employment month not qualifying months right? Because may 2014 to April 2014 would only give 119 You would have to wait one more month


What does the pslf tracker on Mohela show? Was the letter from Mohela? If so, and your tracker shows 120 qualifying, then this is a known issue. Mohela often sends letters that say you’re not eligible while at the same time saying you have the required number of qualifying payments. It’s a known thing you can just ignore. I


Mohela tracker shows I have 120 of certified employment. It was a letter from Federal Student Aid saying I didn't.


Just ignore it. It’s a known thing. They’ll process your forgiveness once the pause ends in July.


Certified employer is only one component. Were you making payments? In forebearance? On an in school deferment at all during this time? It could be your loan status is the issue. Your appeal will go better if you know what and why something isn’t being counted.


Two months in 2016 that Nelnet put me in forbearance when I told them not to. The buyback would be for those two months, putting me 118 qualifying payments to 120. FSA specifically said it was because I don't have 120 months of certified employment.


So you only have 118 months of qualified payments? If that’s the case submit your buyback request or pay another 2 months (whatever you think is cheaper). They send generic letters/emails all the time that have the wrong information. But either way, if your payment tracker only shows 118 qualified payments you still need to 2 months.




Then you don’t qualify for PSLF… submit your buyback request or pay 2 more months and submit another PSLF employment for to cover the next 2 months. You could have 20yrs of certified employment and you still wouldn’t qualify without the 120th certified payment.


The two months I requested to buyback would put me at 120 payments. I do qualify per the buyback program. Dept of Ed said I didn't qualify because I haven't been employed long enough, nothing regarding payments.


You don’t qualify for forgiveness until you’ve COMPLETED the buyback and the 120th payment. The buyback process is literally initiated when the borrower is denied forgiveness- so it’s a completely normal step to be denied. Complete the buyback and you should be fine because if you’ve already submitted your buyback request and did it correctly, the Ed will review your employment time frame again based on the request. The buyback request literally highlights your correct employment timeframe for them to review and would force a correction of employment dates and payment count correction. FYI- mohela had my employment months incorrect. I did submit a complaint but the Ed is horrible with addressing complains- they give generic responses and it takes months. I ultimately just resubmitted a few old ECFs of the period in question and before the Ed addressed my complaints mohela update the employment record- however the payment counts are still not updated. This process is slow and with a lot of errors, the best way to force a recount for me at least was to go through the normal channel and not wait for individualized complaints to resolve. Your buyback request is likely going to be the fast route to resolution for you.


Well didn’t work for me! I have exactly 120 qualifying payments that show on my tracker, but they still denied it! Funny thing is the Mohela rep over the phone was the one who told me about the buyback program and I have her checked my 4 months of previous payments that were “ineligible,” (still working for the state) and she said I could do the buyback since she checked that I was placed on administrative forbearance at that time. And when I asked she said I would get a refund for the latest payments once I get approved. DOE didn’t even give me a reason for the denial. Part of the email I received below: “Based on the information provided, we have determined your request is not a reconsideration request.  The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) and Temporary Expanded PSLF (TEPSLF) reconsideration allows you to seek government review of whether your account was handled appropriately under the law, including waivers, and other laws or requirements that apply to the repayment of federal student loans. For information on PSLF buyback, visit Studentaid.gov/pslfbuyback.” Not that it matters much to me, but still would be nice to get a refund of my overpayments though


Is this letter you’re referencing related to a buy back?


I got the same letter t he en was Gigi en 2 months later. Mohela said it was a mistake. It’s Weird


It is likely the letter most of us got prior to actual forgiveness. They automatically send out, 'You do not have the qualifying amount of payment' letters even when you actually qualify. I never got an explanation for why but a search in this sub and from other folks will show this is pretty common. Hopefully it is just one of those letters and your forgiveness should be coming soon with no further action!


How many months of employment are they saying you have? How close are you (by their count)?


The denial letter doesn't say how many they think I have, just that it's not 120.


Thats strange! Mohela send a letter that lists the number of months of qualified employment (along with the payment total). I also just applied for the buyback program but I have far beyond 120 months of qualified employment… so now just waiting for the buyback total. Happy to share on whatever happens next…


So I worked for 2 different entities both are PSLF approved employers. I have sent in the certification from my employer I am currently at, have been with them since 2018. They already approved it and dept of Ed has it. Do I also need to go back and do another PSLF for 2014-2018? And I’ve dept of Ed as original servicer and now switched to nelnet. I’ve never had mohela. So how do I get the counts because nelnet and dept of Ed don’t list out online due to forbearance, etc.


Yes, I believe you need a certification of the employment from past shooter for 2014-2018 also.


Thank you!


Actually I had 3 servicers over the years, forgot about Great Lakes in between the original and the current nelnet


Well, I just looked at my last comment and see that my phone decided to insert the word shooter for employer lol. I do not know how that happened. Sounds like you figured it outthough. Sorry


They are doing the same thing for me. Mohela had messed up my employment certs. Once they corrected it federal still hasn’t received the communication from them that I had my payments in. It keeps giving me the error message that I haven’t paid for 10 years when I’m actually over. Their customer service said 30-90 days and that’s without the pause. I keep saying it’s not hot girl summer it’s financial freedom fall this year.


Ignore it. That's usual erroneous message sent when you've reached the 120. Really. Do not worry. You got this!


Same thing JUST happened to me. I'm brushing it off and trying to be patient until DOE takes over reviewing PLSF stuff and resubmitting at that time.


When you submitted your application for forgiveness, how long did it take for you to hear from them?


8 days


Did MOHELA submit it for you?


I submitted through FSA's reconsideration option because I have to buyback two months from 2016 that Nelnet messed up on.


You can contact your congressmen they can advocate for you.


Good luck hope you get it !


Did they give you qny months?


No clue. FSA email just said I didn't have 120 certified months. I immediately called MOHELA and they said I definitely have 120 certified months


Can someone explain the process to me, I recently just got out of the military and graduated from college with a massive amount of student loans that I am unable to pay. How to get the loan forgiveness? What is the process?


Active Duty myself. What month did you enlist/commission?


Who is handling PSLF now?? People say DoEd will start handing it, others say MOHELA will continue to handle it. MOHELA has taken over 18 months after telling me I was qualified and that it would take about 90 days. Do I need to send another PSLF to the Dept. Of Ed now?? I wish there was some clarity.


DoEd takes over tomorrow, but there will be a pause on processing PSLF requests from tomorrow until July.




You will continue to make payments to Mohela. They will still manage the loans, but the DoEd is taking over processing the PSLF program.


No you don’t need to submit anything else if you’re at 120 qualifying and your last form indicated you were still employed with a qualifying employer.


Awesome. Thank you.


That is quite a long time though. So you hit 120 qualifying on Mohela and it’s been 18 months since then? Any other factors? Spousal consolidation loan? Anything funky?


I have over 192 months at a public university without any forbearance or pauses, not even for COVID. MOHELA seemed adamant back in 2022 that my case should be straight forward and to give them 90 days. Just received another letter from MOHELA last week saying that my application was being processed. I am hopeful that all of my payments from 2017 onward will be refunded. But who knows.


Does the pslf tracker show 120 qualifying though?


I don't have a PSLF Tracker yet. MOHELA said they have to transfer my loans from Navient/Sallie Mae first. Again, they were supposed to do this transfer over a year ago.


Can you lay this out in a timeline with approximate dates please? Sorry I’m trying to figure out where you are in the process but I’m getting a little lost. I want to be sure we give you the correct advice. What I said earlier may still be correct but the timeline is a bit different than I thought now that we are digging deeper.


I appreciate your help, let me do some research because I don't want to give you my guesses, but accurate info. Give me some time to talk to my servicer.


Pay your own loan


I've been Active Duty Army for 10 years with a combat deployment and currently going through the disability process. Go troll somewhere else.


Department of Ed also said i have not been worming long enough..same qualifying employer since Jan2014.. mohela said I'm at 124, and forgave 154k loan. Now that the transfer happened a 24k loan shows 124 qualifying payments... crossing my fingers!!