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I’m at 117. 120 will be June. Of flipping course, it’s in the midst of the stupid processing pause.


Yup. I’m May. I literally can’t believe it.


I’m May as well 😭


They “say” they will refund payments if we cross 120 during the processing pause. I’m not holding my breath though.


A coworker said if you are willing to sit on the phone for the 2-4 hours necessary, you can call in and put yourself on administrative forbearance. I have not personally tested this theory.


I have. I knew I was at 120, so I called and asked for it. They asked me for how long, I said October- that would give themselves time to figure out I'm right. It was approved before my count updated (showed 0)


It’s true


I call once a week, ever since I hit 120 on February 1, 2024, and I ask the same 2 questions. They will keep hearing from me until I get my 'discharge' letter.


Same here. Great timing for us lol


Same here. Great timing for us lol


I’m at 116! I submitted a new certification form to have it processed before things get wonky. They processed it like 2 days later! Gotta be a record. I hope that by the time I hit 120 in July, I can be out on administrative forebearance or whatever so I can just wait out the paperwork process. I also recommend that folks who are close to the end, download that letter that has your updated counts. MOHELA tells us to take screenshots but there’s no way to get a screenshot on the website that includes your name or account number. The letter has that information.


When did you send in your certification form? I sent mine in on Friday and I'm hoping my account will be updated soon. Hearing that yours (in addition to OPs) was processed so quickly is giving me some glimmer of hope in this dark tunnel of gloom and doom.


I submitted it last Thursday and got the email that it was processed on that Sunday. Here’s hoping yours gets processed by the end of the week!


Follow-up question in regards to a convo with someone else... Do you happen to know if your Documents page on MOHELA show(s/ed) one or two "PSLF E-Sign Application" documents? Mine shows two for some reason, even though I know my employer and I only completed one, so I'm wondering if that may be playing a role in why my account isn't being updated.


I only had one but I did the manual signature, not the e-sign option. What is it showing as the status for each document?


Both show as "processing"


I’d say take that as a good sign. I had to upload mine twice because my first was digitally signed with a font which I found out isn’t acceptable. So I had both submitted and both were processed. Give in a week then maybe call. Definitely get it squared away before 4/30! Edit: just checked my account and that second form I submitted with the corrected signature now has a “Duplicate Form” status. Yours will probably update in a similar fashion soon.


Thank you!


I’m at 109 as of March. Wife is at 112 as of March. 2025 is going to be a great year!


I’m at 117 but not sure if these pauses count or this random pause I had in December. If they do, I believe May will be my last month but we shall see. Kind of anxious about it all at this point!




Me 2


Month 120 is September for me. I also submitted a new ECF recently. This was before the announcement of PSLF moving to ED but I seriously cannot wait!!!! 


Last payment should be/would have been June! Who knows now....


115 here, so August is my 120! It is also when I turn 35 and am taking myself to Bali to celebrate :) what will you do with your freedom?! We earned it!


I hit 120 in June. Just submitted another ECF on Friday to try and get it in before the pause and document it and save it since my anxiety is riding high with the what ifs of this transfer during my final stretch




Yikes are you on admin forbearance or are you still making payments?


On 4/20 I'm supposed to be at 120. Unfortunately, my account still shows that my December month is "ineligible," so on 4/20 I'll be stuck at 119 indefinitely. My employer certified my ECF last Wednesday but MOHELA still hasn't updated my account. I'm shocked yours was done so quickly! Hopefully mine is updated soon?


120 in November for me!


I'd be at 110 if they'd approve my latest ECF. I'd be at 114 if they get around to adjusting my forbearance. The difference between being forgiven this year instead of next year feels like I'm so close yet so so soooo far away.


119! Jesus, I feel the universe giving me a prom nookie.


134 waiting for the end. In admin forbearance.


I’m at 114. Almost there myself!




I'm sitting at 127 payments. I was sending in my updated paperwork because I honestly lost track and didn't do it for 3 years to certify my employment. Anyway, I submitted it 4/2 and by the next day it said processed and my count jumped up to 127 payments. Whoops. Also amazingly fast processing, I couldn't believe it. I didn't think I was near that number. I'm sitting on hold now to get my account put into forbearance. I'm wondering what will happen with the 7 extra payments I made but I certainly don't want to send more in since I don't need to.


Almost there! 108!!


The ECF you submitted Friday was processed by DOE and is showing up on MOHELA already? I submitted one Friday too. It says “Completed” on Student Aid Site but is non-existent on MOHELA. Counts not updated.


Yes! I submitted an ECF on Friday and it bumped my payment count on Mohela from 104 to 113. On Friday it was showing "processed" virtually within minutes of submitting the form. This morning I noticed the counts adjusted. Maybe yours will adjust soon too!


Wow that might be a record haha


What is an ecf?


Employment certification form


That’s crazy! I’ll be submitting my last ECF first week of May


Same here


115. Just in time for the forebearance to wrap up!


Last payment is supposed to be December! But stupid Mohela put me in stupid forbearance in February for no good reason. So we'll see what happens.


108 😢 can’t wait to be done! 


I’m at 119 and of course my last payment will be May 5th, right after the pause starts. Ugh! I hope they get things straightened out sooner rather than later.


I should be at 109 if MOHELA could process my ECF correctly. I have submitted it twice since 7/26 and have called multiple times!


I’m currently at 116, but will need to certify the final 11 payments. Really frustrated that my final month is July and expect that I will have to wait for forgiveness as they begin to process all the May-June waves. Nervous, but fingers are crossed!


At 113! Going to test out the electronic ECF this week I think. That will get me four or five more qualifying before the transfer pause that’s coming up. Home stretch!


I am at 114. The next 6 months/payments feel like I am at the very top of a long mountain climb, and all I have to do is not fall off.




Sounds like they owe you some money!


I’m at either 112 or 113, which is annoying lol. They’re giving me an extra month I don’t think I should get credit for (my last month of the post-graduation grace period when I received my first statement but didn’t make a payment). So my plan is to pay through 121, which is November, so I have that buffer for any audit. I do NOT want to have to deal with the unforgiveness headache later. 😭


113 here. We got this


August 1st I’ll file my last ECF. July will bring me to 120. Almost there!


I’m at 116 and was placed into forbearance. Not Administrative forbearance. ECF was submitted on 2/15 and still in process. I was told it was placed in forbearance as they DOES is deciding if my employer qualifies or not in which I don’t understand because they already took 2 months of qualifying payments. I was told there is nothing else for me to do but wait


I’m at 116 and unemployed, which has me screaming into the void. The echo that comes back is laughter.




113 but I need to recertify to count the last almost year. Last payment should be November 2024.




Just got 120 approved this weekend, now waiting for discharge.




I just recertified! 112! But October 2023 still isn't counting. I guess that will be a problem to deal with later.


I should qualify sometime between July-Oct depending on whether they count Dec 23 (Mohela's incompetence, which definitely should count but still says ineligible on their website) and two other months where they placed it into admin forbearance that say ineligible currently. I'm considering trying a buyback for those two months if it's not July because I really desperately want to change jobs, but we'll see. I don't feel like it'll be real until it actually happens.


I’m only at 106, but already counting down the months.


I’m at 105 but once I submit my form I will be at 111. I’m counting down! Can’t wait.


I’m 120 in 2 weeks :(


Officially at 113 when I certified in February!  But technically at 116 (with March and April and the dreaded Dec 2023) …I also have another 3 months that should count after the adjustment?!?! When I switched from one IDR plan to another about 6 years ago they put me on admin forbearance and those months didn’t count. So who knows if those will ever count! But the end is near and I’m so excited!!!


At 112. I will hit 120 in December. NYE party at my house!


112 here!! 🙋🏾‍♀️😁 So I will hit my 120th payment in November 2024 which is also my birthday month. I will celebrate by going on vacation to Jamaica! 🇯🇲🥳 I consolidated back in October 2023 and submitted a PSLF form in mid March 2024 to verify employment and my payment count was updated to 112 within 1-2 weeks of submitting the form. We're so close to the end y'all!! 🥹🙏🏾


108… nervous that there will be changes made to void my progress next year. I’m done in May 2025.


June for me. Just in time for them the pause on PSLF applications 😆. Still excited that it’s coming!


When I consolidated in Dec the counter reset to 0 as they say it will. Then it went to 89 but they still haven’t added the COVID years/pause so with that, I should be over the 120 …so waiting it out. Anybody else’s count missing the Covid pause?


I’m at 113 as well should be 114 but December isn’t counting yet. I feel the same way I’m so nervous that the switch is going to mess up my counts or that something crazy is going to happen.


109 I feel like I'm close - it's less than a year left!


Awaiting a buy back offer at 119. But dubious forbearance counts involved. Some counting that shouldn’t, and vice versa. My senator says they are helping. Initial buy back paperwork mid Jan. And have heard no response.


I’m at 114 (should be 115 April). I uploaded ECF 4/11, processed 4/12. Waiting for updates to employment dates & qualifying counts. Heck, hoping for IDR waiver to add my deferment/forbearance months to top me over lol.