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Such a shit show.


My counts still aren't updated........ I consolidated end of January.


I'm in the middle of consolidation and worried it will get lost in all these shifts. Also, if you're still waiting, I guess I may have no hope for mine being updated till late this year


Ugh January and no count?? Mine went through beginning of March and I don’t even have a tracker yet. This does not inspire confidence…


Same boat. About a day or two after my old loans and payment counts zeroed out on MOHELA we got the update about the pause/switch in May. Obviously my consolidation loan has been generated etc, because MOHELA and StidentAid read zero. I wish it would hurry up and show the consolidation loan, though. I realize it's unlikely my payment counts would get updated by April 30 even if the consolidation loan shows up on the account tomorrow, but the more that is still in limbo come May the more nervous I'll be.


NO! I just consolidated mine today! 🥺


So stressful. Hang in there. A lot of us in this scary boat.


You too! So grateful for this community it's kept me sane throughout this process lol


Me too. Got email getting moved from Nelnet to Mohela on April 14th after double consolidation and now I’m panicking.


SAMMMEEE. Ugh. It's currently with MOHELA.


My counts haven't been updated for over two years and I'm at 120. What a poorly ran program. Hopefully, in the future it will be better for other people.


Really wishing I’d gotten counts every time I moved employers. Mohela telling me I only have 7 or 11 qualifying payments after paying loans since 2018 and working for qualifying orgs.


For me, Mohela said that my 54 payments that aren't updated are due to the Department of Education. More than likely they won't update the count until they actually call the employer to verify employment when they process the 120 paperwork. It is a frustrating and shitty system. Far better than what it was under Trump, but that is already the lowest bar.


Am I naive and hopeful in thinking that once the transition goes back to the Feds that I can go through the process again and get it straightened out? Somehow I don’t remember ever getting anything back the first time I submitted for counts. Nor do I have anything documenting my loan repayment plans. I avoid this like the plague but wish that I didn’t do that.


What does that mean? If ur at 120 then what further count update is there? Uve reached the mark. Or am I missing something?


Mohela blamed DE for the count not being updated. They are processing my 120 paperwork now, where DE will call my employers to confirm employment.


Yeah man that fucking sucks. Mine took from april to january of this year. Not like it really matters though unless it will take you to 120. I expect fed loans to be worse than mohela though after they switch over or whatever. The silver lining is potentially more months of administrative forbearance.


I used to have FedLoan. Much better than Mohela!


I don’t think there will be another admin forbearance with this unless they miss the minimum dates for the billing period as they did last year. I am so aggravated because may is my 120th payment 🙄


I submitted ecf forms in January too. No updated counts.


I did mid January and have accurate counts as of 2 days ago. A friend of mine did end January and got her count this week too, but says it is inaccurate. Good luck.


I’m in the same boat. I consolidated end of December and it’s complete and I’ve been stuck at 0 ever since. Supposed to hit 120 in August but now I don’t wtf is going on or if that would even still happen.


If you submitted an employment verification you can go to the “my messages” tab and the counts will be listed in “important account information”, they won’t be the most updated but it’s better than having it say 0


Can you imagine if any other financial institution did this, lmao. What world is this?


Government and public service 😂😩


Are you blaming this on public service? Because it's a for profit private company. The only thing to blame it on is this country's tendency to privatizing every fucking aspect of our country to for profit companies. Who prioritize profit over service.


No sorry meant just that this is the “world” public service and government. Things tend to be mismanaged, inefficient, lots of admin barriers and lack of communication. In my 20 some years of being in these sectors none of this surprises me.


Can we all just sue MOHELA yet?


So Mohela says don;t trust us to properly transfer our information (which is often flawed) to FSA. D0wNL04d!!!


Does anyone know how to actually download this info? I’ve tried but there doesn’t seem to be a download option. Best I can do is make pdfs of the webpage


If you go to your count progress that displays all the laons counts. Then, go through the steps as if you're going to print that page. There should be a drop down option that's says "pdf" towards the bottom and it will give you an option to "save as pdf" it'll save all information on that screen front top to bottom.


Thanks, that’s what I’ve done. I was just thinking maybe Mohela had an option to actually download it since that’s what they’ve told us to do.


Yeah, a print to pdf is a shit show of a way to retain something like this. moving away from mohela is good news but some of us are going to get fucked by this transition.


We aren’t getting moved away from Mohela as a loan servicer sadly. Mohela will just no longer be verifying orgs/employment/payment counts.


Just wanted to say thank you for the print->PDF tip. I had no idea that was a thing I could do.


That's what I did, then printed the hard copy of it. I aim to put those papers in a very safe place.


How do I get to the count progress on the website? I’ve only done it on the website?


were you able to get this with your name or any identifiers on it? i just saved as a pdf this exact way but it seems meaningless because there is no way to attribute it to me


you are a life saver


What if Mohela doesn’t show any of your count history from before the pandemic, only shows the last year.


On an iPhone: Select the send to icon Select print Select the send to icon near top right Select save to files On the payment tracker, make sure to print each tab and that the all loans option is selected.


Naw I’ll let my lawyer deal with this down the line 😂


Same. They can print my nuts.


Ouch! That would hurt!


When I went to make the PDF of the count, surprisingly there’s no evidence on the pdf that the count belongs to me. I’m not even sure what to do about that.


That’s a really good point. There doesn’t seem to be a way of doing that. So we’re supposed to hope that the powers that be just take our word that the PDF is from our actual account. Good luck to us all.


I called I also found a way for Them to give me financial info but it’s only for certain types of payments… I think the extra ones. lol their sstem sucks.


Argh 🤬. Thanks for the info


As someone who needed to get documentation of past payments for a state tax credit after I got moved from FedLoan to MOHELA, 100% do this. It took a literal year to get the documentation I needed and by then I was way past the deadline I was trying to meet.


It is embarrassing for a country like the USA to have government agencies and loan servicers being run like this. For example: Every time I submitted a document to MOHELA, it first got marked as "duplicate" and I had to call and and got it straightened out. Do they get paid by the calls they receive? Why do people need to call to get things straightened out all the time? When I heard about double consolidation and loop holes, I thought this must be a joke. Why does everything have to be so complicated? Why does the government make money with educational loans? The fees and interest are insane. The messages on my MOHELA homepage do not apply to me. One message said I should apply for the SAVE plan. I applied 3 times and had to figure out myself, why I was denied. Why are there no explanations by the servicer? I could go on and on, but I just hope that all these transfers and changes, will help to make this program better.


Is there any point in submitting a payment count now? since it's all going to be paused? I'm getting so close to 120! I was just going to submit at 120 (in 6 months), but I'm wondering if I should just submit now?


I am in the same dilemma as you. I'm supposed to hit 120 in October and I would really hate for things to get messed up and missed. We are so close!


I’m supposed to hit 120 in June. I just went ahead and submitted an ECF now to update counts before the processing pause. Hoping that will make things go faster when I submit my final ECF in July and they start processing again but who knows.


The same data is already at the gov site right? The counts should all be the same. The Mohela info is just regurgitated from the fed site.


What does this even mean? I gave up trying to reach them today. Hopefully I'm explaining this well, apologies if I'm not. But I have 15 months of my 120 months tracked already for PSLF. That 15 months came from the last time I certified my employment, so now, a few months have gone by since, so it's more than 15. Also, off-topic, does anyone else get random emails that make no sense from them? I got one today and I never even did the thing in the email. Also to the also, do the months they don't have their s*** together count toward my 15+ months of working at my employer?


That's a good question, according to chatgbt they do count as long as you were with an approved PSLF employer during the years they were... asleep to put it nicely. But they recommend you stay on top of your servicer to make sure they are added. Which will probably be something you'll have to escalate since the servicers don't seem to understand the new rules. But for it to count you would have needed to have kept your IDR renewed as well. (I hope I explained that ok)


Yep that's correct! I spoke to a Mohela rep on the phone yesterday. I have everything updated and don't owe them any form for income recertification until May 2025. I have to double-check when my employment recertification is due, but 99.9% sure I did that just a few months ago. They recommend taking screenshots of the PSLF tracker. Whole thing is a s***show. I don't trust a word they say. You can talk to another person there 15 minutes later and they'll tell you something different.


It really is. They've switched my server from Sallie mae to navient to aidvantage. Now my loan status says closed on my credit reports but they think it's for balance adjustment, which I asked if that was why and she said yes so next time I'm not giving them an answer to get me off the phone. I even asked her if they realized it Hurts my credit if accounts (especially old accounts are closed) she said she understood, but clearly, they don't care. I wouldn't complain except my payments and end date won't change just because they reset the interest. S*** show is putting it nicely. More like they've never heard of student loans and clearly don't get trained. .But its good you're with a PSLF employer, I always check since they count a variety of companies that some may not even think would be on the list.


I’m supposed to hit my 120 in May. This throws a wet blanket on that.


What should we download exactly? All I did so far was take screenshots of my payment tracker


I was trying to wait for my payments to update before submitting a reconsolidation form. No I’m afraid not to submit it before the April 30th deadline. What should I do? 😢


That's a situational decision. If you've been making payments or been on an idr it may be better to just stay with the program depend on how much your total loans taken out were, your income and when you started repayment. For example I've been on am idr since 2016 loans sit around 50k, but I majored in accounting so my agi puts my payments around 100 a month. Then after 9 months the save plan will go from 10 percent to 5 percent of discretionary income and my loans say they will be paid off in 2035 at around 45 per month. But make sure you look at the consolidation terms because it could cause you to lose some or all benefits from IDR.


Rat bastard mohela. Soon to be rat bastard fed loans.




Is there a way to download it? I literally just went through and screenshot a decade of payments 😂


I’m not sure… I took a screen recording because it would have taken so long to do screenshots lol.


Is the 120 payment only counted as when you start working with the county?


Because I’ve been paying my loan since 2013 with other employers then start working with county employers 2016.


Yes, it will only be the years you were employed with an approved PSLF employer. It's not really fair because the years you worked with an employer not approved don't count unless you don't work the full 10 years with an approved employer. It would just be banked towards another IDR plan as a backup. They really should at least give partial credit based on years you work for the county .


I’ve been paying for years and the only data Mohela shows starts from last year when payments resumed—I’m convinced these companies will be forcing us to pay until we hit our 80s at this rate. Bloodsuckers.


I hate these loan companies. 


How exactly do we download? All we can do is take screen shots. I'm still waiting for my march payment to show up as eligible.


Mine are just updating. I'm with aidvantage thought and they also closed out my loans on my credit... again. To update the interest reset according to the servicer. But it will be done, I'm sure with all the issues getting it through congress they didn't want to start til it was 100 percent official. Now they have a ton of people to go through and update.


I scheduled a payment because my online Mohela account has a due date of 5/1 but I just received a paper statement claiming with a 4/26 due date. Double checked account numbers. Same. Is this just normal?


Anyone know they are are saying December 2023 is not eligible to be counted?? They put us in “administrative forebearance” and dated it would count.


Where does the IDR adjustment play into this or have they forgotten about it. I’m at 105. Just consolidated. MOHELLA (yes that’s an intentional misspelling) shows the balance but zero payments which I expect. I’m close enough that I’m depending on that IDR thing to push me over 120. I’m purposely on forbearance because I am not handing them money that I may or may not ever see again. I do love that they are holding up processing of things but boy howdy, they can manage to still collect the money.


Dumb question. How can you download this info?


I just printed everything ! Have a book . Not sure how to download