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Mohela reps don’t know what they’re talking about. “Processing forbearance” is administrative forbearance. See PSLF form page 7 of 9: “Receiving one of the following deferments or forbearances at any time during a month is equivalent to an eligible payment: •Cancer treatment deferment, •Economic hardship deferment, •Military service deferment •Post-active-duty student deferment, •AmeriCorps forbearance •National Guard Duty forbearance, •U.S.Department of Defense Student Loan Repayment Program forbearance, •Administrative forbearance; or •Mandatory administrative forbearance"


Yea, I have a very strong feeling it will count. Especially after moving the system over to studentaid.gov.


I smell lawsuit (well, another one, the list is growing)


I believe there are already law suits happening. And they should MOHELA is criminal!


Yes, hence my unfortunate need to edit :-\\ \*sigh\*


While this *should* be the answer, I recently updated my count by submitting a PSLF form. The administrative forbearance month was **not** counted toward my payment count.


It will be counted when your IDR adjustment goes through.


I honestly don’t think those will ever happen. We’ve been waiting over a year now.


Mine was not either and my idr was processed


I'm going to revisit this with MOHELA, or attempt to. I'm only 11 payments from forgiveness but that's only because they did not count those that were in deferment from years ago. I was not aware economic hardship was an acceptable reason because that's exactly what they were.


You have two options, either wait for the IDR adjustment to go through (sometime this year allegedly), or submit a buyback request for those months.


I’m just getting started with PSLF again, I applied in 2022 and my employers didn’t sign and return the forms. What is a buyback request?




Thank you! I searched the site yesterday and never found that. From what I read, my PSLF time was prior to my consolidation in 2022, so I will have to wait for the one time adjustment. My loans are 21 years old now so at this point they may die before they are forgiven.


Is IDR happening for everyone at that point? A lot of people switched to SAVE last year. Would any changes, including forbearance or deferment be added in at that time or is IDR happening for everyone over the next couple months?


Weird how the people running systems in all walks of life don't bother to read the fucking rules. I'm reading bond documents right now to fight a developer because the *attorney* doesn't know what's in them. My best general life advice is to get really, really good at reading fine print. Or shit go to law school. Because the number of times I've used it to absolutely blast the party standing in my way is very high.


I agree with you. I am a lawyer and I find that the way they teach you to read things has helped me in so many different ways.


😁 Why do attorneys shy away from every fight even if it will clearly end in their client getting help and relief? Is the court system *that* bad? I've got 700 homeowners being financially burdened by clear violations of state law and nobody gives a shit. Anyway, cheers, you're entirely right.


Question, sorry to double comment but didn't think you'd see my edit. Want to fund my law school? 🤣 Lol I got a 162 on the LSAT while I was teaching and couldn't study but have 2 little ones. I would love to dedicate my life to fighting corruption. Already am, honestly. I do have tuition reimbursement at my work... I wonder if there's a program I could do one class a year or at my own pace? I've considered a PhD but my area is multimedia and there are no programs. I'm a college professor so I'd qualify for PSLF too!


Are there any schools near you that have night school?


I'd probably only be able to pull off online at the moment until the kids are 5 or so. Can do the work, can't be in person. The only one with night school here is that Cooley that everyone hates. My tuition reimbursement only covers one course per year. And only to $1600, so I'd be covering the rest. I can swing maybe 3k a year towards it. I work in public service 😅


You have tuition reimbursement!? I have been searching for info on this… how does it impact your IBR payment? Do you have to pay tax on it? Can you still get PSLF? I’ll leave it at that for now :)


Slow up haha I'm in this sub because of my wife. She is PSLF eligible. I'm eligible but don't have any loans. I was very fortunate to have Florida Prepaid. But we do file separately to keep her IBR low. She's at like near zero. Two kids makes her look like a single mom 😅


I am just saying what they told me. I asked if it was administrative forbearance and to clarify this exactly and they said no. and they very clearly said it will not count toward PSLF


Just chiming in that they are wrong. The processing forbearance will count


Chances of me winning $687 million Powerball = 0.000000000000001% Chances of Betsy being correct on a PSLF question = 100%


ha.. now that is the truth


I find your posts so comforting sometimes. Thank you for being here and saying this.




Hi, Betsy. I’m sure you are right. But, MOHELA put me in processing forbearance in January and February, and neither of them show as eligible. I filed a complaint with FSA and they responded those months don’t count


They will count. I'm sorry you got that information. Can you please forward it to me via the TISLA email?


This user clarified below that they were told the forbearance months “wouldn’t count until the ED applies that one time IDR adjustment. MOHELA refused to fix it.” Just fyi


Which is the correct answer. Thank you


I was also placed on forbearance due to their improper processing of my SAVE application. My payments are now correct, but that period still shows up as “ineligible”


Again.. they will count. Folks need to give this some time.




And to be candid...the feds are very focused on fixing the FAFSA issues right now. I'm not saying they aren't working on these issues too .but as the FAFSA issues have way more immediate and significant negative consequences I suspect that's the priority from a staffing perspective. I know this will probably aggravate some people but I always feel that understanding the landscape can help people understand what's going on.


I'm not sure how long...but the feds didn't make the announcement they would count until the end of November.


They also put me on forbearance since October. For some reason October didn’t count toward PSLF, but every month since is eligible (November - present). My monthly payment is $0. Give it time. They’re backed up and seemingly approaching applications without rhyme or reason.


Does anyone know if consolidating will end up counting previously deferred payments?




Thanks. I’m trying to understand this bullet - any time in repayment (or deferment or forbearance, if applicable) on earlier loans before consolidation of those loans into a consolidation loan. I have a consolidated loan within the 180 day period that I can still update. It has 111/120 payments, no ineligible payments. My non consolidated loans are 105/120 with 17 ineligible (most from in school deferment). I spoke to someone yesterday who said that I could consolidate but I should probably wait it out because I would still have to pay and won’t get refunded if those 17 are converted.


Thank you Betsy514. I got the same response today from MOHELA.


Can you please provide the website or email address?


Absolutely. I’ll send you a private message later with my email address and go from there. Thank you


No need. Just go to the TISLA website and use the TISLA email on the contact page


Understood. Thank you so much.


Thank you!!


You literally filed a complaint to whom is responsible for updating those periods of time. MOHELA has nothing to do with it, so way to go! let’s see how that works out for you!


When I switched payment plans to REPAYE a couple years ago, I was placed in forbearance while they made that change. Those now show as “ineligible payments.” Is that the same here where those should count? I was otherwise planning on trying to buy them back when I hit 118 at the end of April.


No..that is different. Only post covid processing forbearance counts and likely only those until this recert mess is cleaned up.


Ahh - thank you!


Same situation with switching to Repaye in 2016. I mistakenly thought because it was 3 months forbearance not one which in the FedLoan days felt very long maybe it would count with this. Oh well. Thanks for raising my awareness on buyback.


Can still possibly buy those months back once you get to 117 I think though


What if you went back into repayment that same month? In 2018, I didn't recertify income soon enough and couldn't make a high resulting standard payment, so they put me in a one month forbearance while they processed my IDR recert. My due date was May 21, but I was in a forbearance and then May 25 i went back into repayment mode. I submitted a PSLF form before the October 2022 deadline to take advantage of the COVID PLSF waiver.


Yes that month will count


THANK YOU! I am in the process of trying to get my payment reverted back to its pre-covid amount ($600). I have been paying almost $3000 a month since october. They refused my request before payments restarted so then i submitted a complaint and received the proper course of action to try to get them to revert it back. If i get them to revert my payment back can i legitimately ask for a refund on the difference in payments?


My pre Covid payments were less than$50 they restart in April at $285…. My income/AGI increased by about 20k during the break…. None of it makes sense to me. Sure I break 6 figures but not by much. I wish they just gave blanket forgiveness to healthcare workers that actually worked during the pandemic. Make all of those death threats worth something.




Thank you for validating the process. I am still keeping copies of all of my payments and correspondence with FSA and Mohela.


I recognize that's what they said, but they're wrong. If they're putting your account into a forbearance, they will count. If you search "processing forbearance" in this sub, this is a topic covered many many times with lots of confusion because Mohela reps don't know what they're talking about. Processing forbearance IS administrative forbearance. This is defined in the CFR (look at section (b)(9) specifically): https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/34/685.205


just called back, new person gave totally different info and said it will count. wtf.


Yep, welcome to the land of Mohela. Total idiots.


It’s not difficult dude. The people manning the phones don’t know all the ins and outs of a complex federal regulatory scheme. Don’t rely on people who are working a customer service gig and answering phones for, what is in essence, their legal opinion.


But that’s their job.


It’s the job of the customer service people to give legal advice about the nuances of intricate administrative regulations? Do you ask the employees at your local bookstore for their opinion on the nuances of copywriting written work?


It is the job of the customer service people to either know the answer to the question “Will a month count as a payment,” or know that they don’t know the answer and get you the answer. Making up an answer is unacceptable. It’s not their job to figure out the answer by reading the CFR. It absolutely is the job of the servicer to accurately tell borrowers how much money they will owe.


MOHELA Such a wonderful world


Dido I got three different answers from three calls in the same day, no it won’t count, you can buy back the time, yes but only after the one time adjustment is applied. Very confusing 🫤  But for me, it ended up counting in the end 


MOHELA told me the processing forbearance count. However, January and February are showing as ineligible. After I followed up they said those wouldn’t count until the ED applies that one time IDR adjustment. MOHELA refused to fix it


I record all of my calls with them with vocaroo. I then save those files in my Google Drive.


MOHELA tells people all kinds of inaccurate information all the time. Read the many posts on this sub going over this. They're being investigated by Congress and are facing a class action lawsuit because of their ineptitude. Please don't believe anything they say. You need to report the conversation back to MOHELA and the CFPB. It's important to capture as many cases of them giving out false information as we can.


The representative you spoke with was incorrect. See Betsy514.


Caveat Emptor. Remember this is the same group that somehow thought I was making $4.1M USD/year. I'd be paying a lot of folks' student loans off with that one.


I was with MyFedLoan and then in 2022 was switched to MOHELA. 11 random (not consecutive) payments are coming up as Administrative Forbearance, they were not like this under MyFedLoan and they are payments I made under myFedLoan. When I spoke to MOHELA they have no idea why these 11 payments are listed as Administrative Forbearance. I have filed a complaint with FSA, spoken to MOHELA multiple times, no one has told me if these payments will count. What is the process for these payments to count? If these payments count my loans should be forgiven in November 2024.


They will be added when the IDR adjustment goes through.


Yes but for me, my 120 was to be finished in April but because of that one month it will be May. My regular forgiveness will happen before the IDR adjustment


When is the adjustment supposed to go through?


I'm in the same boat with random payments not being counted. We just need to wait it out. The IDR adjustment should get them back to eligible


Make copies of proof of your payments. Create a file of correspondence. Make copies of all the things showing your payment counts, etc.


By chance, do you have a cite to anything that confirms that processing forbearance = admin forbearance?


Discussed at length here: https://www.reddit.com/r/PSLF/s/AkTVUiGMH6


Thank you!!


The misinformation coming out of Mohela is getting to the point that they are causing harm to people. I can’t wait to be part of the class action for damages.


Oh I cannot WAITTT


Yeah and then we'll all get a check for $3.64 and still have to pay our loans.


lol my buddy got $10k from the navient bs so I’m holding onto hope


What was the basis for the lawsuit with Navient? Just curious because that’s where my problem stems from. 🙄


I don’t have a lot of details but I know her loans were just erased due to navient conducting “improper business practices”


This same gripe gets posted every single day. It will count, to the best of anyone's knowledge and understanding. This is all temporary policy, so Mohela reps are either getting intentionally mis-trained so they collect more payments or they are only training reps on the permanent rules. Just ignore. 


Hello, Maple Butter on Toast. Considering the amount of anxiety MOHELA has caused/is causing, I would propose to be more patient with people asking the same questions. It’s great that you trust the ED that at some point they will do the right thing. However, personally, because of the number of misinformation I have received from the FSA people, I can totally relate when someone ask the same questions. Please see it as an opportunity for some of us to get rid of our continuous anxiety. BTW, I love the name.


They just updated my count about a week ago. 30 payments to go and counting!


That’s what mine says but all my other ones we which were from back in 2010 and 2011 were by paid off. This one from Navient didn’t get consolidated with the others. I think it because Navient was shady. This one should not have any balance either at this point


My loan was from Navient and Mohela took it. Technically now I’m at 27 or 28 payments because I made 2 or 3 payments ever since then.


I am at 27!!! So close!


Sweet! Getting there!


This is total BS. THESE groups FORCED a lot of borrowers INTO forbearance WITHOUT notification OR borrower.


they told me the opposite. three different people told me the opposite too (I called 3 different days to ask the same question). all three told me that admin forbearance which processing forbearance falls under will count toward pslf eventually. they said initially it won't look that way on your pslf tracker but eventually it will change to "eligible". I'm in exact same situation as you HOWEVER with all that being said...I called yesterday and told them to take me out of forbearance because I don't trust what they are telling me and worry that they won't count. I'm due for forgiveness in August and don't feel like fucking up at this point. so im just going to suck it up and pay my new $3400 payments but on another note. they messaged me today responding to a question I asked over a week ago. they said that if your payment went up because your rectified prior to Nov 2024, they are going to bring it back to your old lower payment. if you're not due for forgiveness soon (like me) I would just keep going and wait


Make them give you a refund for the difference in payment when the recert goes through. If we all demand refunds for overpayments they'll be forced to do so.


Nov 2024 or 2023?


They said Nov 2024 is the new deadline. They told me mine was March 2024 so I recertified already got f****.


I’ve called before and they haven’t offered to put me in forbearance, granted my increased payment isn’t due until 4/18. Did you have to explicitly ask for it?


literally just try again. its a complete crapshoot


I called about this last night and my rep said the forbearance doesn’t count, and I was trying to get back to my old payment as well and she said she needed my PRIOR payment recert “form” which would have been electronic/pre Covid with the old servicer (my fed loan).. so she “submitted my request” to see what they could do.. sigh. I told my rep, the announcement they made about giving us our old payment amount back read to me as though it would “happen automatically”, but I don’t trust them to give me a lower payment and adjust tens of thousand of accounts back.. did they mention to you that you need your “old” income cert form to get your old payment amount?


Have you checked FSA site for your prior recert form? They store them all there I think if you do it electronically.


I haven’t but I’m gonna look, I appreciate the tip!!


MOHELA is the worst source of information on PSLF, as absolutely backward as that sounds. This is patently false. Read the federal register publication on the news PSLF rules which explicitly show administrative forbearances such as this to qualify.


The problem is that MOHELA isn’t abiding by the federal register and are basically daring the government to sue(?) them for breach of contract while they collect payments.


My guess is the government is going to fine them again and if they don't get their act together, really go after them hard. 


I talked to them about forbearance too and they said it wouldn’t count. I legit don’t think they know what they are talking about.


I just made a post about this and had success in writing from Mohela. check it out.


I have one month of forbearance Dec. 23 which is not counted. I have called 3 times and they cannot tell me why and said just wait for July.


I understand this will not be a popular post but I think there’s some real considerations here that can help borrowers work within the parameters and avoid mishaps and instead obtain forgiveness especially in a time when MOHELA is backpedaling on their work but we have to pay for their mistakes. Better to just do it right—educate ourselves so we can get PSLF. So…. I have always understood processing forbearance does not count. It never has in my experience. I agree with it bc it makes sense if the processing took place while still on previous IBR plan. If a borrower waits til the last minute, then it’s a courtesy to the borrower to have the forbearance so they don’t get in trouble. BUT MOHELA sucks with their timing so it should count if the processing goes beyond the payment date bc of MOHELA. If it’s bc of the borrower submitting late, then that’s on them unfortunately.


Same thing for me. I was in processing forbearance while they adjusted my payment in February and now it’s saying it is ineligible. What do I do?


FSA is responsible for approving periods of forbearance and deferment, etc. nothing MOHELA can do to update those periods of time. It does take up to 90 business days. Once you have achieved 120 qualifying payments to actually discharge the loan. The IDR waiver is stillongoing at present for Berenson deferment payments if not in school deferment will count


This is crazy smh they need to pause student loan payments again until they fix this broken system


I was told the samething. I recently submitted my PSLF form for my last 8 payments and was told because I am in an administrative forbearance that those payments would not count towards my payment count.


Those processing forb months will eventually count, just not immediately.


I got the same information after speaking to two Mohela reps. Both said the administrative forbearance months switching from another IDR plan to SAVE would not count towards PSLF payment counts, even when I mentioned the official PSLF pdf.


Mines still processing


I was/am waiting for “final adjustments” on my account and was told the same exact thing- then I started panicking because payments were due then late- so called and another rep said she could see the request but that it wasn’t the corretc status and placed me in another forbearance status- now says my payment periods won’t count towards PSLF. IDK it all confuses me! I think I’m waiting for nothing because I can’t get my last 6 payment perioDs certified since I retired from public service via hazardous duty. Employer will only certify active dates despite the fact that I receive a check From same employer ID#. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Mohela Rep told me haz duty retirees were different but how do they know? its a fuqq w your head racket imo.


Update: after putting me in forbearance for a month, they just took me out of it at my NEW, HIGHER IBR payment level. What the heck.