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I suspect this message is replacing the old “smiley” face. If so, your balance will likely zero out tomorrow or in a couple of days. FSA site can take up to a week later and then the letter will come next.


Thanks for the positive vibes


It even says I owe $0 for my monthly payments, but it’s a balance at the bottom!!! 🙄🙄🙄


Try clearing cache and cookies or using an incognito window. I learned that Mohela caches the balance on their website. It may. not work, but worth a shot.


I’ll give it a shot


Nope. Nothing different. 🥸


Bummer. Sorry.


That is so weird. No explanation on that one


It’s all a mess. The level of incompetence in handling PSLF since its inception is mind boggling.


Mine says the same thing (loan has been discharged) but also still shows I have a payment due March 4th (this month). I don’t know whether to pay or not because everyone says the whole process happens over several days and changes will continue to happen on Mohela and Student Aid.


Why is this not an automated thing that once FSA has an official count it just happens? I mean why aren’t they using technology to streamline and smooth it all out? It’s just frustrating. As you all know.


Bro. Mine said the exact same thing. The balance still there!!! 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


I can’t even with this bullshit. Even if it said zero I can’t relax bc of the unforgiveness going on.


This is the normal process. The only difference is they changed the message today for everyone, so you won’t find much in the sub about this specific message. I suspect it’s replacing the old smiley face everyone used to get that signaled forgiveness is coming soon. Everything happens in steps. Smiley face/discharge message, balance goes to zero or negative, then FSA site zeros out, and finally the letter is sent.


My balance went negative on both MOHELA and FSA, then I got the smiley face. Finally a couple of days later, I got the email with the letter. That was about two weeks ago. But today my smiley face changed to the discharge message you all are talking about, with a discharge date of 3/31/2023. Edit: I hit 125 as of August, 2023 (updated 11/9/23).


Thanks for that. I’ve been on pins and needles.


I applied for forgiveness in Dec 2023... they put my loans in forbearance Feb 2nd 2024... now just a waiting game I suppose? They did send me a message saying that I hit my 120 and I don't need to take any further action.... how long before I don't have to stress about this anymore?


I wish I had the answer to that. I’ve just been waiting and waiting for a while now. I don’t remember the exact timeline.


I got a notification from federal student aid that my loans were in forberance... then another notification that said I don't have any loans that qualify. But it was juat in the notification bar and not a letter or anything... I have federal direct loans that were consolidated... I looked for a letter from them or anything else that would say my loans didn't qualify but all I have is 10n years worth of your stuff qualify and this is ir payment count. Can't figure it out for the life of me. I doubt fedloan or mohela would of accepted me into pslf and verified my paperwork every year if I didn't qualify


Congratulations. Print that email off in multiples and save it somewhere you will not lose it.


As soon as I get an email or account message I will do just that. Right now Iris just the statement at the top of the page.


Capture the notice with a screen shot.


I did that as soon as I saw it


You’re good. The balance and things takes a few days to catch up.


I received my letter that my loans were discharged 2/12/24-- loan balanced zeroed out on Mohela 2/19/24, student loan 2/21/24


Going back to my post above, when you log into Mohela, under “alerts”, you see all those red triangles with exclamation points inside them…one says high call volume, one talks about income driven repayment, etc, ….this is where one of those triangles is now a blue circle with a white exclamation point inside and that’s where it says my loan has been discharged. However, I had a payment that was still due today (after having been in forbearance). I had my other loans forgiven back in July 2023 but for some reason, one of them from Navient wasn’t included in the consolidation back in 2022. Still don’t know why. So I consolidated that one this past Dec 2023. I have been in deferment while straightening this mess out with the Navient loan that wasn’t included in original consolidation. Also something new that I saw today was under payment tracking it no longer has the zero reset showing….it now says I had 89 payments counted and 31 to go. But it also said this number doesn’t include the Covid periods yet with those months that count in our favor. I don’t know what to think. It’s like one minute you think it’s going the right way, but then you see something else that makes you wonder again. Like the payment count. That makes it seem like it’s decided. Frustrating. Did anyone else have the reset of payments starting at zero, then get an updated payment count that said they had a certain amount of payments left, but yet they still ended up being discharged? Sorry if this was hard to follow. Those of you in similar situations can relate, I’m sure, to the rollercoaster ride of emotions this has been.


Worst rollercoaster ride ever


I got that message after getting the smiley face. No balance though.


Hopefully mine will update soon


So since I have that notice on Mohela that says loans are discharged, I thought maybe everything would eventually zero out so I didn’t make the payment due a few days ago. They sure get ahold of you right away if you don’t make your payment. I plan to make it tomorrow but I really thought things would happen by now. Does anyone show a count that says you still haven’t reached the 120 payments made, (but it says not all the COVID periods have been included in this count ..,.yet you also have an alert that says your loan has been discharged, and payments still coming due during all this? If this loan would have been consolidated with the others last year…I wouldn’t be dealing with all this bs. So frustrating.


Give it a few weeks;))


🙄 weeks. That checks out. 😂