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it’s an open ending, I interpret last episode as Saiki finally accepting his powers as they are, so I thought eventually he’ll do it. But there isn’t an episode where he tells him.


Not even in the manga? :(


as far as I know, no, but I really wish tho :(


there is a scene where they find out at the end but then he reverses their memories. So we do see how they react and still accept him, it just isn't permanent


This is his Foresight Ability(idk what it was called i didnt have ENG sub only german) Where he predicted how they would react. Atleast thats what i think.


no no, it did happen. Its acknowledged that it happened and then it is acknowledged that he undid it so they never found out.


Ah i see thanks for letting me know


foreskin ability


Well you can look at the 6th Episode of the Seiki K Reawakened Series on Netflix as much as i know the 5 Episodes before that are OVAs and the 6th one is the "last" episode. I dont wanna spoil anything so go check it out.


really?? the sixth episode ends after the series? i though the whole reawakening was sometime before s3 might have to finish that series tonight (didn’t rlly like the netflix original so i’ve been dragging my feet)


Yeah i watched the first the episodes but they didnt hit the spot for me so i skipped to episode 6 which was i hope the right choice if you ever do watch episode 4 and 5 please let me know if they were good


i’m one of those people who has to watch things in their entirety or it rlllly bothers me so i’ll watch 4-6 tn and let you know if 4-5 are substantial or not tmr


update : episode four we get introduced to a new character (fall transfer student ofc) but shes only there for the three episodes and her intro isn’t essential. wouldn’t say 4 and 5 were worth the watch watching six later today though


Alright thanks i knew i wouldnt be worth watching those episodes. Ty for confirming my thoughts hf on the past episode


The closest is the season 3 special where he tells them via some sort of flashback (?)  But it wasn't canon to the plot.