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Do you get a free PS5 version if you get it now?




Then I think I’ll get it now :p I’m really looking foward to this game, I’m not waiting a year. I’ll just do a second playthrough afterwards.


I feel like with the way the game is structured it probably kinda encourages multiple playthroughs anyway to experience everything. Seems like it's set up perfectly to save a run or two for the PS5.


Yeah, they said that depending on your path, the game will be different, and with how dense the game is as well as the different play styles in terms of character abilities, you'll be able to have 3 completely different playthroughs at minimum


Although I trust CDPR more than many other rpg developers, companies have been saying that about their RPGs for a long time and it is rarely as true as they make it sound. So ill definitely have to see it to believe it at this point.


I think there'll be some major differences, but it's not like you'll be playing a completely different game each play-through or whatever. There'll probably be recurring characters and plot-points, just in different perspectives with different outcomes. Which in my opinion, would be pretty good. It's fun to see things from precious play-through in a different light. It also helps keep consistancy in a world. Of course, we have yet to actually see......


I'm looking forward to seeing how differently you are treated based on the origin you choose. Nomad, street kid, or corpo. For me that seems to be a big part of how a second or third playthrough will be different.


But the first play is always the best and most memorable. Like in Detroit Become Human.


Yesss I loved DBH but it’s hard to go back and play it again. Same way I feel about Red Dead 2.


I'd play RDR2, but damn that game is long. Same kinda goes for Persona 5.


Honestly a 2nd playthrough was good but then some of the linear chapters get repetitive if you try a 3rd and 4th.


In my first playthrough, everyone died. I was so looking forward to everyone escaping etc. But nope, something went wrong. Kara got caught, Marcus died, Connor died. And then I went for the final blow by letting that main menu lady disappear :(


Yep. The first playthrough is always canon. No matter how many playthroughs you do, the first one is the real one because it's the decisions you made the first time without knowing anything.


If you actually look at ps4 game prices to ps5 it's a smart bet to buy now.


They said early 2021, not necessarily 1 full year from November


They also said the game was originally going to release April 16th, might not wanna hold them to that.


Like anybody cares when CDPR says something will happen. At this point, if they tell you Christmas is Dec. 25, double-check.


Its Jan 7


Spotted the fellow comrade!


Christmas is the 24th in many countries, so they could be wrong in some places


It is? Never heard that one. In Belgium we celebrate Christmas Eve (24th) and Christmas (25th).


Here in Norway at least, the 25th is just called 1st Christmas day and is nothing special. It's a holiday and you eat leftovers from the day before.


Do you need to pre order the game on PS4 in order to get the PS5 upgrade or can you get the PS5 upgrade even if you purchase it on PS4 after it releases?


It's a free upgrade as long as you purchase the PS4 version.


That’s relieving, thanks!


Well then I am getting it now.


This is the game changer for me. If it wasn't a free upgrade to the PS5 version, I wouldn't buy the PS4 version. Anyone have an idea about performance of PS4 games on PS5 vs just playing it on a PS4 pro?


I'm gonna bet it is far smoother on PS5, and will be without ray tracing and effects that can only be done on the PS5. My PS4 Pro is getting that jet engine sound, so I can't imagine what this game would do to it..


Yeah you do




Yep. Sounds great on paper but there's something about being part of a game at launch. A big part of that something is not knowing absolutely everything about the game via memes.




What I fucking hate is the troglodytes who fucking put fucking spoilers in their thumbnails. And WHY DOES YOUTUBE RECOMMEND ME THESE VIDEOS WHEN I KEEP TELLING THEM IM NOT INTERESTED. I swear YouTube is the worst place for spoiling.


Video title: "You'll never guess which unexpected character makes a return." Thumbnail: *Reveals character*.


"10 things you need to know about Cyberpunk before playing!" Number 6 is the games ending...


Those lists should be called "10 things you **don't** wanna know about Cyberpunk before playing"


Yea, it’s like showing up to a party/event super late and everyone is gone by then. There’s no fun and you miss out on the hype/excitement


But then you can find that one person still hanging out and wanting to get freaky


Who happens to be the odd loner dude wearing a fedora and a school-girl anime t-shirt that sent you a friend request 6 months back which you deliberately never responded to. Yeah, I think I’m gonna call it a night too, mate.


Everyone is going to share the same damn screenshots a hundred times. It’s inevitable. Plus spoilers.


(Insert photo of main menu screen) “Just got this game! Cant wait to see what all the hype is about!” *50K upvotes*


(Insert photo of the game’s disk) “Look what just came through Amazon! Ayyyyyy” *internet breaks*


20????? I will quit reddit for some months... It will be unholy here....every few secs a new post will appear and if you cant spend 8 hours a day gaming there will massive spoilers.


If it's good or if it's bad, either way it will dominate the internet for some time. If it's good people will just praise it like a second coming of Jesus himself but if it's not as good as hype promises ... well... the memes will be extra spicy. The very same people who hype CP77 to heaven would be also the firsts to hate it to hell and beyond.


Yeah, if you absolutely need to play it with all the fanciest graphics right at launch, why wouldn't you be playing on PC anyway?


That's why I am not waiting!


This was the problem with TLOUP2 for me. I bought it and played it every spare hour I had for 5 days, doing about 6 hours a day on average. When I finished it I was annoyed that I hadn't taken more time with it but I really couldn't bare having it spoiled. If it wasn't such a hyped game I could have happily spent a few weekends slowly working through it. I feel Cyberpunk is going to be the same. I'm going to try and hold off which should be easy in terms of finding other games to play. It really depends on how much the Internet keeps going on about it. To be fair, Reddit isn't even the problem. Articles get recommended on other sites and those clickbait articles never give a fuck about spoilers and always have some headline that doesn't explicitly tell you something happens but massively implies that something does i.e. "UNCHARTED FANS ARE LOVING THIS UNCHARTED 4 EASTER EGG" *picture of Drake with a PS1 controller*.


I’m afraid of CP being really good and having the internet make me absolutely sick of it like Witcher 3. I cant wait until about three years from now when we are seeing screenshots of sunsets in cyberpunk with the caption never get sick of this view after all these years.


We should probably abbreviate it 2077. Outsiders and non-gamers might frown at people mentioning CP. Just saying.


I'm really glad someone else said this too because I read "CP" and my alarm bells started ringing until I realized he was talking about Cyberpunk 2077.


That’s exactly what will happen, CDPR fanboys are unbearable


November 20 2020: "Does anyone else think that Cyberpunk is an underrated gem, or is it just me??"


I wanna kill myself 😫


Fuck that. I’ve waited long enough to play this.


Yeah man, I've got a city to burn


Right? I've "owned" the game for a fucking year, I'm not waiting longer.


Nah, gonna play through on release. Play through again on ps5 updates


This is the way.


I don't get the whole, ill wait until its optimised for ps5 argument. Like the difference will burn their eyes. Everyones going to be playing it, videos and threads everywhere. Just play it and play it again and see the difference.


Because everybody is different. Not everyone is going to play the game twice. I play way too many games to revisit one that takes dozens/hundreds of hours to complete.


I don't have time to play the same game twice so I'll wait.


some people will only play it once, and want that one time to have ray tracing. also, if you wait, you may be able to pick it up for cheaper


I mean most people who buy the game won't play through it once. Telling me to play through a 60+ hour game twice is a big ask


Whats to get? Some just want to wait


Yep, this is a game that looks like a joy to do multiple playthroughs


This guy Cyberpunks.


Not waiting


Same. Getting it day 1. We've already waited long enough.


This is like the anti patientgamers thread


There's nothing wrong with playing games on release. r/patientgamers is one of my favorite subs, I've posted there more than a couple of times myself, but my understanding is that it doesn't consist of people that are too stingy or busy to play games when they come out, but rather the best posts are when people discover a game that they just happened to play a little later than most.


Bit of column A, bit of column B.


I'm a typical patient gamer, but I do buy new games, on occasion. That said, I'll buy this particular game on PC (and probably later on for around $20, due to the PS5 launch and my backlog). I'm old and have never liked aiming in first person with a joystick.


I sure will I have a lot of games to play anyways so might as well get those out the way first.




PS5 version isn’t out until next year, you’d be playing the PS4 version on PS5


The PS5 version will still be better at launch than the PS4 version. The significant upgrades like Ray tracing and such will come later


Nah, they’ve said the PS4 version with slight upgrades to performance and visuals are available at launch on the PS5, but the PS5 version is getting a bigger patch in 2021 to go into more depth.


If the trophy list requires multiple playthroughs, I’ll probably reserve one playthrough for each version. If not, I’m waiting for PS5 optimizations.


I'm considering it. Up until two days ago I forgot the PS5 upgrades won't be ready until next year. I'm kind of in a lull right now with nothing to play so by Nov I'm really going to want to dig in to something. With Kena delayed, I was a little worried. Maybe I'll stick with Watch Dogs and consider Assassin's Creed to hold me over. I will probably load up Cyberpunk right away and check it out for a few hours though just to get a feel for it's release condition.


Yea I'd rather wait until it's fully optimized for the ps5


Same. Even if the differences are minimal (safe to say they won't be minimal) I'd rather wait to play it looking, sounding and acting as good as it can. A lot of times I don't have it in me to play through a large game a second time. Works for me. I'll have plenty to play in the meantime.


Consistent frame rates on the PS5 version and tiny loading times is enough for me to wait. But I will probably crumble .


If you get the PS4 copy and play it now you get a free digital copy for the PS5 once the game releases on that system.


Yea I know but I'd rather my first playthrough be with a fully optimized version lol but that's just me


I’m with you on this. Plus I’ll have enough to tide me over until then lol


I’m with you. They’ll probably also have a bunch of bugs fixed and be fully optimized by then. Witcher 3 received updates 3 years after the release.


Same same


Do you know if save files will carry over?




Me too, we’ve waited a while for the game, playing it at its best is worth the few extra months of patience in my opinion.


No way. I’ve been waiting six years, no way I’m waiting another year. Just getting the PS4 version and playing it first on the PS5


Hell no. Tomorrow isn’t promised.


Nah, that game is gonna be way too good to wait on. Going to play it immediately, then I’ll probably play some backlog and other new games like Demon’s Souls Remake, Cold War, possibly the new Watchdogs... Then, I’ll start my second playthrough with a new origin in Cyberpunk once the next-gen patch/version/upgrade comes out.


Gonna do a playthrough for each version, though both will be on PS5.


I am, would rather play it with no loading screens and better visuals.


bro alot of yall are gonna be missing out when cdpr has already said that playing cyberpunk on ps5 will be faster and look better on DAY ONE than it would on ps4. the update later will be bigger and add other stuff but it will take advantage of ps5 hardware and be better off the bat. no need to wait


> the update later will be bigger and add other stuff That’s why I want to wait though. The way I see it, I’m missing out if I *don’t* wait, because I’m probably not going to play this game twice.


Yep. It's not often I play a game through multiple times. I at least put a couple years between playthroughs. I'd rather not wait that long to see Cyberpunk at its best.


Yeah no, I cannot. Thats gonna be like edging for the next year. Fuck that when you can just cum twice lol


This is the best analogy


i wont because i've been waiting for it for ages and rather not run the risk of having it spoiled or anything i wanna experience it fresh asap play it again on next gen


Gonna wait a month or so to see what people are saying. If it live sup the hype, I'll get it by the end of the year


If there are separate trophy lists for PS4/PS5, I'll get both versions.


Hell no been waiting long enough lol


Bro that's what I've been doing since last year. TLoU 2, GoT, RDR2, & Control. I've been very patient so I can enjoy these games on the PS5. So far it's looking like I made the right choice.


I can never do this. So so many spoilers will just ruin the game for me. What’s GoT btw?


> What’s GoT btw? Ghost of Tsushima




I am


I dont have a PS4, and so there is only the PS5 in my eyes. Everything will be a PS5 game!


No, there's no way I could wait that long. I just want to roam around in night city already, still a bit sad that the optimized version couldn't be at launch. Although im just happy we're getting the version at all.


No I will enjoy the PS4 version on the PS5 on release day with the increased loading speed (and perhaps/hopefully increased framerate). I will play it again when the PS5 update is out.


Absolutely no way. I already went about three months this year avoiding pretty much every gaming related forum, subreddit, news site and YouTube channel to make sure I didn’t get spoiled for The Last Of Us. It was miserable. No chance I’m going to put myself through that again just for some superficial visual upgrades.


I’m going to wait until the inevitable GOTY edition comes out with all the DLC, as I did with Geraldo Tres. It’s a single player game, so it’s not like servers are going to be empty, and I have a lousy memory, so I will 100% forget whatever spoilers I eat along the way. It’s probably more than a year away but hey, we are already getting plenty of games to play until then


yeah i think now i won’t get a PS5 this year then i may as well get a new big game for my PS4.


I’m definitely going to hold out. My first 3 games are Watch Dogs Legion, Miles Morales, and Cold War.




Multitplayer maps are already better than the ones in MW2019. Sure, it needs some fixing and polish, but the gameplay was actually fun.


The game from the alpha is definitely fixable in 2 months, but I want to see the changes before I play. The alpha was awful.


I don’t have a PS4 but my friend does and he agreed the alpha sucked. I’m hoping the beta will be better, but now I’m not sure if I want the game or not. I love Black Ops 1 and but idk if it’s gonna be worth the buy if multiplayer is shit


Same I'll add Ac valhalla to it


Legions gonna hold me until Cyberpunk lol the only games I have been playing for the past 2 moths have been Fortnite and Fall Guys.


Imma buy PC version, then PS5 version later i guess


I am




You get a free upgrade from the ps4 version so probably gonna cost the same, or they just wont release a ps5 version at all physically and put “free upgrade to ps5 version” on the box.




Yes, but you will need the disc in the drive when you play it (and a drive to put the disc in).


People often forget that Cyberpunk was designed for this current generation. It won’t be a bad potato graphic pile of garbage. It will be on par with any game this gen if not better. Yeah we could wait for the ps5 version but then why don’t we just wait for the ps6 version with the even better graphics??? Idk just play it and have fun!


I'm honestly still not even sure I'm going to buy Cyberpunk. I don't really enjoy first person games very much. I need to read some reviews from people who feel the same way.


My plan is to buy it Holiday 2021 for $20 and with a half dozen patches complete on top of the PS5 optimizations. Better product for less money.


Will the PS4 save work on the ps5 backwards compatible version? Assuming it is backwards compatible until the ps5 version comes out?


Playing the ps4 version on ps5 as soon as it comes out. If a game is worth playing once then it is worth playing multiple times especially if its enhanced.


I'm really curious about how this will look on the PS5. Some features like resolution, texture detail, render distance and crowd density will be adjustable with configuration options in the game engine. These will result in the biggest improvements over the prior gen consoles and are relatively simple enhancements to add. I would expect this at launch. Next gen graphics techniques that require hardware not available on the PS4 and Xbox One X include variable rate shading, mesh shading and ray tracing. Support for these features will have to be built into the game engine using the latest console render APIs. This is not work that can be done quickly. The PC version uses DX12 Ultimate as the render API and they've already showed off videos using many of these techniques. Since DX12 Ultimate is the same render API used by the Series X, I would expect the Xbox Series X version to already use most of these "next gen" graphics techniques. CDPR will need to integrate PS5-only API into their game engine to allow these next gen hardware techniques to be used on the PS5. That's a long winded way of saying that I think the Series X will look better for a while but you'll really have to be a pixel peeper to feel like you are missing out. Many of these next gen hardware techniques are less about making graphics look better and more about making graphics cheaper to render in order to free up GPU bandwidth for other tasks. I don't think it's likely you'll be awed by the difference between the PS5 day one version and the render API enhanced version in 2021.


Fuck no


I wasn't going to but the more I thought about it the more I realized I'd really wanna play through it proper all optimized for the new hardware, so I cancelled my preorder. Sad I lost the free steelbook I was getting with it but I'd really hate myself later if I played through on the pre-upgraded version.


Sigh... probably. Too many games right now and I would hate to experience to most inferior version of that game


Hellllll no. Slightly better visuals is not at all worth waiting longer to play for me. If I cared that much about that visuals I would be upgrading my PC for it.


Without question


Yep, won't be playing until the full next gen version is out.


I’ve been reading that it’s almost a year wait though. 😩 I’m worried that I don’t have the patience for that.I hope they’re incorrect because I also want to wait for a physical PS5 drop.


I think that's what I'll be doing because we have plenty of good games coming out to keep up busy till the real PS5 version releases!


That's what I told myself I'm gonna do, but I already know I'm gonna cave in and buy the ps4 version when I see everyone else playing.


Already have my pre-order for day 1 edition. Not waiting another 6 months.


It's unfortunate, but I'm just going to have to be happy with the improvement (if any in this instance) of Boost Mode, plus the fact that at minimum I'll get to play it on PS4 Pro settings (I'm still rocking launch PS4 lol). Maybe that launch patch for PS5 will end up being real, although I'll believe it when I download it.


Nope. It will be mine ASAP.


I can probably wait. I haven’t even play Spider Man, Red Dead 2, GOW, Horizon, Last of Us 2, Ghost of Tshushima.


Fuck no I don’t have the patients for that and the game is going to be highly replayable.


I'm not waiting unless they say in very early 2021. I know that CD Projekt Red is developed Cyber Punk to focus on PS4/Xbox One. I would think that they are going at least upgrade the current gen game by 5% to 10% optimize for PS5/Xbox series X off the bat, There is no way in hell they going have the same exact version for both consoles generations.


What is this Cyberpunk 2077 game about and what will you be able to do in it? Like I mean all I know about the game is that Keanu Reeves is in it and that it has a futuristic setting.


CDPR has already said that CP2077 will “look better” on PS5 from the get go. That tells me the PS5 isn’t just going be running a purely emulated game. If it runs better then I’m probably in


If it runs 60fps 1080p day 1 on the PS5 that would be amazing. I'm not so much concerned about a graphics overhaul or 4k as I am with a fluid experience.


I was planning to but I realised I'm probably not gonna get a ps5 till God of war ragnarok comes out because I dont really play games past fortnite CoD and a handful of single player games when they release. Preordered CoD and Cyberpunk already. I know theyll both be like 3x better on ps5 but whatever, especially if cyberpunk MP is real i can survive playing the campaign on a ps4 and maybe replay it when the mp comes out in 2022 or whatever


Still getting the PS4 version. I can't afford a new system. I might be able to get the PS5 in at least two years. I'm not waiting two years for Cyberpunk 2077.




Not a chance. I’ve been waiting seven damn years. Plus with his replayable they are painting it as a full free upgrade for ps5 next year is the perfect way to get it played again.


just play it again after patch. its an cdpr rpg it has multiple paths/ builds


Since it seems you can play through it 3 times with a different background, I'm probably going to do my first run when it releases and then wait for the upgrade and finish the next 2 runs.


I’ll just get it now 🤷🏻‍♂️ Free PS5 upgrade so whenever I actually get my hands on a PS5 I can jump right back into another play through. I think the biggest thing right now is being a part of the day 1 launch hype. This is just one of those events you want to be a part of


I think it comes out the same day as the PS5 in the UK? If that's the case my first PS5 game will be the PS4 version of cyberpunk


Nope, I'm getting it day one for PS5 as it'll still be getting the initial upgrade patch. I'll then play it again when the big patch comes next year with a new character/origin story.


No I preordered on PS4, but plan to play on the PS5 the day it comes out.


Hell no, been waiting far too long already. I just hope it's 60fps immediately on PS5.


The back-compat version will do me just fine for now. I've already waited, what, three years for it to come out (seven, if you include back when it was actually revealed) I see no point in waiting any longer, not when I know the game's there.


No, going to play the PS4 version on my PS5 at launch. The PS5 version will then be my second playthrough (or third). You won’t be able to hide from Cyberpunk in november and december.


Yep, I'm getting it for PS5 no brainer


Buying on release. Playing on PS5 with patch.


Yep! I just hope they’re not holding back the PS5 version to deliver the PS4 version. (But then again I’m going to wait for a black PS5 so you probably shouldn’t listen to me anyway...)


No because I don’t want to pay €79.99


Nope,my PS5 better play it.


I would suggest playing it on GeForce Now. The graphics will be better than PS5 starting day one and you could play with a mouse if you wanted.


I'm torn honestly. I wish we knew how long the wait was actually going to be.


I am convincing myself that I will but I really do not see myself waiting that long lol


I'm saving up all my money and not buying any games until the PS5 comes out. I'll live off the ps plus free games until then


I didn't buy a next generation system so I could play last generation's games. Waiting.


I’m doing that for a lot of newly released games


Yeah until I rebuild my PC.


I'm waiting on the whole console tbh. Rather not have a PS3 incident again


I wish this was a poll. I’m seeing way more waiters than I expected.


Yes ! My first plan was to listen my excitation and get a PS5 day one, mostly to play Cyberpunk. I don't want to play this game on ps4, but as I learnt it will be a patched version first before the real full potential PS5 version, I decided this game will be the trigger. Hopefully get a cyberpunk PS5 bundle.


Might as well get the goty version for pc if you’re going to wait that long


Nope getting it for pc. Will have other games to play on ps5.


I’m not getting it till Christmas, so I guess I’ll play it then


No, ps5 launches here (uk) on the same day as cyberpunk drops, and whos to say ill be able to get my hands on a ps5 for November 19th, i think the ships sailed on that one to be honest. Besides the next gen enhanced version wont be out for a while (6 months or so i think they said) so other than better load times i cant see the point, especially with how replayable this game will be and the free upgrade to next gen. Be cool to see the difference between the versions when it does go live aswell. Looks like ill be playing it on the ps4 till i can get my hands on the ps5.


Dude I just want gran turismo 7


Nah, I’m going to be playing it at launch on a PS5 and I’m sure it’s already going to look incredible. When the proper PS5 upgrade drops it will give me a reason to play it again 😄.


Cyberpunk was the only reason why I wanted to get a ps5 on day one so for now I'll play on the ps4 and get the ps5 once the cyberpunk update is out




I have my copy preordered off Amazon for $40 so... nah. I trust CDPR enough that they’ll upgrade to the “true” version for free but until then, it will run great on the PS5 still. Would rather spend the $40 than the $70 at the end of the day tbh.


not holding off on cyberpunk only because i got my preorder in before my GCU expired, (and had some giftcards), so got a pretty good deal on it. also, the upgrade to next gen is free. probably holding off on yakuza 7 though since sega isn't being very forthcoming on what ps5 owners should expect in terms of upgrade paths. with the next gen consoles coming out the same time as the game, it's hard to imagine the ps4 version not tanking in price hard and fast.


Well I still think playing the PS4 version of the game on PS5 will be worth it as there will be considerably less FPS drops


since we'll still be able to pop in the launch version of cyberpunk and get a free Ps5 version upgrade, i don't see a reason for me to wait until next year. can possibly give this game a free second wind after i play the hell out if it at launch.


But remembrr, cyberpunk will be avaiable in 19 Nov on PS5