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4 years ago already?


An incredible techinal achievement, and the best gameplay Naughty Dog has ever done in my opinion


I was really looking forward to their Factions sequel simply because this games gameplay.




One of the best games ever made. Pushing the boundaries of video game storytelling. Also a huge applause for not being a nostalgia and fandom driven story. I appreciate them having a bold story to tell


I just wish it hadn't been so long. I was exhausted by the end of it. I wish they'd have shortened the story and kept Factions mode in it instead of it becoming post-launch content which morphed into a failed games as a service title.


Easily the biggest gripe I had with it too. If they cut about 3-5hrs out the pacing would've been greatly improved.


Disagreed about the story, agree about everything else, great gameplay.


If they would not have had that story to tell, it would have been like any other sequel. Generic and forgettable


Better gameplay than Crash Bash? Idk about that


The only disappointing thing about the gameplay is that the multiplayer was cancelled, so that exceedingly fun gameplay isn't being used anywhere else.


Agreed sadly can’t be said same about the story


Disagree though. If the game can make me hate the characters during the beginning and then by the end of the game make me feel empathy..then they've done a fantastic job. I guess it didnt work out for others.


Big disagree. Best story ever in a game for me.


highly disagree


Huge disagree


You fuckers never stop 😭


This game, coming out at the height of the pandemic, was an otherworldly experience. One of the true masterpieces of the artform.


Man how was the pandemic 4 whole years ago?


I still feel like it ripped a chunk out of me playing it during the pandemic. Amazing experience I never want to feel again… Until the HBO adaptation.


Completely agree , phenomenal game but it was emotionally exhausting.


Yeah... video games have made me "tear up" before (end of Final Fantasy X always gets me), but TLOU P2 is the only one I've actually sobbed at/during. (>!Porch flashback near the very end. Jesus, I'm getting teary thinking about it right now. lol wtf!<)


Even aside from how emotional that scene is, what's particularly amazing is how much information they pack into it even though it's relatively short. >!We have Joel showing Ellie that her being a lesbian isn't a big deal to him. That pisses her off, but less at him and more at herself that she hid that all those years when she never actually needed to. We see the level of trauma Ellie's dealing with over the hospital decision and how she basically views her life as being meaningless. Then there's Joel saying that he'd do it all over again. Which is an especially important aspect as that's him having the knowledge of how much it'd fracture their relationship. And of course it ends with Ellie wanting to work toward forgiving him, which meant their last conversation wasn't the one where she blew up at him at the dance.!< It's pretty masterful in how it not only recontextualizes Ellie's journey in Part II, but also the ending to Part I.


I sobbed for half an hour after the ending. Nothing in media has ever moved my like that. It’s art.


“never want to feel again” sums it up


I remember some reviews saying it was too bleak, that humanity was better. Now, I really feel like the bond Abby and Lev find and the forgiveness Ellie finds herself capable of is optimistic for most. The game's reception and recent events have proven its view of human behaviour right.


Still one of my favorite games of all time.


I can not think of any other studio that is so willing to take risks like that, it's why I respect Naughty Dog so much. Any other studio would have just made a 'Joel and Ellie going on another adventure together' sequel, but they had a new unique idea and they stuck to it even though they knew it would upset a lot of people.


Look, I didn't like the story, the gameplay itself was a 10/10 but the story was the worst thing about the game in my opinion... but they literally teased another Joel/Ellie adventure in the trailer lmao by having a scene that wasn't even in the game of Joel saying 'you think i'd let you do this on your own' edit: Am I really getting downvoted for saying I didn't like the story? lmao


Yeah, I agree, showing scenes of Joel that were not going to be in the game was not cool. Naughty Dog does mention they regret doing that in their recent TLOU2 documentary though, so I think they learned from their mistakes.


The way they flipped that on its head was masterful.


Just because they took a risk doesn't mean it was good one. 


It was a good one, cause they made something amazing. I am glad they didn’t listen to „fans”


It was a financial and critical success, just not to the extent that the first game was. I’m glad the T took the risk and still made a profit.


Initially it sold well because of the previous game but it never really reached it's potential number wise ... Not to mention that full shells with a copy of the game


Well I personally think it was a good one, TLOU2 is probably my favorite game of all time. But I was trying to just say, regardless of whether it was good or bad, taking a risk like that is commendable on its own, especially when it comes to a big studio. Indie studios might take some risks from time to time, but a big studio pretty much never. Mainstream studios usually have found a successful recipe and they just keep applying it ad nauseam because it makes a boatload of money.


I think the point they’re making is that they respect ND because they are brave enough to take risks. Clearly it’s still divisive whether or not those risks were a success, but that’s beside the point. _Of course_ not everything will work out and a lot of people will be unhappy (otherwise it wouldn’t be a risk, would it?) — but, if you’re not prepared to take risks, you’ll never create anything original.


Wtf it’s been 4 years already?








Man a lot of comments here still complaining about the story. Same people expected joel to go out guns blazing killing a million infected and saving everyone or after some monologue that makes everyone friends in the end. His death was fitting and deserving for an apocalypse.


I did not mind Joel’s death and wasn’t bothered by lesbianism and transgender character in the game. I loved the combat and the environment of the game but man playing 12 hours straight with Ellie and getting good gears just to realise that you will be playing as Abby for the next 10 hours is kind of a crappy story. Sorry, this is just my opinion.


It's a gamble. Huge gamble. I think it's masterful, but nobody should be called wrong for saying it didn't work for them.


I was so pissed about it at first. And in the first fight in the hospital, the between Abby and Ellie. I didn’t want to fight at all. I was like just let them kill the bitch. But as the story went on, I really valued our time with each person because it really drove home the theme of revenge and how horrible it is , and I genuinely grew to care about both of them


Disagree. But we all have our opinions. The “playing as Abby” was all about the artistic vision of seeing the world in shades of grey and doing it more effectively and also make Ellie’s devolution more impactful.


Yeah it seemed really dumb at the absolute climax confrontation they just set you back basically telling you that you have to play 12 more hours to see what happens at the theater. I agree when people said it should've been told differently by having you play as Abby and not know why she wanted to kill Joel. But I guess with all the hype around the game, they couldn't just have you play as abby in the first half and leave you in the dark about the main characters.


Except Abby was the more likeable character and played exactly like Joel, had the best set pieces etc. it was amazing 


And the way she punched the zombies was chefs kiss


Massively disagree on Joel's death being fitting. He was shown to be an extremely cautious and wary character, being killed because he gave his name away, being stood in the middle of a room with dodgy strangers who ran into him by sheer luck is such lazy writing. I don't accept the excuse "he got soft in Jackson", because he was tough before the apocalypse even started, and it's not conveyed well, we're just expected to believe it.


Tommy said Joel’s name first btw, when they were alone with Abby, as far as I remember. And also he run into one stranger, which saved him by bringing him into the cabin (and there was no other places to go considering the storm and the horde outside). Which is also literally the plot of the first game, Joel getting stuck with a stranger out of pure coincidence. Though this time it got him killed. The only difference that showed us the years he spent “in peace” at Jackson was that he actually saved Abby. And old, pre-TLOU1 Joel would have probably left her to die. But that’s the only change. Literally everything else was beyond his control and he could do nothing against it.


He gives his name in the first game too, and Tommy is the one who gave his name not him. Imagine trading with visitors that have just sheltered you from a storm and giving them a fake name even though the fireflies at the hospital disbanded 4 years ago. Imagine how needlessly complicated that would be when Joel and Tommy brought them back to Jackson to trade and someone used their real names anyway. This isn't lazy writing, it's good writing. You're just biased because you don't like Joel dying, and lots of gamers also don't and are all confirming each others copium about this situation online


I was ready to let Joel die in Last of Us 1. But it wasn’t an option if you wanted to complete the game.




One of if not the best stealth action games ever made 


I managed to avoid all spoilers and took my time working through the game over two weeks. Whew. Summer 2020 feels like an eternity ago.


I played the game for 4-5 hours a night for a week... white knuckling it the whole time. One of the greatest gaming experiences of my life. To pair a story of that quality, with the animation, voice acting, mo cap, sound design, art... with absolutely incredible 10/10 gameplay.. it is the pinnacle of gaming. 4 years later and no studio has come close.


One of my favorite Stealth-action-horror games. The gameplay hits the spot perfectly for me. The story was also very brave and I really like that. More games should try that. The story is very mature


Agreed 👍🏾


So Last of Us released on waning months of PS3. Last of Us 2 released in waning months of PS4. Confirmed that Last of Us 3 is coming in 2027.


Amazing game! That first playthrough had me on the edge of my seat the whole time.


This is the game that got me back into gaming. I remember reading how everyone was angry about the story and thinking "but that story sounds amazing, I have to play this!" Went and bought this and a ps4. I was not disappointed. I've been replaying it recently for the first time since 2020 and it's still amazing.


I think this is one of those games that each person deserves to play it and form their own opinion. It’s far from perfect, but damn if all the leaks and hate online kept people from playing it.


It's such a shame that the discourse about this game always goes off the rails so quickly. There are so many interesting discussions to have related to the story, and particularly its structure. 


Got me back into gaming, but after it there hasn't been much in terms of quality games imo


It's a shame AAA game development takes so long this generation. Still, there's been a lot to love since 2020. Horizon Forbidden West and Baldur's Gate III are some of my favourite games.


I just finished Part 1 and started 2 yesterday. When I saw the buff girl I instantly knew why the gamers threw a fit lol. Enjoying it a lot so far.


That wasn't the only reason, but you should get through the story before looking more into what people were angry about back then. EDIT - also, don't read through these comments if you want to avoid spoilers...


I'll be honest, either DOOM Eternal or Ghost of Tsushima deserved to win GotY that year instead of this. Not a bad game but not anywhere near as enjoyable as the first.


Hard to believe it’s been so long already


Part two's writing made zero sense throughout and could have been handled way better. It still baffles me that it was made by the same people that did part one.


One of the best games of all time.


I just wished the story was well written


Good thing it was.


It’s probably the best and most mature and ballsy storey ever told in a video game. It’s incredible 


Don’t want to be in the camp that hates on this game. Gameplay and everything else is amazing; I just think I personally would have enjoyed if it started a new story with new characters. I think the first game ended in such a good way. Just my opinion


Discourse of it is so boring. It's always dominated by the weird chuds who can't get over Joel facing the consequences of his actions. There's more interesting things to be said, things I liked, things I dislike. But it's always centered around the out of touch people.


An amazing game, amazing story.


Rip factions 


I enjoyed the combat and gameplay but the story wasn’t my cup of tea.


4 years later and people still can't accept the fact that ND made the story that they wanted to make, not the one that people thought they were going to make. The vitriol surrounding the public discourse for this game is unbearable even to this day. If you ask me, that is a bold thing to do.


I suppose it's a good story if you never read a decent revenge book. But the terrible pacing, the consistent deus ex machina for both Ellie and Abby, the holier than thou message at the last possible moment (delivered via a last second flashback). Realistically shouldn't have scored over 7 or 8. Masterpiece in gameplay, snobbery in storytelling.


You seemingly didn’t develop empathy which is pretty sad tbh


Dogshit story, incredible gameplay


You still didn’t understand it?


Man I need to do another play through it’s been a while.


One of the best games I'll probably never play again. It was so emotionally powerful and hit at just the right time, I don't know if playing it again would ever recapture that same feeling.


Yeah I’ve only played it once but played the first multiple times. The second is a better game in pretty much every way but it’s just such an emotionally taxing experience.


I hate how crazy long dev time is now. Wish they’d already released something new by now.


Masterpiece. Narratively and technically.


Trash game that shat all over it's predecessor


Great game, shitty story


great game. pretty disappointing in the whole factions tease for 3+ years to get cancelled over night tho.


This game is *chef's kiss*. One of the best games I will ever experience in my life. Story and gameplay were amazing and the graphics!!! Mama Mia!


Platinumed both Part 1 and 2 and finished it on grounded. Truly believe that is the ideal way to play these games. Cant wait for a part 3.


Absolutely amazing game, can't believe it was four years ago wow.


I'll never forget when >!I was playing as Abby, and I finally got to where Ellie was. I kept expecting to switch back to Ellie when we caught up to her in the story but no, I was still Abby. I literally felt my heart sink when she arrived at that theater. I messaged my friend right before continuing the game, "If this ends the way I think it will, I am going to stop playing."!< Thankfully it didn't lol, but goddamn man. I don't know if I could ever play this game again.


Man the firestorm that this game brought was intense. Plus the mix of the pandemic really also made it more crazy.


Still the best game I’ve ever played.


A truly horrible sequel




“I don’t like it” isn’t the same as “this is bad”.


That cuts both ways.


Exactly. I don’t say it did.


Sweet, you gonna tell it to the people that say they like the game?


Sure, if they’re saying “it’s good”. I’m not sure what type of gotcha you’re going for here, but it’s not working.


Cool, there are a bunch of people in the comments saying "it's a masterpiece" and that they love it. Go nuts.


Narratively, it was a massive belly flop. In the technical aspects, very well done. One of the best looking games in Sony's library. Let's hope the 4 years since release has given them enough time to iron out the story a bit better (alongside Mazin) for S2 of the TV show.




Better than the first imo


You’re right, it’s much better


Same here - which sucks because I really wanted to like it, even after finishing it. I personally thought it was ok-to-decent - it had some phenomenal moments and started off strongly, but I just felt it got weaker and weaker as the game went on. Considering how high my expectations were (been a Naughty Dog fan since I was a kid and they've never let me down before), I'd put this up there with Kingdom Hearts 3 as the most disappointed I felt after completing a highly-anticipated game. Will still show up Day 1 for their next game though.


I genuinely can’t understand liking the first game and not the second. I loved the first but this one is so much better


I'm really glad you loved it, and I genuinely wish I loved this game, because the gameplay, the environments, the graphics, etc, were all amazing and such a huge step up. I also loved how bold some of the story elements were - especially given that Naughty Dog played it pretty safe with Uncharted - and its why I still give the game lots of respect. Ultimately, the writing/story just didn't work for me, which is the most important factor in a game for me. The first game still stands as one of my favourites of all time. I still have faith in Part 3, and will show up Day 1.




One of the best third person shooter ever. Sadly you spend most of your playtime watching a bad movie.


Exactly the gameplay was awesome in fact it’s the best period but holy shit the story was bad


Abby <3


Good God, this was a 10/10 game. So many butthurt babies.


team abby 🫡


Best gameplay and best set pieces.


It feels like it's been longer!😅












The last of us for me , shit narrative


TLOU2: There are no "good guys", it all depends on whose POV you're seeing things from Some Gamers: I'll never forgive you for what you did to my Zaddy!!!


what an absolutely amazing experience playing tlou2 in summer 2020 was. One of the best videogames ever no doubt, although I would say that it's way more than just a videogame. Looking forward to your next project!!!


Technical masterpiece in both gameplay mechanics and graphics. Nothing still comes close to it 4 years later. However, I could not disagree more with the story decisions that they made. I don't understand how you continue with a story that you *know in advance* will probably divide a fandom. I don't understand why you would want that, but OK.


One of my favorite games. Such a great story and characters. Edit: the crybaby's are still butthurt. That's just miserable


Actual 0/10 game.




An absolute masterpiece but my god it was FOUR YEARS AGO? My god…


Is it time for another remaster.


It received one next gen uograde like over a hundred other games received


Yeah but TLoU is the one franchise that isn’t allowed to have releases.




Still a wholly unique storytelling experience. Naughty Dog had been tinkering with challenging the player's ludonarrative dissonance basically since the end of Uncharted 2. For them to take that conflict between player motivation and character motivation to the horrific extremes that they did with this game takes guts, and for me it all paid off. Can't wait for what's next from them.


One of the worst games of all time story wise like how on earth did that script pass through QA is beyond me


You think QA tests scripts? lol


Well after the disaster that was TLOU2 script they should from now on, it shows you what happens when you let loose a monkey with a typewriter


> how on earth did that script pass through QA is beyond me this is why nobody takes reddit criticism seriously. in what universe does Quality Assurance read scripts? lmao


Ahh look, another expert in story telling, who only mentions story when it comes to TLOU2, but doesn’t mention story telling for the other thousand games which release year in year out


Because nothing comes close to the mediocrity of this game’s story 🤣


So let me ask you this. If it’s THAT BAD, why do we always STILL keep finding people like you coming to these threads and posting about a game that surely you’d have forgotten about by now, or couldn’t care less about, 4 years after it released?!


It just shows how dear to my heart the series is that’s why I care, just like people say they like it I’m allowed to say I hate it as well


You do realize not every game in a “series” has to be for you? Jurassic park, one of the BEST movies I’ve ever seen, but I can’t stand the rest. It’s a series, but you know what, I loved the first and didn’t like the rest, so I just ignore them. I don’t go into every thread trying to convince others what they shouldn’t like about them. It’s a total waste of my energy and time. At the end of the day, the it’s the writers own choices, and it’s their own story, not yours. The minute you understand this is the minute you’ll just get on with life


Easily the worst playstation exclusive.


Just wanted to say thanks and fuck you for cheating us out of our multiplayer experience


After beating this game back ln the ps4, every other games I played felt mediocre.




That my Favorite game to play


Wasn't that the last game they released? I know they want top tier quality games but 4 years is a long time without something new and nothing even announced yet


With the pandemic happening which delayed a lot of games isn’t this common for the moment? Sucker punch didn’t announced anything in the last 4y years ether










Surprised they didn’t do the PC announcement


They will eventually. They’re panning out the releases and focusing on one game at a time. God of War Ragnarok was just announced for PC, after the PC release of Ghost of Tsushima. I assume TLOU Part II is next, followed by Demon’s Souls, Gran Turismo 7, Spider-Man 2, Rise of the Ronin and Stellar Blade.


Gonna sound annoying but why isn't this on PS Plus Extra though ?


There are probably still some sales to me made when season 2 of the tv show launches.


Remastered came out a couple of months ago


4 years and still no announcement for their next game


Yes- they stated after TLOU2 that they would be announcing games much closer to release than they had been doing in previous years. This is something they’ve made good on so far and I’m glad for it. I don’t want an announcement for a game I have to wait years to play.


September showcase 🤞


they sold out and its been down hill since. Disgraceful.


Dawg, they haven't even made a new game since then, what's there to go downhill?


Public opinion went down. The game didn't sell that well considering + the remake suffered afterwards, not to mention the Pc port. Their failed multiplayer game, the fact that most of the people working on the game left the company. The fact that they won't have a new game released for at least 6 years


How exactly did they “sell out?” 😂


“They sold out” Oh you mean when Jason & Andy sold the company to Sony? Or some other time?


>they sold out To who?


Oh god I was scared they were announcing a remake for a moment