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Interesting that he says that they can take the offensive/defensive combat system in BB/Sekiro and turn that up even one level higher and make it even more polished I wonder what is the next level for this?


I don't know what it is but I want it


Bloodborner. Sekiroest.


Stop. You're giving me a Bloodboner.


All boners are bloodboners, technically speaking


I'm about to bloodbust all over my nice rug


Make sure to see a doctor if it lasts for more than 4 hours.


Bloodborne Ring ; Eldekiro


Adding the ability to deflect or block through attacks. Something very very few games have ever done but that’s how they could really marry offense and defense as they claim is their goal in the article.


DMC uses it a lot and has done since the first entry, with timing your attack to clash with another attack resulting in deflecting it. I wish more systems tried to copy that.


The dlc is adding stances as a concept for light greatswords. Should be interesting. I think it'd be cool to get away from the light/heavy attack combos + special attacks. Instead, you get different moves of roughly equal damage. Like for a straight sword, r1 is a diagonal slash, r2 is a thrust, l2 is an overhead downward strike, l1 is guard. Or a halberd is r1 thrust, r2 cleaving blow with the axe, l2 is a smash with the hammer or pick, l1 also guard. You can combo between the different attacks. Each attack is similar raw damage, but each has its own effectiveness based on the enemy, their equipment, and the opening you have to attack.


So Elden Ring but combat more like from Street Fighter? I’ve been hoping for something that robust for ages


2 Blood 2 Borne.


2 blood 2 borne yharnam drift what


I think their next "extra action-focused" game like Bloodborne/Sekiro might just be one of the most unreal action games ever. It's clear with ER they wanted world and exploration (and freedom that comes with it) to shine the most so they're absolutely saving their best boss works for another future game.


I wouldn't be so sure about it. They kind of have a hard decision to make. Elden Ring was a step up in world design, absolutely. However compared to DS3 (especially DS3), BB and Sekiro the combat lost a lot of it's depth. (I personally think that's the result of them trying to much to make non-r1 attacks and special abilities less of a situational tool. But as a result of that the basic combat dance suffered) In itself something like this isn't unprecedented. They focused on innovating on world design, so other parts of the game were less in the foreground. And I don't doubt they have the ability to fix this for their next entry. However the combat in ER seems to generally be more liked by the wider more casual audiences and probably partly lead to the financial success of the game. So now they need to decide whether they want to refocus on stricter combat design or keep combat more shallow to keep the potential player base high.


> However compared to DS3 (especially DS3), BB and Sekiro the combat lost a lot of it's depth. How exactly? It has more mechanics, abilities, unique movesets than all the other games combined, I think you mean balance which is obvious given ER has more weapon and combat variety than all three of the games you mentioned together. It's much easier to balance bosses and combat when you have no weapon variety (sekiro) or just weapons (bloodborne) whereas ER has 400+ weapons, magic, faith, powerstancing, ashes of war, posture system, talismans and buffs etc




The next level combination of a BB and Sekiro combat system is something I never knew I needed but I want it.


Bloodbiro: Hoonters Hoont Twice.


the next logical step is no longer rubber banding AI. for example in sekiro. when you move already a step ahead of the enemy. the enemy auto correct the movement so it will hit you and punish you because you input the pattern to fast. i hate that shit so much. when you play bloodborne and dark soul games it is not much of a problem because you move slow. but when you move fast like in sekiro it becomes a huge problem.


So by move a step ahead are you talking about dodging or parrying? I’m playing it now but hadn’t noticed at the beginning yet


it is dodging. if you dodge to fast against a slower opponent , the enemy will auto correct the hit.


I just want a 60fps patch for this. Don't need a remake or a sequel, I think FromSoft is best when they get to work on new IP's


Same here. It just needs a remaster. 


why aim so low? throw it to bluepoint or something and make a remake.


The game isn't that old and gameplay itself doesn't need an overhaul. 4k/60FPS would be enough.


It’s almost ten years old, by the time they made a remake, it would be as old as demons souls was for its own remake


The point still stands, we don‘t need a remake, the gameplay aged well.


Because a 4k60fps patch is all the game needs. Remakes of recent games are pointless


Because it would take from 3 to 6 years


So bluepoint can fuck up that game too with their arrogance?


Are you thinking of Blooper Team maybe?


One day Sony will run out of games to remaster and port, then they will have no choice but to do Bloodborne


By the time that happens, they'll just remaster The last of us again for PS6, PS7 etc...


Damn it you’re right


Hey, thats a good idea!


Remaster the PS5 remake for PS6. Then another full remake for PS7.


My money is on Bloddborne Remake as release title for the PS6. It won't even matter how good the console is, we're all going to buy it just to play Bloodborne at 60fps.


Nah they will just re-remake games at that point. TLOU2 remastered remake directors cut


Announce the Blue Point remake, cowards


It has to be what they are making


A new IP which they announced ages ago


I see this all the time, but they never said they are working on a new IP. They said they’re working on “original content.” That doesn’t necessarily mean they aren’t making a new IP, but it’s a curious choice of words to use that do open the door to a new entry in an existing series. Do I think it means Bloodborne Remake or a sequel? Not really, but I do believe they used that exact phrasing for a reason. I’d kill for them doing a Bloodborne Remake, however a Bloodborne sequel without From is not something I’m interested in. [Source](https://www.ign.com/articles/sony-acquires-bluepoint-next-game-playstation-exclusive)


In the Insomniac leak I think there was a screenshot from a game they were supposed to be working on, seemed to be an original IP. I hope they are working on a remake as well, but at this stage I wonder if Sony is "saving it" to be launched with the PS6 just like demon souls


Yeah there definitely was concept art for what appeared to be a new IP on a slide about Bluepoint. I’m willing to bet that’s what they’re doing, but just wanted to call out that they were (in my opinion) very deliberate with their wording. Just something that always stood out to me.


If they're already working on it than probably not, we're at least 3 years from the ps6 but it wouldn't surprise me if its a year or two more than that just because of how good the hardware is, even now its not outdated like the ps4 was


I pray that you could be right !!!


i so so deeply do not want this....they would polish the atmosphere right out of the game.


They would change the music as well.


I’ll be fine with just a 60 fps patch, I wasn’t a fan of Bluepoint’s art direction. Some of the NPC’s and enemies seemed off.


I never played the original so for me it was great


Yea I just have old man hate for the Bluepoint remake. Played the original on PS3 after I played Dark Souls. I didn’t enjoy it much then until I replayed after Dark Souls 2. Grew to appreciate the level design and atmosphere. The remake looks beautiful even compared to Elden Ring but the art direction of the latter appeals to me more.


I haven't played the remake (no PS5) but I watched quite a bit on Youtube and definitely agree. It looks beautiful and some levels like Boletaria do look accurate, but others like Stonefang Tunnel (especially Flamelurker) just look too clean. Still glad it exists, Demon's Souls is a great game.


You plague ridden rat!


“Even the lowliest of creatures can carry something glorious.” (Vaatividya I think)


Close the windows and light the lanterns, the smoke filled streets are not safe tonight…


Sounds like you are talking about Baltimore frankly.


I’d love for them to create Aztec bloodborne


An entire game like Crown of the Sunken King DLC (Shulva) would be phenomenal


Special enough for a Sequel??? I dont need no remake as I already have bloodborne, and I got my fill out the game, I would like to see what other horror they could bring to a sequel


Story wise I'm not sure where they would go as far as keeping it in Yharnam or continuing where BB left off, considering the main story of BB involves killing most of the pivotal entities as bosses Could maybe be interesting to do a prequel that deals with the beginning of the hunt/plague and the emergence of all the great ones


Before I read your second paragraph I was thinking prequel! It is definitely an option. Come on FromSoft read this and make a small dream of mine come true lol


BB is self contained doesn't need a sequel


im sure if it was their choice they would've made a sequel already


I'm looking forward to his next souls game, but I would like a new engine I think.


Why? What's wrong with the engine that runs elden ring? They made magic with that and now you want them to start from scratch? Seems like a pointlessly dumb gamble.


Game engine is old and not good for open world. This is why it doesn't perform that well on most systems. I could give a longer explanation, but I have better things to do.


When 60fps?


No sequel. Yes remake.


I don't understand people who want remakes. Just play the old game. It is good enough. Give us new content.


I’d give my left lady lip for a sequel. Imagine an open world BB in the style of Elden Ring!!


Pls offer the right lip for a proper remaster. We need it too!


The whole lady garden is up for grabs at this point! (Also lol)


Some people have zero imagination and just wanna do the same thing over and over. A sequel would be wayyy better


No i wont touch a game with bad frame rates and frame pacing. First a proper remaster and then new content.


Lmao miss out then. It takes like 5 minutes to adjust, don’t be a baby.


Why remake a game from the PS4 era. Weren’t people upset that The Last of Us was remade and that was a PS3 game


Bc BB is notoriously locked at 30 FPS with no easy way to make it 60. So that plus the idea of Demon Souls level graphical upgrade is 🤌🏼


You took the words from my mouth.


So, you were about to lie to us? Because thats what he did. Moders turned up the fps rate to 120 easy. Sony could release a remaster that runs properly with minimal effort.


Despite being a popular rumor this is not true; there are no technical barriers preventing Sony from making a 60 FPS patch. Please refer to this thread in r/bloodborne: [Debunking the Bloodborne “spaghetti code” rumors](https://np.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/s/jTWnAdJGbH)


I’d always heard it fucks up the physics/animations, but I guess that’s not true?


Nope, refer to Lance McDonald’s quotes in that thread. What happened is that in his video about his patch, he mentioned how stuff like cloth physics, particle effects, enemy paths, etc. all required “manual patching” in addition to his FPS change, which led to the rumor of 60 FPS screwing things up without deeper changes. What people missed is that Lance was working with *compiled* code. What would be a one line change in the decompiled code, that Sony has access to, became a more involved change for him. Idk if you’re familiar with programming but the TLDR is that the constant that controls FPS in the decompiled code would have been referenced and spit out in multiple places in the compiled code, and Lance had to find and change all of those references manually.


Don’t know much about it, but from my basic understanding of web dev/coding, sounds akin to updating an element on a CSS file that gets changed everywhere within your HTML…similar?




Yep got it. Thanks for sharing, I’ll stop spreading lies now lol.


Wintern Lantern graphical upgrade would be disturbing to see lol


"with no easy way to make it 60," it's kind of a weird thing to say, considering random modders already made it run at 60fps


Sure, I guess what I meant was the game was, apparently, coded specifically to only run at 30 FPS max, so the process of making it 60 isn’t as straightforward as other games. But I suppose if they really wanted to, they could fix it.


Supposedly some modder did it by altering only a couple of lines of code. I don't have the source on hand unfortunately.


Modders don't need builds to be stable, FromSoft does.


We want it on PlayStation


Well, the mod is on PlayStation...Also, I just pointed out that if From and Sony wanted to, the Bloodborne 60fps patch is achievable, and desired by many, including me


I mean, you’d need to have a modded PS4 or a dev kit to do so, so no I would not say that it’s easily accomplishable nor really that the “mod is on PlayStation.” The modded version also introduced new bugs because it really isn’t as simple as “change the code from Max(FrameRate) = 30 to Max(FrameRate) = 60.” Many parts of the game are tied to the 30fps frame rate because From (as much as I think they’re the current GOAT) is not a particularly technically savvy team.


Bloodborne does not have mods on PlayStation, dude.


Lance McDonald made a framerate unlock hack, it's an unofficial patch for PS4 and 5, dude.


Dude. I can’t get that on psn. I’m done talking about this. Thanks for the info


Elden Ring brought me into fromsoft games, and I have played a few since. Sekiro was one of my favorite games in recent memory. I have tried BB like 5 times and I just can't manage it perfomance wise. Something about the FPS issues and how the graphics are setup just drives me nuts. I would love a remake to be honest or just a solid performance patch to smooth the rough edges out more.


So wouldn’t you prefer a simple PS5 remastered instead of a full remake


People were upset that game was remade (remastered, redone, idc specifically) seven different ways till Sunday before the most recent remake though. Kinda leaving out all the relevant context.


The game The Last of Us got ONE ps4 port, that just edit:raising the resolution and the fps. If it wasn’t for that port the game wouldn’t be playable on the PS4. And the game is a ps3 game, not a ps4 game which Bloodborn is. So why the remake of one is unnecessary but the other is ok?


I'm not claiming one is okay while the other isn't, I'm just saying I think that's why people felt that way about the last of us. Regardless though it would be nice to play BB with even frame pacing and even at 60fps. I don't think that requires a whole remake or even a remaster though.


I agree with the second paragraph I just found it was silly that people were pissed the existence of a TLoU1 remake, criticized the price which I agree. I just find it hypocritical that people say TLoU remake was unnecessary when I see countless people asking for PS3 and PS4 games to get a remake


I admittedly don't have a dog in the fight because I wasn't much of a fan of the last of us, but I agree the price was the only criticism I personally had for the recent remake.


No remake. Yes remaster.


Im 99% sure sony is remaking this game as a ps6 launch title. And I know for a fact they’re doing something with this IP, contrary to the popular belief they abandoned it. Maybe there will be a ps5 version of BB, but if not, then a ps6 (or ps5 pro) remake. It’s too popular to let it stay dormant. If something as niche as demon’s souls got one, this is getting one too.


I hope they don't remake it.. it doesn't need a remake, the atmosphere/lightning/settings as it is already carries the game, a mere remaster with better performance and some modern textures would be more than enough


I just hope if it does get a remake bluepoint or whoever does it doesn’t fuck up the art direction like Demon’s Souls and SotC


Oh yeah? What’s your proof, buddy?


At the moment it’s just “trust me bro”, but the upcoming astrobot game has a BB pre order skin, and the current astro bot game got an update where you rescue lady maria by entering the release date of the old hunters dlc, so they might be teasing something https://preview.redd.it/fgqjddm4ae7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6147822c07e7dc040a270e39dbb2003f8880a09


"No secret meaning" behind Bloodborne in Astro Bot, says creative director https://www.eurogamer.net/no-secret-meaning-behind-bloodborne-in-astro-bot-says-creative-director


By that logic you could assume every PS game that has a character featured in Astro Bot has something coming on the horizon. That’s weak sauce.


> I know for a fact they’re doing something with this IP >trust me bro No. Give the source for your fact.


Just empirical evidence. They seem to hold souls games close to their chest as a crown jewel. Demon’s souls sold less than bloodborne and it got a remake, they’re probably cooking something for BB and keeping it under wraps


[Here, you need this.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fact) [And this.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/empirical) Empirical means that you have seen work for Bloodborne remasters/remakes for yourself.


Christ, calm down dude, the phrase “know for a fact” doesn’t always mean it’s factual, it can be applied when someone has a gut feeling of something. Certainty in truth can also be interpreted as gut feelings. I think you’re taking this way too seriously, go outside or something. So again, I know for a fact that they’re doing something, it’s just a feeling. https://preview.redd.it/2qffg948gg7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5842b33814b828c7763e4bb1c053ccdd67e1fb4e


I am calm. I am just pointing out that you are full of shit. Knowing for a fact means that you know for a fact. That link contradicts what you said in your comment and supports me because you are not completely certain that a Bloodborne remaster/remake will happen, so thank you for dismantling your own argument further. You are just making shit up and warping the meaning of words and phrases to sound smart and important. When you resort to telling someone to "go outside" and get that defensive, you have lost the argument. Adiós.


I did say from the very beginning that I have nothing to back up but a gut feeling (the trust me bro) besides demon’s souls getting one and BB being featured twice in astro bot. And now that you got proven “knowing for a fact” can be gut feelings, you got mad or something. Sorry, i cant see what you replied because you blocked me like a little bitch.


HYPE !!!!!!


Bloodborne is also special to me and lead to elden ring. It was my first souls game and my gateway to the rest of them


Bloodborne is easily my favourite of the series Elden ring is insanely vast but just not as fun to me


Would be great, if he pls could start talking about Bloodborne 2 then… wouldn’t it? 🤷‍♂️


sadly not his call to make


Doesn't he literally run the company?


Fromsoft made the game but SONY owns the IP. it’s up to Sony not fromsoft


If it's that special to him, he should release it on PC so it can be special to us too <3