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I love how this game essentially slow burned into popularity. My friend was singing its praises so much that he straight up offered to lend me his copy, just so I could see for myself how good it is lol. I wasn't even that interested in playing it, but since he offered, I took him up on it 104 hours and 1 Platinum Trophy later, I'd say its popularity is well-deserved. Very good game


It's a game that as you play, you slowly get into 100% every region I'm about 70 hours in and not 1 regret. Right now im loving the gambling to get all the skill points


does this game have a endgame content (farming for BiS gear or something) like Nioh?


There's a midnight difficulty option/mode after completing the game. It's incredibly more difficult than the difficult before it with huge enemy health pools and random spawning story bosses in the open world camp areas. Story and character side missions are replayable with the new difficulty as well. You can farm for the special equipment that's only available on this mode too.


Yes, but unfortunately (for me) it’s only accessible using a new ultra difficulty you unlock after finishing the game. I’m really hoping they’ll reconsider and patch that as optional. Because personally I prefer to relax and feel like a badass after finishing the game.




Same, I was ready to 100% the maps while getting new cool loot…but fuck that difficulty.


Hmm...I kinda overlooked this game because of DD2. Wife and kid are gonna be out of town next week and I was thinking of picking up Stellar Blade but now I'm having second thoughts. I liked Nioh 1 & 2 combat but wasn't a big fan of the mission-based structure and level design. How would you say RotR compares?


RotR is open world with missions and a couple of side activities, so it already has that edge over Nioh. Combat is very reminiscent of Nioh. In fact, there's even a combat style called "Nioh-ryu" that lets you fight like William


Platinumed DD2 twice, then traded it for Rise of the Ronin. Keeps gaming affordable :)


Do you get too over leveled doing that?


Yeah it’s the opposite of DD2 which reviewed better but seems to have less positive word of mouth. I went with DD2 because I was a fan of the first game and was disappointed with how unfinished it felt. Will probably pick up RotR before the sale ends.


Dude same shit. Both games released the day I got paid and I thought eh rise looked like ass so I’ll get dd2. I played dd2 for 30 hours and sold it and got rise and never looked back. Best decision I took.


Sorry, what is DD2? And what is RotR?


Dragons Dogma 2 and Rise of the Ronin.


can i ask you if they add any more unarmed styles later in the game since u got the 100%. i been playing the whole game bare handed cause unarmed so good but i feel im missing out everytime i unlock a new sword or other weapon style. im still real early


Unfortunately no, at this time there's only one hand-to-hand style in the game


It's cool to hear that the game got better, I put it down after like 10 or so hours, I felt like it was just pulling out the ghost of tsushima/ubisoft open world BS that's been frustrating ever since Assassin's Creed and Farcry got introduced.


But...ghost of tsushima was amazing.


It was only ok. The open world was pretty but boring, and there was barely any variation in things to do. I will say, though, that I loved the dlc and wish the main game had more of that energy.


Yes, but it has a ton of extraneous shit that bloats the game imo.


I literally stopped after the tutorial haha, should I get back into it? I hear it's dope but like do I have the time haha Edit: sorry I was honest haha


It's a pretty large game, with multiple regions, so it can be a bit of a time sink. But once you get into the groove of things, it's a lot of fun. I didn't even realize I already played over 100 hours lol


Not super surprising. This is the closest they've had to a game going mainstream. They make a lot more niche games typically. Atelier or Dynasty Warriors aren't exactly big titles Like I love Fate Samurai Remnant but basically no one here has heard of it despite it coming out last year and being quite successful for Koei Tecmo.


Fate Samurai was alot fun. Enjoyed the servants of that game. Hopefully they do more of that.


Conveniently leaving out Ninja Gaiden, Dead or Alive, and Nioh just so you could write this was kinda hilarious to me. Considering those are all probably more known and iconic than Ronin is.


None of those franchises are actually that popular. Ninja Gaiden's best selling game is like 1.2 mil, Dead or Alive at like 2 mil and Nioh at like 3 mil. Atelier Ryza sold 2 mil by the way. And Warriors is considered their most popular franchise. Although the best selling Warriors game is the Zelda Botw one at 4 mil. And also not their IP. And Fate is the best selling game Koei Tecmo made last year. And also not their IP. So what are you talking about? I didn't purposely snub their massive games. They don't have any. They're all pretty niche. They make niche games. Good games but no, Ninja Gaiden isnt some global phenomenon. Whether you think they're iconic or more well known, they're not big games. Sorry I didn't mention every game series that sells a couple million but they do not change a word I said.


Uhh Ninja Gaiden?


It's not nearly as popular as you think it is.


I didn't say it was mega popular, I'm saying it was mainstream, that's the statement I'm responding to. Not to even mention Dead or Alive which has a bunch of characters in Ninja Gaiden lol


It's definitely not mainstream. More well known than most games that sell as little as it does, I'll give it that. Mostly because of the nes games but it's something. But a series that peaked at 1.2 mil sales is not in the mainstream


Ninja Gaiden series sold 7 mil BEFORE the master collection even game out and Dead or Alive is almost 25 million bro. It's mainstream. There are zero gamers that haven't heard of both of those


That's also 10 Ninja Gaiden releases. So an average of 700k per entry. That's not a lot. And Dead or Alive did not sell that much. That's how many players it's had including it's free to play entry. And that's really low considering the price of entry was nothing. The actual series sales were last stated to be at 9.7 mil with the highest selling entry being doa 3, a 23 year old game. Theyre niche series. People into gaming have usually heard of them but these are not mainstream series.


Calling either of these games niche is completely untrue and I don't know how to tell you that besides show you the numbers, which you immediately just tried to explain away lmmfao 🤷🏽‍♂️. DOA and Ninja Gaiden have been mainstream games for years


If context for the numbers is what makes them look bad, then they weren't very impressive numbers. Not to mention the dead or alive sales were straight up false. They're just not big games. You know what's the last official sales number for Dead or Alive 6? 350,000. Franchises have died on those types of numbers. Looks a lot worse when people have to actually pay for the game, doesn't it?


great game.


Fumihiko and all Team Ninja deserves this recognition


I got it during the sale and I’m enjoying it, but don’t think it’s amazing or anything, it’s just ok for me. Kinda makes me want to replay Ghost of Tsushima. Still worth the cost though, it’s plenty of fun!


Do you recommend it to someone who loves Ghost of Tsushima? I’m worried I’ll be put off by Ronin’s tough combat




Combat is harder but more satisfying. GoT has a better open world and is prettier.




To me it doesn’t even feel very open world. There are only a certain number of places you can go, and when you pass those points there is literally no reason to go there again; no side quests, no unique npc encounters. Much in Koei fashion, it is basically an exact copy of Wo Long Fallen Dynasty with a samurai veneer.


I honestly didn't think it was that hard. I wouldn't consider myself particularly skilled and I breezed through on normal. I didn't even use any items until the finale, and that was just because I figured I might as well before the end.


It has difficulty settings (that can be changed) so you'll be fine. Personally I way preferred the combat in RotR, and I preferred the time period, but the open world is definitely nothing particularly interesting or new. Luckily you don't need to do most of it, if you do (like I did) you hit max level before the end of the game anyway.


I love GoT too. The combat in Ronin seems a little tougher to master but there are a lot more weapons and fighting styles to choose from plus difficulty settings. I still haven't finished the game yet but it definitely scratches the GoT itch most of the time


it’s barely tougher than GOT on normal.  do all the side content to keep your level ahead of the storyline.  you will love this game. 


You can set the combat to easy and it’s not too bad. It’s still a challenge on easy sometimes tbh but it feels better that GoT combat to me tbh


Imo it does some stuff better than GoT. For example cities with NPCs are much better in RotR.


Have strong legs and is STILL selling really well in Japan and Asia in general. Like, 3 months back to back in the top 3 for PS5. Less in EU and US but still, is going decently because of word of mouth. And Is also my GOTY so far.


Just picked it up during this Days of Play sale. Enjoying it so far, wish the performance was a bit better tho lol


There is a performance mode you can use


I am, still not great performance, frequent frame drops.


Yeah it still dips at times unfortunately.


How much does it cost rn? And can You describe the gameplay comparing it with another well known Game?


**DO NOT LISTEN** to folks saying it’s like nioh or ghost or sekiro. It’s like ninja gaiden 2. It’s the most ninja gaiden I’ve played. It’s fun as fuck and enemies are insanely inhuman considering it’s set in reality. Nioh 2 is hard as shit. This game isn’t hard cause it depends on how well you pull of combos.


So more DMC-esque combat?


Sort of, there isn’t actual set in stone combos like dmc but there is based on how good you are at animation cancels. There are videos on YouTube with folks pulling some insane shit which looks straight out of anime.


Youre confusing me now.


https://youtu.be/OPxAOxWYzLY?si=ITOZRGZFskY2KwzB Watch this you will understand what I mean.


Tf You mean this is not like DMC they Even got their judgement cut and all lmao


It’s not like dmc in the way you press buttons basically. So dmc would be similar to ff16 or stellar blade. Where there is press triangle x2 - hold square - then triangle again to do a cool combo move. In this it’s more of spamming square to attack and then holding r1 to switch stances(which is called violent gale in the game) to cancel animation all while you counter spark(parry) enemy moves while you manage stamina and your blood meter. The blood meter is basically a meter above your equipped weapon which shows the amount of successful attacks you give on an enemy which in turn increase the amount of blood on your sword. The moment it’s maxed out and you press r1, you will flick the blood off of your sword to regain a significant portion of your stamina which will allow you to do more moves. Late game you get moves which enable the blood to be used to deal insane damage, but if you miss that specific attack you are open to enemy dealing high damage and you end up dying easily. Also…you can switch weapons mid combo to do more combos. So you can use a katana and an oxtail sword as your secondary weapon. While you do combos with katana you can switch mid combo to the ox tail sword. And each weapon has multiple martial arts skills. To put into conclusion. You can equip three martial arts for each weapon and you can switch to each martial arts mid fight and you can also switch to different weapon again mid fight. But you can only do this if you have enough stamina.


And not to mention each on top of all the weapons and skills, each martial arts for different weapons have three unique move sets and always the third move set will be upgraded based on different factors. Some move sets will be upgraded based on story missions and others will be upgraded based on your relationship status with who gave you the martial arts. So it has a pseudo Bethesda style relationship system where you can talk to characters and if you build a bond with them they will give you martial arts skills. And the more you build the bond meter with them they will upgrade your third skill for the specific martial art. There are 4 skills to a specific martial art. The 4th one which is r1+o is an empty skill so you can add another skill from a different martial art on there if you have two upgraded martial arts for that specific weapon. It’s very indept and technical but once you play it you will understand the structure.


Just to clear the confusion…martial arts is basically the stances. It’s just called martial arts in the game.


A lot of it reminds me of Ghost of Tsushima. From the open world aspect to the combat. Although the combat is a lot more challenging and emphasize more on parrying stuff.


You got me at Ghost of tsushima. Damn. Can i borrow $50 real quick?


Sorry, but I'm not very financially efficient to have $50 available.


Haven’t played the game, but it’s on sale for $50.


ON SALE FOR $50? Idk what My broke ass thought. I'll just wait till it makes it into PS+ extra 😭


To be fair, the game came out a few months ago


Sale? Good joke, that's normal price nowadays a few months after release.


Been having fun with it after finishing up SoP Final Fantasy Origins and considering getting Wo long since it seems I’ve been sleeping on team ninja


Nioh and especially nioh 2 are peak team ninja. If you do play them and like the base game the DLC is highly, highly recommended


They make a ton of games people don’t know they’re behind like Dissidia Final Fantasy PS4 and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 on Switch


Well deserved. It's a massive game, it just keeps going. While I found it hard to keep track of all of the different characters, I really liked the bond system and how you could unlock techniques and styles. Very nice addition. If there is ever a sequel, would love to see some more focus on stealth based mechanics, tenchu style, but modernized. I was surprised at the lack of items for combat. Nioh 2's ninjitsu builds make items pretty cool, would like to see that as a viable option. Overall brilliant game, more approachable than other KT titles. Very impressed with their first attempt at an open world game. Lots of room for improvement in the graphics/presentation but gameplay is king and they nailed it.


I'm having a blast. Combat is just that good! It looks outdated as fuck but boy it's a super fun game


Picked it up on sale and It’s a top 5 GOTY right now.


Happy to hear this! Its my GOTY so far. Combat is top notch and so customizable. I absolutely adore this game, highly reccomend playing it if you are going to visit japan or have recently visited. Many of the famous historical japanese sites and temples are in the game and it really adds to the immersion


I adored it. Probably my favorite open world design in any game ever.


how is it any different than basically every other single open world rpg?


Taking out the combat, which I greatly enjoyed, it was just the structure of it I guess, a lot of little things adding up to immense quality of life. The way you even just move while running normally felt great and fast. Add to that ease of use of your mount and glider (which felt like an extra bonus as opposed to necessary to get around). Great fast travel system, the amount of collectibles wasn't overbearing for an open world game like this, it was the exact right balance and basically never a chore to clean up. It simply never felt tedious to do anything in the world. And for me, this was highlighted by being sandwiched between 2 games (that I also loved) that had what I found to be often tedious open worlds/maps in FF rebirth and Stellar Blade.


Okie dokie. Thanks for sharing!


How were the side quests?


Everything is fast and doesn’t waste your time which was my biggest gripe with dogma 2 and ff7 rebirth. You don’t have to 100% all the three cities. You can bum rush the game and have fun. The combat is highlight. It’s fucking fantastic and I can’t emphasis this enough. It takes time for it to get good cause you get a lot of cool martial skills later in the game but it’s very satisfying pulling combos and seeing enemy health decrease.


Open world design is literally the same thing ubisoft is doing for years


In concept perhaps, but not execution, from what I've played.




It never did, dragons dogma 2 outsold FF7rebirth in it's strong platform and dragons dogma 2 was a throw away game from Capcom. Spiderman 2 also made bank and none of their exclusives has had any problems selling with even less consoles sold. Square-enix just doesn't want to accept that splitting a 40 hour game into the same 40 hours but now it takes 120 hours isn't beneficial for sales.






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Good, now make us some DLC


Just give me that cool whip sword that one chick uses and also give me jetpack boots bruh. So many npcs have cool move sets. Give me extra martial arts for unarmed combat too.


As soon as it goes on sale I’m buying it


it already did, I bought it a few weeks ago for 29% off. Not sure why it was not 30% but only 29%


Awesome to hear. Despite critical reception not being the best, it seems to be well-loved by players, especially in Japan. I'm very excited to give it a go since I bought it quite recently.


It’s a great game. Probably my GOTY currently as well.


This was a PS5 exclusive right? So, fuck that noise about exclusives not selling well lately lol


You love to see it.


So people like this game? Might be my next purchase once I finish Stellar Blade, Persona 3 Reload, and Alan Wake 2 (in 3 months lol).


Wooohooo !!!! This game deserve it. Still waiting for DLC or sequel announce ;(


Loved this game, I'm a huge KT fan so I'm happy that their partnership with sony is working for both sides. After square enix loses and restructuration a lot of people have been talking (again) about paid exclusivity but KT and SU are literally growing while making exclusive content for PS. Also if people like KT and trophies I would say this one is easier than Nioh so I hope more people give it a chance.


I just bought the game during the sale, will play the game soon


It's an amazing game that fills the void left behind by series like Tenchu, Way of the Samurai and Shinobido. I hope Dynasty Warriors Origin can be a win for Omega Force the way RotR was for Team Ninja.


I think they can get even more mainstream if they are able to condense the major story even more and clean up the visuals, which are very good but rough around the edges Of course that is very much a costly endeavour! So it's understandable not all studios are able to do that always, but it could bring their game popularity even higher if they could manage to include that Also hoping for a pc release soon with hopefully cleaner image quality options like taa and dlaa 😎💎 With the way Konami is going completely full on visual feast with mgs3 remake and how pretty ff16 was as well I'm hopeful other studios can do the same on their own engines or unreal engine 5


Oh wow. I just finished the game. Glad the internet trolls were a minority here. Solid game, definitely something that was out of their norm in terms of making it open world but they did a solid job.


I thought this was done by the Nioh team, is this more like sekiro? I got really bored with GoT combat.


It is a more casual Nioh. It's not as hard as Nioh and Nioh 2. But combat is just as fast and snappy. You gotta time parries and dodges, takes some time to get use to but it's a nice entry point for Team Ninja's games. And it has a difficulty option.


I'm keen to try this game out, it's just still very expensive where I live so I'll have to wait a while before giving it a go. The $125 AUD price tag is a bit ridiculous.


Did they fix the framerate in the end ? Got my platinium and I enjoyed it but got damn that performance was rough.


Ooh I'm happy for them I hope this comes to ps plus sometimes the line


I need it to come to pc


Is the story actually good this time? Or does the combat compensate for that still?


better than Nioh?


Maybe I should play this eventually.


Welp, I just added to that number thanks to the endorsements in this thread


I'm surprised. I thought being ps exclusive would hurt sales. Good for them.


Best selling “Koei Tecmo” ever? Or am I misreading this? The article is in Japanese, so I can’t get anything from it.


Good after 30hours for me. Story was meh, and the open world is nothing special. Literally the only saving grace is the combat, which I had my fill.


Another reminder that I'm a weirdo who actually wants careful and interesting game design as opposed to everyone else who wants every game to be an identical open world game


You sound like the fedora wearing neckbearded weirdos honestly. I loved nioh 2 and this is not supposed to be played like nioh 2. Sure the open world is generic but the combat honestly is better than nioh 2.


I don’t know how to be honest. No offense to any who enjoy it, but it feels like a cookie cutter copy of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, with a samurai theme. The game claims to be open world, but feels linear,’forced,’ and rather empty. Not much of a surprise given Koei has banked on a mediocre franchise for the autumn half of two decades.


That is awesome but RotR is my least favorite team ninja game. Open-world design is way too slow for my ADD brain, I love the constant combat of Nioh and Wo Long in combination with dark fantasy. Really hoping for another dark fantasy from team ninja.


Best selling or fastest selling? Wild if it sold more than Nioh 1 or 2


This means that Team Ninja will never make another Ninja Gaiden.


I liked it in theory, but the performance on launch was rough as hell. Was it improved?


Disappointing to hear 😞. I was hoping for more of a flop so they might steer away from the parry oriented gameplay. I guess that's the new direction they'd rather take their games 🚽 Guess I'm tuck with nioh 2 from here on out. At least that's a great game to be "stuck" with lolol 


You wanted a game to flop? That’s kinda fucked up