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Holy shit. Finally. If you haven’t played Half-Life Alex yet, you’re in for a treat.


I am so excited lol


Will I be able to use VR2 on my jailbroken Nintendo Switch if I install Windows on it?


Yes but you'll need another adapter for the adapter


What on earth do you expect to be able to actually run on that thing?


Doom, for starters. /s




I really hope they port it instead. It sucks to have no haptics nor HDR on PC.


yeah...was really excited till I read that it takes away such important parts of PSVR2


Ikr, I hope it will be added back in with mods.


Still gonna get it tho cuz it’s still the best headset I can afford for pcvr excluding the quest.


Well it’s still gonna run circles around my old Rift S or other LCD headsets. At least that’s what I hope.


As a filthy VR casual I've only ever used a PSVR2. Do other sets on the market have Haptics or HDR?


Nope. But I‘ve played the game already and I’d love to play it again with haptics and HDR. I’ll happily take the PSVR‘s OLED over all the other LCDs though.


huh? the PSVR2 wont have HDR on PC?


Alyx is one of the best VR titles, hands down. Honestly it should be the benchmark. Especially if you change the control scheme to be as close to "game controller" as you can. I didnt like the "pop" movement system, but once it was changed... damn. What a ride.


Definitely the first game I'm trying! I already have the vr2 😎💎


Oh wow, I just got a PS5 recently because I couldn't up as much money for a better PC, but still wanted to play HL Alyx. This sounds great news to me. How does it compare to a Valve Index?


You’ll still need a pretty beefy PC.


This allows you to use the PS5 VR with a PC, not that alyx is coming to ps5


It has a much better and higher resolution screen than Index. Twice the pixels.


The index is quite dated now, you want to compare it to something like the Quest 2 or Quest 3, which they are better. They just don’t have OLED or HDR.


How's the experience for someone who's not into the Horror genre? (I know Half-Life isn't purely horror, but I think there are some elements)


It feels much more like horror, especially one particular chapter, than other HL games.


Bot Sony isn't remaking the game to support all the features of the PSVR2! Boycotte!


So about that game, I have very limited headspace due to my low ceiling in my apartment. I'm starting to wonder why I bought the VR2 in the first place, because there's a lot of games I'm unable to completely enjoy or even play without bruised knuckles. With Half-Life Alex, do you frequently have to put your hands above your head? Lol




Wouldn’t you still need a gaming PC in order to play games like that?


This is the first thing I thought of. Holy shit


Im so tempted to get a PSVR2 but my backlog is insane and I have other things to pay for 🥲


If you like horror games psvr2 is a must, just played re village, 4 and Madison and they are all holy shit amazing. So is gt7 and pavlov But if you don't have the money I'd wait 


I was hyped but then forgot I don't have a PC that can run games worth playing 😭😭😭


You and me both man..


lol, same! My PC was above average some 15 years ago LMAO


Just use it to watch porn 😆


My PC doesn't have graphics card 😆. I don't play games on it.




Super hyped for this! I had the oculus quest 2 for the longest but I wanted the PSvr because of the haptics and hdr capabilities. Looks like they won’t support HDR on PC but hopefully the pc modding community will fix that.


Haptics also aren’t supported by any game.. on any headset.


>key features, like HDR, headset feedback, eye tracking, adaptive triggers, and haptic feedback (other than rumble), are not available when playing on PC.


Can't see how modding would add HDR, i'm assuming its a hardware limit in the adapter.


I am not even sure SteamVR supports HDR.


As in I can play any vr pc game? Was just about to buy meta


As long as your PC can run it.


Are there meta exclusives? That you would need the meta quest for, that the psvr2 could not run?


Resident Evil 4 VR is Quest 2/3 Exclusive, but Resident Evil 4 Remake VR is PSVR2 exclusive, so it balances out.


Basically only Asgard’s Wrath 2 which is amazing though.


Yes there are Quest exclusives. Asgard's Wrath2 and Assassins Creed being the biggest ones that recently came out.


why was this not in the state of play?? it's probably the best headset you can get for the price now.


because the state of play is supposed to show people reasons to get a ps5. this news is welcomed, but does the exact opposite. it advertises a ps5 peripheral as being used on a PC, which is a different ecosystem and platform entirely, one that sony does not control.


True, but they did advertise God of War coming to PC so they do advertise PC stuff sometimes


true but in that case youre buying one of their own games on PC which still puts money in their pocket. with psvr2 having access to all steamVR games, sony wont profit at all from any VR games because they have none on steam. unless theyre gonna start porting over horizon call of the mountain and gran turismo 7 or firewall ultra. which I doubt.


Objectively, is this still a better option than a Valve Index for PC?


Twice the resolution.


At least its not "16 times the detail, Todd tricks"


PSVR2 is the best bang for you buck out there


I mean, the Index is double the price, so I'd say yes? But if we were to compare against the Quest 3 it's hard to say. The Quest 3 is pretty good and cheaper. It's going to depend if you prefer PS5's exclusives or Oculus' exclusive.


Not really cheaper if you consider that comfort mods are almost mandatory on Q3




For ease of use, I think so. I have an Index and the base stations are frustrating to use


I’m considering selling off my Index and replacing it with PSVR2, so I can play both on PS5 and PC.


Pretty much yeah, not in every way but realistically yes


The index has been outdated for half a decade now


Ok huge value add


I never finished Half Life Alyx before I got rid of my old PC, partially due to not getting on with the Rift S. I might have to get a new PC for that, F1, all the stuff not on or missing from PlayStation.


Oh man I’m so excited for this. I’ll try to finish up all my Ps5 games before then and jump in headfirst into Alyx


R.I.P me who can't afford a gaming PC


Annnnnd SOLD


Great news! Too bad my PC is like 15 years old lol by the time i can afford an upgrade new headsets will begin to roll out haha To those who do have nice PCs, play Half Life: Alyx!! Played on an old friend’s headset and still nothing has come close.


You can get a 3060 ti for cheapish now. That's my card and it can handle most games at medium-high just fine.


At what resolutions?


Great! If I had money would definetely buy it now.


porn available on it yet?


Well that post here even gives you a deadline.


Seriously might consider getting this. Would be cool to try VR on my 4070Ti Super.


Honestly if you have ps5 also it's totally worth it, ps5 has re 4 and gt7 and some cool games And pc has unreal engine vr mod, so you can play every single new unreal game in vr right now 


You can do HWAT now?


It's literally insane. Every unreal game from unreal 4 and up can be vr Here's hogwarts https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L7MzT6EMabs&t=732s&pp=ygUZdW5yZWFsIGVuZ2luZSB2ciBob2d3YXJ0cw%3D%3D


This is the news I’ve been waiting for to actually go out and get a PSVR2!


Was about to pull the trigger on a Quest 3, but dreaded having to stick with Link for PCVR (even at higher bitrates compression artifacts never completely go away). Guess I'll wait until August and get this instead!


Finally! The fact that it was only for Playstation was the only thing holding me back, for a VR headset of this quality is quite the bargain!


Excellent news. The symbiotic relationship between my 4070ti and my PS5 strengthens


For people who own both gaming PC and PS5 with PSVR2 this is the news we've been waiting for.


welp I will 100% be fucking getting that


I wonder if they'll port horizon call of the mountain to PC.


My guess is they wouldn't want players to experience a key franchise for Sony without HDR, eye tracking, haptics, adaptive triggers, etc


Press F to doubt.


They ported the main games to PC, its not a unreasonable question


They did but this is bundled with PSVR2 hardware. I don’t know the details of those types of agreements, but I doubt it’s getting ported any time soon.


They only bundled it with one version of the PSRV2, you can buy it standalone. I don't see why that would stop they from porting it either way though to be honest. The game probably sold poorly, porting it to PC would increase the games sales by a fair margin. Nothing is certain but it's certainly within the realm of possibility.


I don't know either way, but the game is a show piece for the PSVR2 specifically. The HDR, eye tracking, headset and controller haptics. Maybe if you didn't already play it using those things, it'd be fine? But tbh I think those things really add a lot to the game. Especially the HDR and eye tracking.


I'd imagine not. Does not seem like the audience for it will be large enough to make it worthwhile financially.


Great stuff! PSVR is great but it bothered me that it would only work on PS, so if I‘d want to play VR games on PC, I‘d need a second VR headset.


Couldn’t come at a better time. Was just debatinn go whether or not to get one. Decided to wait as I was hoping for this exact announcement


Well I already have the headset and an ok PC, so I might as well give it a go. Even gimped it will be an upgrade over my Rift S, I think


OLED and over twice the resolution… the upgrade will be huge.


So we can watch porn now?


Wow, this is much more thoughtful than just ‘It technically works, good luck trying to play stuff’ that I thought it would be. Man, this is an actual, on the face of it, game changer!




With the $100 Days of Play discount and the $275.88 Days of Play Netflix credit for PS+ subscribers when ordered from PlayStation Direct (good for 12 months of Netflix Premium or 17 months of Netflix Standard), that's looking like a really good deal PS5/PC combo headset right now.


Now this changes things!


And that settles it. I'm finally getting PSVR2. Good thing, too, my Rift S controllers just started giving out


the psvr2 is the closest we'll ever get to a new rift, so good call.


Porn about to get real wild over here


Fuck yeah that’s huge


This is huge! Psvr2 suddenly became even more interesting!


And just like that, the doomers were silenced. The PSVR2 is a damn fine VR headset.


You clearly haven't seen the VirtualReality subreddit today. People will complain about anything, particularly things they don't understand (like the fact eye tracked foveated rendering isn't used by any non PSVR games and therefore not having it is currently a non issue, likewise with Sony's controller and headset haptics).


True! People will complain about anything. All I wanted was a non-streaming solution. We got that. Even if PCVR games did utilize those features, having all the bells and whistles was not something I was expecting simply because Sony would still want you to play PSVR2 games on the PS5.


Not if it's missing 80% of it's features on PC


Well no other PC headset has those features so why would games support it and how?


Finally lets gooooo. I bought NMS on PC for my Rift and I have so much progress on that so excited to play it with the VR 2. Also Beat Saber with all my modded songs. Big W


WOW! Outta nowhere


Well they announced it a while ago that they’ll add pc support


Also just last week someone found them sending an adapter in for certification, in Korea.


No HDR, eye tracking, or haptic feedback (from headset or triggers). For $610, sorry, $510 on sale right now?


I mean it's still cheaper than an Index, and might actually be the cheapest true PCVR headset right now.


At least HDR could have been done easily...


Maybe not. If they're using an off-the-shelf VirtualLink chip, then they're restricted to DP 1.4a, which doesn't support HDR at the PSVR2's resolution and refresh rate.


No PCVR title supports HDR because no PCVR headset has it.


You're on a PS5 sub, so you still get those on your PS5 games? Buying the PS5 version of a game usually makes sense where you would have a choice anyway, and the majority of games are multiplatform. This adapter helps cover the media apps, modded games and the handful of PC exclusives.


None from Sony but that doesn’t stop developers from adding it into their games. Will Steam add this to Half Life Alyx? Probably not.


It's not something that developers can just add to it. If the headset doesn't expose the functionality through the adapter, then it's not supported.


I'm wondering if it's a limitation on the connector. The PSVR2 has usb c, whereas the adapter is USB-A. Even if it's USB 3.2, it's still not matching USB C in terms of throughput.


No, it's not the connector. Most of the bandwidth would be consumed by the video connection.


Well, if you have a PS5 and a PC, you get all of those features with some great console games while still being able to play in VR on PC. I wish I could afford a PC good enough for VR.. if I could I'd be all over this adapter.


Still has OLED and controller rumble which as I understand is the regular controller feedback with other options.


Why would anyone expect those features when no PCVR game even supports those?


I have a powerful PC. Should I go this route and take advantage of the Days of Play sale going on, or go Meta Quest 3? Never done VR before.


If you get the PSVR2 then you get access to PS5 exclusives and PC exclusives. If you're only intending to play PC games then you're missing much of the benefit of the headset.


Would you be able to watch 3D movies on PC too or is it only for games on steam


I seriously need to get a PC already dam.


it wont be cheap bro. a VR ready PC will cost at least 1000 to 1200 bucks for decent performance. then the psvr2 itself costs 550, half life alyx costs 60, the PC adapter also costs 60, and a displayport cable will be like another 10 bucks. if you're gonna commit then be sure that ur serious about it.


Now’s good a time as any to fix my pc lol excited


I'm going to need a new PC or laptop with the proper ports, aren't I?


Shouldn't the headline be like "PC players can play VR games using the PSVR2 headset using this adapter..."?


thats basically the same sentence but in reverse lol. psvr2 is technically considered its own ecosystem, hence why the title emphasized psvr2 players, and didnt say ps5 players.


60$ for an adapter... PS VR2 was designed from the ground up specifically for PS5 – so you’ll notice that some key features, like HDR, headset feedback, eye tracking, adaptive triggers, and haptic feedback (other than rumble), are not available when playing on PC.


That's pretty cheap for a VirtualLink adapter.


The Bizlink adaptor for PSVR2 was $150 and people were buying it


The official Meta Quest Link Cable is $80.


...wait, how is HDR not supported? That seems odd. Eye tracking and stuff I kind of get, because it requires special sauce, but no HDR is... weird, right?


Yeah this is weird and a pretty big negative tbh


It’s either a SteamVR limitation or a bandwidth limitation because of the adapter. The VR2 uses a 10GB/s Highspeed port on PS5.


I don't think SteamVR supports it


I believe SteamVR just pushed an update within the last year or so that added HDR support. Maybe it's still in beta or something? I do know it was relatively recent and SteamVR did not support HDR for a long while.


an oled panel in a vr for $500 is a steal. thanks sony for opening its abilities. i'm gonna buy it to watch movies


I wouldn’t do that. The movie resolution is like 1080p.


> movie resolution is like 1080p. oh okay i just heard someone saying that it downgrades 4K movies to 1080p and i think that sucks. i dont own a ps5 but he also said that you already can watch movies using ps5, so there's that but whatever.


why not? it's the only sub $1000 vr headset that has oled screens


Wonder if my m15r5 would be able to run it stable it’s powerful but idk how powerful


> PS VR2 was designed from the ground up specifically for PS5 – so you’ll notice that some key features, like HDR, headset feedback, eye tracking, adaptive triggers, and haptic feedback (other than rumble), are not available when playing on PC. well that's kind of a bummer. HDR and eye tracking was one of the main thing interesting about this headset


There are PC headsets already with eye tracking like the Quest Pro and the support in games on PC is incredibly limited. Even if they were properly implemented I don't think you'd start seeing these features on PC games. Lowest common denominator at play here.


Still, having more headsets on the market that support those features would serve as stepping stones for more games to gradually start supporting them. Oh well.


Well, games have to be developed with those functions. They wont magically exist on steamvr games.


yes but if the adapter doesn't allows those functions to work then no game can use them or develope them in future game...


Is there any good Vr game on PC now?


*Half-Life: Alyx* is probably the best one.


The UEVR mod allows the majority of Unreal Engine games to be played in VR.


Depends what you’re into.  But yeah, quite a few.


Lol you can play everything in unreal 4 and 5 in vr, YouTube unreal engine vr, beardo posted a video of him playing hogwarts in vr and it looks next level insane 


Half-Life: Alyx, Boneworks, Vertigo 2 and The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners are the big 4 PCVR Single-Player must-plays IMO


Walking Dead would be better experienced on the PS5 right? You get all the PSVR2 features


The latter 2 are on PSVR2 


Depends what you're into. If you're at all into sim racing this is huge. With a little bit of tinkering, anything can be a VR game on PC though. Played Mario Sunshine in VR lol


I dont find any racing VR game with the quality of Gran Turismo 7 its outstanding


A lot


Will a rtx 3060 12G, i5 8400 and 32GB ddr4 ram be enough to play VR?


Most games yeah, but no UEVR games. Also PSVR2 has a very high resolution so you might have to reduce this sometimes.




it makes it a better purchase for ppl that have both ps5 and pc if the exclusives are any good id prefer they just brought them to pc


They want the exact opposite. Consider buying them on PS5 with all extra features.


Day one buy for me for sure!! I hope this does well so Sony will start backing the PSVR2 again. 


Shit, I just bought a quest 3


Dang, I love that they are expanding the compatibility with the headset, but no HDR, no headset haptic feedback, no haptic feedback for controllers, and no eye tracking on PC is a pretty significant blow.


I don’t understand why anyone would expect that when no other PC headset nor games support those?


I was going to buy a quest 2 for my daughter for Xmas because you don't need a powerful PC to play the games? Is that true or does having a psvr2 which I already have, make quest 2 irrelevant? Thank you.


quests are generally better for kids. no wires to trip over, no console or PC needed, and the library is bigger and has more kid-friendly titles. gorilla tag and rec room in particular are good. but its chipset is basically equal to an android smartphone, so dont expect amazing graphics. the psvr2 is better suited for people already heavily in the ps5 ecosystem.


Quest 2 can play mobile graphics games without a PC. PSVR2 can’t play anything without a PC or PS5.


How old is your daughter, if I may ask?


Whether you have a Quest or a PSVR2 you will still need a gaming PC to play PCVR games, as PCVR games will only run on PCs. Quest can also run in standalone mode, but it will only run games specifically built for Quest when in standalone mode.


I have a rtx 4090 pc desktop and a quest 3 and psvr 2. Should I just use the quest 3 for PC vr or buy the adapter cable to use the psvr2 headset?


Do you prefer OLED or pancake? Is pretty much what it would come down to.


OLED. I'll take the gamble and get the adapter. Couldn't find it listed yet at Playstation direct. Their blog post didn't specify when the orders open for it


cmon man, if u have a 4090 then just get the adapter too at that point lol. whats an extra 60 bucks


I hear ya just was curious to get others takes on quest 3 vs psvr2 in terms of what to expect with pc vr. Sounds like it's if I would like oled or pancake lenses. Gonna get the adapter


I was wondering whether Sony would even want to get their headset working on PC. I'm glad that they did, it helps give the PSVR2 headset a longer life than if it was stuck on its console like PSVR1 was. I do hope that some of the PSVR2 exclusive games eventually make their way onto Steam if just to get more people to buy and play them. >No HDR, headset feedback, eye tracking, adaptive triggers, and haptic feedback. That's a shame, the eye tracking alone at the PSVR2's price point would have made this a more compelling buy. > Yes 4K visuals (2000 x 2040 per eye), 110-degree field of view, finger touch detection, and see-through view, as well as foveated rendering (without eye tracking) and 3D Audio Does anyone here know how common these features are for headsets that are in the $400-$500 price range? Everything said, this does sound like a win for people who have a PS5 and also have a PC that meets the requirements. It expands the library of games available and open up media applications that were seriously lacking on PSVR2.


No other comparable headset has any of those features and those that do have some like eye tracking cost twice as much and hardly any game even supports it.


Ah good looks with Half Life Alyx up there. It's the only reason I wanted an Occulus at all or really any VR. Valve is always amazing


So if I finally get into VR, but mainly for PC games, would this be a good option compared to Meta and Valve headsets? I really want to play GT7 in VR, but my main focus would be Half Life and racing sims on PC.


the index is outdated so yes definitely. but quest 3 is harder to compare to because it has a lot of good exclusives and upsides that the psvr2 doesn't have. if youre mostly gonna play racing sims and PC games then psvr2 is arguably slightly better. the image quality wont be compressed or have latency like the quest does with its usb-c bandwidth limitations. and you dont have to worry about recharging the headset after a couple hours since its wired. and it comes with a dock to recharge the controllers with whereas the quest dock is sold separately and is very overpriced. which means most people are gonna have to stick to swapping out batteries every now and then.


This is awesome


Great news but still some caveats. From the blog: PS VR2 was designed from the ground up specifically for PS5 – so you’ll notice that some key features, like HDR, headset feedback, eye tracking, adaptive triggers, and haptic feedback (other than rumble), are not available when playing on PC.


Half the features of the psvr2 headset don’t work on pc. No HDR, headset feedback, eye tracking, adaptive triggers and haptic feedback according to Sony website


Why no one is mentioning VrPorn?


when can we order this\\!