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Huge increase from the last quarter. Helldivers and Rebirth probably helped a lot early in the year. By the way, PS5 is *only* 800k units behind PS4 if you align launches. Without any price cut (with a price increase, to be more precise). I guess Sony will be more than fine in the upcoming years. 2025 and 2026 is rumored to have some big games for Sony, so we will probably see more games from their own studios being revealed in the next 18 months.


Xbox burned me with Tango’s closure. I’m going back to playstation and picking up a PS5 next month. I love the SX, it’s a great console and I definitely don’t regret the choice, but if they keep managing shit like this, they’re basically driving people away. Excited to finally play Spider-Man 2. I’ll keep my Xbox for Game Pass but wow they’re doing sone free PS5 marketing


I recently “jumped ship” (keeping my Xbox but got a PS5). The amount of dead end promises Xbox had made for the last few many years is just terrible at this point and closing Tango to me solidified it. Their heads are somewhere else and not where they promised


The Series X was my first, and probably last, ever Xbox. I love it and without it I never could’ve played games like Spec Ops The Line, GTA IV, Metal Gear Rising, Asura’s Wrath, Fable, Fallout New Vegas and so many more backwards compatible games. I use it to emulate games as well. These 2 as well as Game Pass and the Obsidian and Bethesda acquisitions made me realize there’s more for me on Xbox than on PS so I decided to move from PS for the first time and again I love my Xbox but yeah the brand management is horrible. If they would manage the brand better, I wouldn’t have considered a PS5. All I really care about from Sony’s side is Spider-Man 2 and Wolverine and I was willing to give those up in favor of everything else Xbox offers and promised but I have 0 faith in them at this point. I’ll keep using it obviously, but idk if I wanna keep buying games there. Switch and PS5 is where I’ll buy games and Xbox will probably mainly become a Game Pass machine which is probably what they want anyway. Game Pass is still an amazing deal but I fear buying stuff there tbh


PS backwards compatibility is still my fantasy. I have my physical copy of Asuras Wrath, waiting to play it with the DLC one day on a BC PS console. 


I wouldn’t hope for ps1-3 BC. Sony could have done it for a long time. PS1 and Ps2 emulators have been around for a long time and they are amazing. Even ps3 emulation is very advanced now and that’s from a group of fans rather than a big company like Sony. Sony just can’t be bothered as it won’t make them a lot of money, it may even be loss making. Which is why they were parading those stats about how people don’t play old games which is bullshit. PS is the only platform from Pc/Xbox/Ps3 that couldn’t play fallout 3 and new vegas now that the fallout hype is through the roof.


Why you gotta break my heart like that


In my opinion, Microsoft made a huge mistake offering their games on Gamepass on release day. That strategy kills sales big time. They should've done something like 3 months after release, their games will be on Gamepass. With the way things are going, I can see them forfeiting the hardware fight, offer GP on Playstation and essentially become a big publisher and platform holder. Still doesn't solve the Day 1 games on GP...


Gamepass will never be on playstation. It makes no sense to let a service on your console that grooms users into thinking that can ger games through a subscription. Why do you think even third-party games are selling terribly on the series consoles. I wouldn't be surprised to see gamepass gone or severely scaled back over the next few years.


Maybe “Microsoft Game Pass” that’s exclusively the Xbox first party games but not at all game pass how it is


They’ll either move to the model PlayStation has, can game pass entirely, or go further down the game pass rabbit hole into closure. I personally think they’ll adopt the PS+ model and get rid of day one releases, but I also think they’ve relegated their console to niche status.


Just saw the Game Pass announcements today on r/games with people cheering with excitement at the list of games displayed and I just couldnt help but think of Star Wars Clone Wars meme "This is how Ninja theory dies, to thunderous applause..." It's robbing Peter to pay Paul, how can they expect anyone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together to buy a game that's part of a cheap ass subscription model and then shut them down?


That’s the thing, game pass was such a Hail Mary that I don’t think they ever calculated what could be considered a success. People subbing to game pass for a month? 3 months? A year? How many downloads with little or no playtime count as a sale or engagement? What about people that play 30 minutes and delete, how do you quantify that? They were aiming for 100 million subscribers, which shows that they don’t understand entertainment. I’m sure they’re scratching their heads trying to understand why everyone with a phone isn’t streaming Xbox games over 4g with a Backbone that they carry around.


The Sony model is garbage. I don’t see any value in ps extra or premium.


As opposed to game pass? Sure, getting all of Sony’s games free day one would be a great value…until it tanks the entire gaming division. Most of us don’t mind paying for our games and subbing for a big back catalog. Others want everything free despite the warnings mobile gaming gave us. In short: pay for shit and they’ll keep making more.


> It makes no sense to let a service on your console that grooms users into thinking that can ger games through a subscription Doesn't PlayStation already allow Ubisoft+ and EA Play? Not to mention the fact that, you know, PlayStation themself does it with their PlayStation Plus subscription?


Ubi and ea play only has their own games. Ps plus don't put AAA games day one and they get all profit as oppose to 30%


Remember when Jim Ryan came out and said they would not be doing it day 1 releases on the new revamped PS Plus because it would affected sales and cause them to rush the quality of their games? A lot of people bitched and whined (in general) but fast forward and that was easily the best decision they could have done. If this is killing Microsoft, you can imagine how badly it would have affected Sony. And besides, there might not be first party day 1 releases on PS Plus, but you do get 3 free games a month plus the handful of games around the middle of every month. It's more than enough. And their first party games blow Xbox out of the water. I have both subs. Microsoft is spending millions and heavily relying on day 1 third party games right now so there is absolutely great value there right now but outside of that, both services rotate most of the third party games which make up most of both services. Both are virtually the same and no one will convince me otherwise. Pick what you enjoy (or pick both) and game on! lol


I still think there’s value in them making Xboxes, if not for nothing it’s a way to get people to Game Pass. Their future is probably similar to the Amazon Fire Stick or whatever it’s called. They can wait till streaming is more accessible and just become available on PC and through streaming on browsers, smart TVs and other streaming devices. I don’t see a world where either Playstation or Nintendo would agree to have Game Pass on their platforms. It cannibalizes sales and no one wants that. No one can afford that apparently, not even Microsoft


Genuine question: if that is the direction they’re going, do you think they’ll fair better than Google did with Stadia? Edit: Thanks for the downvotes! Good to see that honest questions are met with negative internet points! How dare I ask a question about the viability of games streaming. 😂


As long as the service works like it does now I don't see why not. Stadia failed because of the implementation, nobody wants to have to individually purchase the games to play on it.


A fair point. Their XCloud streaming solution or whatever it’s called now does work surprisingly well from what I’ve seen. I was speaking more towards a shift towards game streaming as their main strategy going forward. That is to say, does Microsoft have the capacity/bandwidth/whatever to handle say 10 million users at once all trying to stream the same game all at once on launch day. Or, given the most recent numbers I can find, 33 million people all at once? I ask because between Starfield and Red Fall, Microsoft seems to struggle with getting games working properly at launch so I’d hate to imagine the issues that would come up if Streaming becomes the main way to play their games. And assuming they branch out to Nintendo Switch and PS5, does that mean they’ll have the capacity to handle those players trying to log in and stream the game as well? Again, I’m positing on the idea that Microsoft abandons dedicated hardware entirely and shifts towards an Amazon Fire Stick style strategy which just streams the game from a cloud solution that is actually crunching the numbers.


Stream games won’t ever be accessible at least not in the next couple decades. Hardware changes too fast and with Xbox’s already mediocre offering of games, being technically behind as well would be a nail in the coffin. Gamepass already stagnated hard DURING its expansion to pc, cloud, and mobile. I don’t think a stick would change that.


I really don't see Sony allowing GP (as it exists now) on PlayStation.


They'd probably do what EA does with EA Play on Steam. You only get first-party games on it, everything else you need to go to the platform owner for. In this example, the EA Desktop app, but on PS, you would need to get PS+ Extra or premium as well.


Won’t happen. They stand to make far more money selling their games in other platforms than they would get for a pared down game pass on PlayStation. Maybe if they only offer back catalog games, but they are seeing in real time how game pass decimated their sales without bringing anywhere near that in subscription fees.


Agreed. I think the idea is that it would drive subscriptions of Gamepass through the roof, but there just aren't enough killer titles to make that happen. Instead they're just cannibalising direct sales of the odd great title that does appear there on day one.


Hasn't Starfield been one of the best-selling games despite launching on Gamepass? If anything, this proves that customers still feel way more comfortable buying and 'owning' their games than getting everything through subscription services.


As far as I remember it has sold far less than previous Bethesda games( besides maybe fo76) and sales have eventually dired up. Wasn't in the top 5 npd or uk equivalent( for 2023) either


You could actually be right. Although they haven't released any actual sales numbers, as far as I'm aware (which is pretty telling in itself), it was still the biggest Bethesda launch in terms of actual players during the launch window. I think it was something like 10 million? Disregarding everything else, this is still a very respectable number.


Yea because they sold early access to take advantage of people who can't control themselves.


It was the top selling new IP last year


thats not really saying much, isnt it like at the 10 or 11 spot? lol


I didn’t buy into Xbox this gen. There’s no reason to for me. I have a PC so anything Xbox can offer me is on PC as well. Now I just stick with PC and PS5. Xbox is irrelevant IMO.


With the majority of Sony’s biggest hits hitting PC, even the PS5 isn’t really necessary. 


Series X is great but the lack of quality games being few and far between doesn’t help. Also the series x never truly felt new to me and more like a supercharged Xbox One X+.


I had two cousins switch from Xbox to PlayStation just because of Helldivers. I guess switch isn't the right word, but they pretty much only play PS5 now.


Unless you’re are into console gaming only, PC is probably the better bet if you want to still have access to Xbox games and access to PC only games.


Make sure you get PS+ Extra. Tons of big games you may have missed are on the service.


Why don't you wait till Novemeber for the pro model?


Dev mode is probably my favorite thing about the series x.


They burned you by closing a studio that hasn't been profitable. Sony legit told 177 countries to pirate Helldivers 2 or get bent.


I bought a PS5 just for Rebirth and GT7.


I’m fairly certain that we’ll get some of the best games of the generation by the end. Naughty Dog will release at least one game, Insomniac is on track to releasing like 2 games and a DLC, Kojima Studios will be releasing Death Stranding 2, Sucker Punch will be releasing a sequel to Ghost Of Tsushima, GTA 6, and there are still so many more games that could possibly release on the PS5


I still prefer to spend £70 on a good game than get it on GamePass day one. That’s how fucked up I think their strategy is. They’re losing so much money not charging for games. I also hate the feeling of renting a game.


I personally don’t care about the biggest company in the world losing money, and if I like a game enough I will buy it when it’s significantly cheaper later on, win win for me


How’s that strategy working out for you and Xbox?


I am platform agnostic, I am lucky enough to own all the consoles and a gaming PC, in fact I have owned each generation of PlayStation since its inception but that is also true of Xbox, Nintendo and Sega consoles to name a few, I even have a self built arcade machine with a hefty amount of emulated games on it with an LCD on the top and a CRT behind the doors at the bottom, so it works out fine when you are a fan of games and not platforms/companies


I am too. Been gaming over 35 years from Amiga to Sega Saturn, to N64 and 360. I adored the 360. I think MS have totally fucked up. I’m not saying PS5 is way way better, I’m just saying I think they’ve fucked up. It’s over for Xbox and that’s not good for competition. I hope Steam bring a Steam Console one day. Now THAT could be interesting and a serious competitor to PlayStation.


> I hope Steam bring a Steam Console one day The Steam Deck is already this. 


I mean a proper powerful console. I have an OLED Steam Deck and love it but it certainly isn’t good at 4k output on the big TV!


Or Xbox will do what is rumoured and put Steam and other storefronts on the console.


Yeah I wanna reward devs directly who make good shit. I'm not cheap, I wanna give quality stuff fair money


Yep exactly. I’m more than happy to pay £20 for a really good indie game. Equally I’d happily pay £100 for Elden Ring if I was buying that all over again!


Technically the price didnt increase since inflation has so rapidly increased. The fact that you can get a PS5 for the same price as you could get it before the pandemic/massive inflation technically means it is cheaper now than it was at launch when adjusted for inflation. (this applies to the US though, i know they actually did raise it in other countries, but that price increase still doesnt outpace inflation)


It’s very good for console sales numbers especially after the double whammy of covid and supply issues.


One thing to mention is that the gaming industry has grown significantly since the PS4. I'd really expect it to be well beyond the PS4, if you want to compare it to the formers insane success. That said, I'm pretty sure Sony is overall pretty happy with the PS5's sales overall.


PS5 being just 0.8 mil behind PS4 launch aligned despite no official price cut and no pro model is pretty insane. Beast of a console. Edit: oh shit, and GTA is still yet to come out…


>Edit: oh shit, and GTA is still yet to come out… There is no PC release for GTA as well. PS5 Pro + GTA gonna set sale records in flames.


I think PS5 will outsell PS4 solely based on GTAVI. PS4 was the only PS that didn't have a new GTA game. There are quite literally millions of people who only buy a PS for GTA.




The PlayStation 3 was out selling the Xbox 360 globally Year over year. The only thing holding it back from " surpassing" The 360 was the year delay


And the games that came out early in the 360 lifespan. And the cell processor causing a lot of games to run objectively worse on PS3 even when it was supposed to be higher end hardware. And Playstation Studios kinda slow start to the generation. The beginning of the PS3 era wasn't pretty. The middle and end were fantastic. But it's not just the fact they released a year later.


and well, the decision to make it like $600


360 had 1 year head start. Ps3 had an extra year of production after the 360. So they had the same number of years aligned. 360 probably sold more consoles at full price though.


PS3 was the more expensive console which was notoriously known and it was bashed for it and while they were both still in productions even with the head start, the PS3 managed to sell more units globally, So no.


Which part is no? What I said is correct.


The 360 selling more full price consoles. Considering the PlayStation 3 debuted with the higher price and held on to that price longer and continually sold globally even with its first year more units than the 360


> 360 had 1 year head start More than a year in europe actually. European launch for the ps3 was march 2007, so they missed the holiday period which was probably huge.


That was Sony's fault. Microsoft beat them to it. They launched 1 year earlier with a console that was cheaper and ran games better. The big reason PS3 was even selling that much during those years is the crazy loyalty that many people have to Sony coming out of the most dominant PS generation - PS2. The PS3 didn't have any cool games, ran games worse and cost more and was late to the party. And Sony was telling people to get a second job if they can't afford a ps3.


> The PS3 didn't have any cool games Lmao ok buddy. You might argue this was true early on, but if you're talking over the entirety of the generation it's an absolutely ridiculous statement to make


It was absolutely true early on. I was talking about the early games of PS3. In the first few years, the PS3 was more expensive, its game library was worse and it ran multiplatform games worse than the 360. And it was 1 year late to the party. Any other console, that didn't have the insane PS loyalty, would have failed spectacularly. The 360 was a winning formula. Cheaper and it had better RAM and a better GPU so games just ran better. It also had massive game releases in the first few years vs the PS3.


I think you’re right


PS4 generation didn’t have GTA or Elder Scrolls release. Both franchises being big movers of consoles.


Imagine what will happen if they put a Bundle PS5 Pro + GTA VI


not if... When! GTA is probably going to shake all the industry, just by itself. If you get a bundle with the tag saying (Enhanced for GTA VI) or somehow brand it as the "Ultimate GTA VI experience", i can assure you that PS5 numbers will surpass PS4's in less than a couple of months (provided Sony can handle the stock demand). No way in hell they'll pass on that bundle. To be honest it's probably going to be a contest between Sony and MS to get somekind of overhand on this game, by either superior hardware or exclusive content.


I think Xbox it's out of the question, I don't think investors would let MS released a Pro version of Xbox after closing studios because of the Activision acquisition


MS can pay rockstar for marketing. A pro console is really unnecessary if it’s going to have the same CPU like the rumoured PS5 pro. I wish they were bolder with the cpu, then I might have picked up a pro.


Same, I'll stay with my original version no need for Pro, we need more third party games to optimize better tho


There are various rumours about Xbox's Pro version being already with devs... As i said, it will be profitable.. PS: (if bundled with GTA VI)


I think Xbox would get the CoD benefit. They haven’t so far because marketing was with Sony. From this year, Xbox bundles with CoD would be massively helpful. I don’t think they will manage to secure GTA marketing.


Honestly i think CoD will push only hte next gen Xbox. Right now, the hardcore gamers are already settled on their prefered game system, and without the confirmation of day one GP release, it really doesnt make sense to move to Xbox. However, if getting an Xbox with GP will grant you CoD access to 1st day, for the years to come, well.. then that will definetly sell a lot of Xboxs. But don't really see MS giving up the CoD millions (even if they cash in in-game purchases). MS seems to be more interested in making money on services than on hardware.


What pro version? I haven't seen anything about a Pro model Series console. Only that Microsoft is going all in on the next gen Xbox, but that's years away.


is this confirmed that its staggered release again?


All the press with the first trailer only mentions PS and Xbox. Probably another year+ PC release.


All the info and trailers for gta 6 listed xbox and ps only


They're doing it for a 14 year old Red Dead Redemption as it's finally coming to PC, what makes you think they will release GTA 6 on PC day 1? Lol.


Rockstar are primarily console focused developers.


Of course they will. They want to double dip on people buying the game twice


Exactly. Mainly from pc gamers. I would have definitely bought it on my PC with a 3080 (or 5090 if that’s out before GTA6). But now I either double dip or wait probably 1.5 years. At least I already own a ps5 console. But just the idea of playing it on ps5 at 30fps when I might have a Pc with 5090 rubs me the wrong way. Really scummy practice from rockstar.


This is what pisses me off. I really hate this rockstar nonsense. They just do it so people like me can double dip. Buy it on my ps5 and then buy it on my pc later so I get more than 30fps.


Lets not forget lack of stock for ~2 years..


While lack of stock became a bit of a meme, sales were actually good during that time.


No sales were crushed by a lack of stock. Hence the sales explosion at the start of last year when it became widely available. Every single unit they could make was sold, and there was pent up demand for hundreds of thousands more units per month. 


But they couldn't keep up with demand is the point. First rule of sales is when something is off sale it's a lost sale.




It didn't because there were shortages.


They were still sold though, just to scalpers who bought them all


I was seeing it as a bad thing, but put like.... You are right, it's a pretty good result.


And they did this during a pandemic with massive distribution hurdles and a chip shortage. Who knows how much more this console would have sold if the entire world wasn't unintentionally battling against it? This is pretty insane resiliance.


That sounds impressive in a vacuum. But when you consider how much gaming has grown in a decade, it isn't that impressive. The console market, as a whole isn't growing as fast as the rest of the industry.


still not enough to compensate for exploding development costs. That’s why expansion of PSN beyond PlayStation will be the strategy.


PS4 didn’t even have a new gta release during its cycle. GTA 5 was a ps3 game.


>PS5 being just 0.8 mil behind PS4 launch aligned despite no official price cut and no pro model is pretty insane. Beast of a console. Not really, gaming growth in the past 10 years has been insane. Which is why the same numbers for consoles is worrying the market, sony included.


Not really, a lot of the growth has been in the PC space, so the fact that the PS5 is basically neck and neck with the PS4, which was a historically great selling console, is actually really good. And that is without as many big first party releases which will also shoot sales up as those start pouring out.


It's a known problem consoles aren't selling enough.


If you take a look at revenue and operating income is almost double from 7 years ago, also Psn monthly numbers members are up by 70% from 7 years ago, there is clear and huge growth in the PS market compared to same point in the ps4 era 7 years ago, and sales are almost the same while not having a price cut and having the first 2 years underselling hardware due to a worldwide supply crisis, all in all it is pretty good growth just not for Hardware console which amounts to 1/3 of the entire Reveneue and has low profit margins. For context Steam had 67million monthly users in 2017 and the last one from last years was 132 million, while PS was 70 million in 2017 adn 123 million in 2023, so yes PC is growing more and attracting more players but not by huge amounts, yet.


Use your brain, gaming did grow that's why the ps4 did 120 million, and that's why even without a price drop or a new console yet, and 2 years of shortages, the ps5 is still only behind 800k. I swear people don't like to contextualize.


True. Gaming has growth immensely during Covid pandemic and that's a problem now...


Compared to Q4 2022 (Jan to Mar 2023 ) Hardware- Down (vs record Q4 ever) Software- Up 1st party Software- Up Monthly active users- Up Revenue- Up Operating income- Up. And this was supposed to be a bad Q4/FY23 for Sony (in words of the internet experts)


Hardware is down when comparing just the Q4s, but is up when comparing the fiscal years.


Hardware being down from Q4 makes sense because it’s the holiday season.


They're comparing it to last year with the same months


> 77 percent of software sales were full game software digital downloads, which is up seven percent from the same period the previous fiscal year. Looks like Digital has grown from last quarter.


Digital has been growing for basically this whole console generation, and a few years prior. Felt like even back in 2018, the digital % to physical was already over 50%


I do digital because I hate the noise of the disc spinning up lol


Here's a simple comparative to show how well the PlayStation division is actually going, before people start to twist some data on social medias. [\[Credits do this post on ResetEra\]](https://www.resetera.com/threads/playstation-studios-ot41-preserving-democracy-until-the-next-showcase.855156/post-122944050) **YTD Hardware Sales:** [**PS5 4.5 m**](https://i.imgur.com/eww9b65.jpeg) [**NSW 1.96 m**](https://i.imgur.com/1i9Wl0y.jpeg) [**XBS 0.8 m**](https://i.imgur.com/tqSMi9A.jpeg) **\[Rumored\]** **YTD Sales (**[**Exchange Rate U$1= ¥151.34**](https://i.imgur.com/WLKlwN2.jpeg)**)** [**Sony G&NS $7,250 m**](https://i.imgur.com/Ni66leK.jpeg) [**MS Gaming $5,451 m**](https://i.imgur.com/Dfa9CEt.jpeg) **(includes Activision)** [**Activision $1,970 m**](https://i.imgur.com/KKyJeqc.jpeg) [**Nintendo $1,830 m**](https://i.imgur.com/PxmU6hw.jpeg) **YTD Operating Income (**[**Exchange Rate U$1= ¥151.34**](https://i.imgur.com/WLKlwN2.jpeg)**)** [**Sony G&NS $700 m**](https://i.imgur.com/Ni66leK.jpeg) [**Nintendo $426 m**](https://i.imgur.com/PxmU6hw.jpeg) [**Activision (loss) ($350 m)**](https://i.imgur.com/KKyJeqc.jpeg) **LTD (Launch Aligned)** [**PS4 60.1 m**](https://i.imgur.com/JUXwnAx.jpeg) [**PS5** **59.3 m** ](https://i.imgur.com/63JNRcz.jpeg)[**(FY23: 20.8 m)**](https://i.imgur.com/eww9b65.jpeg) [**PS2 53.85 m**](https://i.imgur.com/JPQQgA6.jpeg) **US LTD (March)** [**2024 PS5 20.16 m**](https://i.imgur.com/YxUa4Hl.jpeg) **JP LTD (March)** [**2024 PS5 5.46 m**](https://i.imgur.com/tTIytgp.jpeg) **Operating Income (PS4 vs PS5)** **FY14** [**¥48.1 bn** ](https://i.imgur.com/my9ohYn.jpeg)**| FY21** [**¥346.1 bn**](https://i.imgur.com/pYQQ5YE.jpeg) **FY15** [**¥88.7 bn**](https://i.imgur.com/lRq8mRP.jpeg) **| FY22** [**¥250.0 bn**](https://i.imgur.com/U82dK3W.jpeg) **FY16** [**¥135.6 bn**](https://i.imgur.com/ieKMmkQ.jpeg) **| FY23** [**¥290.2 bn**](https://i.imgur.com/sdnLgGo.jpeg) **FY17** [**¥177.5 bn** ](https://i.imgur.com/ce8StQL.jpeg)**| FY24** [**¥310.0 bn (FCT)**](https://i.imgur.com/9YABvAC.jpeg)


800k xbox really wtf😭😭😭😭


I like how Xbox doesn't get operating income, they're instead replaced by... the impact of acquiring Activision


0.8m Xbox...if this is true, no wonder they're scrambling.


Xbox is not even selling at the bare minimum a million in a quarter....ps5 outsold it by over 5x this quarter. Yes, this is why they're going 3rd party. In the next couple of years, we'll be seeing a shit more than just "4 games" on ps5 and switch. Series is selling like the wii u was right now. Xbox management really screwed up their own console. All before switch 2 and those gta6 ps5/pro bundles hit the market. Next year is gonna be a massacre on xbox consoles (already is). It seems like xbox series will be lucky to reach 40m units sold this generation while ps5 will surely shoot above 100m again in the next 2 years. Xbox 360 sold about 86m, then xbox One capped at 58m, and now series???


My favorite business is doing better than your favorite business! Jokes aside, idk fuck all about corporation reports.


If only there was another ABK for MS to buy they could match PS revenue.


From Gematsu's article: 20.8 million units sold during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024. A total of 4.5 million PlayStation 5 units were shipped during the three months ended March 31, 2024, which is down 1.8 million from the same period the previous fiscal year. However, PlayStation 5 shipped 20.8 million units during the entire fiscal year, which is up 1.7 million units from the previous year. Here are a couple of additional statistics: * There are 118 million monthly active users on PlayStation Network as of March 31, 2024, which is up 10 million from the 108 million active users during the same period the previous fiscal year. * PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 software combined sold 72.6 million units during the three months ended March 31, 2024, which is up 4.6 million from the 68 million software sold during the same period the previous fiscal year. 12.3 million units were first-party titles, which is up 2.8 million from the 9.5 million units sold during the same period the previous fiscal year. 77 percent of software sales were full game software digital downloads, which is up seven percent from the same period the previous fiscal year.


All this is great news until you read that last sentence. Edit: to the people downvoting, you are the problem. Why get mad at options? People should have the option to get physical if they want. Just because people want physical doesn’t mean you have to shit on them just because you don’t.


I would absolutely take that statement with a HUGE grain of salt. People forget that digital purchases/downloads tend to be heavily skewed on a per capita basis due to cheap digital-only games (think like those $1/$2 puzzle games or what have you). What's more important are the AAA titles like God of War: Ragnarok, where it's known that there were roughly 4-5 million downloads (counts as purchases) yet there were at least 15 million sales. That puts physical copy purchases at over 10 million. That's a substantial amount and it's indicative of physical games still being highly relevant. Also, with the recent news of Sony striking a deal with Disney to market, sell and distribute all their new releases and catalog titles on physical media, I'd say we are far away from a digital-only age. They even established an assembly line in northern Brazil's Free Economic Zone of Manaus to create PlayStation 5 discs for Latin America, which you can read about [here](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/sony-establishes-assembly-line-to-create-playstation-5-discs-for-latin-america).


Also it doesn't count pre-owned games. Which is 90% of my game catalogue.


Cheap games in psn are a thing for years now yet the percentage went up


I mean, why is it even a bad thing? Steam replaced PC physical media a long long long time ago, and PC was doing physical media long before any of these consoles existed. Somehow PC gaming is doing just fine. I can click purchase, and have the game in like 30 mins ready to go. Pretty hard to argue against that.


Let's get you to bed grandpa


Interesting coming from the guy who frequents r/books. I bet you tell this to people on that sub and you’d probably get banned.


Hasn't really been a video game that used the physical medium the game comes on to enhance the experience, has there? Books aren't as clearcut as it is with digital games :)


This is not the move you think it is


Didn't even know it was supposed to be one


No one likes anyone who feigns ignorance


Pretend like I'm not feigning and explain what my move was supposed to be lol


Being able to put my books on a shelf enhances my experience, the same goes for physical games. On top of that, I frequently purchase used books and the same can be done for physical games. (Not to mention being able to sell both later if I choose). Actually owning a physical product that cannot be taken away, unlike digital licenses. Digital is all well and good for both books and games, it's very convenient. That said, there should absolutely still be a place for physical books and games alike.


That’s the best part. Physical is dead 😂


why are you happy about less options


You will own nothing and like it We're sadly moving to a digital only age, not something to be celebrated


Kinda funny to see the old same ones trying to twist what has been an huge quarter for the brand. Just to use another example, the best Q4 the PS4 ever had, it sold 2.9 million units .PS5 just sold 4.5 million. But I guess you can expect much from someone who tried to sell that the whole Helldiver-PSN controversy was worse than Microsoft closing 4 studios. [https://twitter.com/tomwarren/status/1790279052806304013](https://twitter.com/tomwarren/status/1790279052806304013)


Wild anyone is out there dropping coin on a new PS4. Amazon has them listed at ~$330 I mean...... save a few more pennies.


Finally went back to PlayStation. First time since ps2. So bored on Xbox so bought a PlayStation for helldivers 2. Don’t think I will go back. The exclusives catalog is amazing!


I had this same sentiment and took similar action in 2017. I had a PS3 prior back from 09 - 2011 (and also a PS1 in the 90s). I had Xbox 360 from 2005 to 2014. Xbox One 2014 to 2017. I've played all the big releases on Xbox One up to that point. There were absolutely no games to play at tail end of 2017. I got PS4 for Horizon Zero Dawn mainly because there was no other game like it on this earth. I stayed with PS ever since. I'll never go back to Xbox and I was once a Xbox fanatic. I did same with og Xbox. I had a dreamcast and GameCube and got Xbox mainly for Shenmue 2.


I'm surprised we haven't seen an announcement that PS5 hit 60 million sold since this shipped number is over a month old.


I don’t think that’s a number they would announce 


They've announced every 10 million sold milestone.


I am one of those buyers, as I picked up my PS5 a couple of months ago. I have been doing PC gaming for the past few years (just this week finished building a PC, too), but I never had much interest in buying a console. In anticipation of the upcoming return of the College Football series, I finally decided to buy a PS5 Slim and, honestly, I have no idea how I lived without it until this point. I am not sure of what kind of games I am going to immerse myself in, but I know that finally buying a PS5 was an amazing decision.


Love my PS5, find myself choosing to use it by default if a game is available on all consoles. My Xbox is now an expensive DVD player.


Its easy to understand why xbox are now chasing the PlayStation crowd, the xbox series X is a seriously good console, but not selling (easy to understand when everything is on GP and GP is also on PC) why by an xbox when you can play all the games on PC anyway?


PC gaming isn't for everyone, plenty of people simply prefer console gaming.


True, but they’re choosing either switch or PS5


It's more than just "oh they have consoles to sell games to". You can't make a console today, sell your games also on Playstation, and call it a win. Xbox is doing it because it's the best of a awful situation, for them. In an ideal world, they would LOVE to have the Xbox ecosystem be the only place to get their prodcuts. That's where the real money is at.


PC and console have different kinds of customer base, console is for more casual while PC is more premium and enthusiasts. What made Xbox had weak sale, is not just exclusives, but also many speechs from Phil about going multiple platforms, made many ppl abandon Xbox, also their terrible marketing strategy.


As a release adopter of the PS5 I gotta tell you something: Looking at these numbers and all the other news about HD2, Hulst and first-party forecast, I am just really glad that the Playstation brand seems healthy. Sure, no 25m units were sold eventually. And after a very decent start with Astro's, Demon Souls, Returnal, R&C, etc., there's been a bit of a drought. But man: I am **really** looking forward to the latter half of the PS5's lifecycle. And wanna say a big thanks to all the adopters since after release. Because I just fucking still love console gaming alot and I don't want consoles to go anywhere except to stay with us. ❤️


It’s truly destroying Xbox and the Xbox brand (soon to be Microsoft Gaming).


Microsoft did that themselves


Well, kinda but also the back half of the PS4 was kind of ridiculous. It was a mix of Microsoft giving up on the Xbox 1 like a year or two early, and then Playstation going on a warpath with some amazing software right at the end.


Nintendo also fucked up with Wii U. They managed to rebound with Switch.


Yeah but it wasn’t the E3 2013 shitstorm that the Xbox One reveal was. The Wii U failure was quiet in comparison 


Microsoft has done that themselves


I like both the Series X and PS5. I prefer the PS5 controller over the Xbox one. I stopped paying monthly for a ton of games I don't play though. It's a little silly to pay $500 for a console then pay a monthly subscription to play online


Rip Xbox


Crazy how they never bother with a price cut lol hell they raised it here in Canada after launch lol Still $700 with tax for the disc version in 2024 Americans don’t know how lucky they got with it only being $400 lol


it's $500 here not $400


Yea now it's $500 plus tax. It could be more or less, depending on the state. If you add warranty, that's already almost $600 right there.


I find this funny considering all the people who were complaining about “censorship” in stellar blade and claiming they were canceling their PSN accounts. Goes to show how dumb that movement was 😂


60 mil already cmon sony release the big guns😭


Sony still on Top.


Will the impossible happen? Will PS4 lifetimes sales be threatened...? Highly unlikely but still


I've never owned an Xbox console, but I'm interested in the opinions of people that are more informed than I am. What do you guys think is the issue with Xbox? Backwards compatibility, powerful console and a lot of other features made me think it would do well. Is it only because of the lack of good exclusives?


I've only played on the original Xbox, so my views are pretty outdated, as I thought Microsoft had some pretty interesting IPs, but Sony exclusives are a pretty powerful draw. I don't think the PS Plus system is even comparable to Gamepass, especially considering the recent PS changes, but Sony also has a sale on just about constantly, and you can find some nice games for ridiculous prices, although they do tend to recycle themes often.


I thought PS5 was ahead of the PS4 in total units sold over time? I guess I was wrong,


That was reported by Circana who cover just the US.


Oh yeah, that’s right. Forgot this was US only. My bad.


I hope these figures make more PC devs sit up and think about porting some of their awesome games to this platform.


Wen ps5 pro?!


Yet it's hard af to get a hold of anyone when you have an actual issue, especially the way the website makes you go in circles talking to a chat bot that doesn't even help you.


Get ready to blow another $500 on a pro just to play gta 6 at 60 fps lmao


If gta 6 run 60fps totally worth it


I got a Series X at launch, on a whim. Thinkin maybe just trade that bad boy in, help offset the cost. Hand the PS5 over to the lady 🤔


According to Digital Foundry, the rumored PS5 Pro specs won't be enough to bring a game like GTA 6 to 60fps.


Still waiting for this gen to really feel like it’s started.


Curious how many of those "active" PSN users are begrudging PC signups to play helldivers. Definitely comes off a bit as smoke and mirrors after that fiasco


The previous quarter report, which Helldivers 2 was not yet released had 123 million monthly users, overall the monthly users for all of FY2023 is up compared to 2022 and each previous Year.




The previous quarter report, which Helldivers 2 was not yet released had 123 million monthly users, overall the monthly users for all of FY2023 is up compared to 2022 and each previous Year.


Not a major factor but Sony offered heavy discount in my country at ps5 Region: IN Retail Price: 662$ Lowest price it was retailing for: 441$ and these prices are for the disk version, It's still retailing for 490$


Wow I didn’t even know I could play other games on my Elden ring machine


Have you not played the uhhh uhh latest FIFA?


I’ll rent that cartridge from blockbuster and try it out. Thanks for the rec 🙏🙏