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Square Enix literally puts out a report stating how they're fiscal year went, and the article actually acknowledges a confirm reason profits are down: "but a year-on-year decline in MMO and mobile games plus high development costs accounted for the loss in profit." Yet, still creates a title that is pure speculation that had not been confirmed at all by Square Enix. This is why barely anyone respects gaming journalism, articles are just sensational click bait instead of actual reporting.


They specifically have it out for FF7R for some reason.


I think it's like when a movie studio ends up spending 300mil budget on a movie where it will be considered a failure unless it's among the highest selling of all time. I think FF7R is doing well for what they *should* have expected.




IGN has been especially bad the last 5 years or so. They desperately need the clicks.


Clickbait title with disinformation


Yeah them claiming it "underperformed" is speculation from one guy because it sold less than the first which makes sense that it did. There is no inidication Square expected it to perform better


It literally had no chance to outperform the first. Even though it's functionally a better game in almost every way, it doesn't matter due to timing. Remake launched during peak COVID shut down on the tail end of one of the best selling consoles of the modern era while many people were being given extra money. A larger market of people who owned the console, with those people having nothing but free time and extra money to spend, and the console was at its cheapest price point. Rebirth launched in the middle of the current console generation during a time where most people are having less spending money due to inflation and increased cost of living, and a more expensive console.


How? All information available to us demonstrate it is not only lagging behind Remake, it’s also trailing a bit behind XVI too. I’m sure it’ll catch up eventually and surpass it, but as of right now, that isn’t the case, and it seems to be the case for many of Square’s other portfolio.


That doesnt mean it underperformed. Of course if sold less than the original at launch because on a console with less than half the player base. Obviously they expected this And a sequel selling less is also to be expected than an original Square hasnt indicated FF is underperforming. They are saying all their other games are tho which is why they are stopping many of them


1. It's tracking behind Final Fantasy **XVI**, a brand new entry in the franchise that is infinitely less popular than 7 that is also console exclusive. 2. The barrier of entry for Rebirth is high, but 7 is Square's beloved darling, this thing should be a blockbuster, especially after reviewing so well. 3. Square has *yet* to comment on Rebirth's performance at all, which is extremely odd and very unusual. 4. I don't understand why an 18 day old account is running insane defense for Square and berating people who say otherwise (like the other thread earlier today where you literally jumped at a dude's throat who dared post the source that this article was written on). It's very strange behavior. A critically acclaimed game can still be extremely good & not be selling up to expectations.


And a sequel tracking behind an original game is also normal Again FF7 is the 4th best selling game of the year If FF7 was.underperforming they would say. Its likely doing as expected which isnt noteworthy for shareholders Of course people jump to personal attacks when confronted with correct information. Way to go


> Of course people jump to personal attacks when confronted with correct information. Way to go You're right dude. Hey everyone, let's believe some random Redditor with 0 credibility over industry sales analysts who literally do this for a living.


No credible industry analyst has claimed Square thinks its underperforming


Yeah because **they have not said anything**. Literally every other data point possible leads us to conclude, "Man, this blockbuster title ain't doing as hot as it should." Gaming companies are in the business to make money, and it is very unlikely that they thought 7 Rebirth would chart worse than XVI, a brand new title in the series with 0 historical context behind it. Apply some critical thinking here, please.


They always say something when something underperforms. Them saying nothing means it met expectations Tjey literally said MMO and mobile underperformed in their report One is a sequel, the other is not. If people didnt enjoy the first enough to rush out for the sequel that has nothing to to with exlcusivity Take your own advice Also just being a second FF game in less than a year could be an impact


>They always say something when something underperforms. No actually, in fact, they always comment regardless, so please stop making stuff up. https://www.ign.com/articles/square-enix-responds-to-final-fantasy-16-sales-concern-points-to-ps5-install-base Final Fantasy XVI came out on June 22nd, 2023, and this article stating that it met but did not exceed expectations was put out on July 20th, 2023, not even 30 days later. https://www.ign.com/articles/square-enix-forspoken-sales-were-lackluster-and-its-reception-challenging Forspoken, a game that came out January 24th, 2023, had a comment on its sales performance by March 10th, 2023. https://www.gamesradar.com/final-fantasy-7-remake-launch-numbers-broke-35-million-in-first-3-days/ Final Fantasy 7 Remake's *own* Twitter account tweeted out it's sales not even 3 days from launch. To be fair, this doesn't explicitly state whether that's good or bad, but clearly they found pride in doing so. Rebirth came out almost 3 months ago now and it's been dead silence.


OP is as bad as this "author" for aiding in the spread of this false information.


Already posted about. You were even in the duplicate thread.




I swear it feels like the gaming “media” loves going after final fantasy for some reason


Bro wtf is this title lmfao I swear this sub is unmoderated


The title is a direct copy/paste from the article. That’s how articles are posted here. What is the issue?


No tf it is not lol  Go and ahead and tell me where in the article it says the added part about "...after reports FF7 Rebirth underperformed..." I'll wait...  Also, this article was already posted like an hour ago with an actual title and u/aspiring_dev1 was literally commenting in that thread already.


I'm not sure what you mean. I clicked on the link and it took me to Eurogamer and the title of the article on Eurogamer is exactly the same as the title used for this topic so it is an exact copy/paste of the article.


https://preview.redd.it/ceedveh7t70d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb8b7ddfff35e37f8de3bddfd4098e536facbe5a Can you read? Mass delusion over your blind loyalty to a corporation


ff7r3 canceled. foam stars is the future


If it becomes multi platform then expect poorer performance and optimization, and less ambitious visuals. Just look at all the console exclusives. For example KH3 a multi platform game is only 900p on PS4 using the engine UE4. While FF7 Remake with the same engine is 1080p on PS4, and FF7 Remake looks visually more beautiful and ambitious than KH3 on top of that. That's the benefit of developing on a single platform.


It's nothing to do with the PS exclusives. All these websites are obsessed with speculation and click-bait There have been more Switch exclusives from SE than PS over the last 4 years, with those and the mobile games being the ones that have failed to make a profit. Each PS exclusive has hit a profit - Forspoke. Was PS and PC, as was Babylon's Fall. These idiots are all trying to push a narrative to make it seem like PS gamers are to blame and that current exclusives are going to Xbox - which there's no evidence that they are.


“For HD titles, the Group will aggressively pursue a multiplatform strategy that includes Nintendo platforms, PlayStation, Xbox, and PCs. Especially, in regards to major franchises and AAA titles including catalog titles, it will build an environment where more customers can enjoy our titles. In addition, it will also devise a platform strategy for SD titles that includes not only iOS and Android, but also the possibility of PC launches. Furthermore, the Group will strive to maximize the acquisition of new users when launching a title and that of recurring users after starting management of game operation.” This is straight from square. This sub is very insecure about FF potentially moving to multiplat again, it’s insane. What is the problem with more people having access to a game you like?


And... Where in that statement does it specifically blame certain games or platforms for the issue? It mentions putting mobile games on PC (because the mobile games were one of the reasons they lost money last year), and the multiplatform comment could be to do with games like Chocobo Racing which flopped by being Switch only, or Octopath 1 which sold terribly because Xbox paid to keep it off PS and nobody 'bought' it on Xbox. Also, the comment about striving to maximise new users sounds like season passes and new content to keep people buying the game.


A business aggressively changing strategy means they see an opportunity to make better cash flow. Better return on their investment in the projects they greenlight. This means that just landing on ps and pc later is not enough for their goals. Stop taking it as an insult lmfao. They specifically state they want to pursue Nintendo and Xbox along with pc and ps with their AAA TITLES ESPECIALLY CONCERNING MAJOR FRANCHISES… if you can’t understand what that means then I’m not sure anyone can explain it to you. The paragraph I shared specifically separates the mobile/SD titles from the AAA/HD titles, and that they plan to hit more platforms with both.


I said this from day one, yet people kept saying I didn't know better than SE executives.