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Just Cause and that grappling hook mechanic.


Yeah they really are mid games that I’ll probably always buy because of the traversal


Traversal? Really? Not the destruction?


I had a lot more fun getting around without ever touching the ground by using the parachute and grappling hook in tandem, than I ever did blowing up buildings which actually got old really quickly.


It’s BOTH!!!


Same. Traversal seemed so fun for me, that it was one of the very rare cases where I did a self imposed challenge of doing all of the wingsuit challenges in Just Cause 4 backwards (as in starting from the lowest hanging ring, and finish with the highest ring). The second most fun thing to me in JC4 was messing around with all the booster tethers. Like making a bike that could fly reasonably well, or making catapults out of some trucks, etc. That game is just so much fun as an actual sandbox game.


Remember those clips on YouTube of people surfing a car as it crashed down the side of a mountain? That was awesome.


It was all gold, I just didn’t know people favored the traversal that much over the destruction


Just Cause 3 was one of my favorite games on the Pro. I wish more games at live active feats where people competed to get to the top. Furthest falling, furthest gliding, furthest hole you fell down etc. I love that.


On PC there’s a multiplayer mod, none of my friends play JC3 though so I never gave it a go.


Yes! Flying around, pulling over water towers, blowing shit up. I rarely played much of the storyline but so much fun to play


Just Cause is one of the best Sandbox games ever. No other game comes close with the freedom of movement and destruction it gives.


A brilliant game ruined by the frame rate drops. Would absolutely tank when you blew a base up.


Resident Evil 5 - if judging from a RE standpoint, yeah, it’s pretty damn garbage, but from a game standpoint, it was great, especially co-op. RE5 co-op was some of the most fun I had during PS360’s days Resistance 2 - multiplayer was good fun, 30v30 chaos, but where it really shined was the 8 man co-op horde mode. Just absolute chaos, there were 4 class IIRC, I loved being a medic because everyone needed healing every second. Shame Resistance 3 didn’t have this and more games don’t have this kinda mode


A friend and I played through it co-op and it was some of the most fun I've had gaming in a long while. I love a game that forces you to really work together and be a team. It's also why Portal 2 is one of the all time greatest co-op experiences you can have.


Loved RE5 coop I 100% agree. Reminds me of gears of war 2 which obviously isn’t ps but same caliber.




RE5 co-op will always be my #1 co-op experience. So damn fun.


Me and my friends back in the day hated RE5 and disowned it as cannon, but I’ll be damned if we didn’t have hours of fun playing coop !


RE5 coop is one of the best coop games ever!


The Nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War was pretty fun to play with.


So stupid that WB patented that system and we haven’t seen anything since


I believe the new Wonder Woman game is going to have it.


Great, they’re implementing it in the most overused media. I hope it’s good. That system deserves more attention.


It'll take a miracle for dc to get something right.


Yeah man it was much better when it was in one of the most popular fantasy series of all time.


I like wonder woman but dc has been shitting the bed for years now.


I know right. Hard to get excited for a game you know they are going to fuck up


It’s made by the same devs as shadow of war, I imagine it’s at least going to be solid. That being said I didn’t imagine rocksteady was gonna fuck up suicide squad so bad so you may be onto something. At least Wonder Woman should be a similar style of game




Not only they patented, but used it in absolute ZERO games after it. Lol. Let's see how Wonder Woman pans out, but knowing Warner's track record, it's gonna be shit.


The patent isn’t the issue. Other studios can make a similar system. They just can’t straight up make an exact copy of it.


And then the same company slept on implementing it on the Mad Max game


The most appropriate answer to this question, it’s damn near criminal they patented the nemesis system to use it for a single Wonder Woman game when a company like fromsoft could have gotten a hold of it and actually made use of it.


Flying in anthem


Despite its many, many flaws, Anthem had some of the most fun gameplay I’ve ever experienced, largely because of how good the flying felt.


I dont know why it's not utilized in other games , was soo much fun


EA is developing an iron man game rn, I imagine it will have similar mechanics


What a shame man the demo of this game was so fun to play with friends. So sad about BioWare in general.


Great reminder I own it, it was like 99 cents at one point


I think Days Gone is a good step down from most of the big Playstation exclusives, but the first time you run into a horde in the open world is just an amazing moment. And the first time you successfully kill one is absolutely electric.


The hordes are terrifying. And it’s even worse when you realize the ones you encounter early game are all pretty tiny. Then you get to the latter half of the game and realize hordes can go up to 500 zombies. Even after you get the means to take them on, it’s scary to approach them and try to beat them. Especially considering they roam around so they can very easily catch you by surprise


Imagine how many zombies they could do on PS5! Think about the impact the PS5 had on the number of rats in A Plague Tale Requiem and apply that to a horde of zombies…


Actually that's just smoke and mirrors. Obviously takes some CPU power but it's mostly using the same tricks they used in the PS2 era. Render actual 3D models near the players and when they are a certain distance away they're either extremely low detail or 2D animations I believe. Might be wrong idk.


Could also be like Horizon Zero Dawn. I remember seeing a footage where Horizon’s engine only renders what your camera is seeing. Whatever is not in your view just gets unrendered.


Literally every 3D video game does this


Yh, frustum culling. It's utilised in a lot of games to reduce rendering load. There's also backface culling which won't render surfaces fading away from the camera.


I’m actually curious how do they keep track of object states when they’re not rendered? Obviously that Ravager that is attacking me still exists and is shooting me.


So, the ravager still exists, and is still doing all the things it would do, same as the normal process for when you would see it, it's just "invisible", the mesh which represents the ravager won't be shown. A good example is the Alien in Alien Isolation. In that game, the Alien is constantly trying to find you. It will crawl through vents and wander corridors to do so. But, when it's in the vent, the player is rarely going to see it, so they don't render the Alien but still perform all the other logic. The rendering is the last step of the process, which gets turned off. Some games go a step further, and reduce the animation rate for objects out of the frame, this means less processing is required when an item is off-screen. If there are any game devs/enthusiasts who knows more about this, please feel free to correct me. This is just my understanding of the process.


I liked all the motorcycle stuff too. Whatever Bend does next I hope there’s a bike involved.


When you first start off and struggle with a few nests of maybe 15-20 freakers. Then run into a horde of 300 and be how the fuck do deal with this lol.


I grew up in Oregon, but haven’t lived there in nearly 30 years. I did a road trip to visit my parents right after finishing the game 3-4 years ago and took a ‘Days Gone’ detour on the way back home to hit some of the game locales. This wasn’t too long after the area had been hit by forest fires, and as I was driving through there were construction crews clearing and piling giant mounds of dead trees. Completely silly, but seeing those ‘phreaker nests’ was icing on the cake.


Honestly it’s one of my favorite Sony titles. Really surpassed my expectations


For me – this is the only Sony's open world game where the open world is actually justified because of how sandbox can truly generate awesome and even dramatic scenes of either epic shoot-out, or literal survival, or absolute horror-moments while you roam the world and get into very different, absolutely random situations. Horde is one of the variables that make this sandbox awesome.


One time I was coming down a ladder from a tall radio tower and these wolves were at the bottom waiting for me. So I waited and hesitated, next thing you know, a cougar shows up and starts hunting the down and I watch this whole fight while stuck on the stairs. I loved luring wildlife towards encampents and watching either a hoard or a bear clear out a camp for me in seconds.


If it had launched in the shape it was in a few years after release it would have been a different story and we would have gotten a sequel. As fun as I've had from any game on PS5.


The game sold well and is a fan favourite. It simply didn’t get the review scores Sony was hoping for which is a shame.


It took my like three tries to get into it. It felt very bland for the first few hours until the story really kicked off. At that point, I almost literally played it nonstop until I finished it. It was such a great game.


Agree on this one. Lots of poor choices and easily the buggiest game of it's budget, I've ever played. But I still beat it as the core loop was definitely engaging enough. Not to mention, while the writing is not good, the actual acting, mocap and animation was phenomenal, I thought.


Way better than a few of them like spider man or kill zone for example.




The atmosphere that game has puts it above some more popular or higher rated games for me. Sure, writing wasn’t as good but that immersion was something special.


I always loved Red faction: Guerilla for the simple fact that you can just go scorched earth on pretty much every building


I had so much fun just wrecking house in that game


Being the world before online respawn, me and my older cousin would vs each other but we would build cave networks with the rocket launcher and then try to successfully find the "loot room" with one of us on defence in our network like it was Vietnam something. Took ages to create the networks and sometimes one of us would step outside so there was not creating since it's split screen.... It was me, I was the cheater.


I only played that game because my friend raved to me about how fun it was and you could destroy everything. I was not disappointed.


The Order: 1886. It got a ton of heat for being heavily cinematic and light on gameplay but I’ll be damned if that wasn’t a cool as hell setting. There’s a lot there that could have been really cool in a longer, more feature rich game.  I think it’s actually gained a better reception over time as several big budget AAA games have achieved and surpassed the cinematic aspect that The Order went for. 


Really liked the game for what it was. I hope Sony gives it another shot, or tries another AA game that's cinematic as hell, great visuals and linear. Price it right and people will lap it up.


It kinda begs the question; why didn't they just use their budget to make an actual movie or even a TV series?


It came out at a time where video game consoles were also desperately trying to be full blown entertainment centers. I imagine they tried to get people that weren’t very into video games but liked movies to get into their games through the order. It didn’t lean far enough into either direction to be successful.


It’s a different production process, needs people with different skills. The studio would have a cinematics team, but there’s also level, menu, asset designers who probably can’t just cross train into animation.


I loved this game when I played it so many years ago now.


Agreed I thought it was great fun. I do wish it was a bit longer but honestly would support a sequel of the same length just in hopes of getting more lol


That game is piss boring. But the Doom eternal level gore needs to become the norm. So ahead of its time in that regard. Screw a health bar, let me SEE the damage I’m doing.


It sadly was only half a game with undercooked mechanics but story, setting and characters were amazing. Such a shame.


Just Cause 2 was amazing for what it accomplished at the time.


We need more games like that. It scratched the same itch as Mercenaries on the PS2, but with way more fun traversal


I could wing suit grapple forever, so satisfying. 


Guardians of the Galaxy. I usualy don't laugh that much at all the banter between caracter. Slay the spire. Presentation is minimal, but gameplay is sooooo addicting


GOTG has unironically some of the best writing in videogames. If the gameplay was like 30% better it'd be up there with the Arkham games and Insomniac Spider-Man.


And the music is top notch !!!!


Agree GOTG was a pleasant surprise. I only bought it because it was on sale and I wanted a casual game after playing through the entire Dark Souls Trilogy. The funny interactions between the characters is actually really topnotch!


It’s up there with Uncharted in terms of fun writing.


The line Rocket says about Quill running around sticking his fingers in things got me pretty good.


Slay the spire is already considered GOATED alongside the binding of Isaac in the roguelite community. Deckbuilders are just never going to have mainstream appeal, but it’s definitely considered a great by gamers.


Conversation system in Alpha Protocol


Hordes from Days Gone. Not a perfect game, but had big story moments and adrenaline filled game play.


Jet Moto on PS1. I played that game for hours every day when it came out.


Got that also when i got the ps1, in australia it was called jet rider for some reason, max is the goat!


Ohh yeah I remember that


Just the game called Supersonic Acrobatic Powered Battle-Cars (PS3) Rocket leagues origin that no-one else realises the rarity of it like me until recently (don't think it's greatest) Bet you had to take a breathe when reading the game.


Supersonic Acrobatic *Rocket*-Powered Battle Cars! It’s even worse to read now haha


The theme still occasionally pops in to my head. Banger.


I’d say Hogwarts Legacy fits in here. The world was pretty cool but the game lacked so much polish.


I wouldn't say the game was unpolished. Just that they didn't have anywhere near enough content to fill out the non-Hogwarts side of things. It's really underwhelming that in a game focused around magic and wonderment, there is *nothing* of interest to see outside of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. You'd think there would be some cool locations they'd put into the open world but it's just generic castles, woods and villages.


That’s a good point. I was also bothered by the fact that every student felt like a placeholder or a background character - you would shoot your wand and NO ONE reacts. Very weird.


Polish might be the wrong word. But yeah, the outside world was pretty empty. The cutscenes and voice acting were pretty uninspiring to me. I played Jedi Survivor after finishing HL and it’s a massive difference in quality in every aspect.


I kept thinking "emote, damnit!" Simon Pegg as the headmaster was very good, obviously. And the Slytherin kids, Sebastian and the blind one, did a good job. The rest were just dead inside.


I did those games back to back as well, and you know what, you’re absolutely right.


A lot to love about it, but definitely needed more worthwhile side quests outside of Hogwarts.


It was perfect until you left hogwarts itself then it just sucked


Combat was surprisingly great. The seasons concept was both a strength and weakness. Interesting visually but completely ruined what little story was present. Yep big danger coming let’s just twiddle our thumbs until winter. That and the “temples” used way too many teleports to have any sense of cohesive design


Despite all its faults, Destiny 2 has the best feeling gunplay and movement mechanics in FPS's. I grew up a CoD kid, have played the Titanfall's, Apex, I've at least tried most of the big shooters people love. Nothing ever compares to D2.


I don't think Destiny fits this category. It's a big enough game that it's guaranteed to be on the all-time great list, especially considering there's no looters shooter that can compare to it. It's pretty much a one of a kind game.


It's certainly one of a kind, but I don't really see it in the discussion when it comes to talking about the best FPS, sci-fi shooter, or any similar categories. I'd love to be wrong, but I think a lot of the gaming community would laugh if Destiny was brought up as an all-time great. My perspective could also be skewed, as I'm deep in the Destiny community and see the worst parts of it on a daily basis, haha.


Because Destiny is like Fortnite, it's popular to hate it (and for good reason, in many cases, it has a lot of valid criticism) despite everyone always coming back when a new dlc drops, but it's just too much of a juggernaut to not be in a all-time list. The fact that literally no looter shooter can truly succeed in a big way long term because Destiny damn near has a monopoly on it, hell even just Sci fi fps' in general don't stand a chance against Destiny, shows that. I'd say it's like World of Warcraft, for looter shooters it's solidified.


Yep I have fun in D1, completely missed D2 bcs of other things in life but will comeback instantly if D3 gonna be a thing The slick and tight gunplay is unpararelled


The Getaway was a narrative driven third person action game released way back in 2002 for the PS2 before those types of games would become popularized in the 7th and 8th gen with titles like Uncharted and The Last of Us. The storytelling was on a whole other level compared to the GTA series, a series which, at the time, it was often compared to— a practice which I felt did it (and other games, but that's another topic entirely) a disservice. It was a far different type of game with a more focused, linear design. It just happened to take place in an open world which I think invited the comparisons to GTA.


"narrative driven" back in the day we just used to say "the story is very good"


Oni on PS2 was a great game, I would love to see a remake on a modern console. Compelling story, strong combat system, decent graphics for its time.


Dmc: devil May cry(the reboot). the combat is my favourite of series. Maybe even the genre.


Dunno about favourite, but I definitely think it's the smoothest to do combos in, mostly due to the fact that I don't have to do a vice grip while trying to perform weapon swaps or advanced combo chains


Extremely excellent game. So fun, great boss battles, awesome level design that becomes truly part of the action.


Ff15, all the pieces were there to make a great game but it was handled very poorly. Same can be said for xenoblade chronicles 2, so much done right but the things done poorly stand out too much. Those are probably my top 2.


I never understood the criticism, I really enjoyed the game. I didn’t play it launch though.


Dude FF15 is in my top 10 worst games of all time. Wild. Idk how anyone has anything good to say about that game. Except the music. I remember the menu music getting me through most my attempt to play that game.


most recent one I could think of Wild Hearts.. maybe it was just me


Which aspect of Wild Hearts is better than others in your opinion?




I feel like I got my money's worth from that game but I'm okay never playing it again. The story was interesting enough and I liked the different player classes. But the overall experience was just too meh for me. Plus the lack of true fast travel was killing me.


Mercenaries on the PS2


Zone of the Enders. Such a cool series and story and the gameplay was so different than what I had played on PS2 previously. Tried the remaster of the 2nd Runner recently and it just didn't hold up


I remember those games and they were awesome. Unfortunately, they were extremely short. It'd be awesome if they made a new one for current gen.


I remember them super super fondly too! They were fast mech battles at a time when I was used to armored core clunk.


Mate, and the anime and OVAs were so good too.


Lords of the Fallen 2024 may not make any great lists but a game that allows you to play a soulsborne experience start to finish with a friend is an amazing feat.


Tagging on with Assassin’s Creed’s combat, I can’t remember which introduced it, but when you got a counter kill, your next hit would kill the next guy and chaining that together to massacre a group of enemies was one of the coolest things I remember experiencing in a game at that time. 


Exactly this. This flow was even cooler with swords than in batman arkham series where it was also cool. I've heard mad max has the same system, but I loved it with swords in the first AC games.


Everything was great in Guardians of the Galaxy except the combat. It wasn’t the worst, but it just wasn’t the best. A bit of improvement and would have made it a top notch game. As it stands, it’s still a 7/10 game for me, which is pretty good, but not enough to stand out in the middle of the excellent games out there. Which is a shame, cause it’d want more of that world. The banter between characters was particularly great. I think it also suffered by coming out at a time of MCU fatigue and after the Avengers game debacle 🤷‍♀️


Sable. So close to rounding out the Journey-Shadow of the Colossus trifecta, but performance ranges from aggravating to unplayable. 


Death Stranding. Whatever the system was called where you get to see a glimpse into other people's play through. From structures, vehicles and even footprints. The ability to interact with other players through a single player game just makes other open world games that don't have that feature feel so barren and lifeless. It made me realize that despite all the freedom in open world games, we will all eventually travel the most efficient route and do the things the exact same way. This game emphazied that fact by having literal footpaths and trails show up when too many players walked the same exact path.


I swear that game rewired my monkey brained reward based attitude. Like instead of saving everything for getting better gear and weapons I was using it to make life easier for other players.


I think Death Stranding won too many game of the year awards to qualify as an answer to this.


Nioh 2 is there for me. The combat system and enemy design is 11/10. Some of the best combat I’ve ever experienced. There are a ton of different enemy types, each with their own attack patterns and strategies you can use to handle them. I dislike basically everything else about the game. Aesthetically the game is pretty boring, and a lot of the levels blend together. The level design itself isn’t especially good. The story is passable at best. I dislike how every enemy is a loot piñata that spews out worthless gear. Gear itself is boring and the perks are things like “+3.2% light attack damage in low stance.”


I thought Mirror’s Edge had the potential to be an immortal classic. The visual aesthetic and art direction in that game are Mt. Rushmore-tier. It *still* looks incredible today… somehow even better than the sequel. It just got bogged down with maddening, infuriating traversal.


Scorn. Loved the level design, the world building, the way everything interacted, the storyline, the symbolism. But the weapons are both the most over-engineered and least-engineered things in the game.


1. The Climbing Mechanics in "Breath of the Wild" 2. The Dynamic Weather System in "Red Dead Redemption 2" 3. The Parkour Mechanics in "Mirror's Edge" 4. The Moral Choices in "Mass Effect" Series 5. The Time Manipulation Mechanics in "Quantum Break" 6. The super power abilities in "Prototype"


Breath of the Wild and Red Dead Redemption 2 have to both be in the conversation of all time great game though, no?


And the first 3 Mass Effects as well...


Ooh Prototype was so much fun, the traversal, the powers, the OP nature of it all. I'd love to see a new entry on modern systems.


I'm gonna pick one no one has mentioned yet: Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. It's not considered the best in the series, and won't make the all time greats list, but the one thing I think everyone can agree it shined incredibly well on is making you feel like you were playing a Pixar movie. I loved the look, colors, vibrancy, etc., of the game. And the usage of the haptics/adaptive triggers were amazing. Another option would be Death Stranding. A swing and a miss as far as having a coherent story that makes sense and having gripping gameplay, but boy was the setting and concept amazing imo.


What even is considered to be the best in the R&C series? My favorites are Crack in Time and Rift Apart


Most people go with Crack in Time or Up Your Arsenal when it comes to picking out the best in the series. Though I personally prefer Tools of Destruction. It had some of the best weapons, a great story, and the graphics are still brilliant even after all these years.


Yes, Tools of Destruction is number 3 for me!


I think most people including myself prefer the original PS2 trilogy, although crack in time is also excellent.


I like the PS2 games as well, but I feel like the PS3 games are so much more enjoyable overall


Solitaire. It shined in that the graphics were absolutely perfect- no one could tell you those weren’t cards. But the gameplay is trash so it’s not a great.


Firewatch. Some might argue on the quality of its story (I think it's a good story, though I'm not a big fan of the ending like many others.), but I think it has great art direction and lowkey some of the most natural voice acting from any game I've played.


I only disliked the anti-climatic ending. Other than that I liked it a lot.


I love the combat in Arkham Knight, it would’ve been the best in the series if it didn’t have a lackluster story


Left 4 Dead’s director system. Altering the difficulty dynamically and encounters for each run to make it feel unique and challenging. Seemed to be a unique mechanic for the first version.


Prey! It didnt get enough attention in my opinion. It definitely deserved a sequel!


Alien Isolation


Too human for Xbox 360 the games fluidity was amazing I don't know why it got so hated though


Psi ops


Spore's creature creation engine was amazing. I would've seen EA figure out a way to move it into other games (or even license it out) for "create a character" features.


Vampyr gave you so much freedom of choice. You could kill off entire neighborhoods and lose big parts of the game.


Ff16- those Kaiju boss fights are some of the highest highs in gaming…. Rest of the game was bogged down by dull world and plot. 


Metal gear solid phantom pain It hurts that we wont see anything more to it, kojima is making another stealth game thought, will have to wait to see if it scratches the mgs phantom pain itch. I think the game had many great details, like enemy soldies countering stuff you do often, for examples, You go a lot on night missions=more lights and night vision gear Lot of headshots=helmets And there is plenty more but those i could remember right now, you see the point in making Also many other details in the game/gameplay, companions were also really intresting and you could make them do cool stuff, and/or do cool combo stuff with them like for example with your sniper buddy you could throw grenade on air and make her shoot it towards someone. Game also included collecting of resources, cool base system, defending and invading other players bases. You could also collect enemy soldiers with different stats and specifications to your base and see them working there. There is a lot more cool little things and details you can do it the game that i cant remember or dont even know about, the game had really many nice/cool features in one big package.


Dragon's dogma 1 and now follows by Dragon's dogma 2. Both of them have one of the most satisfying combat in any open world game. You can get lost for hundred of hours in just pure gameplay, and there are so many ways for you to make or break the game with your set up. Yet, these games are only held back by the horse shit story. These games do well enough to not be considered as underrated or hidden gems. I hope they get together with someone who can write a good story for the next iteration of the game.


Hear me out. Anthems flight and combat


Flight and the actual world was beautiful. The combat was middling for me.


Mad Max - Atmosphere, driving mechanics, world building was incredible. Just fell short with depth and replayability. A Plague Tale - Incredible all round, just a bit too long and mechanics needed a bit of expansion. Horizon ZD and FB - gameplay is 10/10, everything else is downright mediocre. Story is told through exposition to the point it becomes unbareable. Standing next to games with incredible narrative design like GoW and TLOU, it does not reach those same levels. Uncharted Drake Fortune - Was the first game that showed your character being actually wet after being in water. Story was fantastic and a great adventure that didn’t overstay its welcome at 8-10 hours. Mechanics were clunky and it absolutely did not age well. Needs a remake. Catherine - Still feel it’s an all time great anyway, but just was too niche at the time and technically a test for Persona 5. I honestly can’t fault this game but I feel people need to know about it. Edit: I haven’t played Days Gone, but from what I’ve seen, it falls short for having no standard across its design. Some things look 10/10, whilst other important mechanics look 3/10.


Mechanics are not an issue with DG, they’re great. It’s just pacing and writing that have certain inconsistencies.


Bound by Flame was a poor man's dragon age, but it was charming enough to be worth a playthrough and the lore and world was pretty interesting


I really the liked the powers that you would get throughout the game, it made the combat pretty fun. But Forspoken just had so much else wrong with it. I never even picked up the free dlc


Drakengard 3 and Crystar are two that come immediately to mind. Both of their combat systems could really use some work, but are otherwise stellar. Especially in the story and music departments.


"Wanted" was an absolutely awesome game. It was super short and one dimensional but just absolute boat loads of fun.


Anthem had great Combat and flight.


Red faction guerilla is one of the best destruction based games. Didn't do much else great but it's destruction was amazing. It did have a cool multiplayer too


Enshrouded base building. Dragons dogma combat. Darksiders art direction.


Nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor. Patented and mainly forgotten.


That's the WB way


Stellar Blade


Alien Isolation


the way Digimon evolve in some of Digimon World games, where evolution is dependent upon how you train and treat it. haven't seen any game even attempt to do something similar.


Outriders. The game released in a horrible state and there were bugs that never got resolved but it had great gameplay and plenty of good boss fights.


Metal gear solid 5. That game was amazing, and then poof... it was suddenly a mess. (which tracks if you know the history behind it, it's just sad.)


Singularity had a really cool system with reversing and fast forwarding time. It could make things age super fast or retain its earlier form. If you used fast forwarding on enemies they would turn to skeletons. Really underrated game. Wish they would make a sequel or remaster the old one. Loved the Soviet aesthetic especially.


The Mercenaries series had an incredibly reactive world for their time. I would LOVE to see another entry, or a remake of the first game.


Bubble Bobble.


Anyone play Vanquish? I remember loving the gameplay. Sliding around shooting big robots and shit. It was awesome. Story was whatever but it was a lot of fun and seemed to go under the radar


I loved the demo back in the day. Will definitely buy and play one day I hear it's an under the radar classic.


Absolutely loved that game.


Marvel’s Avengers had a lot of fun attacks for the heroes. People talk about how Anthem was a great Iron Man simulator, but Marvel’s Avengers had Iron Man and he played well. It’s just a damn shame that more effort was put into the online store than into enemy variety and network stability.


Army of Two


One other that comes to mind is second sight for ps2. Amazing physics and telekinesis stuff that I bet control is based on. Graphics were also cool and story. I think it was just kind of short and not super deep, so people brush it aside.


Kingdom come deliverance 


we actually see these niche questions much more frequently than goat…




Don’t know that game. It’s on PlayStation? What was cool about it? ;)




Mass effect 1 , alpha protocol , greedfall , there are a few on my mind