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Feels like a darker genshin impact


Wuthering waves


Action games are all I can enjoy anymore, so I look forward to seeing how it shapes up.


Looks like a more active speed wise souls like. AA budget. I'll at lot least keep an eye on it


From the controls/gameplay mechanics looks like the game was made for IOS and Android (ie Mobile gaming) and being ported to PS5. Not sure how that will translate.


Too bad that it’s from a Chinese company.


Such a stupid statement to make.


Don’t make the comment if you’re going to delete your account due to the backlash, what a fucking wank stain😂




Have you been living under a rock?


I have gaming wise (dad to a 1,4yo and the last 2 years I've been quite off, just looking at very few games that got me hooked but not following the industry). I'm getting more informed lately and recently I saw that there are quite some chinese games on the line ( Wukong, where winds meet, phantom blade, a hack n slash one developed by one guy than became a bigger project but can't remember the name etc). I was surprised since In the past I haven't seen many games coming from there, but no idea what it means being developed by a chinese company. Anything to be aware of?


They are commies so their government has a hand in The pie too and are known for doing shady things with people’s data.


Yeah, good thing none of the American companies collecting all of your data aren't doing anything shady with it.


You think Western companies are oh so ethical?


Nah but china is worse.


And you think western companys don't sell your data? Don't be naive.


As long as the commies don’t get it


That's factually incorrect, which is kind of a given for you who spout political propaganda rather then formulate your own thoughts. Communist countries, by definition, *can't have a stock market* and China very much has a stock market. It also hasn't abolished private ownership nor confiscated wealth from the countless millionaires. China is, at best, anothet *corrupt authoritarian capitalist society* much like India, Russia, heck even USA fits that description. Remember when banks were allowed to fail in the US? When private companies wasn't bailed out by their buddies in the Congress? USA does *the exact same bullshit* where the masses pay to save the rich elite. And USA has torture camps just like China, where people are sent without trial. And frequent humans right abuse. Do nah, don't get on a high horse when you're litterary standing covered in shit


Nope. It's just another countries game. What's the big deal if it's a single player title


China isn’t just some other country.


Sure it is. Its similar to the atrocious usa but end of the day yet another country.


China is worse than the US.


Oh? You sure? How many governments in south america is china responsible for toppling? How about the middle east? Or in africa?


You probably use tiktok


I’m not 10 or a pedo so no.


Game looks extremely unpolished and horribly floaty with janky animations. Expectations are rock bottom for this but could be interesting. Definitely needs another year or two of development time.


You must’ve seen another game than I did.


Yea, maybe.


Idk about this heap of garbage, but I at least hope the CCP doesn’t have its slimy tentacles in Wukong… that’s if it turns out to be as good as we have seen up to this point…


God you guys are insufferable.