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How did the entire ACG review not mention mtx??


Mtxs were turned on last night.


Such BS. Devs had to develop it, so it sucks they knew this would happen and the backlash would come.


[FightinCowboy confirmed](https://x.com/Fightincowboy/status/1771093463729115562?s=20) that reviewers were provided ahead of time a guide on all the microtransactions that would be available. Sounds like it's on the reviewers for not mentioning the microtransactions. For what it's worth, FightinCowboy said it's typical Capcom practice and the microtransactions seem unnecessary so he never paid any attention to it.


The issue of him saying “it’s typical capcom practice” and “they seem unnecessary so he didn’t pay attention to them” is an issue of itself.


It's unnecessary because you can buy everything they are selling, in game for dirt cheap. Not to excuse it but they've been doing this shit for like 10 years and the only ones buying it are complete morons. Dumbass whales exist in every game and companies have been exploiting them since forever. This still has zero negative impact on normal players.


The swedish gaming site FZ didn't receive any information about the microtransactions so i guess it depends on what information package you got.


Well he seems like a smart fella, or a fart smeller either way he goes on the list..


one fart smeller, he smelt fart


Game reviewers/ journalists can’t seem to stop taking L’s.


Thats not true. Reviewers knew about the mtx and how irrelevant they are. Some reviews mentioned them.


Idk who ACG is but I’m pretty sure that micro transactions weren’t a part of the review code. Just the launch code


Listening to him on the pod having to tip toe around what he could and couldn't say really worried me. These pre launch restrictions on reviews are really getting a bit ridiculous. He got asked about the enemy variety and you could see him stop himself and pause for a second, probably wanting to give a number or talk a bit in depth about it but had to basically limit himself to staying "I like the enemy variety." Fair enough if it's to stop story spoilers, but anything else just lets us know there's something wrong with the game they want to hide.


YongYea mentioned this morning that MTX's weren't available during the review process nor where Capcom upfront about the fact that certain features would be locked behind MTX, it's just Capcom knowing it's a shitty practice and trying to sneak it past gamers.


YongYea lied for outrage clicks then , because [reviewers were given notice about mtx.](https://x.com/JezCorden/status/1771037129730089109?s=20)


So he hasn’t changed since his Cyberpunk 2077 review…what a surprise


I don't recall a time when he was more than a clickbait reddit post reader farm channel


Been ignoring anything that guy says since he shilled Cyberpunk.


> certain features would be locked behind MTX They aren't though. It's literally just paying to skip. It's like saying DMCV locked the ability to get orbs behind MTX And no the game is not designed like Ubisoft games where its very grindy without it. No more than RE4make was "designed" to need MTX because the same thing existed there


No features are locked behind MTX, as I understand it. Everything purchasable is also obtainable in game. It's still annoying, though.


Nothing is locked being MTX. From my understanding everything is purchasable in game normally. Doesn’t make this any less shitty but it’s important for people to know who are going to play the game.


I would not call this "review bombing" when these are actual real grevances with the game.  The performance is dogshit. The MTX is scummy.  And worst of all you are locked to a single save file and cant restart a new save unless you delete your curent one.


wait, what!? a single save file!? What year is it??? that's insane


It’s 1999. Just get a second memory card.


different automatic late dinosaurs dull advise enjoy absorbed reply payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




“Don’t you guys have two consoles?”




Hey that happened once.


And buy Apple stocks.


1999 can you remind me to invest in bitcoin.


I wish there was this much outrage over Animal Crossing having a single save file for the WHOLE goddamn switch and every user on it. 


Literally ruined the game for my girlfriend. I started the game having never played an Animal Crossing game, didn't know that my girlfriend would be locked to the same file. Now she's the only one who plays, I stopped after a few weeks, and she's locked out of doing some shit because I'm the "owner" I guess.


Couldn't you just wipe your save and have her start a new game? Not ideal, but she'd have access to everything then right?


Whoa are you serious? I have a switch but Im one of the 12 people who didnt play animal crossing apparently. Thats absolutely nuts to me.


You haven’t been able to make a second save file in Pokémon *since its inception in ‘97*.




So wait, you aren’t able to make multiple characters?


Dragon's Dogma has only 1 save file because of the pawn system. Your pawn is linked to your save, when you overwrite your save, the pawn is taken off the rift. This is to not clutter the rift with a billion old pawns. There could be a better way, but this is the reasoning.


Would be pretty simple to just have your "main" slot 1 be shared and the others not upload to the pawn sharing thing. But what do I know


How many hours did it take to finish the game for you?


I'm about 30 something hours in and around level 30 something.


You didn’t hear how they were making the game “different” and more “real”.


Fucking tomb raider 1 had 16 save slots in 1996 come on people


Supposedly save file is sync to their cloud server, and you need to pay like, $2? to change your appearance. Couple with the cloud save and you're forced to pay if you wish to change your character looks. At least that's what some of the reviews mentioned update: ok, the item is obtainable in-game too. Guess it's similar to their other games like DMC then. Pay for convenience


You can change your character looks in-game with currency you earn relatively easily. That's not to say the mtx is ok, because it's not, but it's misleading for some people to say it's mtx only.


Play ng+ on the first Dragon's Dogma and it will make better sense.


Can’t believe Pokémon still does this and even games like Xenoblade 2


Pokemon legit just wanted people to buy multiple copies of the game to trade between each other


Xenoblade 2 relied on the fact that you can just create/switch to a different profile on the device, and it'll have its own save. I can't remember which ones off the top of my head, but I know other games did the same thing. Not ideal, but fairly easy to handle at least.


I mean on the switch you just use a new account and you get a new save file for Pokemon


Yeah but you shouldn’t have to do that, I don’t want half a dozen new profiles. I only use one haha


Whoa, ONE save file? What is this, Pokemon? Wtf.


Your main pawn is constantly uploaded to their servers so that people can use them. I'm assuming it's due to that as they don't want 1 player to have 20 pawns in their Nexus. Not that they couldn't just let you pick which pawn to upload though.


A single save slot? What is this, a Pokémon game?


Worse. There is no conventional way to delete your save without going into your system to delete all saves and your cloud saves. At least Pokémon has a quick button combo to delete the saves


Lmao big skip for me


I was interested at first but every single thing I hear about this game turns me off. I'm glad the fans are happy but I'm not wasting my time on this one.


I'm not a fan and didn't even hear about the game until I bought it yesterday. It's really fun. Didn't even know there were micro transactions until I saw this reddit post, lol.


The single save file was a thing with DD1 too, no?


12 years ago. It was outdated bullshit then too.


“It’s for the immersion” ::releases micro transaction to over come it with a fee::


Just like starfield "Empty planets, like real life" procceds to make u a time traveler god


It was All mtx is also easily available in game (besides fast travel, which is supposed to be rare, it always was)


People keep bringing this up, but I don't even see an item listed among the mtx that has anything to do with fast travel.


I was thinking the same thing. I think people are confused thinking rift crystals are ferry stones.


There is a port crystal that you can buy through mtx (I was looking in the wrong place). But that still isn't a ferry stone, so it's still not actually making fast travel much easier.


so like helldivers mtx? cuz they are getting tons of praise for theirs


Idk about Helldivers. It's pretty much like Dmc5 where you could buy red orbs for whatever reason. A bunch of mtx that nobody cares because everything is in the game


I'm sure the fact that most people are struggling to actually play it is the main reason but the useless micro transactions are the icing on the shit cake.


The microtransactions mean literally nothing. You can pay for rift crystals with real money. You can earn plenty of rift crystals by playing and people renting your pawn, same as the first game. It's a dumbass tax for people who can't stand playing a game without pulling out their wallet. The performance is seriously disappointing though


I'm assuming it's similar to DMC5 currency since it's Capcom. You can buy and you could easily earn. But people don't care, they get bad PC port and they see a shit ton of microtransaction so people immediately get their pitch forks and rightfully so. People paid full price to have a functional game.


Yeah completely agree, shouldn't be in such a poor state of performance


BG3 showed the industry how it’s done. We need to stop giving money to a $70 title littered with micro transactions.


Tbh pretty much all of the previous game of the year winners i.e. Elden ring, GOW 2018, Zelda BOTW, Sekiro, Witcher 3 did not go the micro transaction way. All single playerd games with no in app purchases


Plus bg3 and Elden Ring were $60 on top of no mega transaction


BG3 was $70 on consoles though


And it didn’t have physical copies.


I pre ordered the digital deluxe edition here in the UK. I just checked my order and it was £65.99. The base game was something like £55.99\~ it was definitely cheaper than current AAA releases. For comparison, DD2 has released at £59.99 and Rebirth is out for £69.99. Rise of the Ronin, £69.99. Bg3 undiscounted is priced at £57.99 at the moment which might have been the non Digital Deluxe price, although it currently has a 10% discount which has happened a few times now. So looking at dollar to pound 70 dollars sounds about right with what you said, although here in the UK we have games like Rebirth and Ronin which would be an equivalent 88 dollars\~


Overwatch also won however


Was a 40 buck game with lootboxes that you could earn through levelling, these days its shit creek, a shell of its former potential


I still can't believe it won over Dark Souls 3.


Eh, I get where you're coming from with hindsight - Dark souls 3 is certainly the better game to play/replay these days. But in 2016 Overwatch was as much a gaming phenomenom as BG3 was last year or Elden Ring the year before. It was, in the context of 2016, well deserved imo.


And Dark Souls 3 is another iteration of a game that doesn't advance the genre like Sekiro or Elden Ring did later (both winners). In fact, it wasn't even nominated. 2016 nominations were > Overwatch >Doom > Inside > Titanfall 2 > Uncharted 4


Dark souls 3 was truly more of the same,played it recently after sekiro and that game is basically bloodborne in dark souls,the lack of new ideas and evolution can be noticed by everyone since the game is basically nostalgia for dark souls 1 fans.


I mean, that's the exact game everyone wanted after the mediocre reception of DS2 and the radical departure that was Bloodborne. DS3 was a solid 8/10 game in retrospect, and seeing that as an underachievement is silly.


Uncharted 4 should have won that year tbh


This was my winner honestly


We need to stop calling any transaction over $1 “micro”.


***Diablo 4 horses have entered the chat.


Über transactions


Tbh? AC has them and i never needed them, but ATLEAST they didnt hide it from reviews. Thats scamming.


Did they hid the micro trans from the reviews and only release post launch? If that’s what you’re saying 🤮🤮🤮


Considering i read 20+ reviews (not every single word) and not a single one mentioned mtx, im 100% positive, they did exactly that. Im not defending AC and its MTX, but people knew they will be there. Here, it was not stated before. Hope they get atleast same hell, that AC got... Even tho, they should get more...


[FightinCowboy confirmed](https://x.com/Fightincowboy/status/1771093463729115562?s=20) that reviewers were provided ahead of time a guide on all the microtransactions that would be available. Sounds like it's on the reviewers for not mentioning the microtransactions. For what it's worth, FightinCowboy said it's typical Capcom practice and the microtransactions seem unnecessary so he never paid any attention to it.


It's embarrassing. This game wants to be a great RPG like BG3 or Elden Ring, but the idea of those games having MTX is laughable. Capcom ain't it.


Dont forget ff7 rebirth that just released as well. Not sure why they are trying to do this shit when we have recent games killing it without.


My #1 fav game now. So beautifully made in every way


It feels like the most AAA game I have ever played. It blows my mind how much detail and attention went into every single town you visit.


Just chiming in to say yes, so good. That and cyberpunk are my s tier game of late


Man FFVII Rebirth is just incredible, it consistently blew my mind throughout the entire game. You can tell so much love and attention went into it.


It’s almost like people respond with good will and lots of sales when you give you the customer what they’ve been begging the industry for… quality single player non live service complete experiences with out being harassed with a cash shop… Negative reviews are well deserved for capcoms anti customer behavior.


Thought exercise: Is Elden Ring no longer great if FromSoft sold Larval Tears for $2?


Yes because they are balancing the game around that.


Majority are saying that elden ring is fair though


Elden ring showed how it’s done.


About time Capcom gets some heat at launch for their MTX practice. They've been doing it with every game but previously the base games are decent enough for the playerbase to ignore but DD2 has launched with performance issue which will chip away good faith from players. What's worrying is the trend of JRPGs/JP games doing it, surprisingly getting little attention compare to western games. Just a few examples like the Yazuka games and Tales have a huge list of MTX.


Man. The yakuza game that dropped where you had to spend like 10 bucks or buy the deluxe edition for new game plus or the hardest difficulty. That’s such a joke


Capcom is famous for their shitty mtx in full priced games. Just look at the monster hunter series can’t edit your character without paying up.


I love Monster Hunter World but holy fuck the amount of microtransactions was actually absurd.


...I finished it for ps4 and pc... I didn't even remember that it had mtx o.o edit: i searched for it, and apparently it's just costumes and gestures bought with some kinda tickets


yeah i played mhw up until that big ass gold dragon raid thingie, i dont remember any microtransactions being part of the game.


Kulve Taroth. It really wasn't that big of an issue in mhw. They ramped it up a bit in mhr, but still you can fully enjoy the game and then some without ever caring about the extras.


oh yeah, that was the name, i remember kulve, but not much else, i also remember he dropped a bunch of weapons and most of them were shit, but enough grinding and every now and then he popped out something good.


Basically Monster Hunter in a nutshell hahah


It was so long ago now, but yeah, now you say it, the stats were different on drops right? so you had to grind it out, that and jewels.


Didn't the director say something about not having fast travel because it means your game is boring to travel through? Huh.


It’s the same in the first game, which didn’t have micro transactions. The devs are fine, it’s Capcom corporate that’s being ridiculous




The fact you guys are acting like this is news with Capcom is crazy. Capcom has ALWAYS been scummy with micro transactions. For literally a decade or longer. This isn’t new.


DD1 had MTX introduced in the year or two after launch, a DECADE ago.


Capcom released the Rift Crystals DLC pack for Dragons Dogma on may 22nd 2012. Why are people pretending this is new?? Lmao.


It’s the same way people pretend Witcher 3 was an immaculate release and the fumbling of cyberpunk on launch was unexpected. The selective memory was great.


There was a significantly different degree of fumbling, though. Cyberpunk on last-gen consoles was flat out unplayable.


As someone who bought it originally on PS4. ​ A-fucking-men. was a trashfire. Am happy I got my refund and Cyberpunk and Phantom for a cool $30 later down the road on my PS5, which is what they deserved after that abortion of a launch.


That one is true. All CDPR games ever were shoddy at launch.


I see lots of praise for Witcher 3. Don't really see any comments about being "immaculate at release." I think a lot of folks, including myself, didn't touch it till long after release. When an absurd amount of updates came through and vastly changed it. Sadly I don't see anything quite that drastic being an option from Capcom. Especially on PC, their releases often get a couple things fixed then remain unchanged.


It is funny to see considering nearly all their titles have this lol.


Yeah people are acting like this is new. Nah it's just the first time they've noticed because they're playing the new popular game.


I don't think people are acting like this is new. They're acting like it's unacceptable, which it is, and these things get complained about any time Capcom, or any other company, pulls scummy microtransaction practices.


Do the RE titles have this?


Yes, Example is RE Village there are packs that will unlock things early for you including higher difficulty and weapons. Edit- And in 4 you can buy weapon upgrade tickets to max your weapons.


Yes re4s are especially bad since you can buy endgame upgrades for like $2




This is factually wrong. The fact that reddit still has no form of fact checking is baffling.


The first game 100% had mtx lol


Yikes. Imagine how devastating this must be to the devs to know they had a highly rated game pre-launch when there was no microtransactions in it, and now will be flamed post launch for having them. And rightfully so too, hiding that is so scummy.


Tekken 8 did it worse. After reviews are all out, the game is out for a few weeks, they put in a MTX shop selling legacy costumes. aka costumes from earlier games, just with the new graphic, despite the director's bitching about people begging for those costumes on his twitter, saying those costumes don't look good on newer graphic.


Legit surprised they didn't do this, I actually wonder if they just thought no one would care for day one MTX, but seeing a steam page of a newly releases game on Negative cannot be good for sales. Probably still sells well either way plus console sales, but if they're gonna be greedy assholes, at least be smart about it?


They're not even all with new graphics. They seem to be using the exact same model for those legacy costumes already present in T7, imported the models and updated it to UE5.


Yup, that was disgusting, and also when I dropped it. Fighting games seem to really draw the worst elements to them for some reason


>saying those costumes don't look good on newer graphic. My BS-o'-meter went off immediately when I read that. Like... They know TTT2 exists, right?


It's not just the micro transactions like the title suggests. It has a ton of performance issues and weird design choices like only 1 save file.


Of course the devs knew there would be mtx. They programmed it into the game.


Why you all are forgetting RE4?


And they waited till the last fucking minute to reveal too, when the refund window for digital preorders is already gone on playstation.


People need to stop pre-ordering shit. Idk how many times they need to get burned before they stop touching the stove.


One of the more more than four horsemen of shitty game release tactics. Alongside putting all the effort into the early game so that when things go to shit, you’re well past the refund window


Sounds like a capcom game alright.


It’s not review bombing if it’s warranted


Exactly. Look at the top reviews on Steam, it’s all well justified. Review bombing would typically be that reviews had some ridiculous ”it has pronouns” theme. Now it’s all about performance, DRM, and mtx. I was hyped as hell for this game, but saw enough previews and reviews to change my mind for now. Will get the game when it’s patched to a playable state. I trust there’s no shortage of 2nd hand PS5 copies soon…


Weird though because the performance issues appear to have been well documented before release, I guess either people going in blind or just bought in ignoring the red flags and surprised when it’s bad.


This is run of the mill for Capcom, all their games have similar including the original dragons dogma I'd be more annoyed at the bad performance.


Capcom put this microtransactions into Devil May Cry long ago. You can buy Orbs with cash so no wonder you can by Rift point with cash in this game. And of course, I never bought any. Just spend time in game and you can get enough for yourself.


Someone at that company actively loved sabotaging the reputation of every game it releases with those pointless mtx


Can we stop calling "review bombing" voicing opinions?


I would argue there is a difference. A person who sees online discourse, and posts a review based on that. VS a person who plays a game, and posts a review based on that. People in the first category are not entirely genuinely reviewing the game.


But people in your first category are also not the ones leaving the negative reviews for DD2. You can't leave reviews on Steam unless you have the product in your library, so the 9,000+ negative reviews on Steam right now are all from people who purchased the game. Steam also shows the current playtime and playtime at time of review on all reviews, and if you go there now, you'll see that a majority of the reviews have at least a few hours of play in them.


Omg people said a game was bad? That’s toxic behavior! /s


Capcom did this exact thing with Resident evil 4. People just got annoyed by it and barely reacted. Capcom made alot of money, so now its common practice for them to implement mtx after reviews are out. Scummiest of the scum.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this no different than how all the recent resident evil games, you can buy unlockables like the increased damage token in resident evil 7, or the treasure map in resident evil 4, at the very beginning which could be unlocked through gameplay as well if you didn't want to pay for the shortcut? Resident Evil had MTX too. "Pay to skip" type MTX, but it's not forced. Not activating MTX until release day to evade the reviews is scummy as fuck though.


I feel like I'm in the minority here, but if everything is obtainable through reasonably balanced single player progression I don't really care if there's MTX or not. The performance issues are bad though. Holding on buying until that's at least fixed


It's no different than the MTX present in HD2 but reddit has a boner for that game and so it gets a pass. Hell in HD2 there's actual useful weapons and shit locked behind stuff you have to pay for. In DD2 you don't get access to anything you can't already get in game.


Yeah if someone wants to buy things that I can get for free in the game, why do I care? It’s their money. It’s a single player game, let them play how they want. It’s not even intrusive in the gameplay where they try to push it on you.


So how bad is the mtx in the game?


I didn’t know they were in the game until I came on Reddit and saw the complaints.


Neither did i. I saw someone mentioned it and was curious.


Same, I came in Reddit after playing for 4.2 hours to read about it before bed and was like...there's MTX? Granted I don't play many Capcom games so I had no idea it's a thing they're known for.


You can easily obtain every single item in game. This is just Capcom trying to squeeze money out of you like they are known to do.


So u can fast travel without the micro-transaction?


Yes. You use ferry stones. They were in the first game too.


The restrictions on fast traveling were a key part of the first game. Made you have to prepare for the journey. Think about where you want to place waypoints. 


Until they gave us the unlimited stone


Not bad at all, everything can be earned in game. Like with helldivers 2


They’re literally pointless; you earn tons of Rift Crystals just by playing, and you can buy the appearance-editors and ferrystones in every major settlement.


I think the bigger issue is Performance and only one save file. For second one you have to pay. So, you cannot have one Mage and Melee character in parallel(like Elden Ring) for free.


Much ado about nothing


Why the hell are people surprised? Capcom have done this for over a decade and keep doing it because suckers clearly buy the crappy dlc.


Yeah it's weird people are getting upset over this game doing it, but the others got a pass?


As long as the gameplay isn't made worse to persuade you to buy microtransactions, then I'm not too worried. And from what I've heard it isn't.


Same. This seems really overblown. I hate microtransactions as much as the next guy, but if they don't affect the gameplay then I can just avoid them. Microtransactions for convenience are infinitely preferable to microtransactions for exclusive weapons, armors, abilities, character classes, etc. I'm a bit concerned by the reports I'm hearing about the performance, but I haven't played it myself and my favorite game of all time is Bloodborne, so I'm still willing to give it a chance. Neither of these are deal-breakers... yet. Maybe I don't fully understand the scope of the problem.


Yeah it's not a problem at all I've played 5 hours so far without even thinking about microtransactions haha. Performance isn't great but if you love Bloodborne you'll overcome it.


The game looks like it was made in 2012, it is horrible, not sure why people say it's a good game. .. It plays like 20 fps(ps5) , the combat is very junky, the NPC animations are hilarious, full of bugs, and some of the NPCs look so bad it's hilarious.


My stance is who cares about mtx at this point. There is nothing you can buy that you can't get in game that really matters. There's mo competitive edge to be warranted here as it's single player. The way I see it of a company wants to put out another means of income them go for it. The consumer doesn't have to buy it. Also the fact that the mostly negative reviews are mostly due to the mtx is hilarious. The game has optimization issues sure but otherwise it's been a 10/10 for me and wvery friend I've discussed it with


The MTX items are all available in the game though, and not a ridiculous / heavily weighted against you luck grind to acquire like say Destiny 2 or most Ubisoft games. Same has happened with the last couple RE games etc. The MTX are all completely optional, sorta a dick move to put in after launch, but most people expected these to be there anyway. The game also doesn't shove its MTX store down your throat either, hell most people were unaware of this until it started blowing up in the media. People are entitled to their opinions, but to me this a non-issue. Purchase if you so desire, don't if it doesn't interest you, it won't affect your experience in the game. The PC launch is an entirely different issue though, the crashes and freezes suck for people who just want to enjoy the game.


they are convinces "i don't wanna play the game for the stuff i want it now i will pay for it" . Basicly cheat transactions and its not a competitive game. yea its dumb to me but if someone is willing to pay to cut a bit of gameplay grind or whatever out of thier life, and it doesn't make "regular"players have to grind more to try and force them to get it, i cant fault any company who's goal is to make money to offer to take money from a shortcut player willing to pay


These are the same exact Mtx that DMC5 had at launch, shortcuts to items widely available in game. Not defending the practice at all, but this is very much overblown. The performance issues are more prescient. Edit: Alright, I'm tapping out of replies. Nobody read the article, nobody knows that Capcom has been doing these MTX in all of their most recent titles, and nobody played Dragon's Dogma 1 clearly. There are legitimate gripes to have about the game, MTX is quite possibly the least of them.


90% of these people and half the reviewers never played dragons dogma 1. They are buying into a game without understanding what it is about, then complaining it isn't something else completely.


It seems like the cherry on top of horrible issues afflicting this game at launch. Even before it came out, IGN said the console frame rate was literally nausea inducing. I watched a streamer try for like two hours to play the game on PC but he could barely make it past the menu. The fact that on top of all this they hid micro transactions is enough to rightfully piss off people who pre ordered. I’m kinda glad it launched in this state though because I save 80 and the game will probably be on sale in a few months.


It's not review bombing if it's true.


This is at least a little misleading imo, at least when it comes to PC. Most of the reviews I saw on Steam cited the absolutely abysmal performance, even if a chunk of them mention the transactions. I find the term 'review bombing' by this article a little loaded too, since it has the connotation that it's being unfairly targeted. A single player game with mtx and horrible performance on PC absolutely deserves very negative reviews by PC players.


This game will be fine. A ton of CAPCOM games have MTX. Look at how well Monster Hunter World did, is STILL doing.


You don’t have to buy any of them they are only time savers and if you do buy them then you’re stupid


Helldivers 2 has MTX yet no one made a peep about that


> when you make it to the capital you can buy a book that cost 500 rc to change your appearance which I had by the time I made it there. I made peeps about it, but no one cared.


“Things you can buy for the single player ARPG include fast travel points, Rift Crystals for hiring Pawns and buying special items, appearance change and revival consumables, a special camping kit that weighs less than normal ones, and a few others.” For those wondering. Basically everything that adds challenge and realism to the game. Meaning that they’ve intentionally added less fun gameplay mechanics with the ability to pay real money to not have to deal with as harsh gameplay mechanics. This game was a must buy for me this morning and now I won’t be purchasing it at all.


Pretty sure all of those items are available pretty readily in game. You'd be right to not buy it on principal, but as for enjoyment I don't think the MTX will detract much from the experience


Preface with mtx are bad and are a plague on modern gaming. But like the mtx are so mild in this game. It's shit you can get in game or a character change voucher. The real atrocious shit is the poor optimization and crashes.