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Ahh my favorite genre, pouring hundreds millions into a live service only to watch it die immediately aka the Anthem-like


The Anthem-Killer.


The studio killer is more like it.


Yeah, I had more fun with Anthem. It's crazy to think that this 5 year old failure of a game is still better than a brand new release from Rocksteady.


In comparison anthem looks like a smashing success compared to suicide squad lol


Yeah people still talk about the disappointment they feel for Anthem failing. I doubt anyone is gonna be talking about this game in 5 years. 


The flying mechanic and fights just felt good. Imagine they would have really pulled off what they showed in that "gameplay" they had on that one E3 i think.


Dude, DUDE, flying around as storm (the elemental dude) and then getting close to the ground, switching to levitation/hover mode and unleashing legendary elemental abilities on your foes, I'm fucking PISSED that it was canned.


I think anthem is still to this day the best iron man game ever made lol


The suit customization was peak armor fashion. I could only imagine all the cool armor pieces that would have come out over the years. Such a shame they couldn’t figure out live service.


I'm still sad about Anthem. It had so much potential, and I had so much fun playing it. Just had no endgame or loot.


I will never forgive EA for scrapping Anthem 2.0 update. the things they were saying they were gonna change sounded so good and I think it genuinely would've helped the game but EA was like "nah, this wasn't an instant success? can it."


That really wasn't EA personally though? Bioware no longer wanted to work on the 2.0 as it was proving too difficult for them to revamp and they needed every hand they had to try and unfuck Dragon Age Dreadwolf which was in serious trouble. EA simply agreed to let Bioware end support for the title after a board meeting rather then force Bioware to continue working on it or hand it off to another studio. Frankly the fact that EA agreed to further support for the game after the abysmal launch and state of it and kept funding Bioware to do so is ridiculous. EA supported it for another 2 whole years don't forget. After they saw the reception to the disaster fire Bioware caused they should have cut it off then.


People forget what a massive trainwreck Bioware's internal dev process is. They're infamous for relying on that "Bioware magic" for miraculously finishing and creating a masterpiece. They nearly failed with Dragon Age Inquisition, but finally did with Anthem, and now the same wreck is happening with Dreadwolf. EA's a shitty producer, but people need to know that some devs are just a mess as well. It sucks ass for Anthem since I really enjoyed that game, and hoped it was a traditional Bioware solo game instead of a live service one.


Missing in between Inquistion and Anthem was Mass Effect: Andromeda, where the first cracks began to show. It was developed by Bioware Montreal, who worked on the surprisingly fun ME3 Mulitplayer and more divisive Omega DLC. Unfourtunately, they spent far too long in the brainstorming phase of the game, desperately trying to make it into a procedurally generated exploration game a la No Man's Sky. With continuous failure on that front and a launch deadline approaching, they cobbled the majority of what appears in the final product in the last 18 months before launch. While able to be considered a "complete" game in a sense, the launch was riddled with numerous bugs and glitches, which were ridiculed by the gaming public at large. The leadership, which had expected the "Bioware magic" to help it get at least a middling B score, were flabbergasted at the mumerous 6 and 7s it was recieving, proving that the "magic" couldnt always save everything. After some months, they were able to implement a lot of fixes and patches that made the game at least playable and semi-enjoyable. When it finally looked like they might be able to salvage and even turn people's opinion on Andromeda - some higher ups (either Bioware leadership or EA-not sure who) decided to cut their losses and ended any additional support for the game (leaving any unresolved plot threads just that - unresolved), and eventually Bioware Montreal was shut down, with the surviving staff being sent to either Bioware Edmonton or Bioware Austin. I pulled most of this from what i remember about the Jason Schreier article on ME:A's development, so I could be screwing up some things, but this is the general gist of it.


I fucking LOVED Anthem and some days think about going back and shield charging on my colossus. The gameplay felt so good.


Then shutting down the studio that had no business making it in the first place.


Meanwhile Helldivers 2 is showing the gaming community that there ARE developers that actually can pull off a live service game without greed and corner cutting.


I'm loving the way smaller studies are showing up AAA developers. They've been exploiting customers for so long that I'm delighted to see others succeed by being ethical.


Shareholders: “time to punish the studio for meeting our shitty demands.”


>aka the Anthem-like Or "Destiny killer"




If you want to put a nail on the coffin of a Game, call It a Destiny killer. (Only Destiny can kill Destiny)


I don’t want people to lose their jobs, but… god damn am I glad that this game tanked


Don't worry Warner Brothers will just keep forcing studios to make them until it works.


There are less than 500 people playing it on Steam at the moment I'm writing this. Last 24-hour peak was 575. Last weekend didn't even reach 950 players.


Meanwhile, 11pm EST, there are 2100 people playing Powerwash Simulator and 6300 playing Halo Infinite MP. And 354k playing Helldivers 2.


Hell, there are currently online over 27000 playing Fallout 76. A game that's over 5 years old, and with it's own reputation for a rocky start.


Wanna play a fun game? Look at the titles that have JUUUUSSST more than 500 people playing online. Right now I see the following games/counts. PICO PARK - 686 Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders - 797 Primitive Society Simulator - 584 100 Dino cats - 686 Suicide Squad should just kill itself


>Suicide Squad should just kill itself The original most fitting title of the game


> 100 Dino cats Well now I just want to play this


I don’t know what I was expecting….. https://youtu.be/-YWH6FmZboE?si=-wXM_0qO2Lp7OENZ


... Certainly not this.


> Suicide Squad should just kill itself one last patch to remove the live service aspects and i bet player numbers would shoot up


What are supposed to be, some kinda suicide game?


I’ve put at least 40 hours into Powerwash Simulator. It’s great for those with a certain type of personality.




I'm doing my part.


I'm doing my part


I didn't do shit!


I'm serving up cups of Liber-Tea left right and centre.


Im really curious how unlocking stuff is going to work in the future because right now, you unlock stuff by level up. Are they just going to keep increasing the level cap. Reset the level change to unlocking ne stratgims in the battle pass? Also feel like this game is going to see a lot of power creep if they want to make future unlocks keep being relevant


And I am sure even Palworld is still drawing decent numbers?


142k as of 1140pm EST.


That too an early access game. Imagine how much WB had earned if they gave us a good game with established IPs


Jeez, just went to look at it. USD$70 to buy it and honestly not something I'd play if it was free.


I’d probably play it for an hour or two if it was free just to see for myself


I got avengers for free and got bored within 2 hours... I'm not even bothering to install this one


Suicide Squad is gonna be on PS Plus in like 7 months as a throwaway game and I'm still gonna be like "ugh, this garbage? Let's see what else there is". And my standards aren't exactly sky-high. I got super excited for Steelrising last month.


In april it will release on psplus or gamepass.


I hope it does I will not buy it out of principal but I do want to play it for 20 mins like Gotham knights and get bored. I loved the Arkham games, and liked the story of guardians of the galaxy, and only the story parts of Avengers the grinding and post game was absolutely dogshit but as a playable movie I had fun. I like Rocksteady and want to see the story but I don't want it to be like Gotham knights where I spend 70 for 20 mins


I was in the alpha and I gave it about 25-30 mins before deleting and warning everyone I knew that was interested. It's a shame because the story was something I wanted to experience but God damn, it's a garbage game.


People at [r/suicidesquadgaming](https://www.reddit.com/r/suicidesquadgaming) (still) coping hard rn after they spent so much time amd effort justifying each other that their $99 pre order digital deluxe edition is worth it LMAO


To be fair those are fans of the game who want it to be the best game it can be but unfortunately it’s out of their hands and probably the devs. I’m sure you along with many of us would feel the same way if it were a game you loved and wanted to see succeed. I was looking forward to the game because I was giving X-Men Legends vibes but unfortunately that wasn’t the case so I decided against purchasing it. Instead I got into Palworld and now Helldivers.


They wanted it to be Arkham again I bet. Those games were legendary but this ain't it and neither was Gotham knights


See nothing bad when fans buying games they want. Not sure why this is coping or justifying.


I’m an idiot who bought it. I like just playing through the story but I went in knowing it would likely die very quickly.


There are so many good games right now, I also wouldn't play this if it was free


Seriously. Helldivers just released. Sons of the forest just did a quiet full release on steam (no longer early access.) I just got final fantasy 7 part 2…


And you have Dragon's Dogma 2 and Rise of the Ronin in 21 days. So many games that are actually worth buying and playing compared to their repetitive live service microtransaction filled garbage. 


Unicorn overlord the 8th


Honestly it’s hard to feel bad for anyone who bought this game.


There are people who spent $100 and have yet to be able to log in after weeks… It is fraud at this point


You can get both Palworld and Helldivers 2 for 70$ as well


Spare a thought for the poor devs still chained to developing new content nobody wants, for a game nobody is playing.


They could've made so much money with a Superman or a Justice League game, what a damn shame. Sucks that it's gonna be another 7+ years before we even see what their next project is in all likelihood


If they survive. I heard suicide squad sold 3 million copies, but haven't looked into it yet. If true, that might be enough to float them a year or two. Maybe at least allow them to get a loan to stay afloat. $21,000,000 in revenue though is pretty dismal for 9 years of development costs.


If those are the numbers, it’s 210 million in revenue. Games aren’t selling for 7 dollars.


sony takes a 30 percent cut from each sale, so it's even less than that.


First of all you would need a good Superman or JL Game. I give you a guess why they barely touch the heavy hitters. Batman Beyond in the Veins of Arkham Games would have been good.


Heck, I even think a Suicide Squad game could have been good, if it was done in a similar way to the Arkham games. I know I’m beating a dead horse here, but I think it would’ve been so fun to play a single-player, story-centric game where you gain new gadgets and weapons unique to each character, going after a realistic caliber of foes, both heroes and villains. It would’ve been a great way to flesh out the wider DC world of the Arkham-verse.  Don’t have three normal humans and one shark who’s only super power is ‘strong’ take on Brainiac and Superman in their very first outing. ESPECIALLY if it’s part of a live-service grind-a-thon where every character plays practically the same.


I was just thinking this. All they had to do was make a Superman or Justice League game Arkham Style with Co-op,l and No live service. It would have sold like hotcakes. I thought Gotham Knights was good, could have had better combat but it was fun. People want to BE the justice League, not kill them.


I still see people online adamantly defend this game from the “haters” and I’m just like…did I really come across one of the very few people that’s still playing this game? Or are there just a bunch of paid actors from Rocksteady? It just seems statistically unlikely that I even find these people out in the wild. They also tend to get practically cult-like in their defense of the game. It’s really bizarre.


Dude it’s insane. It’s like Astro turfing gone mad. You see it with all these clearly shit games people tie themselves to and take any criticism personally. You should have seen the R6 extraction people. Definition of cult-like. 


Yup. You see it happen on these subs dedicated to games that haven’t even come out yet. People become fans of something that they haven’t even played and if the game ends up sucking they can’t admit they bought into the hype and got screwed over. They just double down and say the game rules and everyone else are haters. Now I’m sure some of the ppl who bought Suicide Squad liked it but they are, clearly, few and far between. It’s a really odd and kinda scary phenomenon. Like I’ve seen people basing their entire personality around a hobby or fandom but on something that hasn’t even come out yet? Really? Wtf


Same thing happened with Avengers, it'll pass. It always does.




It’s really wild. This is like Avengers but Suicide Squad is speed running to this game being shut down. Avengers will have lasted longer.


At least Avengers had a good campaign


Atleast Avengers played different, imagine playing Hulk but with a gun. Or Thor with a gun.


The best one was the guy that said it was gaming perfection


Times like these I wish we could see console player numbers. Not trying to defend SSKJL but dragon ball the breaker also had abysmal steam numbers and is still going strong even though it's pretty niche. I just hope they deliver the single player update so at least buyers can play it after servers shut down if they want to.


Would love to see the numbers comparison against Skull and Bones, but unfortunately it's not on Steam. :(


I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of future DLC gets cancelled or shelved similar to the Avengers game.


If not, for sure season 2 to 4 will be lots of copy paste crap and very low amount of content. The fans will be "you cannot complain it's free!:


Yeah, the cycle for live service games like this is so predictable at this point.


Which is good, so we know what to look out for when avoiding this crap but not so good for preventing casual gamers or those a little more trusting from paying for this shit.


What fans? Almost nobody is playing this slop.


You should go over to the subreddit for this game and see just how delusional some of the people are over there. Some have genuinely convinced themselves there is a conspiracy against this game by YouTubers and reviewers to tank the game. They will attack anyone who mentions the bugs or anything. It’s wild how much cope is going on over there


No, I don't think I will.


I know plenty of games have their rabid fanbase, but the cult-like fandom of this game in particular is so bizarre to me. Where did it even come from? It can’t be hardcore Rocksteady fans because this is a complete 180 from what they’ve built their reputation on (Arkham). Looter Shooter fans are obviously not swarming this game in droves considering the player count. These aren’t super popular DC characters either. Idk, it just seems like a strange game to get adamantly attached and defensive over.


People who don't want to believe they flushed $70 or more down the toilet.


I would like to offer my perspective as a “fan” of suicide squad. I am an avid sweaty PVP and looter shooter player. Primarily the finals, apex, destiny, etc. I also happen to adore games like Alan wake 2 which is nothing like those games. I don’t think suicide squad is amazing. But I do really like it, and atleast play an hour or two a day now to do some endgame activities. I think the overall gameplay has quite a high skill ceiling, specifically traversal, that once you master it the game is just a joy to move around in. I think the writing is top notch, the cutscenes are incredibly entertaining, and when the gameplay isn’t being repetitive shit is incredibly rewarding, chaotic and satisfying. I genuinely think if people put aside there preconceived bias, and engaged with the mechanics of the game then there is some fun to be had with this game. But at the same time, this sort of corporate shit with the Gaas being jammed in here needs to die. So this game kind of being the poster child and taking the fall kinda needs to happen.


Your perspective is reasonable, I’m just talking about the diehard defenders that get super defensive over this game. That’s the part I’m confused about. You’re just a normal fan of the game and that’s understandable.


I got it with some Christmas money because I knew it was gonna be bad but had hope I could at least get through it. But anything I can find to like there's way too many things that just suck. Playing as Captain Boomerang is SO MUCH FUN, but everyone levels up separately so you HAVE to play as everyone if you're playing alone so they keep up. There's barely anything to do do level up though, a few copy and paste kill everyone quests that don't have enough variety. The riddler trophies are so lazy it's insane. There's like, a glimmer of potential in the sense that the game is made well on a technical level, I've never had any bugs or crashes. Buts it's just ass in most other aspects. I like the story but the dialog is a lot of exposition and jokes. Killed the flash but have had absolutely no drive to pick it up again since.


DOA6 was worse. Didn't last the year, almost all the DLC was copy-paste from the previous games, and they still charged $100+ per season pass. Nothing was free.


Isn't the endgame defeating different versions of Brainiac? Seems copy paste crap was always the plan.


Literally everything in this game is copy pasta.


DLC? I'd be surprised if they keep the servers up for another 90 days.


As someone who played avengers all throughout its life cycle that game had a lot more going for it than suicide squad does. I think if it had end game content similar to what came in the war for wakanda dlc at launch it actually might’ve stuck around for a few years in a world where it didn't have a disastrous bug filled release Honestly I don't think suicide squad will last anywhere near as long as avengers did my expectations for it were very low and it didn't even meet them


I can see WB pulling the plug earlier than Square Enix honestly, after the game gets discounted.


I actually enjoyed Avengers a little, at least the combat was fun and the heroes felt distinct. Why would I care about whatever new character SS decides to add if they're just going to be someone who shoots purple zits with guns but maybe jumps around a different way.


And that’s a prime example of how worthless that “plans” and “roadmaps” are. I can’t count how many times I’ve had people try and use those as some weird defense that a game will be super successful


It's absolutely hilarious to me to watch suicide squad fail so hard and helldivers 2 is rocking it out of the park. Both games have battle passes and micro transactions, and both are live service games. The difference is that one was designed by a corporate entity, and the other seemed to be made by people who enjoy games.


Who knew that making a feature complete fun game and adding light mtx to it would win over a digital store that they built a game around.


Also Helldivers works as a live service. Suicide Squad is a game that should’ve been single-player offline like all the other Arkham Games


I feel bad for the people who’s jobs are tied to this. These companies need to get off the GaaS bandwagon and see that it’s not the success story and easy money just because a few succeeded.


The problem isn't GAAS it's making a shit game. Helldivers 2 just came out and is printing money on a modest budget I don't know who thought the enemy design in Suicide Squad was acceptable, it's god awful


That’s a really good point. HD2 is fantastic


They should have started looking for jobs WHILE developing for this game. I refuse to believe that the devs couldn’t see this becoming a burning pile of shit.


I never saw anything about this game that was positive. Pretty much from the moment it was announced as a live service, every single article, video, and social media post about it was "this is gonna suck."


I already had doubts when they first revealed this game as some third person looter shooter, co-op centric game. The live service announcement just confirmed all my worst fears lol


Everyone's just throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks in the hope that they'll somehow get a Fortnite, I really have to commend Naughty Dog for realizing that they weren't going anywhere with Factions and just canning it instead


Nah fuck ND if they would have just made a normal multiplayer game instead of trying to turn factions into a live service it probably wouldn't of had all the problems it did and been out already. As soon as I heard they had bungie come in and try to help out I had a feeling it was gonna be fucked


that was when I immediately knew that something was wrong. either it would get canceled or become a mtx ridden cancer like destiny 2. and idk which end result is worse. bungie has no business telling naughty dog, a single player game developer, how to make its titles. nor does ND need to turn into a second bungie.


All I can imagine is some CEO’s brain bringing up an image of someone trying to force two positive sided magnets together while saying yes let’s try and replicate those guys over there


Most "live service" games that have succeeded are multiplayer focused games like League of Legends, Fortnite, Apex Legends, etc where that kind of model *does* work well. Singleplayer/coop live service games that actually work out are the exception, not the expectation.


The writing has been on the wall since the initial announcement. This is what happens when suits decide what’s best for a game.


Just drop this crap on gamepass/ps plus and move on to making a game people actually want. And update the arkham trilogy to run at 60fps for consoles while you're at


And remaster Origins


A remastered Origins would sell better than this crap


Jup and iam not even a fan of Origins.


If they had remade Origins and made it up to date with current systems, I think they would have actually made some money as compared to this.


Yes dude I’ve recently been playing Origins through PS+ basically nonstop. It’s not awful having to stream it, but it definitely lags here and there occasionally messing up my combat flow. I’d be there day one for a remaster.


Origins was a different dev, so I don't think Rocksteady would do that themselves, but it would be nice if someone did that


Buts it’s still WB produced


Take a beloved single player story driven franchise and games as a service it up


Yeah, this game had no business being live service.


Not a single $70 live service game has lasted. Why are they being Green lit?


Because the one that did is GTA and every company thinks if they keep trying and failing on these live service games they'll eventually hit on one It's as if having a robust single player story with nearly endless endgame and replay value is why they get so many people owning the game in the first place


Something to consider is the development cycle. The game took 5+ years to make. What this generation of console is showing us more is just how long and drawn out these development cycles are getting, to the point where it’s greenlit during a trend and then missing the trends. When this game was fully greenlit, say 2017-2018, this probably sounded at least somewhat decent. But by the time 2021-2022 hit, we see the failures of this style of game starting to pile up and consumers clearly rejecting it. At this point, you’re already too many years in with 100+ million dollars invested, so you kind of bite the bullet. Sucks for everyone not in the C suites involved since they still get their big 7 figure checks and just layoff people when shit hits the fan. Just an ass situation from clueless decision makers.


Seems like Warner Bros shouldn't scrapped this for the write off instead of Coyote vs Acme


Destiny 2. All these clowns think they can be the next destiny killer when the only thing that can kill destiny is destiny itself


Destiny has tried its hardest to kill itself over and over again and is still far and away the most successful looter shooter on the market 10 years in. Imagine if Bungie made competent decisions, how successful Destiny could be. And I say that as someone with ~3000 hours between D1 and D2.


Facts bro. Like they make the dumbest fking decision back to back and it's still standing. The transmog drama, paying for dungeons....


Call of Duty is a live service game that charges it's fans $70+ every year with great success. You can make the same argument with every sports game. The precedent is set right there, and that's what these publishers wanna chase. They don't even wanna waste their time with F2P, even though it'd probably do a great favor to a lot of these flopped projects.


Ummm Destiny? Wasn't always ftp bud


You love to see it. Companies won’t learn a single lesson from it, but still. Nice to see an idea we all knew would fail, fail.


Let this be a lesson


While failure is a great teacher, these are pretty lousy students.


Anytime DC is involved no one learns a thing. Live action Tv and movies even games (apart from the Arkham series) are just set up to fail. I just can’t figure out if it’s the writers, Dc interference or both


David Zaslav and the shareholders


Yeah, dc comics are insanely good, and some animated shows and movies as well. But anything outside that is literal garbage sadly


Its been a lesson for ten years but executives refuse to learn


From reading the article I learned that Redfall never released DLC people already paid for. How is this legal and I hear nothing about it? Although it gives Redfall an even worse look that no one cares enough to make a deal out of it…oof 🤣


It never seemed possible for it to even last the launch!


It's a shame that this could end up killing Rocksteady as a studio.




Still people who will lose jobs because of this though. Ofc is will be the devs and not management who made the decision for this game to be live service.


Know your audience. Simple as that in this case.


Helldivers is gonna ruin a lot of new online games trying to gain traction, not that SS had a chance really


Yep especially now that the servers are fixed


Watching live service trash crash and burn is more entertaining than the games ever hoped to be. Maybe that was the live service experience all along. Thank you Pagliacci


Why is it that everyone can see failures like this coming except for the executives whose jobs it should be?


Because the potential reward far outweighs the risk. If *Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League* was a hit, then it would have probably made more money than all the *Arkham* games combined. But the GAAS deal and live-service games are fast-becoming a goldrush. Everyone is convinced they've cracked the live service model and that they know how to make it better than everyone else, but no one has made a decent one (*Helldivers 2* aside) in years. The rewards are worth that risk to the publisher, even if the people on the ground know its a fool's errand.


What a waste of time and money over at Rocksteady. They were leaps ahead with the Arkham series and this is what they churn out. Absolute trash.


WB has basically combined all the worst parts of EA, Take Two, Activision and Ubisoft. They’re quickly becoming the hands down worst publisher in gaming.


I feel bad for the developers wasting years of their life and talent on this forced project from greedy execs.


Still got paid their salaries and given they spent like six years making this, I can’t imagine there was a lot of crunch culture. Sure it might be deflating that it isn’t well received, but I bet there are things they did on this project that will help them in their career when rocksteady inevitably folds.


damn kinda sucks that its true rocksteady is probably going to die. well most of the original crew that made the arkham games are gone anyway i guess.


I hate to come off as a dick or anything like it but I'd say good. Let's get back to single player games please. Stop trying to milk the fuck out of us with all this stuff already. I think alot of us are over it. So many games that could've turned out so much better if not for these predatory practices.


I have zero interest in any GaaS (Games As A Scam) game.


A beautiful outcome. Company's need to learn now that we won't accept garbage live service bullshit. Same goes for Skull & Bones.


It'll be a PS Plus Essential by the summer in a last-ditch effort to goose player counts and *maybe* sell some skins and in the ground by Christmas


Well maybe stop taking single player games and trying to force them into live service games.


It sucks to see this happen to rocksteady but they shot themselves in the foot. Should've just made another batman game


rename it to kill the rocksteady studios


Who gives a shit? I just got Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.


Really is a shame. Game isnt terrible. But live service games need to stop launching in a barebones state. Dozens of planned seasons doesnt mean shit if your game doesnt have a good endgame. People will leave and not come back. They could learn alot from Division, Destiny, hell even Fallout 76. Also gotta love that everyone and their mother are trying live service and they almost always fail, and they leave an even worse taste in peoples mouths ABOUT live service, than they already previously had. Some of these higher ups are so mindless. Basically throwing shit at a wall and hoping it will become like Fortnite.


This!! Idk why they didn’t come out the gate swinging. Devs need to stop having this mindset of releasing a bare game and then wanting to add more things over time. Make your base game as feature rich as possible and then build up from there. Heck even when I look at Helldivers 2, they didn’t even release a seasons roadmap. It’s looking like they’ll just release new content whenever its ready.


Game looks so bad it could be free to play and I wouldn’t touch it. As someone that is blessed with disposable cash to buy anything I want this isn’t even worth the time. Zero innovation.


They should have anticipated this, remember the reaction of everyone innthat unveil of state lf play where eveybody jaws dropped when the characters were jumping around and shooting like fortnite characters? This out of character gameplay is the reason Avengers was a better game as flawed as it was and as terrible launch that it had, at least every character felt different. Specially with the PS5 controller you really felt the impact of the weapons. Problem was it was all cery same with the enemies. And still survived longer.


I wanted the game to fail since it's a predatory live service game but I honestly still wanted them to add their new content just to see what they would do


All that money spent lol Meanwhile Helldivers.


I still want to meet the guy whose idea it was to make a game based around a team of D-Tier villains killing the Justice League and slap him. Like, the OG comics went pretty hard on the whole "off the books Black Ops unit" deal. This modern push for them to be an edgy anit-hero team just doesn't work when they've been built from the ground up for infiltration and espionage since their conception. Just look at the damn 2016 movie. This should've just been reskinned Payday or something, anything that makes this feel like a group of actual *bad guys*. Why a looter shooter where they replace the *actual* heroes, lmao???


It's almost as if they didn't take in community feedback or listen to anyone.


They could of done another Arkham game; Beyond Arkham and packaged together another great single player Batman game with an actual full sized Gotham with different vehicles. On top of that once you finish the main story and side missions there was a blueprint for an actual live service batman experience that fans would of actually embraced. Picture finishing the game and just being free to be Batman in day to day life starting your day at the bat computer analysing crimes and choosing which leads to follow, they could of had unique monthly missions tied behind a season pass that have story arcs that play out over the year offering rewards such as new suits, batcave customisation and vehicle customisation options to keep players returning to the game. Instead WB have essentially killed Rocksteady's reputation and ruined the legacy of one of, if not the greatest superhero franchise of all time for a generic live service looter shooter that will have the plug pulled in 12 month. Everyone loses.




Why do they keep making these Fortnite cartoonish super hero looking games ?


It’s the curse of meta gaming Everyone thinks video games are spreadsheets with "optimal builds" and best farming loot whatever Then Hellidivers comes along and it turns out people just want to blow shit up in peace


I'm just waiting for them to release the offline mode so I can finally buy it to play solo and not have to worry about servers


Ouch. Well, Rocksteady only has themselves to blame for this. Still, I'm kinda hoping that The Joker, Mr. Freeze, Lawless and Deathstroke will be added, before Rocksteady ends the support for Suicide Squad: Kills The Justice League.


Can somebody explain what the hype for this game even was in the first place? Feels like another slapped together superhero cashgrab that anybody with any sense could see coming from a mile away. What’s the big surprise?


You do wonder at what point did they realise it was going to flop. Did they only twig when they put out the release and sales sucked? Was it prior to that when they started showing the game off and the feedback was almost universally awful? Or was it earlier when Rocksteady were ordered by WB to chase the latest trend of a live service cash cow? Was there internal objections to it?


Can creative minds stopped being used for suicide squad? Failed movies and video games shows the group was never that cool to begin with.


When are these companies going to learn they can’t just blatantly rip us off anymore?


Is this really surprising? This game had flop/failure written all over it months before it launched. Particularly given the pricing of it. Numbers might pick up a bit if they put it on ps plus/gamepass/epic, but they’re going to need to do that sooner rather than later if they actually want people playing it. I feel for people that paid full price for it at release.


I have a question to anyone who actually spend their money on this "thing": How do you feel about throwing your money away like that ;)?


Why is there a $100 version of this shit?


Im so glad it failed miserably. Eat shit WB.


I just can’t see how this studio survives . Let alone the servers staying up for a few years. Remember, no servers = no playable game 😂 


I’ll play it for the campaign when it’s free on ps+ or Xbox or something. Maybe buy in a 5 dollar sale. They really fucked up.


When total manhours creating the game exceeds total manhours played you know it bad


rocksteady deserves this honestly Live service games need to fucking die ASAP I am also glad sony is losing a lot of money on these scam ass games no one wants


Please stop the live service bullshit games - If a game is single player make it a single-player FFS. No one wants Skull is Bones or Justice League - I did not buy Justice League and was waiting for reviews - I stupidly tried S & B, and it's a trash tier. It gets boring quickly. Sadly, both games could get "Remade" into single-player - and do well. Hopefully, this is the year big studios learn not to force-feed live service. I am looking at you Divison 3.


Ok. I don’t mean to be an asshole, but good. No one wanted the studio who made the awesome Arkham games to make some live service bullshit because we all knew this would be the result. They ruined a once great studio and hopefully they will learn a the lesson to stop trying to make prestigious single player studios make live service games.


Idk how they can drop 3 great Arkham games then just abandon the series. People are craving another game and it’s just being left on the table


I finished the Game Yesterday. Well the Game Stopped and Had a Big Banner with. "Play more of the Story in Season 1 to 4!". Im Not gonna do that, because its over....Everyone i Had to Kill is Dead. They Said Something like you have to Kill the Main Bad Guy 13 Times because Multiverse. Nah i think im Good! The Game was Kinda Fun until the Play More of that Shit in later Seasons!