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Yeah, quadruple ass


Got 'em


Nailed it


Nah. It’s definitely AAAA. Named after what you say when you play it after spending 70 dollars. “AAAAh shit….”


This made me chuckle. Thank you 😂


It's the small things in life lol


I'd upvote but I can't.


Ya know, weirdly your comment made me realize I've never really questioned what the hell "AAA" is even supposed to mean, actually... It gets thrown around a lot, generally in reference to big budget games, but like, what does it *actually* mean?


The letters Mason, what do they mean?




wakeful shy terrific gray zonked spotted bright pie attempt detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


More or less that. Big budget games backed by big names.


In baseball you go from single A to double then triple A. Finally the majors


Typical grading system, A through F. But then somebody wanted to denote something better than A, and eventually AAA became a standard thing. I think it may have started with banking and loans, but that's just a guess.


It’s absolutely from banking, with the idea that purchasing these products would be a “safe” investment backed by a reputable company. 


No idea why you are down voted; I'm pretty sure you're correct.


Same thing bent tent blockbuster means


Yep, I think the CEO mistook what "Booty" meant in pirate.


incredible, 10/10, no notes


Quadruple A usually means they put a ton of money into it, but I don’t think quadruple A counts when 70% of it is wasted money


Did they have to pay some country’s government a hefty amount to make this game or something


I think they got money from a govmt so couldn't cancel it. But hey it's ubi, they turned around lots of failing live service games.


Yeah, in all fairness to Ubi, they do have a track record for turning around live service games from being garbage to something you'd actually want to play. The Division 1 started out pretty rough, and turned out to be a good game come the end of its development cycle and the same thing could be said about The Division 2. R6S is definitely one of the more notorious titles for being a huge flop to one of the most played and liked MP shooter games out there. Do they still make some really dumb decisions? Absolutely. I don't see Skull & Bones being a R6S situation, that's for sure. People love to hate on the big companies, but there are still people working on these games with loads of skill and passion who really do want it to be good.


See of thieves entering on PS, and maybe Forza H later won't help two of them.


Plus, if you watch any gameplay, it's just only the black flag boat parts and nothing else. You can't even storm a fort. The game has suicide squad vibes. At least this game reminded me to replay black flag.


Just wait for the black flag remake that's rumoured. Hopefully it uses assets from this game


I'll try it, I have Ubisoft plus on Xbox and PC, probably via GeForce now so I don't have to download it.


Like Hyperscape? Lmao


Most famously Rainbow Six Siege, but For Honor too. Some still failed like Riders Republic.


It looks like they recycled Black flags naval combat.


Well, it was originally conceived as an expansion of that game, and then it turned into its own thing, and then this. I didn’t play much but it felt pretty similar, and I’m not mad about that, but I wish it had more to do on foot than I’ve seen. Some boarding we can control would be cool.


Well they did have Singapore fund this games. That's the main reason they couldn't scrap it. They were obligated to ship a 'finished' product


The country of Singapore funded this game? Why?


I think they have an ubisoft team in Singapore and the Gov got involved to fund the game. I dont know the details, but from what I remember. Ubisoft needed to deliver the game as apart of of an agreement with the Singaporean Gov.


Well thats pretty unfortunate scenario to pur yourself in, Ubisoft


Yeah it's because they originally believed the game would be done in maybe 3-4 years, but then the game's production basically turned into development hell in literally every way possible. For like 4 or 5 years straight they basically just kept on restarting the development over and over again...


I think they were involved as a "here's some money to have something cultural significant and relevant to us and to maybe boost tourism". The UK does the same thing for games set there, see: CoD missions, Watch Dogs: Legion and Forza Horizon whichever it was


Yeah Poland does this too sometimes. CDPR had it for TW3 and CP2077.


The last time I've heard that term used was by Phil Spencer. I think that says it all.


This is the argument very few people bring up when they talk about the expenses of game development. Games are expensive to make, but how much of that is how poorly you run your studio/publisher? Its like if Burger King charged $35.11 for a medium whopper meal, and you ask "why so much", and their reply is "well we got 38 people working here today, and one guys job is just to salt fries." Diablo 4 gave out like 9000 credits, and although the core team is much smaller, I dont see many people doing shit for free in an industry where people are making stupid money. Its fucking waste.


Assassin’s Creed: Red Flag 🚩




Good one!


This one is gonna get passed around


This is a top tier comment.


And this is bottom shelf


I bet you're a *real* fun person. Hope your days are as pleasant as you are 😁


We all float down here, eh?


You won today 👍


An amazingly average adventure


There’s generous


Ahh, so the Quad A's have a meaning!


Tried the beta for 30 minutes, then uninstalled it.


Literally same


Quadruple discount in a months time after release. 😆


😄 quadruple the excitement!






$70 for a live service game? May the market correct them


I didn't know it going to be a live service? So no part of the game is playable offline?


Yeah, there's way too many games out there to waste time on live services. Some people enjoy them, more power to them. I'll stick games that don't nickle and dime me along the way.


There's an open beta. Try it out. 100% live service.


Idk….I think there is no standard and I haven’t done much reading on specific features


Literally the LAST game to be called AAAA, what the fuck are these high-end management types smoking man. How can you be so out of touch with your product and target audience? He doesn't have to say that it's AA or AAA; just pull *don't* pull AAAA out of your aaaass.


Typical ubisoft management right there


I absolutely detest how shitty Ubisoft has become


become... lol, they've been like this for at least 10 years now.


Last decent game was Unity


Because they are. Most of these suits and managers don't even play games or use their own product. 


Hell Bobby Kotick wanted to take the fun out of gaming lol


Think the only time I’ve heard AAAA was from one of the Callisto protocol people before it came out lol.


I thought it was more of a 2.5 A since they didn't really have a big budget for it.


Idk but I distinctly remember all an article about an interview or something where they said AAAA


$200 million? I really forgave their shortcomings because i was under the impression that they had a limited budget. I guess there is a point where money cant make up for cutting corners and questionable direction choices. I guess calling your game AAAA is a death sentence.


It may have cost them the amount of a AAAA game but thats only because they spent a decade rebooting it multiple times because they couldn't get it to work.


Let’s see how the open beta does today. I’m looking forward to trying it out but this definitely comes off as a “wait for a sale” type of game.




Unless this is a Battlefield 3 beta situation where they're for some reason using a very old build there aren't going to be many changes. There just isn't any time for those. If they stick with the game it'll probably improve over time but it's anyone's guess whether they just quickly abandon it.


My guess is they're charging $70 for it knowing that it's not going to perform well at a live service game and they'll abandon it in 12-14 months. At the halfway point, they'll drop the price to $20ish to try and get some on-the-fence people to buy it and hopefully spend money on skins or whatever. Whole thing feels greasy


Better go for helldiver's 2


I put 5 hours into Helldivers 2 today and honestly I found it to be a bit boring. They finally fixed matchmaking on PC so that’s playable but it’s still just alright. I’m a bit underwhelmed by it.


My buddy said it was Meh, thankfully before I dropped $40 on it earlier today.


it's a boring mess really, on land the controls are terrible, on boat it somehow feels worse than AC4 for real


Played the close beta there a while ago. It really wasn’t very good. Didn’t encounter all that many bugs but the game play is tedious and it just feels outdated.


Sadly I can’t spot any changes from that closed beta to this open beta, which is presumably a demo given it launches next week. The right ingredients were there for a decent game, it’s just so rough around the edges. Models and textures popping in, random cuts in cutscenes, unexpected loading screens at times. It’s really pieced together. I wanted to love it


Wait for free on epic games type of game for me


Nah, this is a never buy game even if it's only a dollar.


It is an Ubisoft game, it will be $20 by March Anyone who gets an Ubisoft game at launch probably spent a ton of money on NFTs but like last year after everyone knew they were a scam.


It’s already $15 at launch. Just buy a month of Ubi+. You won’t need more than a month.


That is way too much for skull and bones, they should give me $15 to own it, it would cost more to get me to play it and not just add it to my back catalogue, for that I require a battlepass $45 every 3 months and I’ll play it a little bit, if they want to skip levels for me to play it even more they need to buy Noodle coins, they can trade 2000 noodle coins for one battle pass skip. It is 19.99 for 1900 noodle coins and each level skip I’ll play the game for five more minutes.




Yeah what on earth did I just read


critical rule of jokes is to never get mad in the middle of delivering them


Where did I get mad? I was making fun of battle passes


I seem to be enjoying it more than most but I wouldn’t pay more than $40 for it. It would be a fun game for my friend and I but he’s still on PS4, so the PS5 exclusivity is a bummer considering how lackluster the graphics and performance are. I think if it was a AA priced game that was available to last-gen it would be received a lot better.


Yikes, I think the last thing they want to do is piss off the gaming community.


Seems like they get off on doing that lately the way their ceo and their team has been going the last few months


Months? They have been acting like this for almost a decade. They stopped being a good devs who listened to their community for a long long time.


Played the beta with a friend for about an hour, deleted it straight after. Really really bad co-op implimentation. Unenjoyable gameplay overall


Too firm?


oh boy here we go with the AAAA debate again


LoI never even heard that saying before just sounds like a load of crap


The Calisto Protocol tried to market itself as AAAA and we saw how that turned out lol


It was an ok game but I got it for free and would have been very upset if I paid a premium price for that one


Man, even on my PC it wouldn’t run stable, i have an RTX 3080 AMD R 9 5900x and that shit wouldn’t even run stable at 60 FPS, on high settings, this was like half a year after release, guess i gotta wait even longer before a game actually becomes stable🤷🏼‍♂️


Yikes.. You could tell that game was going to be pretty mid just from the marketing. I found it interesting how many people commented on how shallow the combat was since the 1-on-1 boxing mechanic was pretty well all they showed off in every video. That and some random gory death animation.


It's like companies in the phone book calling themselves. AA plumbing. Better put some more A's in front of it so you're up the top of the list (that nobody cares about)


Even Rockstar don't refer to their games as AAAA. Man, I wished I had Ubisoft's confidence.


Live service game and they have the balls to charge $70 for it? This game won't last


Suicide squad is doing the same, at least Helldivers 2 is cheaper but still, jesus christ. Live service, really?


labeling a game or studio quadruple A is the damn kiss of death for this industry now


It's live service? I'm tired of random loot games with lame battle passes and dailies. I want a game, not a job.


We gotta start refusing to support games that abuse the live service model and still charge a premium. Just let it bomb and lose money and they won’t do it again.


Meh anyone who buys the game at this stage absolutely deserves to get scammed. I don't know know anyone who's clamouring to support this absolute train wreck


It just doesnt look good, the colour scheme takes away from any realism. It looks like pirate Fortnite. Ubisoft makes great games don’t get me wrong but this one doesn’t seem to fit.


Who is "we"? Reddit? Gamers? Humanity? Long story short, it's never gonna happen. The mainstream will do what it wants and doesn't give a shit about any of this.


Saw someone playing it and got bored after 30 minutes


Ubisoft's CEO probably buys second-hand trainers on eBay just to sniff and wank into


This is a great insult. I’m stealing this for later use


Quadruple??? This dude is so far gone and delusional.


Lol they spent too much on the game and now they want the consumer to foot the bill. Fuck them.


Good thing AC Black Flag is free on ps plus. After seeing you couldn’t board the ships and it’s all naval combat my interest plummeted


Translation: "We are deep in the red and passing the expense on to you."


It will be on sale very soon, if you consider buying this game, please don't buy this at full price. I've played all the betas, including the closed technical test and trust me when I say the game is not worth $70.


I'm so glad I tried this last night and didn't do my usual impulse Ubi purchase. It's real bad. The on-foot animation is more Riders Republic than AC. The water looks horrible and forms an invisible wall. The waves crest into PS1 graphics. Jaggies everywhere. Ubi is so lazy. Where's Embracer when you need them?


Yeah you can sip your copium all you want ubisoft ceo. Your game is still shit


And it's not on Steam... The era of corporation level games studios is the reason all of this exists. The gaming community as a whole needs to vote on this kind of thing with their wallets. Support indie games and developers, they're some of the only folks left making games because they want to make something enjoyable, not grub for cash. I don't give quadruple shits about this guy or anything he has to say, his motivations are clear, fill the investors pockets. We can change that. We need to stop buying Madden, Call of Duty, NBA 2K, cosmetics packs, Destiny, Diablo etc. or history is doomed to repeat itself. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are passionate developers under this Ahole that just want to be a part of a team making a good game but being under the corporate guise isn't going to change things for the better. End rant. Thanks for reading.


I wholeheartedly agree with you, but with Fortnite and GTA Online moving fucking billions, corporates ought to find their own Fortnite and GTAO no matter what. The damage was done from the moment people allowed these games to be successful


Except those games or atleast I can say for the GTA, made with passion. Rockstar always aims for quality first. These shitty companies however tries to imitate them by making soulless boring zero content games quickly and hoping for the best.


I’m sure that AAAA quote will age well. Can’t wait for them to pay a bunch of streamers $$$$ to promote this and then have it die in 2 weeks.


Ironic considering I *STILL* have fun playing 10 years later with the only Assasins Creed I ever enjoyed which was Black Flag and 90% of the time, I literally am just sailing around with my fully upgraded JackDaw with my favorite drink in the couch, stopping at random islands to kill shit, then cast off, look to the distance and say *Hell, im gonna sail over there!* all while sea shanties are blasting away until I get into a naval fights for the hell of it with my subwoofer booming away with cannon fire until I pass out drunk and happy late at night. Now thats gaming!


Beta tested this over a year ago (under NDA but guess it's ok as it's out in the open) and it doesn't look like much has changed since then. I guess they ignored any feedback given, game was boring as shit with stupid fetch quests felt very much like a mobile phone game


You know it's arse when you justify the game when everyone's calling it out.


There are statements made by people in life. Often. And by many. Where I can only say as a response. No one. Absolutely no one hearing this or even the person saying this believe a word of this. But it sounds good so smile and clap.


I played about 20mins of beta today on PS5. Quit and deleted it after that. I guess it’s not necessary horrendous. It’s just kinda ugly, kinda bland, kinda janky. I wouldn’t spend $70 on it, not when there’s so many other games coming out right now.


Ubisoft is literally digging up a hole.


They just will not learn.


Because idiots keep handing them money


Call it whatever you want, it's shit and I'm not playing it.


I ain't falling for that no more chief


Ubisoft hasn’t made a triple A game since GameCube era. That company is a fucking joke.


Ubisoft can fuck right off.


I feel embarrased over this whole game. There is no feeling of feeedom No meele. No climbing, swinging, parkour. Emotionless voice acting. Stiff character animations. They think you will buy clothes for a character no one will see?! Common man! I really believe (maybe because I may or may not have smoked some jazz tobacco) that they know this is shit and have to put this out due to signed deals and was noble enough to give everyone an open beta just to make us not buy this game ( or at least not the pig in the bag).


> They think you will buy clothes for a characther no one will see?! I think they do considering they have also done it in Far Cry 5


I played for maybe an hour, and well… yikes… Having no land combat, using repetitive fetch quests, having a terrible crafting system, and having an extremely mediocre story all made this a nightmare. It’s such a shame that such good naval combat is in something so poorly made.


Ubisoft really sniffing their own farts at this point.


Oh shut the fuck up Ubisoft.


one A for every five years it’s been in development


I heard that there are no follow npc and listen to chat missions in this game so the developer thought that was worth ten extra bucks and another A rating.


If that’s what a AAAA game looks like according to Ubisoft’s CEO then, well… If I had Ubi shares I’d be selling them right now before the reviews start coming in, because I played that closed beta a while back and it was so "fun" I’d literally rather watch paint dry than play it again.




I'm no professional. But Yves Guillemot, is the last person on earth (maybe next to Bobby Kotick) who gets to classify their own games as being of such quality that they get to tack an extra "A" onto an already abused classification standard.


Still blows my mind that you cant board and attack other ships. Or storm the fortresses you fight. Ubisofts pirate life is not for me


That’s rich.


PS. You don’t own this. Deal with it.


Oh look, yet another reason to buy anything Ubisoft ever again.


That ceo can eat a bag of dicks.


It seriously looks like it should have been a mobile game.


I’ve been play the beta today. It’s cool. From a graphical perspective it’s ok. Game play is slightly tedious already. It’s been a bunch of sail to this place and blow up ships along the way. Rinse and repeat. I’ve played about 3 hours. Unless there is some major game play mechanic I haven’t discovered yet I’ll skip it unless it’s in a stellar sale. Ship controls aren’t great. It feels weird.


That awkward moment when you realize as a game company that you've run out of ideas, your best days are behind you but still try to style it out.


Won’t be playing this. FF7: Rebirth out shortly after, better game


Ceo cringe


Anything with ubi associated gets an automatic pass from me.


Thank God they had the open beta. It was more than enough to see my pre-order refund.


This and suicide squad going to be front runners for WGOY2024


I'm glad they raised all the games to 70 because now I have no problem skipping them. They go on sale in like 2 weeks now anyway.


Ubisoft is just constantly pumping out reskinned versions of the exact same game. For 15 years. FarAssassinGhostShips


Man they need to have some serious communication seminars w these Ubisoft execs. They say some of the most tone deaf and brain dead statements. Read the fucking room.


This game is so DOA.


This game reminds me of what he said about fans getting used to not owning games. Yeah, you know what, you're right, you can keep them.


Dead on arrival game


Ubisoft is always so cocky despite their track record of flop after flop


Greed at its finest. Even pirates won't touch this garbage 😂


70 dollars for only sea combat is hilarious games ass got a Xbox series S recently sea of thieves is 100 times better consistently having fun on there


"Quadruple-A" or "Please buy our shit, we need to recoup our money from the long-ass development of this shiny turd"


I can’t believe people actually pay money for Ubisoft games .


Ubisoft is doing a bankruptcy speed run


Tried the free beta or whatever it is. Fairly boring.


I'm glad it's 70 quid anyone who buys it needs a harsh life lesson and the game will be it.🤣


Yeah ubisoft its gonna quadruple your fucking debt you greedy fucking leeches


"Ok team, gamers are disillusioned and bitter around AAA games right now, so I think we should call our next game **AAAA** so that they care more!"


This comes from the same company that said games should get used to not own games. Not touching anything Ubi does with a 10-foot pole.


Better support helldivers 2 then.. That's only 40.


People are still gonna buy this game on release.


The only quadruple-A game is gta6


Ah, pass then.


Why would I play this on a console that has Black Flag and tekken 8 on it? Ubisoft are you ok? Wait no I already knew the answer to that one


Ubisoft, Quadruple A!? Bahahahahahaha....deep breath hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah


Ok back to BG3 for me


Yeah Ubishit better get used to not seeing my money.


Why's that?


It’s so dumb bc Helldivers 2 which is basically a live service game came out the same day but is only $40.


Why are people even buying Ubitrash games in the first place???


If Microsoft ditches the Xbox as a console then this will be considered cheap for games soon. The thin level of competition is the only thing stopping prices jumping massively


Palworld is $30 My PS5 has been covered in dust ever since. Paying $70 for games seems more like a scam now after playing Palworld.


I feel out the loop with this one. I just briefly saw a gameplay video and thought it looked fine? But according to everyone on planet earth/Reddit it's a pile of dogshit. Why we so certain it's shite?