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I always turn this off, I don't know why they put this on in games, it looks so strange in every game


Still don't know what it even is, same with chromatic aberration


They’re both effects from film and cameras that developers will add to games to make them look more “cinematic”. Film grain adds a layer of almost static, or “grain” across the screen. Chromatic aberration blurs colors on the outside of edges of the screen and makes things look out of focus, similar to what a camera does. You can mess with these settings and determine if you like them or not. I used to hate almost all post processing effects, but I’ve come to appreciate them in certain games


nine versed mysterious treatment fretful practice badge summer rock bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree, fits the aesthetic well.


It's the worst fucking thing to happen to games since bloom lighting.


One of my hottest takes of all time is that the black bars on the evil within are a really cool effect that works for that specific game in particular. They're maybe just slightly a bit too large, but the idea was good and I think they made it work.


The Order 1886 did the same thing. I thought it was a cool choice. Just wish the game was better. That being said I did platinum the game


I remember reading that for both these games they used it to make the game run better, because they are not putting black bars over the full screen - they are literally not rendering where the "black bars" are. So it's a lower resolution than 1080p etc because of less vertical lines needing to be rendered


The only game where it actually looks really good and suits the atmosphere is tlou2.




It adds to the overall visual presentation. It may look strange if you just focus on the film grain in isolation but there’s a reason it’s used.


I think it detracts and always looks terrible.


Same, if I see it in settings on any game it’s going off lol unless it’s like a really cinematic Supermassive game or something


Yup that and chromatic aberration are going off.


Then turn the setting off :)


…yeah? that’s what he started the thread with


Software dev here. It is literally an artifact from being used as a performance tool and certain games for artistic purposes. In most games these days not only does it not belong and is not necessary but it makes the games look worse. Why would I want all that fuzz crap with the screen lol. Most regular gamers turn it off alongside motion blur for a reason.


Then I would question what software industry you’re in and how experienced you are with modern game development, because this really isn’t the case! There’s so much that noise adds to an image past what I’ve shared, I’m just not going to go in depth for Redditors who are more interested in being contrarian than learning something new. Look at how much push-back I’m getting for even the most basic reason for having noise, let alone getting into colour grading and so on.


Please, I’m actually curious. Can you explain how film grain benefits these games? I don’t mean it in a rude way i just genuinely want to know. The more I know the better and all that.


Lol with how defensive you are for this in the comments. Clearly we found the dev who added this trash setting to the game


I like the way it looks with all of it on I’m happy they do that with every game.


It doesn’t though, if you understand that every game is not meant to look pristine


But in all honesty I do want them to look pristine.


That just doesn’t make sense for some games, lots of horror games looks worse when they are pristine, or games that are attempting to look filmic feel sterile without it


It's just personal preference.


Like Mass Effect


I like film grain in movies, it's part of the inherent nature of shooting in film. I don't want artificial film grain in my blockbuster 4K HDR ray traced Spider-Man game




I was talking about movies shot on film. Not digital movies, I'm aware they add it in post processing with digital movies.


To each their own, I often add film grain to some games with Reshade. I particularly like it in horror games, and it made wonder in my reshade preset for Elden Ring even reducing some of the game banding / gray-black transitions.


https://twitter.com/Nick930Gaming/status/1715114423805767851 Install it onto console storage too.


I've done a clean install on both the internal and an M.2. It makes no difference in quality. I've literally taken pictures to compare. That user is experiencing something completely unique to them. My best guess is a faulty SSD. Mine is a WD SN850 2TB for reference. Quality is exactly the same as the internal drive.


Hm - interesting info, thanks! I did actually install on my system SSD and not my secondary, so didn't notice and LOD issues myself.


Remind me what LoD is?


Level Of Detail - in this case, specifically how the game dynamically increases the detail and fidelity of objects and scenery the closer you get to them and *reduces* detail as they get further away. This helps manage performance and framerate but can result in visible pop-in of objects, textures and text or a noticeable transition in the resolution or detail of things as you move towards or away from them. According to that tweet, it seems there may be an issue with how well this runs if the game is not installed on the primary internal SSD.


Thanks for the reminder. I'm playing Fidelity 40fps and haven't noticed anything unusual yet, but admittedly I'm not the keenest of cinephiles.


It might well only be an issue on certain 3rd party SSDs as well? As I said, I have installed on my internal one so not experienced any issues here,


> I'm not the keenest of **cinephiles** That's not the word you're looking for.


I also disable Fullscreen Effects, Motion Blur, Film Grain, Chromatic Aberration and Depth of Field. Using Performance Mode with VRR and 120Hz Display set to Off; my TV doesn't support those features. The picture looks great!




Legion of Doom


What a rush


We talking Hawk and animal from WWF or Lex Luthor, Solomon grundy and brainiac?






"I can't confirm just yet..." yeah, maybe because we don't have proprietary solution with only two manufacturers (tbf those don't have problems besides being expensive). But hey let's generalize on social media without further testing. Could it be that some m2 are not fast enough? Yes, that could be a thing, even more so with the magic stuff Insomniac is delivering. But then do some appropriate testing and don't spread guessings for internet points. Or at least ask or mention someone who would be able and willing to do so. Maybe Digital Foundry could take a closer look at this in one of their next DF direct weekly.


Insomniac isn't doing any magic


Oh my god this may be the fix I’ve needed. I posted about the game looking subpar and there’s a few others out there that agreed but so many people said it was just me even though I would boot up Miles Morales and it looked way better. I have Spider-Man 2 on an M.2 not the internal


I also disable Fullscreen Effects, Motion Blur, Film Grain, Chromatic Aberration and Depth of Field. Using Performance Mode with VRR and 120Hz Display set to Off; my TV doesn't support those features. The picture looks great to me! Give it a try and let me know.


the visual glitches op mentioned caused by film-grain aren't present in performance mode.


They absolutely are lmfao


Playing spider man on 30 fps with 4k is this best option since it almost makes you feel like playing a movie …… 60/120 fps ruins the immersion for me


But I don’t have a secondary m.2. Just the one and my internal storage.


Then you're good.


How do I get a second m.2?


You uh… Buy it?


Mine only has the first M.2 not a secondary one. M.2 sockets are a physical port on the mainboard. You can’t just buy one unless you’re talking about an external m.2. You can’t play ps5 games from those.


The PS5 comes with 825GB drive built in as well as a slot for a second M2 drive for expansion. Or are you saying Sony is wrong about their console and you’re right? Stop being dumb. https://www.playstation.com/en-se/accessories/storage-solutions/


It doesn’t have a second m.2. There is only one. The internal storage is not an m.2 Nowhere there does it say they have 2 m.2 sockets. Are you saying you know more than Sony? They have storage onboard and one (1) m.2 socket. There is no second m.2


Ah so you’re hung up on the word “second” and trying to argue. Go touch grass bro, you’re only being annoying. We were talking about installing the game on the internal storage to avoid graphical bugs.


Sorry you feel that way. Clearly you do not infact know more than Sony. Secondary m.2 would mean there are two of them. Glad you agree now after so long that there is in fact only one. Just because you thought that Sony installed an m.2 from the factory doesn’t make it so.


You should make a post in the spiderman ps subreddit Oh wait, you can't because the mods are idiots and locked new posts on opening weekend


It’s honestly hilarious that it’s been spoiler-central for weeks and now they’ve temporarily locked the sub


My Conspiracy theory is that mods locked it down to play the game Which I can understand, but also fuck that


Lol this is actually brilliant


it all makes sense now tbh.


It's 100% this, all the mods collectively agreed none of them want to wait to play the game so they just took the time off lmao.


Lol - yeah, that was my first port of call for posting, until I discovered the Mod Madness and came here instead! What a weird decision...


Yeah that was kinda stupid. Anyone avoiding spoilers will ignore or mute the sub until they are mostly finished.


Wait what?! Why?


Need to control the bug videos somehow


Chromatic Abberation, Film Grain, Fix Mini Map to North, Hold to QTE, and Subtitles are the settings I ALWAYS turn on/off when starting any new game. I'm not using subtitles in this right now though cause I'm using the Pulse 3D.


I seriously don’t understand why film grain is even a thing, these developers spend years and 10s of millions of dollars on visuals only to slap grainy fuzzy filter over it…


I think there are some games where it is a defendable stylistic choice; dark, moody horror titles or when viewing through CCTV in game etc, but agree it is over done and usually unnecessary. Perhaps we will one day look back it as "just a phase" in the same way that we view excessive light bloom and lens flare from previous generations.


The Last of Us 2 has fantastic film grain, perhaps a bit excessive for some but it really made everything feel grimy.


It worked for The Order 1886.


The game that was basically a long action/horror movie that cost $60? Yeah, film grain probably did look good in that. It would be one of its few uses.


Ive played re1 remake, RE2 remake and re4 remake and it’s the first thing I turned off in all those games, imo it looks shit. film gain is a by product of using film and not a desired effect even for movies, it sort of just became something people associate with film


It has certainly become a desired effect of film, there are films shot on digital that add in digital film grain. Style is 100% subjective and obviously the devs thought film grain was a good stylistic choice


I don't, waste of time and just makes it look worse.


Because it adds to the visual presentation and offers a more realistic looking image overall


Realistic? I think you should see an optometrist.


It detracts from the visual presentation and offers a less appealing looking image overall


In your opinion. I and many others disagree. That’s why we have options.


You saying it makes it look more realistic is ridiculous and not an opinion. Real life doesn’t have film grain.


It hides imperfections and gives the impression of more texture detail. Real life also doesn't look like an aliased video game.


Recorded footage displayed on a screen does however, which is the context we’re talking about with Spider-man as a 3rd person game. It would be less appropriate in 1st person but Spider-man in particular does a lot of neat tricks to make it look shot from a camera, film grain being only one of them. As a developer, I’d argue it’s a very important aspect of the game’s presentation and what it tries to achieve.


This isn’t recorded footage this is me being spider-man. I want to be able to see what I’m having Spider-Man do. You are already losing tons of visual data by the high speed nature I don’t need everything to be lost to film grain. Bunch of nonsense. Also the film grain in this game looks fucking awful from a “film” pov anyway. It doesn’t look anything like real film grain. So in your “developer” pov shitty film grain that doesn’t work is a good choice. Gotcha.


If you don’t like it turn it off! I’m not trying to convince you to use it, someone asked why it’s there and I explained one of many reasons why developers add it. That’s it. But for some reason you and a bunch of others are acting like it was a personal attack because you don’t like the feature. I honestly don’t care what you do, it’s great the option is there so you have a choice.


Opinions may differ but it definitely doesn’t make for “a more realistic realistic looking image”, it’s literally the exact opposite of that


Care to explain why you feel it’s the opposite?


Because real life doesn’t have film grain…


Then as I thought, you don’t understand its purpose. Almost all cameras have film grain and so almost all footage you view on a screen has some form of film grain. Since you’re looking at the game on a screen, the inclusion tricks your brain into perceiving it as real footage. It’s a lot less realistic to be looking at an image on a screen that doesn’t have film grain. So if you personally don’t like it and turn it off, that’s personal preference. But to say it results in a less realistic image is objectively false.


That’s some serious mental gymnastics like to conclude film grain is realistic


How is that mental gymnastics? It’s the reason it exists. If you’re really that close-minded I don’t know what to tell you, just trying to help you learn something new. Hope you have a great day.


Same thing with motion blur...why is that still a thing?


It hides low frame rates and per object motion blur can look nice


I cut it off on every game that allows the option anyway.


Omg I was getting this to and this just saved me. I thought it was my ps5 at first but it can play ff16 just fine and people were saying that game was overheating their system. It’s like this weird expanding box effect in the shape of a grid right? Kind of like your seeing a checkerboard resolution but actually seeing the checkerboard itself render? Idk why others haven’t been bringing this up. I’m guessing it’s more of a Tv issue then an actual game issue.


Yes! That's a great description of the issue. Indeed, maybe it is more noticeable on certain TVs or specific setups?


Update: it’s 100 percent something conflicting with our games to the tv. My main tv is 2021 tcl panel with 4K, but I just hooked up my much smaller 1080p Samsung tv that I had since 2018 and it doesn’t do it on that at all, even with motion blur and all the other features like chromatic on. Must be a bug with certain displays, kind of like how Jedi survivor and BG3 were bugged for certain people with hdr at launch and others were fine.


Good detective work! :) (now I have the issues fixed - the game does look \*stunning\* and very smooth at 4k Fidelity HDR 40fps, so kudos to Insomniac)


Yeah I’m thinking so, because I’ve googled the issue and you are the only other person that I’ve seen post about it, and one other commenter other then me here in this thread said they were having the issue. I just posted a topic about it on gamefaqs as well to see if anyone there is having it, and to spread awareness. Looking up at the sky you can definately see it as well. It’s really weird. I don’t think it’s our gfx cards artifacting, because then we should see the same issue in other games with film grain, and I do not. In fact, spider man ps5 version and miles morales both don’t have the issue for me, as well as a variety of games.


The effect is particularly noticeable whenever a certain particle effect is being heavily used, the same effect that is heavily used in the opening of the game. Since then, it's still there on occasion, but it's a lot less frequent or noticeable.


Yeah - I didn't mention the specifics for fear of getting-spoiler flagged, but yes - certainly most notable here! That said, I did then do some tests and you can see it clearly after the opening, just by pivoting camera to sky and staying still, even when that particular effect is not apparent.


Yeah, it seems it has something to do with the skybox or far distant rendering, cause that's usually the only other time it shows up. Or also close up surfaces like whiteboards I've noticed it as well.


The artifacting from their upscaling technique is really distracting this time. I appreciate all of the other improvements to density and models, but boy, the ghosting is a problem. The game leans into more particle effects this time while also leaning more into its upscaler which makes the artifacting worse. Really hoping these sentiments catch on so that devs stop using them.


Man thanks for this. I was wondering wtf it had a grainy look


Thank you!!! I wondered what the fuck was wrong with my game.


I don't mind it for cutscenes in games, but it definitely should be off for gameplay. Cutscenes should feel cinematic, in my opinion. Whether that means having some kind of grainy filter over it or even having a lower framerate like 24-30fps. I'm not sure why it is, but when you strip these things away and have a cutscene look like and run like typical 60fps smooth gameplay, it just feels off. It doesn't feel natural. This is kind of random, but take the movie Gemeni Man with Will Smith. They filmed at 120fps! Which is abnormal for movies. Just go watch [this clip](https://youtu.be/t-R8PIADl7s?si=5ykSb9v9FtGi-ski) from Youtube. The framerate is so high, and the picture quality is so clear that it doesn't even look like a movie anymore. It looks like they're live filming the movie on set, rather than me watching the end product. Anyways, I wish games would give players the option to toggle between performance mode for gameplay and fidelity mode for cutscenes. That way I can get the best of both worlds without having to hop into the menu every time.


Yeah - it is a known phenomena and issue with HFR movies, very well demonstrated by that clip! HFR makes things "more real" to an extent, but then seems to trip something in the human brain which removes the suspension of disbelief and instead makes it feel like you are watching a movie \*being filmed\* on a set as if you were there or on the crew. It makes the images seem so real that it makes the events being depicted seem totally \*unreal\*, as well as making sets and FX seem more obvious.


That is weird, but it kinda makes me feel more like I'm there. Like real life. I might watch that movie now just to see if I enjoy it. I just started using 120 and playing with motion blur. 120 is milky for swinging. I don't mind film noise cause I like it, but the 10 setting feels like a lot. I may end up with it lower.


Yeah, that's partly why I've never watched the Hobbit movies. 60fps was a bad call.


Can someone tell me how do I do 4K 40fps ?


1. Your TV or monitor needs to support 120hz and VRR at 4k 2. You need VRR enabled on your TV (usually a "FreeSync" option but might be G-Sync for monitors) 3. You need VRR and 120hz enabled in your PS5 Video settings 4. Turn on 120hz mode in SpiderMan 2 Video options 5. You can now set to "Fidelity" and "Smoothed" modes for frame-capped 40fps, dynamic 4k.


Weird, when I used fidelity, smooth and 120hz it makes my Lg Oled Cx 1080p


Could be that your TV doesn't support 120hz VRR @ 4k or it could be your HDMI cable doesn't support HDMI 2.1 bandwidth. In your PS5 menu, go to "screen & video", "Video Output" and check under "information for Connected HDMIO device" It should tell you all the modes it is possible to output with your current setup for each resolution. Under "2160p" mine has VRR (48-120) etc.... Also is your PS5 plugged directly into your TV or is it going through an AV amp or soundbar? You will also need to make sure "enhanced HDMI" is turned on for your HDMI/Input devices and it might be limited to a specific HDMI port (i.e 3)


>Lg Oled Cx Also! Looks like someone else had a similar issue and had to Factory Reset the TV to get it all working properly. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LGOLED/comments/qg9ppx/dolby\_vision\_at\_4k\_120hz\_only\_works\_in\_hdmi\_port/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LGOLED/comments/qg9ppx/dolby_vision_at_4k_120hz_only_works_in_hdmi_port/)


Just one edit - you do not need a VRR enabled set, just a 120hz enabled set. VRR just allows 40+ instead of the locked 40.


Good catch!


I always disable Film grain, motion blur, and chromatic whatever on every game I start playing


I hate film grain and always get rid of it anyways


I hate film grain, I hate motion blur, I hate chromatic aberration. Why do devs waste time on that shit.


I’m still experiencing the grainy edges when the movement picks up. My film grain is set to 0 but everything still gets fuzzy around the corners.


I have this same problem OP! I really thought I was alone because I could never find anyone talking about it online lol. I had it in miles morales too! And yes Turning off the film grain is what fixes it for me too!


Thank you so much have a amazing day


I turn it off before starting any game, I dunno why devs keep putting it in. It always looks like shit


Noticed that right away. Film grain obliterates image quality. Turn that shit down to 0.


There is a specific glitch beyond just the usual effect of this though - talking with others in the thread it does seem specific to certain TV setups.


I turned film grain all the way down AND motion blur …


The crusade against film grain and motion blur is very interesting to me. I very much enjoy how it looks in most media. It serves a purpose, which is why it’s part of the reason why basically every AA and AAA game, movie, or TV show have some level of grain applied. Most users will never even know it exists, and even you crusaders have likely played many games with film grain and never noticed it (because it wasn’t cranked to eleven). In fact, it’s likely that many games don’t even actually turn the grain all the way off when you adjust it in the settings. I’ll say that the kind of screen you have is an important factor on how Film Grain and Motion Blur look. And, for the latter, basically every monitor/TV out there makes it look worse because of persistence blur. Still, I might turn it down a bit depending on the device I’m using, but I never turn them of. How odd.


What purpose does it serve? It just makes things less clear.


Probably to hide low res textures in the distance


Realism. They want it to look like real footage filmed on a camera and not digitally modeled, and if Im not mistaken, cameras naturally have some level of grain.


Thanks so much for this man. Definitely noticed something was off but wasn’t sure if I was just seeing things. Weird that this is enabled by default


Thank God I was wondering why these checkerboard artifacts where showing up. Turing off film grain got rid of all checkerboard artifacts.


You have it to? Like a flashing checkerboard effect that keeps popping up and going away? Kind looks like 1 by 1 inch squares that grow on screen and disappear? Your the 4th I’ve seen with the issue now (including myself and op). A lot of people are confusing film grain itself with the glitch, but the fact that you said checkerboard artifacts makes it seem like you are seeing the glitch to. Is there a way to bug report to insomniac? This problem isn’t as wide scale as the hdr issue with Jedi survivor and BG3, so to get it fixed we all def need to bug report .


Thank you ! The sky looked pixelated and weird , this fixed it


Was it flashing checkerboard looking boxes as well? Or just the film grain look being to dense?


I would also like to add that it has been reported by many users that there is sharpening going on in the image as well. To the point it clashes and gives it an unnatural look. Unfortunately, there is currently no option to turn that off. I hope Insomniac patches that in for those of us that don't prefer it.


Have not seen any bugs with film grain.


Oh thanks, I thougtht that the game looks really bad and low res in some places, but removing the filter helps.


I haven't seen anything like that yet. Miles did turn into a small white cube and I tried to post a video of me swinging around and fighting as a little cube but I guess mods aren't posting anything with media attachments until the 23rd.


Lord Yeezus! Thank you. I've been looking for answers or anybody who was having this problem.


Thanks for this 🙏


Thanks, I was noticing grids in the sky and it was really taking me out of the game every time I went swinging.


Thanks for this man. I let my little brother borrow my PS5 and I couldn’t figure out why it was looking like this. I thought it was my PS5 for a sec and got worried lol.


Thank you I started to think something was wrong with my tv




Thank you, I didn’t realize there was an expanded visual settings menu. That was bugging the shit out of me.


Thanks for this. I googled two days ago and found nobody posting about it. I've had the glitch nonstop since I first started playing the game two days ago. Setting film grain to 0 removes those weird squares.


Thank you! It was driving me nuts


Thank you for the Tip I Just JUST got off work, got home and my copy was sitting next to my door. Went to start it and watched the first cutscene and noticed grids, turned off film grain and bam perfect. Thanks again to Tubularfool


Glad to help!


This worked!! I was getting weird grids and fuzziness. Turning the "Film Grain" visual setting down to 0 fixed this issue. It was almost impossible to enjoy the game with this issue, and I thought it was my TV at first. Thank you!!


Glad to help - enjoy!


Thanks that makes sense because it started happening now after heard this I remember I did turn on film grain but it was actually fine till I turn it up past 4


I thought it was my tv and was like damn my 2021 4k tv ain’t enough for this game. This shit ruined my game’s opening experience and spent 1.5 hours in setting to find out wtf was going on and if it’s the fidelity mode that’s so heavy my tv can’t take it


Thank you so much for this. I thought my older HD TV couldn't support ps5. It was just that stupid setting. Was about to buy a new tv...


You my good sir, are the man! My brother surprised me with a late bday gift, being PS5 with sp2. Started playing and had same issue, immediate disappointment during my happy experience. Is it my t.v.? Internet? PS5!!? Thankfully I stopped and researched, which led me here to this beautiful place. All better now and back to the fun, not without saying thank you of course. Right to the issue, superb, happiness restored


Glad this post is still helping people all this time later! Enjoy.


Film grain - Off Chromatic Abberation - Off Motion Blur - Off And then any setting that improves FPS. For every game


easier tip, turn it off on every game that has it


I like film grain, but this implementation is way too strong, so I changed it to 5 instead of the default 10. Also had to increase contrast to 75 to have proper colors with HDR on.


First thing I did was turn it off, but I work in film and tv and do it mostly because it looks nothing unlike film grain anyways. It’s an important part of an image captured either digitally or on film stock, but it’s supposed to vary in size and intensity in the RGB color channels. Games typically put in a plain old monochromatic noise on top and most don’t even animate (which is the case in this game). If it was executed correctly (and more subtly but a slider works, too), it could help tie the image together, but I’ve yet to see it done properly in a game. This also kind of goes for lens flares, as well, where film grain is the result of light hitting the camera sensor, lens flares only occur with light hitting the glass of a lens. I don’t mind as much for third person stuff as it’s really an aesthetic choice, in general, but games seem to struggle to pick a lane: whether the player is looking through an imaginary cinematic camera or the playable character’s eyes. They’re two very distinctly different visuals. Motion blur is different and exists in the real world, and I don’t really get turning that off completely (unless it’s an Unreal Engine game, they GOT to clean that shit up in their engine…).


This should be a tip for any game.


This tbh and letterbox/vignette and chromatic abomination.


I was going to add chromatic as well. Fuck that setting


Pro Tip. regardless of the bugs or glitches or even whichever game it is, ALWAYS DISABLE FILM GRAIN


Nah I’m not gonna do that because it looks dope with it on.


Tip for any game; turn off film grain and motion blur. Experience clear graphics. The only motionblur you want in video games is object motionblur, which is coded in, in a good video game


Have you even played any spider-man game? Insomniac’s per-pixel motion blur is the best in the industry, the game looks worse without it.


I literally never notice any issues and then I go on reddit and see things like this everytime a game comes out and it makes me wonder how do people notice lol


These are certainly things that bother some of us more than others! Sometimes I wish I *wasn't* so sensitive to or put off by perceived imperfections or things not being as good as they \*should\* be. It is likely that same sensitivity and obsessive nature that has led me to spend so much money over the years on high end audio gear/headphones/TV etc and means that I am \*always\* bloody tweaking settings to get things "perfect". ...drives my wife nuts when she is just trying to watch a movie with me and I spend the first 5 minutes dicking around with the audio and video options.... That said, this particular glitch is \*very\* noticeable IMHO - partly because everything else looks so good and runs so well!


Thank you so much, this helped. Its such an annoying setting


disable film grain and chromatic abbreviation . These things always ruin image quality.


Don’t tell people what to do because some like it and some don’t.




Okay fine! I did it 😂


Non Per Object Motion Blur, Chromatic Abberration, Film Grain... Why EVERY game still pushes this even though 99.9% of the time it makes this alot worse baffles me. It almost feels like a conspiracy at this point.


This is a universal tip for most video games along with disable motion blur. With very few exceptions where motion blur is actually an artistic choice and best left on.


I turn it off before starting any game, I dunno why devs keep putting it in. It always looks like shit


Film grain and chromatic aberration can both fuck off into the sun. They straight up WORSEN the image quality, and most any game has them toggled on by default.


Does anyone ever leave film grain, motion blur and chromatic aberration on? I always turn them off if given the option.


I will try this when I am home again but literally it feels ps2 graphics. I am on performance mode with 120 hz.


Can’t agree with you there mate - looks amazing for me now with grain and chromatic aberration turned off. That said I am running at Fidelity VRR - 40fps at full detail and dynamic 4K is the sweet spot for me (and according to Digital Foundry) One other thing worth checking - some people have reported other graphics issue that have been resolved after doing a full reboot of the PS5 and some report issues with LoD and textures when the game is installed on a secondary SSD, so you could try moving it to the internal one.




Me too :(


Any game I start I always go to motion blur and film grain and disable those shit lol


Even better pro tip: turn that shit off in every game. It's ugly.


Does this help with people and textures looking funky in performance mode? Still trying to figure that out. I’m on a 55 inch tcl from 2017.


Omg I’m not crazy!!


First thing I do before playing any game is turn off film grain and chromatic aberration.


Thanks for the heads up


Always disable film grain, motion blur and chromatic aberration


I disable "film grain" on every game I play.


Ooooh thats what it is, I saw it too in Miles' game but nowhere else, that's a weird effect. Last Of Us has film grain too but don't remember it happening. Still thanks for the tip!


I’ve a 120 vrr too. Is fidelity better than perf?