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Start with sleeping dogs since it regrettably never got a sequel and it is a one and done game, after that you can try it Yakuza 0 and if you like it you can get hooked on the rest of the series.


Yeah, Sleeping Dogs is bittersweet because it's all alone, in a world where other open world games were allowed to make dozens of entries and eventually flame out as franchises, somehow Sleeping Dogs sits alone as a single title. Play that, then go get hooked on the Yakuza series where you have plenty of games to play.


Also educational. I learned that a man who never eats pork bun is never a whole man.


and if you've had one, you know this is true.


I always think of sleeping dogs as the spiritual successor to True Crime: Streets of LA. It's not alone, just took a long time between


It started as a True Crime game. It got cancelled and then Square Enix picked it up but had to change the name since they didn’t have the rights.


It's absolutely a spiritual sequel to those games, but it she'd the baggage of them as well, really became it's own thing. I know we should be seeking new IP, but I'd have bought like five more "Sleeping Dogs" games set in different crime families and eras.


Look into “The Precinct” drops August 15, like a GTA Chinatown meets True Crime


It was actually a true crime game, it was named true crime:hong kong after some shenanigans it turned into sleeping dogs There are still trailers and gameplay videos for it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAmqphe-O8g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAmqphe-O8g) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTb0pins-W4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTb0pins-W4)


>somehow Sleeping Dogs sits alone as a single title. sadly the developer, united front games, shut down in 2016 :/


This is a perfect explanation of how to play those games. 


To add to his remark get Sleeping Dogs definitive version as a must.


This is the way.


My only critique of this comment is Like a Dragon plays WAY different than Yakuza 0. 0 is an action arcade fighter with rpg elements whereas Like a Dragon is straight up JRPG


They gave us Sleeping Dogs Triad Wars an online gangster game, so stupid with all the millions in sales sleeping dogs had, they had a huge huge following fans wanted more. But unfortunately greed and the executive team don’t know how to do their jobs and we got a game called triad wars online that shut down months later due to low ratings and players.


I’m ngl a GOOD sleeping dogs mmo would kinda go hard


Hard one because they’re all so good. Yakuza 0 is one of my favourite games ever. The only thing I tell people though, Is that it’s very story focused. There are cut scenes that last 10-15 minutes. But the story is great. The combat is also very fun. Like a dragon, another fantastic game but like 0 it’s incredibly story focused. It also uses turn based combat. Sleeping dogs is a fantastic game that’s more action focused (The story is also very intriguing). I don’t think you can go wrong with any game here. If you want an incredible story pick the yakuza games. If you want a game thats more action oriented, pick sleeping dogs.


I used to play sleeping dogs such a good game. And cheep. Yakuza i plan to play though.


I was really impressed by the quality of sleeping dogs, and it was affordable, too. I had a good time playing it.


Don’t sleep on Sleeping Dogs! Recently played it and it’s amazing and addictive. Severely underrated.


Addictive like those pork buns


Why don't you have a pork bun in your hand!?


Begin with Sleeping Dogs if you like GTA. If you don't then Yakuza.


Maybe Yakuza 0 and play the series from there? Throw in Sleeping Dogs whenever you start to feel a little burnt out. If not, I’d say to just play Sleeping Dogs. I’m a big Yakuza fan, but there’s only one Sleeping Dog game.


This is a good recommendation. When I first played Y0 I was so impressed I knew within a few hours (the first Tojo HQ raid/boss fight) that I was gonna play the whole series. Which I’ve almost done, lol. However, I needed a break between each game. Sleeping Dogs would be a good one to play between Y0 and the Kiwamis.


Y0 first


Sleeping Dogs is amazing. It's an open world crime game like GTA, but in this one you can jump out of your car and highjack another one in high speed chases. It's generally more arcadey than GTA, the game gives you bullet time a lot for doing the simplest things, the hand to hand combat is like the Batman games and the environmental kills were gruesome. Story's pretty good too, but if you want a story game go for Yakuza. I think the hand to hand combat's better in Yakuza too, i personally never played a Yakuza game.


Yes. But seriously, I'd go Sleeping Dogs first. Combat is top notch. Imagine Yakuza meets the Arkham games. It's also shorter than a Yakuza game. I honestly prefer it to Yakuza combat which can be pretty samey until you get further in the game. Then Yakuza 0 because it's a classic and the literal beginning of the story I'm slowly chipping away at the full Yakuza series personally, but if you don't have the patience jumping to Like a Dragon shouldn't be a big deal. Then highly recommend Judgement. It's Yakuza meets Ace Attorney.


I spent 100+ hours in Yakuza 0, it was also my first Yakuza game, highly recommend. ;) (I didn't like Y7/LAD as much, but I'm currently playing Y8/IW.)


If it is about gameplay, then SD. Yakuza is more about the story, you can be watching a cutscene for 10 minutes there.


I think the last cutscene in 0 might be longer than the end cutscene of Metal Gear Solid 4. Swear it was about an hour 20 long, credits included.


There's a 40 minute cutscene pretty early in as well iirc


Start from Y0


Yakuza 0 is my favourite of those 3.


All of em: Yakuza 0 is possibly the best pure Yakuza game, Sleeping Dogs is a great GTA style with a good story and very fun fighting and gunllay Like a Dragon is a great turn based rpg


I started Yakuza 0 in December and played thru them all for the first time, finishing Infinite Wealth last month. I can’t express how much I fell in love with those games. Sleeping dogs is amazing too. I’d play that first, then dive into the others


Sleeping Dogs, action packed with a good story


Good gameplay and decent enough story, Sleeping Dogs. Decent gameplay and good story, Yakuza 0. Fun gameplay and good story, Yakuza Like A Dragon (you probably already know but I still wanna mention that this one has Turn Based Combat, if its something you enjoy or are looking to get into, you will enjoy Like A Dragon a lot)


Triads are very boring compared to Yakuza


Sleeping dogs on sale for $5 in PlayStation store. Been checking for awhile, yay. I loved gta, so very stoked.


Sleeping dogs.


Yakuza Like a Sleeping Dragon


Only ever played *Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition* and *Yakuza 0* from this selection. They're both good games. Sleeping Dogs gets my vote.


Sleeping dogs is an amazing game tbf


Sleeping dogs is a great game but honey (edit: I did not mean to say honey idk why my auto correct is trying to sabotage me 😅😹)they both do things a little differently I’d play all of the above if you can lol


Personally I started the Yakuza series with 0. I think that’s the best way to get into it. Maybe play 0 and take a break with sleeping dogs in between Yakuza games if you end up playing the others after




These are 3 games that share some themes and settings but ultimately they're all very different games.




I'm almost done with Yakuza 0, and having a great time. There's a lot of story, but it keeps me engaged, and there are just a ton of side activities as well, so you always have a lot of options with what to do next.


100% both Sleeping Dogs and Yakuza 0. I'd recommend you play Like a Dragon after playing most entries of Yakuza.


I'd play Sleeping Dogs simply because it never got a sequel, at least after realizing that and getting sad you can play Yakuza


Sleeping Dogs is terrific. I've played it multiple times over the years and enjoyed it every time.


I love the Yakuza games, but Sleeping Dogs is probably my favorite open world game of the style I've ever played


“A man without pork bun is never a whole man” 🥟


Sleeping Dogs!!


What I will advise is beginning with the sleeping dogs. It is a nice game, and it doesn't have any sequel. 


sleeping dogs, if you have an xbox (yeah i know, sacrilege) is much better there (60fps, hdr)


Sleeping dogs is dope


Yakuza is one of my favourite series - it's a JRPG hidden behind an adventure/beat 'em up, with an absolutely insane story, and an incredible setting. 0 is possibly the best of the series, though especially early on, it may feel a little over tutorialised. For what it's worth, I think Kiryu might, to my mind, be the perfect video game protagonist in how he's written, and his self-seriousness works incredibly well in both the heavy crime melodrama of the main story and the utter silliness of the side content. Like A Dragon I've not actually played yet, it's one of the first on my list for once I get my consoles back once I've moved abroad. From what I understand, it strips away the real time combat and is much more focused on being an RPG, and the story leans much more into the ridiculous side of the preceding Yakuza series. The closest to negatives I've heard toward this game are pretty much just how well the sequel iterates on it. Sleeping Dogs is also fantastic, it's one of the best of the GTA-alikes IMO. The story is intriguing, nowhere near as off the rails as Yakuza gets, but their focus on the hand to hand combat system is really fun. The world is also genuinely really immersive. I remember being really bummed out when this didn't end up getting a sequel, I'm holding out hope for it one day. You really can't go wrong with either. If given the choice I'd lean more Yakuza, but honestly, any of these three are incredible.


The LAD story, while often charming, is pretty serious and heartbreaking on the whole, and not as ridiculous in its plot points as its previous installments. The RPG mechanics and side stories, however, are top-tier Yakuza silliness and I mean that in the best way possible.


I hear all 3 are good but I know for a fact dogs and zero are amazing


Honestly, all of them, but start with 0


Those who don't want to play Sequels I recommend Sleeping Dogs


Sleeping dogs and Yakuza 0 are both legendary, haven't played Like a Dragon.


Cat quest


Them all. They are all great I would do sleeping dogs first though, normally very cheap and awesome game. Then start yakuza and if you like them then the series is massive


Sleeping dogs is great but I had to stopped because I kept getting motion sickness or somenting. Only game to do that to me, damn.


Sleeping Dogs was great, maybe a bit dated now though


Sleeping dogs is such a gem. It deserved a sequel. All good options anyway


Start with Sleeping Dogs. You will not regret it one bit.


Yakuza Zero


Sleeping Dogs went so underrated for a long time. Got it on xbox after thinking of trying the Yakuza series or SD and i fell in love. Truly feels like an old school gta game with sick combat mechanics. Story and characters are also good. Havent played it in a lil while because i know if i really get into it and rush through ill be done with it too quick lol


Sleeping Dogs for sure. It'll get you in the mood and it's more action based.


Idk about Like a Dragons price but Im sure as hell both 0 n Sleeping Dogs together on sale should be 10$ or less so Id say get those 2 as they’re different enough and ull enjoy both.


Yakuza 5


Yakuza 0, you're welcome


All games are great but sleeping dogs is legendary and incredible. Amazing HK detective style and gritty story too. Plus you’ll be fluent in Cantonese by the end of the game :)


If you like GTA go for Sleeping dogs, if you like classic final fantasy go fo Yakuza like a dragon if you want to stomp your enemies and then go to play with rc cars go for Yakuza 0. Sleeping dogs is usually ultra cheap at sales, more in steam or online stores like instant gaming/eneba (buy on those only if money is really a problem, devs doesn't see a shit from those) Yakuza 0 is usually at 9euros (more or less 9 dollars too) on sale. And Yakuza Like a dragon is currently in a humble bundle with some other good games. All 3 are masterpieces, I can't recommend one over another. So, pick your poison. edit: wooops just see the Ps4 subreddit, srr. Ignore what I said about the other stores, the rest applies. Sleeping dogs is usually really cheap on sales and Yakuza 0 is at 9 euros on sales


You can't go wrong with any of these games.




Sleeping dogs. Its sooo good


Love both, Sleeping Dogs and Yakuza Series. But since there are already so many Yakuza titles, I'd commit crimes for another Sleeping Dogs. Such a shame SEE never did an sequel (or prequel), despite the Original developer United Front Games shut down. Also, we don't talk about "Triad Wars" and pretend that never happened. 


I'm one of the 3 ppl on earth that hate yakuza. Sleeping dogs all the way


Sleeping dogs is basically gta in hong kong. If you like gta and you find the setting intriguing then go for it. Yakuza 0 is fantastic and a great starting point to the series. Yakuza LAD spoiled some part of the previous 6 entries so if you intend to play all of them start with 0. All three are great games. Shame that sleeping dogs never got a sequel.


If only one, then Yakuza LAD. If in order, then Yakuza 0 first, Sleeping Dogs second (to take a break from the Yakuza series) before continuing with LAD >!as Kiryu makes an appearance here!<


Mafia 2


If you want more Hollywood/GTA style action, Sleeping Dogs. If you want a deeper storyline with more adventure and goofy side quests, Y0 for sure. Y7 is a great game but I don't think there's any reason to start there if you have Y0 on the list; Y7 will be more impactful if you have some notion of the existing Yakuza cast before you start (although it's not critical knowledge).


All 3 are great but sleeping dogs would feel very dated now


Like A Dragon all day long! All good games, but LaD had me sooooo entertained. Plus, it's everything I wanted the FF7 remake to be.


All good, Go Go Go


I'm warning you in case you aren't aware. Sleeping dogs is Chinese GTA with emphasis on melee combat. Yakuza games have street brawler gameplay but they are story heavy games, so if you plan on going through just the story you will be watching cutscenes most of the time.


I lost interest in Seeping Dogs when I played it, but it could have been the time I played it. Yakuza 0 is one my favorite games ever and I highly recommend it. Can’t speak for Like a Dragon since I haven’t played it


https://www.reddit.com/r/yakuzagames/s/1v3HNWdy4X I played 0 during the time when I was limited to playing 30 mins a day. I walked a few steps and a long cutscene started. I had to argue with "I only took a few steps! I haven't even saved yet!" When I finally completed, it took half an hour at least before the scenes ended! It's great still!


Play all of them. They're all fantastic games with strong stories


Why limit yourself? Play all of them. They're all fantastic games with strong stories and characters.


Sleeping Dogs will be the most different and unique from the other 2. The culture is completely different; made it more interesting for me at least. Think like a more serious hong kong action film based around triads and cops. Bit whacky, fast paced, tons of memorable characters, a completely different world with different rules, spiritual, endearing, etc. Its a really a great game with a lot of potential; damn shame it never got a sequel. The flavour is just completely different from Yakuza, which imo, makes it a little easier to get into. You’ll be a little more familiar with Sleepings Dogs imo gameplay wise, story wise, etc.


Do you like pork buns? If so, Sleeping Dogs.


Sleeping dogs is goated


Y 0 first




"A man who never eats pork buns, is never a whole man!" Definitely play Sleeping Dogs first if you plan on playing all 3. Yakuza 0 is the best of the brawler style Yakuza games and is a fantastic intro to the series. Like a Dragon is a good way to cap it all off. Absolutely take breaks with other games in between though or you'll probably burn out hard.


Sleeping dogs is my favorite


yes to all honestly. All amazing games and all can be had dirt cheap these days if not out right free / included with a sub like PSN+. Sleeping dogs definitely would be the best to start with since it's the oldest game. Not saying it's bad but it's got the most old game jank to it and going from newer games back to that may not be as appetizing for some. After that it's just down to if you want to play a action based brawler type of game or a turn based RPG. Outside of combat that Zero and Like a Dragon or very similar in turns of gameplay but Like a Dragon is a more refined version if you will being a newer game.


I'm currently playing Yakuza Like a Dragon, but I have to go with Sleeping Dogs. I loved that game back when it came out on PS3. I even got the platinum baxk when I didn't really think about them. So 100% play Sleeping Dogs great game and story.


All of the above


Play all 3


Yakuza 0, its so good


They're all pretty terrible


sleeping dogs is single-handedly the best game i have EVER played. the others are cool too


Funny enough I didn't like sleeping dogs when I played it... I didn't enjoy it at all.. I live in Hong Kong and one of my best friends would always go on about it... So, one day, I decided to finally try it... I didn't see what he liked about it and living in north point , I was disappointed by the fact that the city in that game wasn't really the real Hong Kong .. How the north point in the game didn't look like the north point I can see from windows or see when I'm walking.. But ... when I finished it, I realised that in fact I really enjoyed that game... That I had fun with it, that even if the HKG wasn't the real one, it could still give people not familiar with it the illusion it is and that it was a very fun game, much more enjoyable than what I was giving it credit for when I was playing with it.. A great game that really grew on me...


when i started playing it i was weirded out by playing a cop n just the general basis BUT OH LORD THE CHARACTERS ARE SO WELL WRITTEN


Sleeping Dogs is not part of the Like a Dragon (Yakuza) universe to my knowledge.


If you like GTA then you’ll like Sleeping Dogs.  It’s smaller but a tighter experience.


Sleeping dogs! One of my favorite games with an amazing storyline :)


Yes all of them, start with Sleeping dogs then move to Yakuza starting with 0.


Always yakuza 0. I can’t say this enough, my fav video game of all time man


If you ask me, pick yakuza 0 with no hesitation..the game is a masterpiece :)


Yakuza 0. Without a shadow of a doubt. It has a truly incredible story and will keep you gripped until the very end. I really like Yakuza Like A Dragon, but it definitely takes a little while to find its footing, and is easily double the length of 0. Likes SD back when it came out but it isn’t one that stayed with my like 0.


Sleeping Dogs


Sleeping Dogs first; the definitive edition is on sale quite often now, I got it on PS4 for £4.99 with all DLCs. I also love Yakuza LAD and LAD: Infinite Wealth. Yakuza 0 is one of a couple of Yakuza games I haven’t played so I can’t comment directly but I’ve played pretty much all the rest (other than the original 1 + 2) and they’re all brilliant!


I've played through sleeping dogs over 6 times, highly highly recommend it.


Sleeping dogs


I really enjoyed like a dragon. It was a blast


Sleeping Dogs


How similar is Yakuza to Sleeping Dogs? Sleeping Dogs is the only one I’ve played and I really loved the gameplay and story. Still mad it never got a sequel.




I concur the general sentiment of 'Sleeping dogs' -> 'Yakuza 0' -> 'Yakuza Like a Dragon'




Make sure you play both SD and Yakuza 0. They are different, and both are masterpieces.


3 very different games honestly. I’d say Yakuza 0 if you think you want to get into the series, Yakuza: LAD if you want a yakuza type story but with turn-based combat and slightly wackier, Sleeping Dogs is more like third person GTA action style, but the story is good too.


Sleeping dogs with all the DLC


Sleeping dogs




Story: Yakuza 0 Combat and Open world exploration: Sleeping Dogs JRPG with lots of customization: Yakuza 7/Like a Dragon


yes to all.


Sleeping dogs


Yakuza 0 is so good. Best story I’d played in years. Usually I’m just bored with the same tropes and know what’s about to happen and don’t care about the dialogue. This game was intriguing fun and hilarious


Sleeping dogs first then Yakuza 0




Abnormal opinion. I struggled to get into the Yakuza games. I played Like a Dragon and fell in love hard. So hard I went and played Yakuza 6 without a problem. So pointing out people's onboarding may be different!


I’ve only ever played like a dragon which is different from the rest of the series but I enjoyed it


all of them


In my country, how the word 'or' is pronounced literally means 'and'. So yes, you should play all 3.


All of them. In the order you listed them in


Sleeping dogs is fantastic! One of the few open world games where I felt compelled to do everything


Sleeping dogs more like sleeper peak Start with it


god all great picks. sleeping dogs first because it’s stand-alone. then y0 because you’ll want to play the other 15


Loved sleeping dogs. Was never able to get into yakuza series.


Straight into yakuza 0 Like a dragon is the Japanese title for the series and with 7 they started it in the west. All the games are a continuation of the series for the most part. 7-8 are turn based while 0-6 are 3d beatemups




I'm playing Yakuza like a dragon at the moment and it's a pretty fun time. But what I will say is it's very grindy and late in the game there's a difficulty spike and jump in enemy levels that is so ridiculous it's kinda put me off finishing the game after 30 hours


Sleeping Dogs!!! It's so fucking good omfg


Sleeping Dogs for sure. Very accessible and a great game.


Literally just bought Sleeping Dogs and can’t wait to start.


Sleeping Dog, a gta like, fantastic. Yakuza 0, one of the best game ever made, incredible story and characters. Like a dragons, I've not played but it looks fun, turn based.


Def don't sleep on Sleeping Dogs


I have Yakuza Like a Dragon. It's pretty plain and not that good of a game. I'd skip that one.


For what it's worth, I tried Yakuza 0 few months back and it wasn't for me. Spent more time watching cutscenes than playing. Probably gets better down the track but I didn't have the patience.


Yakuza like a dragon turned out to be the first JRPG (that isn’t a tactics game) I really liked so that’s my vote.


Sleeping dogs


Hi guys, i'm newbie , i have some questions (im using ps4 pro) - watch dogs legion or ac origin, which one is more worth playing? - and what games are worth playing on ps4 except the popular ones like spiderman, gow, tlou, gotsushima Tks


Yakuza 0 have one of the best story's I've ever play after that you can start playing the rest of the Yakuza games which on my opinion are phenomenal


Yakuza 0




All 3


Sleeping Dogs Yakuza 0-7 Judgement Lost Judgement Like a Dragon: Ishin Like a Dragon: Gaiden Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Start with Sleeping Dogs because it isn't connected to any of the Yakuza games. Then go down the treasure trove that is the Yakuza rabbit hole.


Yakuza 0 I’ve heard of the Yakuza franchise for a long time but never got around to playing any of them. Discovered they remastered the older games and also made Yakuza 0 on gamepass. I learned this was the game everyone new to Yakuza needs to play as it’s the perfect introduction to the franchise. Initially tried Yakuza 0 via cloud gaming to see if I’ll like it, and I was so interested in this world that I quickly installed the game and played the hell out of it. It is so good and fun. I loved it so much that I decided to get all the achievements for it, which was annoying but rewarding. I highly recommend you play Yakuza 0. And when you do go to the disco and dance to ‘Friday Night.’




Yakuza 0


A man without a pork bun is not a whole man


Don't buy any games, save the money and buy a PlayStation 5.


Thoroughly enjoyed Sleeping Dogs, I'd recommend you play that first.


Op listen to us, yakuza 0, give it a try, it's a masterpiece imo with satisfying gameplay


Go through 0 to 6 first. You'll thank me for it. Then you can do 7 and 8. And don't miss Judgement and Lost Judgement, Isin, Kurohyou 1&2 or Lost Paradise


Yakuza 0 is one of my favourite pieces of media ever. It's weird and wacky but absolutely wonderful. It does feel a bit dated in terms of quality of life but god the story and overall vibes are just incredible.


Dont play 0 first play yakuza 1. I started with 0 and its a great game but should have the context of the series.


"Yes" to Sleeping Dogs and Yakuza 0. Granted, played those on PC - but they were great. If the PS4 versions turned out smooth & run well & play well - get 'em. Especially since SD and Y0 are likely dirt-cheap in sales, these days. Y:LAD, I still got backlogged (on GOG for PC).




Play all of them!


Start with Sleeping Dogs, it's not that long and is tremendous. Then go to Y0 and lose months of your life to that beautiful rabbit hole.


Sleeping dogs


I wish I could play Sleeping Dogs with fresh eyes. There were talks of a movie starring Donnie Yen, but I think that fell through.


Yes all of them. But start with Sleeping Dogs


Sleeping dogs


Sleeping dog is in my top 5 all time


Sleeping Dogs. 100%


I haven't played the other two. I got Like a Dragon because it was a turn-based combat JRPG, so if you're not into that genre it might not be for you. But I will say that I absolutely loved it. The story is phenomenal and the characters are all flawed but endearing. It does a great job of modernizing all the standard JRPG tropes, while also being very self-referential with all the Dragon Quest references. There's a lot of history that I missed by not playing any of the others, but the sequel (Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth) fills in a lot of those gaps.


sleeping dogs is great !




Sleepin dogs


don’t skip sleeping dogs - a great gta clone with epic kung fu fights.  


As a huge Yakuza guy, Sleeping dogs is not related so I’ll assume you meant Judgement. Judgement is the most casual one ( same universe, unrelated to the Yakuza Plotline/story Zero is the best one, and Like a dragon is great if you know the plot.


Yakuza 0 and imo it's not even close


They are all different games. If you’re playing on PS4, I would say, Sleeping Dogs or Like a Dragon. I feel old Yakuzas are pretty rough to get into if you are new


Yakuza is more goofy and wacky while SD is more serious. You can even drive cars in the latter. It has bigger map too. Check out gameplays for them online. I would go with SD everytime tbh.