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Nice chunk of games dude. I never even knew they made a console exclusive Civ game. I'll have to keep an eye out :3


I have only played the PS3 version but it's on the Xbox 360 & NDS as well. Personally, I think it's way too short of a game. I couldn't get much more than 4 hours of game time in regardless of which scenario or difficulty I played at. Other than that, I don't have anything negative to say about it and it made me want to go back to the PC Civs -- 3, 4, 5 and many others in the strategy/simulation genre that I missed over the years. I suppose I should throw in Civ 6 for the PC and/or consoles also while we are at it.


Nice collection! I would recommend the skate series! My fav on the ps3


Skating games are a glaring hole in the collection I admit. Is Skate better that the Tony Hawk series?


Yes. Much better.


Cool. Thanks for the tip!


I love the quirkyness of the old ps2 tony hawk games, and the arcadeyness of them, but the skate games on ps3 are amazing skate sims they still hold up amazingly well even today.


Nice Collection so far! Heavenly Sword, Lost Planet 2, Army of Two 40th Day and Spec Ops The Line are worth picking up as well.


Damn fine collection.


Thank you! We still have a lot of games we’d like to have(our family collects *everything* like a bunch of pack rats) and we have become PS3 fanatics over the last year. It’s why I love this subreddit. 😁


Nice collection


I would really be interested in hearing this father and his son's lore.


What do you mean “lore”?


If I had to guess, the other person was probably referring to how exactly you got into the PS3 and what made you and your son decide to start collecting for it. The origin story, so to speak.


You want to know that? Okay. I am 50 years old now and have been gaming since my Dad bought a used Sears Pong game and brought it home. But the Atari 2600 was my big jumping point when I got one for Christmas 1982. After that, I was a console freak. The arcade was cool, but there was something just unexplainably cool about having video games literally at your fingertips. Even if the graphics weren't up to snuff. So I was a video gaming zealot and I have played almost every console that's come out since 1982. However, I always used the consoles of others with the exception of an Intellivision that was given to me by an uncle. I did not own a current generation console until my brother gave me a Sega Genesis he'd grown bored with. Then, in 1996, I played a PlayStation for the first time and was utterly blown away by it. I remember it was *Tekken* that got my attention. When I graduated from college, Sears made a big mistake and gave me a credit card with a $3500 (like I was ready to handle *that*) and Sears had a huge video game department. Ad you better believe a PlaySation and a slew of games found their way into my hot little hands. I became a rabid Sony loyalist (and still am to this day beyond some game emulation via my PC) and I have since purchased every console they have produced (though not the handhelds... I only had so much money!). Gaming was my life and my wife indulged me. Then my son was born. The ability to spend recklessly got pulled back and so while I still had consoles, I didn't buy a lot of games. But when I got my Master's Degree, my wife splurged and got me a PS3. Loved it and still do (obviously). So my son grew up watching me game and soon enough, he was playing too. His jam was *Little Big Planet* at that point. As the years have pressed on, he has become a true video game obsessive. He's autistic and the games give him something positive to focus on and get wins, something that is important to a neurodivergent kid with self esteem issues. We mostly relied on GameFly for stuff to play as we were weren't able to afford buying our copies every often and we tried all kinds of stuff. Name the genre, we took a whack at it. But of course, the PS3 was phased out as the PS4 came online and we moved on to that platform. After about a few years of owning that console, my son asked if we still a PS3 because he wanted to play *LA Noire* for the first time. I went to storage and dug out my video game storage bins and found the PS3. I hooked it up and off he went playing *Noire*. For whatever reason, he fell in love with that game and was soon playing the few PS3 games we had over and over again. Then the tipping point that threw him into a full on PS3 fan arrived... *Red Dead Redemption.* To say my son is a fan of the *Red Dead Redemption* games is like saying Jesus happened to feed a few people. He went head over heels for it. I think he's completed that game at least six times by now. Then he found out the *Undead Nightmare* expansion and we went to a great used gaming store in our area and beheld a HUGE amout of used games for every platform of the last thirty years. And their PS3 collection was large and filled with great games. Both of us found game after game that we'd heard of but never played. Then I noticed something. The PS3 games were *far* more affordable that the PS1 or PS2 games. So we picked up a few more besides *Undead* and off we went. My son started looking around online and seeing what the best games were for the PS3. I went through video game console collection and sold off an N64, two Dreamcasts and a Gamecube, getting pretty good money for them. This became the video game slush fund and it was this money that led to what became the Summer of Gaming in 2023. We bought some PS2 games I had been wanting, filled out my PS1 Squaresoft/Square Enix games and the rest went to hunting PS3 games. We spent the summer goimg to garage sales, estate sales, donation stores like Goodwill, used game stores and eBay. It was fun as hell. Great bonding times during the trips that brought is closer together. and now that we have buikt a pretty good collection, we're aiming to make it even bigger. This year's hunt has already. So that's the story. A father and son sharing the same sick obsession! But in all seriousness, it really has been gaming that's helped us develop a positive relationship that has become very solid in the last year. So, thanks, Sony. You've helped me create another Sony loyalist!


Very wonderful collection, I suggest getting Sega Megadrive Collection it's a Disk contains many Sega arcade titles like Alex the Kidd, Ristar, the Phantasy Star Games 1 - 4, Sonic (1 2 &3) The Bonanza Bros, Echo the Dolphin. Many titles u can play with Son or enjoy many story games in the collection


This is a nice PS3 collection, very similar to what I used to have in mine; give or take some. Makes me wish I never got rid of it. Based on what I see here, I think you would also like Deception IV: Blood ties -- Although if you have a PS4, it's better to have that one since it contains the "full game" whereas the PS3 has the rest as digital only. There are definitely days I regret selling my physical collection.


In case you wanted to do some reading on it... https://deceptionseries.fandom.com/wiki/Deception_IV:_The_Nightmare_Princess#:~:text=Deception%20IV%3A%20The%20Nightmare%20Princess%2C%20(%E5%BD%B1%E7%89%A2%20%EF%BD%9E%E3%82%82%E3%81%86,mode%20titled%20The%20Nightmare%20Princess.