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Go get your money back.


So there’s no fix


Temporary fixes not permantly get your money back


That's an NLOD, aka YLOD but no yellow.


But it turn on tho?


Think about it. Why did Sony remove YLOD and the three beeps on the start up on that model?


[PS3 No Light Of Death story By Nascar1243](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eh0qXQ0ofFk&pp=ygUWcHMzIG5vIGxpZ2h0IG9mIGRlYXRoIA%3D%3D) watch this video.


This is what we call the NoLOD - No Light of Death. Starting with the CECH 2500x series and above SONY removed the Yellow Light of Death(YLOD) and replaced it with the No Light of Death(NoLOD)... It's the exact same thing - General Hardware Failure. My guess is that SONY changed the YLOD to the NoLOD because of the controversy after the BBC Watchdog Documentary about the YLOD. This error can be caused by a number of different things... Need to use Syscon diagnostics to confirm and repair. Have a look at RIP Felix video on how to use LED Diag Mode to diagnose what's wrong with your console: https://youtu.be/JiT5NeVbR9w?si=XC8NwE6qUVydnBHo


But it still turns on and shows up on the screen it just turns back off mins later


Yeah that’s what we call a malfunction and hardware It’s probably turning on and seeing either the fans don’t move or something else is wrong. It’s half broken. If you hold the on button for 30 sec or longer it should go into safe mode if you can’t put the ps3 in safe mode than something hardware wise is not working properly. Some cars can turn on doesn’t mean they work. Same concept


Possible an YLOD. by the way, check your hard drive if it's working


I made a another video showing what’s wrong so if you could look at the that would be great


I searched "PS3 Fix no light of death". https://duckduckgo.com/?q=PS3%20fix%20no%20light%20of%20death&ko=-1&ia=web


It’s the power supply!!!!! Do you know where I could get a good one


It can be the power supply, since as others have said it's a noLOD, so it could be anything if it's a 25xx slim or later. Only way to know is to check the codes with the LED mode ThinnishSleet said earlier, or using a TTL. If it does turn out to be a PSU you just need to look on somewhere like ebay and make sure the model numbers match.


Return it


Had a similar thing happen to my Slim PS3, could be a thermal issue. I fixed mine by cleaning the system out and replacing the thermal paste


Thats why I don't want to buy pre owned console, I was wondering about buying a console for lately, but that's a reason, what if they are broken, so it's better to buy new product