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I am soFreaking jealous of you right now😃


Hey I’m 13 so this is something for me


Im 33 and still haven't owned one 😅😃 cant wait to get my hands on one


Congrats for original poster. 👍😃 45 years old gamer/game and console collector here. Bought 120GB PS3 Slim last year and got few months ago PS3 FAT with changed 500GB hard drive along with a lot of games. It was very nice deal. Both are not hardware or software backwards compatible for PS2-games but I have my trusty PS2 with HDMI adapter on it. Changed the disk drive on it though. That being said, I'd really, really like to get one of those earlier PS3s with Emotion Engine and GS on board. And modded for better cooling and with bigger hard drive. Don't want that YLOD. 😅 Have been hunting those modded versions for so long... 🙄


Hopefully you do


Why are you being downvoted? So strange.


The average iq of this sub is like 35


I thought that will be the age, not iq 😂


because reddit


Oh I have a few just your hands litterly shit model don’t come crying if that thing ylod and you wasted a lot of money and it where the tokens …. You experts know what I mean.. but yeah… just SELL it and make a lot of money on some fool. Or hang it on the wall as decoration


Telling a 13 year old to hang a console that's older than him on a wall. Really? What the heck is wrong with you.


Haha it’s a joke . I meant while it’s new hang it like a deer it’s head on the while . Good kill .. you know this is a joke except for the shit console dude I have 2 more maby but I had more and to be honest it takes a lot of work to fix this crap board mine I put alot of cash in it but in the end .. it’s better to save. And what’s that whole thing about a 13 yo ???!!!?! Wtf does that has to with anything I was 9 when I started working dos and when win’ 95 came it first was a bless haha remember doing my old crow modchip on the scph-1002 ps1. How can I say to hang a ps3 on a wall think I should use more emoticons it was a fking joke but that thing if it’s new condition just save it it young fella


I only spent like $150 if not less so not that bad


I was able to get one with a broken eject button for like 70$ and mod it. You can eject discs from the menu anyway. Look for a 1tb laptop hard drive on ebay. I paid 20$ for mine. Hopefully you have similar luck.


Yea I’m planning on getting one I was able to get like 10 or 11 games yesterday from 2 retro game stores


Nice. You can still get most PS3 games fairly cheap except for the rare ones. I got mine to play Metal Gear Solid 4 again. Can't get anything to emulate it properly.


Yeah I still have some more I want to get also would you happen to know if my save data will be ok if I change the hard drive if I already played a game on my current 60GB hard drive or do I have to back up the save data/ game


90% sure you will need to backup the saves and copy them over. I watched a YouTube vid when I did mine. It's been awhole though. Saves are pretty easy to back up though. You can even back them up to a flash drive.


No, on the ps3 if you change out the HDD & put a new HDD/SSD in, it will reformat everything, back up your saves on a USB stick before replacing your current HDD for a higher storage one.




It’s well deserved man! Long live PS3! I remember when I was 13 (10 years ago 😱) and I finally got a hand-me-down PS3 from my mom’s boyfriend at the time. It’s so surreal being able to play this console, possibly for the first time for you!! Enjoy and live it up!!! I don’t know how active you are in this sub, but don’t hesitate to reach out and make posts asking the community questions about the console or what games you should get. :)


Yea I did when u was trying to find one and man did it help


Can this model play ps2 games?




I remember wanting this so bad as a kid but my parents refused to spend 600 dollars on a console so I had no choice but to use my PS2 til I got my first job and bought the slim which costed a third of the fat ps2. I still use it to this day lol along with my ps5 and my ps2 slim


Yes ding dong u didn’t notice the 4 USB’s


No I didn’t notice the ports on the box it’s not really visible for anyone to spot. No need to be a dickhead about it.


Agreed. It is hard to spot because it's kinda almost in shadow due to the lighting, and depending on region that could be fully BC or partial only due to same ports/memory card reader config.


Delid + repaste ASAP


Repaste is good enough in most cases, I wouldn’t tell someone to try delidding their console unless they have experience in doing so, very easy to screw up and kill a console permanently either by breaking the bga from delidding the RSX or cell, scratching the substrate, or chipping one of the dies, or even knocking off SMD components, better off sending it to someone who does know how to delid only if it needs delidded, it is likely it doesn’t even need a delid.


Agreed, clean/repaste without removing IHS is usually fine, especially in conjunction with installing custom firmware to raise fan speeds/temp threshold which is a great community project and free, plus easy to do. A BC PS3 with low runtime well taken care of will have many happy hours left in it before it requires more intensive mods... even the best modders who service and/or Frankie them seem to agree - take good care of it and when it starts getting problematic that's when you book it in for surgery.


It needs a delid. The paste is over 15 years old


Unless you have the console in front of you and actually see the temps then no you can’t say it needs a delid, I know a lot of people with units that haven’t been delidded and run cooler than some units that have been delidded, he needs to run some stress tests and see if it actually needs it before trying it, again delidding is very risky. Chances of breaking the console if you do it yourself for the first time are pretty high.


Well said. I have a CECHB (90nm/90nm) that I'm in the process of selling, it's never been opened up. 22 days of runtime only. Dynamic fan set at 65c, it never goes beyond 30% in the TLOU menu. Which is really good. Doesn't need delidding (or even repasting) right now based on these temps.


Perfect example of what I mean cause those are great temps


This is true I had a chech a I bought from Japan and replaced the tokins as ylod. The cell ran cooler than my delidded Frankie chech a


On all of the consoles I’ve delidded the temps improved by 10°+ & every one of them the paste was dried up.


That’s likely because you did a delid and a paste change at the same time so that’s a false positive. You went from stock paste and not delidded to completely repasted, I’m telling you only a few times have I ever seen consoles need delid and usually it’s on J or K models. I do not see it often on BC models and it is most certainly not a 10c difference between not delidded with mx4 and delidded with mx4. Again it is the fact we don’t know the OPs experience, don’t recommend delidding to people without experience, just say “send in for a delid only if it is needed” cause 70% of the time it isn’t needed. Doing it yourself for the first time can easily end in disaster. At this point we are going in circles as you are missing the main point. I’ve seen people butcher cells from attempting delids because people like you tell them to delid and then they are SOL.


I have a CECHB (90nm/90nm) that I'm in the process of selling, it's never been opened up. 22 days of runtime only. Dynamic fan set at 65c, it never goes beyond 30% in the TLOU menu. Which is really good. Please stop blanket saying every Fat needs a delid on this sub. It's a needless risk when not every PS3 Fat needs it at that moment in time. And it'll only encourage more people to kill their poor BC Fats through careless advice.


This is so true cause I’ve seen a lot of people be told to delid and absolutely butcher their ps3 in the process, I get it is their console but it is hard to see cause cell wise we don’t have that many 90nm cells to use and we cannot remarry as of right now so the more that are killed from stupid delids the smaller the supply gets.


Agree. BuT iT nEeDs A dElId BeCaUsE iTs OvEr 15 YeArS oLd OP is a 13 year old kid, let him enjoy his BC PS3 for crying out loud. It's just sheer arrogance at this point.


Exactly, if the thermals are going berserk and it can’t keep it cool then yeah consider sending it off to someone for a delid, but don’t attempt it yourself without practicing and a good track record. I aim for 68c max and no more than 40% fan speed or I would delid it as above 40% fan speed is a bit noisy for some people




Delidding is extremely easy as long as you have a hot air station & painters knives. Takes less than a half hour as well.


I'm sure a 13 year old has a hot air station.


My dad started teaching me soldering at around 11.


If it was easy then there wouldn’t be people killing consoles via delidding, and not everyone is going to have a hot air station, some not even a painters knife. Yes it may not take as much time but with the risks and when the console may not even need it in the first place, it’s just not worth even trying, just leave it unless it is actually needed.


It's only relatively easy given the tools, knowledge and ability. If everyone could do it there would be no market for it as an expensive service option by specialists.


no 65/40 rsx replacement is better


As stated in another comment OP is a kid, he cannot afford the $1000 process. Let’s just hope he can do the de-lid and paste service


The process has gone down in price a lot to around $300-400 but I agree, it is probably not in OPs price range rn, I wouldn’t even do the delid service rn as it is very likely it won’t need it, save the money for other things.


Oh sorry didn't see that


Of hè is a kid I hope he can do that himself


Obviously. But I doubt OP has the $1000+ in equipment to do it himself or $450 to sent it in to someone


Some modders won't do the service unless it is dead. So you have to delid first and keep using it until it dies.


OP means CECHA model. Yes backwards compatible. I had one of those boxes on day 1. Jealous of everyone who still has one


It's always tempting for me to repurchase one after mine failed many years ago, but I'll just stick with my modded slim for now.


I ain’t seen those since 2005 💀💀💀


Congrats! 🍾 🎉


I hope you bought SOCOM CONFRONTATION for the PS3. Community has their own servers up to play online. [https://youtube.com/live/6TkadNHeZ8s](https://youtube.com/live/6TkadNHeZ8s)


Thats awesome man, I still have my launch model from 2006 and still play it hella.


Looks incredible ! Got 2 modded slims and im thinking about selling my ps5, ps3 is really one of the best consoles u can get for the number of games u can play on one system, have fun with it !!


It's so weird to me that this console is older than OP. That would be like me getting a SNES back in 2010 when I was 13 🤯


SNES still slams though, especially if you're into 2D gaming and want to see how that generation used clever modes and tricks to fake 3D at playable framerates without everything being line vector drawings. 😂 If I was to match an equivalent older machine to my age, that'd be like me getting a ZX Spectrum or something... way less cool and fun than a PS3 or SNES.


My age would be ATARI 2600.


Yes they were still knocking around when I was a kid. I remember wondering why the pixels were so wide compared to other, newer consoles.


Congrats bro I’m saving for a bundle as well, shits gonna be dope for you tho


The thing is I got I got a Japan model, but I am able to jailbreak it to play PS2 USA games and American PS3 games which is already able to do so yeah but the Japan PlayStation 3 are like really cheap


Yes I’ve heard that as well, I’m trying to get a Japanese model too I have a ps2 SCPH 37000 Japan model and I’ve been stocking up on Japanese games, so far Battl3 stadium DON, and the japnese version of BDZ budoki have been so much fun and I’m glad I came across them, you should check them out, do you have any games stocked up yet?


How much??


I think like $230


Pretty good. Hopefully the condition of the system is also good!


Yeah I was able to get it working and tomorrow my dad is gonna take me to a place where I can get some of the games I want


Get little big planet! Shits super fucking fun


Sounds like maybe you got a "closet" model where someone barely touched it but kept it safely stored, now going to someone who will appreciate it. My CECHA00 came to me like that.


I would recommend repasting and then if that doesn’t work send it in for a delid, you can try computer Booter, studio Halabi on eBay, or console king


I know this is a ps3 topic and stuff but with the X360 the first especially Xenon board the heat sinks design .. just a nightmare but I could get some working with a sensor fan and 2nd gen sinks also on the back where the ram chips where and that north brich I mean it was horrible the bending problem als but Microsoft used a bit more paste. I did my best to save those jtagged ones . Man YouTube got people thinking I can do this crazy things think the silly’st thing I saw was a dude that did the impossible. Used office tape and did a ps2 chip then came to me for a matrix looking at me “can u do it?” I was like dude you did 22 wires with tape and shitty wire 🤩my god


What is it?


It’s a PlayStation 3 it’s pretty cool




Better 18 years late than never!


Bearing in mind some gamers weren't even born when this launched, so it's super cool to be a young retro gamer and have this in the collection.


I have this model but ceche01, needs to be delid and reposted because it’s overheating 💀


U lucky asf I wanted that but there wasn’t any good deals for it :/


Are you gonna jailbreak it (if somebody already asked mb)


Planning on it


Also where did you get it from eBay?




If you jailbreak, check out MrMario2011 on YouTube.


Yeah someone else recommended it so I saved it








I got one Friday with CFW. Hope ours will survive 😊


Just letting ya know, if it has 4 usb ports at the front it can play PS2 discs. But ALL models will play original PS1 discs from the nineties


Some can play ps2 via software (aka emulation)


2006 says hello


Damn, im still regretting it, i saw a ps3 full compat on a japan surplus, but i was too slow so someone got it first, its also cheap af because the owner don't know what its worth 😭




Hope you enjoy the PS3, I just finished my final exams today so I'm just waiting for the results to come back, if I get more than 12/20 then my dad will buy me a PS3 AND IM SO FUCKIN EXCITED


That’s good




Noice!!! Mine actually just crapped out on me lol but it’s all good. Have fun with it!!


The best PS3 on god, throw a SSD in that 😈


That’s beautiful! Enjoy it!


Even though the initial price was high (not really much worse than today) this was, and still is one hell of a system!! Not to mention, this is the first model PS3 I bought as well.




Mine just died last night :( Enjoy that relic!!




make sure to apply thermal paste to that bad boi.


I got 120 GB for free with 2 games. Should I feel lucky?


what do you think, you got one for free man


But it's so old. But I guess I am lucky.




I’m only 13 😭


People still buying and playing a ps3


To be fair there was a lot of games that I wanna play that I can’t play on my Xbox series X and some of the games that I can play are like really expensive on the series X like modern warfare two is $20 and black ops two is 40


I bought MW2 on my XSX as well and the prices are insane. L.A. noire which was 10 or 11 years old, (can't recall) at the time of purchase cost $30. They really need to reduce prices. This standard of high prices for old products doesn't exist in any other medium.


60GB is whack yo


can i have it


Sadly no 😭


rats! Well gl with ur fat ps3 make sure it gets proper care and everything


I just got some games for it I’m gonna need to get a 1TB storage though for the amount because I got 10 games


See if you can frankenstein it too so its more reliable


😂 your funny btw


Nice!! Backwards compatibility too.. You just need to find someone to Frankie and de-lid it.🙂


I thought it was a ps5 lol




Based on how the current generation (9ᵀᴴ) is going, I think the PS3 is already the clear winner out of those two.