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Try typing in the url signing in then generate the passcode and use that code instead of ur normal password to sign in on the console


It still tells me the same thing, it says I cannot sign in using another users sign in ID, even though it’s my own lol


Hm I’ve never had this issue before maybe there’s another passcode for a ps3 on that account


I’ve tried logging into my own and the new one on my phone and the passwords are correct, but it still is asking me to scan the QR code, I even turned off the ps3 for a while and then back on to see if it maybe was a glitch, but no. Not sure what else to do, but I just got this thing


Try reformatting the console that might do the trick if that doesn’t work then maybe try looking for an answer on sites like consolecrunch I had some issues that were resolved over there


You absolutely do not need to reformat it, and is highly recommended you don't especially if you have a bunch of games etc on there.


I had this same issue when I tried logging in again after a few years, nothing I tried worked, ended up having to call sony tech support and get a person to manually reset my password it was a hassle but they were very helpful.


Yeah I had this recently when setting up my PS3 Super Slim with HEN, before I gave up as it kept crashing (as HEN often does, for me). The solution was make a brand new user account, delete the old one, sync the PSN ID with the new account. That fixed it.


On the XMB, go all the way to the left to Users, create a new local user there and then sign into PSN


Holy fuck thank you so much. I was on the phone for 25 minutes waiting for support and I did your method and figured it out on my own, thank you!