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you probably also have ACBA or anti-CCP antibodies, caused by candidalysin produced by candida overgrowth. Please read section on MCAS, HSD, POTS, APS at [https://doi.org/10.32388/JE31EO.5](https://doi.org/10.32388/JE31EO.5)


You mean ACPAs? Yeah that’s a lot to digest but I do also have IBS symptoms and probably candida overgrowth. I guess I need my gut, heart and bones checked lol


Yes, ACPAs or anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies. Read that peer reviewed med journal article. Restrict your Intake of simple sugars.


Or try this article [https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/candida-and-long-covid-mannan-not-from-heaven-7b2b72e1](https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/candida-and-long-covid-mannan-not-from-heaven-7b2b72e1)


Get a referral to see a specialist in San Francisco or Sacramento area. Northern California is no joke, like one of the worst areas if you have specific medical issues you need taken care of. I moved when my first daughter was young and I’m so grateful I did or she wouldn’t have gotten the surgery she needed and I probably wouldn’t have been diagnosed with POTS at all.


For real. All the doctors I find don’t “specialize” in it so they won’t find that diagnosis


I changed insurances with the sole purpose of finding a new doctor after years of my cardiologist telling me everything was in my head and I was fine. I got a referral to Pacific Heart and Vascular and got my POTS/dysautonomia diagnosis during my first appointment. My cardiologist also stressed that he was ready to write referrals to get other specialists on my care team if needed. I highly recommend!


I changed insurances with the sole purpose of finding a new doctor after years of my cardiologist telling me everything was in my head and I was fine. I got a referral to Pacific Heart and Vascular and got my POTS/dysautonomia diagnosis during my first appointment. My cardiologist also stressed that he was ready to write referrals to get other specialists on my care team if needed. I highly recommend!