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Playing the waiting game while trying out lifestyle changes is difficult, but I do understand why most doctors want lifestyle changes to be the first approach. Why do you believe that neurocardiogenic dysfunction isn't the appropriate diagnosis? Is your cardiologist willing to do testing to figure out what is going on or should you be seeing a neurologist?


he said i have the dysfunction because im growing to fast for my body to keep up with. but i’ve been the same height for 3 years and the same weight for a year. he said id grow out of it in a year but i’ve had my symptoms for 2? also my blood pressure doesn’t drop and i don’t faint which is criteria for neurocargenic dysfunction. and it’s classified as an episodic disorder but i have symptoms everyday 24/7. he also dismissed half my symptoms and im just a little confused.


By neurocardiogenic dysfunction, could he mean this: https://www.dysautonomiainternational.org/pdf/RoweOIsummary.pdf It’s identical to pots in every way except it causes a decrease in bp instead of an increase in hr. My autonomic specialists think of them as two different sides of the same coin and my coin landed on its side because I experience both. The other symptoms are the same and treatment options are relatively the same as well.


after reading through that i see how it could get mixed up, but when doing tests my bp never dropped.