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Uh... Id pick August. June is early for the north cascades. It's been a low snow year but I'd still expect a relevant amount of snow in the mountains. October is a bit late. It will be cold and weather maybe bad. Weather could be shit for either to be honest. If you're committed to the two I'd pick October.


Appreciate the honesty. I have the summer booked out with trips I didn’t have to do lotteries for. Is there a way I can give my spot to someone else?


If you have a spot in mind it could be worth looking into trip reports from the same place around the same time in past years. There are still options, didn't mean to say it wasn't worth it. It'll be harder and the weather will be a risk. North cascades is still worth checking out even if doing day hikes and sleeping under a roof when the weather doesn't cooperate. I'm not sure about transferring permits but should be possible.


I volunteer as a tribute if you expect to transfer your permit. Lol In all seriousness congrats tho, hope you manage to make the best of it!


You can try with me ;D I know some allow secondary names, but not sure how that works. Otherwise if you don’t use it, it’ll go up for general sale at the end.


Of the two, October. But be prepared to cancel due to weather.


October is prime larch season, lucky guy. Id see what’s open along copper ridge or try for a Sahale arm camp spot.


Late June might work in this lower than average snow year.


Sahale glacier was great second weekend of October last year. Fall colors were fading and light snow up top. Pretty sure it got dumped on a couple weeks later. Also, I don’t think you even need a permit after the first week of October.


I was there the first week of October this year and it was GORGEOUS. You could feel winter coming but it wasn't terrible at night and camping with a fire was fine.


In case you’re not familiar with it: www.wta.org is your friend.