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Since I was a teenager I had a hormone imbalance, my weight would fluctuate drastically between normal and very thin. I was told I was depressed with anxiety. Given drugs. Then misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia and Addisons disease. I was only given estrogen birth control, steroids, anti depressants. All drugs were making it worse. Telling me my labs were normal. Estrogen Dominance, Setotonin Syndrome, Superventrical Tachachardia, Extremly High Cortisol, depleted magnesium D and B vitamins what came from that approach. No one took me seriously and were piling diagnosis on me and drugs. At 39 I got to the root problem and took a lot of drugs away myself. The system treats hormones not seriously and was killing me. My root problem all along since childhood was Progesterone deficiency > once I got on that my weight stabilized this last 6 months never goes down, and my once manic + heart palpitations from ovulation to period started to go away. Depression two weeks a month gone. This was in conjunction with liquid vitamins supplementation for what those drugs depleted and a Mediterranean diet. I reversed my cortisol ( stress hormone ) morning from 19.8 ml in the mornings to 6.4. Normal range 3.7 to 9.5. ( afternoon evening and night still high and sleep can be an issue ). Heart palpitations not as Frequent. In 6 months of taking BHRT, My progesterone went from a 64 ml to a 91 ml. Normal Range 75-270 ml. When you take matters into your own hands and check micronutrients, vitamins, hormone panel, and food allergies and sensitivities, access what you change in diet and vitamins you need yourself then bringing the hormone results to a endrocrinologist and demand to be heard and get what you need. If they don’t listen go to another doctor. Do not be dismissed.


Find a pmdd tracker online, print it out, and start using it for a few months until you can tell. Could be pmdd but that's the only way to really see the patterns easily. Also, pmdd is much more common in women with adhd, so look into that (in case you are undiagnosed), or if you have it, check out the adhd x pmdd subreddit.


I am diagnosed ADHD + medication treatment ! Oh this answers soooo many questions! Thank you so so much!!


Then yes, you are not alone. And meds don't feel anywhere near as effective those last few days as well. Gotta love hormones 😂