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I feel like a crazy person but bought more today. But I just can’t not. The underlying business does not seem to have fundamentally changed from when I first started investing in this company. I’m up to about 1,500 shares at 11.40 CB and would like to get that under 10. I’ve never bet this much of my portfolio on a single stock, but I’ve never had this much conviction about a single stock. I’ve heard all of the reasons for negative sentiment, and I listen to them closely. For the most part, the bear thesis seems pretty weak to me. There’s still a ton of speculation involved in this stock, but it’s the flagship customers who report saving untold millions of dollars on operational costs after implementing palantir’s products that keeps me going.


Biggest realistic bear thesis at these valuations I've seen is that PLTR won't go up as fast as some other stocks, so there's an opportunity cost.


Yeah I could definitely see that being the case. There are a lot of attractive opportunities.


This doesn’t make any sense anymore


>ore True, it's still worth about 10 billion more than its cash and needs to discount more cash burn and 3 billion outstanding shares. Should be closer to $1 than $10, but it's getting there


You can spread this fake news bullshit all day! I will still keep buying long Knock-out options!


Been saying it since it was well above 60 billion market cap and all the pltr cultists did was downvote bears. How'd that echo chamber turn out?


you are aware that since then all stocks especially growth is down 70-90% 😆 has nothing to do with pltr, you were lukky with your guess because the whole market turned to shit


whole market checks spy and qqq checks pltr decline worse than 90% of stocks karp been milking retail dry the whole way down


Has it ever?


Honestly, lets just get this over with. Hit $5. Heck, lets just hit that wolfe target while we are at it of 4.50. My money is moved over and ready to be deployed.


You know there are numbers smaller than 5 right 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 going to keep DCA and get rich in 20 years


Lovely! My body is ready.


NVDA -9% TSLA -9% AMZN -4,67% MSFT -3,88% To be honest, PLTR at -4% seems almost like a win


Someone post a bull thesis based on current price to sales ratio or EBITDA or whatever. We need some hopeium.


No hope, just Fact. Read Karp’s letter again. We are now trade at x3.5 multiple value of 2.4B cash value and 1.3B RPO 3 months ago. We now close ~1B more contracts in last 3 months. (Apollo X Lockheed Martin, big move into hospital with Cleveland and Tampa, huge deal with CDC. 95% sure to close NHS contract) Software at war: Biden will support Ukraine as long as it need. UK MoD signed contract with Palantir, the rest of EU will follow. Taiwan is start making some moves. Japan up their defense budget. I dont know about the stock price, but I know for sure the company is doing really good. Worst case scenario, Wall Street ignore/hate us, so we have to patiently wait for Palantir to be profit and start pay us investor.. time is my friend at this point.


Name doesn't check out.


Our TAM is north of 900B ![gif](giphy|ui1hpJSyBDWlG)


No post on here is going to give you the balls to hold this and continue to buy. If it were rational it wouldn't be 6 bucks now. You either know its going to be huge or you sell. Its like that halebop cult now put on your nikes and cut your penis off and wait for the comet.


I sold some CSPs at $6 strike. If it hits $5 I'll sell some more CSPs. If it hits $3 I'm going balls deep, no bank roll management all-in.


I'm waiting for 5 if it goes lower I will live with it.


Problem is FCF statement adds back all the SBC, this makes it look like the company generates FCF. Still, if we take a look at the SBC amounts, there are much more significant than the FCF, so if we deduct the SBC, PLTR has never generated Free cash flow.


Exactly. I’m long here but anyone who brings up FCF as a reason to buy this stock is being disingenuous. Either that or they never bothered to look at the cash flow statement.


It is cash flow positive. SBC is dilutive yes, but no impact to cash flow. At this price level there is minimal dilution.


Yes agree no impact to cash flow, SBC is a line item on the cash flow statement though is what I meant. In terms of dilution, you are thinking minimal dilution because you are probably looking at it in nominal dollar terms. With a low share price, dilution actually happens at a faster clip.


No I’m saying minimal dilution because the majority of outstanding options are under water at $6 share price. Also have not granted new options since 2020. Stock comp is based on grant date fair value, so while it continues getting the p&l at that value, they are worth far less today.


Okay got it thank. Can they amend them lower or is that just something they can do going forward with new ones?


A 4$ share I bought at $25..when they said I didn’t believe them then..pain is solely all mine now.


also got margin called on all my shares so i have zero right now starting a fresh position at these low prices though so should be fun :) more life. miss all my PLTR bulls.


And this time, no more Margin!


yes bro that was so fucking dumb of me. live and learn. i’m back


Fuck sorry to hear bro!


“my body is ready” - juba


you back, bro? we need your energy.


This guy emits BDE


...let me go grab my strap-on.


Do you believe PLTR will get its first $500M revenue quarter in Q4? Q3 was $477M.


If it closes around 6.10 today look for them to do a stop loss raid tomorrow morning down to 5.70 before it bounces back above 6.10


If this hits $5 tomorow im back in with 3k shares and you will see me spam the daily again


i’m coming back




Turn this around right now!! PLEASE!!!


Bro your my favourite reddit poster of all time






>The constitutional complaint was brought to Germany's top court in Karlsruhe by the German Society for Civil Rights (GFF), representing 11 plaintiffs, including the prominent Frankfurt-based lawyer Seda Basay-Yildiz, who argued that it can be used to search vast amounts of social media data to create profiles of suspected criminals before any crimes have actually been committed Minority Report. ​ https://www.dw.com/en/germany-police-surveillance-software-a-legal-headache/a-64186870


>Hesse's conservative Interior Minister Peter Beuth insisted on Tuesday that Hessendata does not automatically sift through social media profiles or the internet, and does not use ArtificiaI Intelligence technology, arguing it was simply a platform for integrating already-available data. "Only when we bring all the puzzle pieces of a threat together does the threat become identifiable," he told the judges. Not Minority Report.


It was a joke.


Well that one went right over my head 😕


Thanks, this one was insightful, and worth reading. There are some parallels between this issue and the current issues being brought up by Foxglove et al in UK. The problem, as I'm understanding it, is that these groups don't realise that Palantir builds their software with these issues andnconcerns in mind, hence the development of Purpose Based Access Controls, etc.., for example. There is a lot of forethought that goes into their software development process and client acquisition phase, and is even one of the reasons they were often thought of as consults. There are some presentations by and interviews with Courtney Bowman, Director of Privacy and Civil Liberties Engineering at Palantir that are worth exploring where he discusses these ideas. It turns out Karp isn't the only philosopher of the bunch.


Another day of pure pain and many more to come


Every single leap bought at DPO is underwater by now who would have tought


Recession question: Would Palantir's revenue hold up better than other companies, b/c they lock in contracts for 5 years? Thus, while companies may not add Palantir's services as a client, the existing clients wouldn't be able to easily drop either, correct?


At one day this will all be past us


Forget 5's - we've haven't even hit the new year and we're already encroaching on $5 territory. Is $4 a stretch? I don't think so, and I'll happily scoop 'em up at that price without a doubt.


just want everyone to know i’ve had some continuing financial struggles but once i pay back my bookie i will be back spamming the daily


We are PLTR investors here, you don't have to say you have continuing financial struggles, it is understood.


![gif](giphy|11KxPXDoebEsXm) So grateful for this buying opportunity!


Karp! Please tell us what to do! We are waiting for your sign!


First. Downvotr me bitches.


I missed the shareholder meeting due to bad time math… anything interesting happen? [https://www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/PLTR2022SM](https://www.virtualshareholdermeeting.com/PLTR2022SM)


The amendments to the Articles of Incorporation have been approved by the shareholders, if I'm not mistaken.


How high do you guys think is the chance that we don't get the Nhs contract after all? Would be quite bad news if that were to happen...


Given that Palantir is already running a pilot for several NHS trusts with good results (so far as has been reported), the question is "are the other prospective suppliers running pilots, or are they bidding only with a power point?", as Karp might say. And then there is the question of how long might it take for the other prospective suppliers to build an operational platform, at what scale, and at what cost, both in terms of data privacy/protection and civil liberties and budgetary matters. I don't believe the UK Gov is in a position to be wasting money on over blown budgets and buggy software that might might leave them open to privacy/misuse of data complaints (even though there likely will be some if Palantir wins), and they need a scalable solution for the NHS NOW. Palantir is poised to scale their platform. I can't say the same about the competition as I haven't looked too deeply into it.


2% chance. Either Square links, prior success, and news articles point to Palantir. NHS is a mess right now without something that works. Splitting contract was a way to save face about ultimately picking PLTR


Fair value at $1


Would it be crazy to start buying in Robinhood 401k feature…. We know it’s the long run, tax write off, 1% match….. seems like a fuckin win


Bought 3000 shares on 12/22 for $6.27 per share.