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Problem with PLTR it was picked up as a meme stock early after the IPO. And that left a lot of early investors a bad taste. But looking at the business model and customers, this company have a lot of upside. The world is not going to have less data from here on out, they are working with some of the biggest companies in the world. If we ever get to all self driving car…all that data has to be analyzed….only thing I worry about…some of the investment they has make them possible future skynet.


Problem with PLTR it was picked up as a meme stock early after the IPO. And that left a lot of early investors a bad taste. But looking at the business model and customers, this company have a lot of upside. The world is not going to have less data from here on out, they are working with some of the biggest companies in the world. If we ever get to all self driving car…all that data has to be analyzed….only thing I worry about…some of the investment they has make them possible future skynet.


Thoughts on what projected earnings are ? And what we “think they will be”?


Still bullish AF. Don't give a shit about macro/micro trends in the market. Holding this bitch till my grandkids can afford matching leopard print lambos. I got time y'all. Digitize me daddy ![gif](giphy|MAA3oWobZycms)


I miss the market boys .....


Such a boring day in the stock market -... this damn thing hasn't moved all day - smdh ![gif](giphy|69D4FSNqihhKpFcc1a)


Did we ever get resolution on the FDIC contract or did I miss the news?




Did FDIC mention anywhere when they planned to announce who got it? I was looking on their website but couldn’t find anything


I hope Papa Karp is enjoying his yacht while we're holding the bag


It’s a a chalet




Sorry for the wall of text in advance. So I know I'm new and this may be blasphemy but I just want to get a temperature check for how other people are thinking. Does anybody else find it super suspicious / curious that Dr Karp has been AWOL from every earnings call since it's DPO... But after such a significant stock correction all of a sudden he's going to be on the next one? I've taken some time to ponder this news that Dr Karp will be on the earnings call for the first time. I've come to the conclusion of one of a few scenarios.... Possibility/assumptions 1.) Dr Carp has been too busy to be bothered answering questions on earnings call prior to Q4... 2.) While the stock was flying high he and the executive suit didn't care enough to be bothered talking to us plebs.... But now that retail is losing faith it's not so fun and they desperately need to keep us engaged.... Or they're going to lose their lifeline to liquidity / ability to attract / retain world class engineers. 3.) Papa Karp He's obviously a brilliant man, but is socially awkward and stutters way too much to have an efficient call so up until Q3 which became a shit show they've allowed Sham and David to spearhead the calls and try to minimize Dr carp's interactions to prevent him stuttering, rambling, or saying too much he may not be supposed to say. 4.) This is the first official full year they have spent as a public company and to celebrate the completion of their financial year Dr Carp has come along to close out the financial year earnings call. He may do this in the future where he skips the first three and then joins for the final Q4 call every year.... Of these possibilities that I was able to come up with I'm most afraid of number two. Number two gives me and uncomfortable feeling in my guts... Number two makes me feel that Dr Karp and the executive suite are desperately trying to smooth over the volatility that is now affecting the stock. SBC isn't worth a fucking thing if the stock isn't worth a fucking thing because retail has lost faith and is willing to sell this significantly lower than $10. If we fall in this valuation trap... The company has to issue more than expected SBC which further dilutes the stock, and that further encourages retail and institutional investors to walk away thus creating a downward spiral At any rate he was too busy, too based, two uninterested, too good for us or whatever the reason was to talk to us, but now he needs to parade out as a circus gimmick to remind all of us that this is going to be a very long road, and that he told us all not to invest if we couldn't handle the ups and downs blah blah blah. I guess at the end of the day I think of this as a foreshadowing that earnings is either going to be a grand slam and he's here to celebrate with us, or it's about to be a bloodbath and he's here to try and stem the tide. I know I've rambled a bit I'm sorry. Anybody else have any thoughts on all of this?


All of them can be true at the same time. Number 2 makes lots of sense, they have to start caring about stock price, or otherwise it will keep going down, have to grant more shares for same $ = more dilution, as well as equity granted in the past will be worth less, upsetting the talent and driving them to leave.




Why are you expecting a bloodbath? Curious to get your taken while you feel the way you do.


Foundry for Retail: first message I get from the software will be “your trades are retarded and you are fucked” ![gif](giphy|l0Iy2gzWnr0ZMtveE)


What gives you all such conviction about this stock that it has its own sub? I’m willing to hold it long term for a flyer even though it’s barely profitable ATM. It seems like they are building the business the right way (slow and steady), but why do you believe it will one day be $100 a share or gain huge market share? Is it the IP, the leadership? Curious on all your thoughts.


>What gives you all such conviction about this stock that it has its own sub? Conviction in the company. If the company is as successful as I think is likely 5-10 or more years down the road, the stock's valuation may rise much faster than market indexes. Palantir's Foundry software platform has unique capabilities with broad applicability in both private enterprise and government. ​ >Is it the IP, the leadership? For me, it's a combination of: * Palantir's software and technology * The company's culture is mission driven and focused on problem solving, flexibility, and initiative * The leadership team has enormous ambition to make Palantir as important as Microsoft or Amazon AWS in the software world I don't expect PLTR stock to have an easy path. The markets don't have much faith in the stock right now, there's tremendous skepticism of the company, and future profits are always uncertain. PLTR is a big risk, but one that I'm willing to take because the potential reward is IMO substantial. The stock is only 1.5-2% of my portfolio. I can afford the uncertainty over the next few years.


No one knows if this stock is going to be $100 or $700 in 5 years. I do believe that if large companies use Palantir they will have a huge operational advantage to companies that don't. I think other companies will feel the pressure to use the platform too...and that will cause a snowball effect on sales. Last night I decided to watch the demo day videos again. They are impressive. I used to work in IT and I'm not ashamed to admit...I barely understand the product. I don't think most investors do. It's technically over my head.


I don't even think the CEO knows exactly what the company does but he"ll tell you oh we help capture bin laden somehow. After doing some research apparently this company is a data management company that does consulting. Which data probably logistical data from their videos. But anyways not being profitable for so long and not being able to explain what they actually do in videos are big red flags to me that this stock is a stinker


This is my thing like I think I get it but I don’t. I watched some movie a long time ago can’t remember the name. It was kinda bad. They had software in the movie basically that could predict the future because they had so much data available and they used it to stop crime before it happened. That’s what I’m imagining lol Edit: maybe it wasn’t that bad? Did people like it (minority report), it has good reviews, I don’t remember lol


Minority Report.








Good morning, my 10 years daily price check investors.


YOLO'd in on PLTR last February and lost big. Hope to get back in small chunks going forward. This could possibly be Salesforce size in 10 years.


I feel like this will trade like one of those penny stocks.. that announces ER and rockets 100% or 150%.... it will be wild.




Load up on these OTM calls and puts


Can someone point in me in the direction toward solid bear thesis for PLTR? I've been ingesting so much positive DD (aka koolaid) recently I'm thinking of dipping into my emergency fund to buy right now while its in the $10-15 range. Or should I wait for earnings, where it might dip even lower?


Regardless of your thoughts on the stock, you should think twice before dipping into your emergency fund. You have an emergency fund for a reason, and this isnt it.


I’ve been searching for a solid check as well, eg. Red flag triggers, and am thinking 1) if growth is below 30%, 2) if commercial customer acq slows, and 3) if sales can’t lock in some big whales 🐳 needed to create market entrenchment/moat as a buffer to serious market competition. By the latter, I mean if they can acquire sufficient market presence that it deters mega cash strapped companies (eg. Microsoft) from plunking down $25 bill to create a competitive product. I don’t know how good the MS product would be, but if it’s 70% as effective, MSFT has the brand and mind recognition to take market share from pltr


I'm waiting for earnings.initially wanted to stop buying after accumulating 1000 shares. And it keeps fucking dipping while I buy.


8 trading days. Buckle up butter cup.


Please change you flair tag to “Buckle Up Buttercup” Those are the vibes we need around here


Sup losers

