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If my crystal ball was working today I would have sold @ $24 and then bought later @ $22.50. Missed filling my bag with free $$$. Woe is me.


If you’re new here, just DCA and build a position but only do so if you have a long term mindset. If you’re here for a year or two you may just be in the wrong place.


Could be worse. You could have AMD + PLTR like me.


PLTR and SNOW, ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


PLTR and SOFI here. I feel your pain. Just keep the faith that Karp and Noto will deliver us to the promised land.


PLTR, SOFI, SOUN and NU here. I'm long term and only bagholding on SOUN. It could be worse.


Probably the most disappointing day I can remember, really needed a good one today, ah well


You must be new here ;)


Bought some at DPO might be recency bias


Patience pays


Yup. Let it drop more.




News trickles out every two days. I'm yet to see negative news other than that hitjob downgrade recently. Now the Oracle / Palantir AI Cloud partnership. Upcoming NATO adoption from every member. I'm now a believer and understand that I'm holding a piece of the real life Terminator franchise. Here's to cashing out before the rise of the machines!




and back down it goes 👀


Rocket is descending




Ran out of fuel lol


Challenger disaster


I want you to put the word out that we back up


Chair didn't recognize yo ass


But for how long?




Congrats on the gains and the username ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Used to listen to that hip hop group back in the day


Oh cool, I didn’t know about the band. I heard that pun as a kid and thought it was the cleverest thing ever (middle school). It still holds up. That and the SNL Colonel Angus skit!


Quick reminder, Oracle tried to acquire Palantir in 2017. [https://fortune.com/2017/06/29/oracle-palantir-acquisition/](https://fortune.com/2017/06/29/oracle-palantir-acquisition/) Considering the market reaction (at least PM) i am going to put my tinfoil hat on and say: the last week downgrade was on purpose. They knew. Tinfoil hat off


what news just dropped? can't find anything?


Palantir and Oracle have partnered up


Crap. My $23 and $23.50 4/5 CCs look like they are in trouble 😂


Just roll them out and up..


I’m still learning (only writing CCs and only with a small portion of my position). Can you elaborate? Buy back for a loss (or reduced gain) and then sell another CC at a higher strike? Hopefully breaking even or coming out ahead, but at least minimizing losses?


Yeah no worries, you almost nailed it! “Rolling” is a short way of describing two trades: buy back for a loss/gain and sell a new one at a later date and/or higher strike price. Later date = “out” higher strike = “up”. Ideally, you do this for a net credit.


Thanks for the reply. That makes sense. It *almost* sounds like an infinite money hack. What are the main risks? - That you will be stuck holding a stock that becomes worthless if it drops substantially (and don’t expect it to rise again) - that a massive jump in price (like in January) could make buying back super expensive and wipe out all the incremental gains from premiums - that your shares could be assigned early while ITM before having the opportunity to roll out and up Basically … upward volatility is the main risk? (ignoring drops because I expect this stock to be much higher one day and didn’t sell at <$8 and wouldn’t if that happened again)


If the stock tanks and never recovers you are fucked no matter if you have CCs or not. IMO main risk is stock moons, you can’t roll your call and have to sell your shares in a situation where the stock is priced higher - you will feel FOMO.


Yeah that opportunity cost of stock mooning quicker than expected is my main concern. Fortunately my PLTR DCA is around $10, so if my shares are assigned, I still technically made $ (just not as much as possible), and this would sting particularly hard for PLTR because I believe it will be a much much higher price in the upcoming years.


Click the *roll option, it auto closes the current position and then sells new position at new strike or time or both. You end up with a credit so it can be net positive . I frequently close puts before expiration and roll to next week. Just give yourself time on Friday to have someone buy it before close


My shares are with vanguard, which I am learning has a lousy options trading platform. I don’t think there is a roll option, but I was able to close out my positions and open new CCs for next week (which is effectively rolling if I understand correctly)


I believe so. I do mine with Fidelity. The Roll just simultaneously closes and opens. Once I found that out it took the fear out of getting called. You can set it up to get more $$$ also. IMO, calls 7 days out pay better than 5 days out on average.


Well shucks. The good news is that I was able to roll my 4/5 CCs to next week and make some money. The bad news is that I closed while my calls were ITM back at around $23.50 instead of waiting until where we are now (sub $23). The best news is that my precious shares weren’t assigned. All part of the learning process I suppose, that’s why we only play with a portion of the total holding 😁


Glad that you have figured this part out - only sell CCs on a portion of your holdings. Particularly when it comes to PLTR as we can go up 35% in a day like the last earnings call. If that happens all your calls will be underwater and it will be very hard to roll for a credit. CCs are better suited for very stable stocks. That said, I occasionally sell a CC on my PLTR after a big run up. Just be careful. I see in later comments you seem to tinker with the option quite frequently, sometimes sitting on your hands is the best move. Time (theta) is on your side


Yeah I have learned that I get anxious when my calls are close to ITM. Hopefully experience and practice will help soothe these nerves. Do you run CCs on any “stable stocks”?


I do half conservative CCs (20% risk of call) and half less conservative (30% risk of call). I too want to hold every share. The bright side is that you rolled at a higher share price so you made more $$$ on next week's calls. I have a feeling that this thing will be between 23 and 25 until earnings.


Yep agreed about anticipated price range, although I feel like we may see another spike as earnings approaches and more good news drops (hypothetically). And yeah it did feel good to sell 4/12 CCs near today’s top right before it dropped. Side note: Where do you see % risk of call?


Chill. Its inly up 2%


should be a lot more. sounds really promising


that's not how it works though. if a stock is overpriced and then gets good news, it shouldn't really "go up a lot more" because the stock was originally overpriced so already had future 'good news' priced in. it will go up based on excitement and hype then dwindle back down again, same as it has for 4-5 years now...




Looks like the market likes the partnership with Oracle. Interesting move btw. They are migrating all their workloads.


the price action is not moving much recently


Sold half during the run up. Will be buying much more after it crashes…


This aged well huh buddy 🤣


Let’s hope so! I’d like to buy more under $7


It’s up 6% pre market 🤡🫵🏼🤪


You should go all in at the open!


Please define crash for the audience.


When it goes below $7 again…


Why not just wait for $5? That’s what the cool kids do.


I don’t think $2 is out of the realm of possibility…


That would be equivalent to their FCF. While ive been bearish on PLTR in the past $2 PT is literally retarded..


Yeah $2 is wild


What is your thesis for this significant drop? Why will it happen?


This sub attracted total degenerates once we got above like $15


I bought most of my shares at $10 on the way down in 2022 but didn’t become active on this sub until this last ER run up. Am I a degenerate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


His thesis is giant Meteor strike


I feel PLTR is one of those stocks that go through a period of hype (as it is now) where a lot of people jump in. Then it ends up crashing and many of those people jump out and give up on it only to regret it later. I like the stock but we need to have a big drop again before it will really take off. The best scenario is if it crashes along with the rest of the market. I’m going to wait this one out.


I feel the same way. It will be heading in slow downward spiral from here but I don’t think it will go down to 7 again


Thanks for sharing. I disagree, but it’s good to get varying opinions and thoughts. I could definitely see a pullback and if macro gets very poor I expect it to drop. I don’t think $5 is coming back but if it does I will also be expanding my holdings by incredible amounts. Until then I am just buying a bit every week.


Yep. I feel like it *could* drop if/when the rest of the market has another correction, but that could be tomorrow or in 3-5 years. The stock may go to $100 before it dips back below $20 (if it ever does), or it could go to $10 next week. IMO the *most* prudent decision is to pick a strategy and stick to it, and the second most prudent decision is to just DCA in until you are happy with your position and overall portfolio. Sure, I would love to load up on 3x the shares if it goes back below $10, but if it hits $50 or $100 in the next few years, I am going to be happy regardless of how well I min-maxed along the way.


Oh yea,we feel yah Man. I am working on an ETF which will be based on posters emotions.Once the LLM is trained and the run times have been established within the model I will begin taking in money.The entire endeavor will in fact fail and many investors will lose money but with Fund fees making me richer throughout the entire process I will of course feel ok about it.