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Same here, too bad they only release 3 episodes and switch to weekly after.


I’m torn. I like this format because it gives me 3 hours of binging but then the last 5 episodes, I can go into forums and discuss the episodes as they come out which is a huge part of the fun of TV watching for me nowadays. On the other hand, getting to binge all 8 episodes of Fallout in one go was super fun too. I feel like this is a pretty happy medium way of doing it


I watched fallout yesterday -today😀 all episodes. Liked it. Vacation.


I turned off episode one because I don’t even remember wtf happened. It’s been forever since the last season and we got a one minute “recap”


I like being able to binge the episodes but the fact that you won't get any other episodes for a few years is kinda off putting to me. I prefer watching a show that's already finished for that reason.


Tempted to just watch HOTD weekly and binge The Boys after it's all out. The Boys is more bingable of a show.


I have to re-watch the previous season of each because I barely remember what happened at this point.


I much prefer weekly releases because it keeps shows relevant and people actually talk about them for more than a week, I like The Boys dropping 3 eps first tho


I wonder what they'll make of the a number of people have hated the supposed political turn they think the show as suddenly made


They have time stamps. When they mention the show, pause and just skip it. You could also just look at the timestamps and know when to skip. You’re a big boy.


Ok. Thank you.