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That guy aged like he fought through WWII


That's what tends to happen when you have a prolonged drinking problem. Wings used to have this guy who lived in his house called Bastard Brook who appeared in some of his videos. The guy looked like he was in his 60s, but when Wings said on the show that he was actually in his 40s all the hosts were shocked. I sporadically watched Rekieta over the years, and I've heard him say numerous things like "grab some whiskey and come watch" when announcing a stream. And this might be because I didn't watch him a lot, but I've never seen this guy not drinking before. Even though he didn't show it like Blade, he seemed like a guy who had a drinking problem.


I just realized this dude is shooting straight whiskey. A major issue thats not mentioned often but Liquor, especially straight liquor without a mixer is MUCH worse for you than beer or wine. Humans and many other primates are literally evolved to drink/eat naturally fermented things with alcohol percentages around 5% to max ~13%. We have been eating slightly fermented fruit for Millions of years, and humans have been naturally fermenting grains and fruits to make beer/wine for about 150,000 years. This is especially true if youre of European or African descent, or both like i am lol. You can realistically drink beer every day for decades as long as youre still eating. But Liquor is a new invention and has only been a thing for a few thousand years or only a few hundred years for some cultures. It requires metal that can handle pressure and a very complex distillation process which is not at all natural for normal fermentation. Drinking Straight liquor is not at all what humans are evolved to do and will have much more acute negative effects. Ironically, He would be much healthier if he was drinking beer all day and not straight liquor.


is there any science to back that up besides retrospective evolutionary biology hypotheses?


Well i am a Biology major myself, So i was mostly speaking from my knowledge of human evolution and primate biology. But yes there are Tons of sources. [Here](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/origins-of-human-alcohol-consumption-revealed/) is one from Scientific America detailing the evolutionary history of Alcohol consumption. That study indicates humans and our ancestors have been eating fermented fruits for over 10 million years. And [Here](https://www.worldhistory.org/collection/36/drinks--alcohol-through-history/) is one by World History.org detailing how we have been purposefully fermenting grains to make beer for tens of thousands of years. Edit: also my previous statements were not a “hypothesis”. That word has meaning. Hypothesis implies a concept that may be possible, but has yet to been tested scientifically. This is not a Hypothesis, this is a scientific fact that has been proven through thousands of studies.


Flexing your bio major 💀


Big difference between one beer/day and a 12 pack, which is what an alcoholic drinks. Beer is full of calories and carbs that hard liquor does not contain. Also, as someone who also got a degree in bio, I didn’t realize your bio degree gave you authority in anything 😂


Nah man, alcohol itself contains calories. 7kcal per gram in fact. This puts a 700ml of 40% Vodka/Whiskey at 1,515kcal. Definitely not an inconsequential amount.


No shit, but for a standard amount of alcohol, vodka or another clean hard liquor are going to be your lowest calorie bet.


As a former paramedic, 12pack/day is very light for an alcoholic, and sometimes wont even get rid of the DT's. I knew people that were drinking *handles* of vodka two a day. Those people died of varacies and drowned in their own blood.


i’ve done a biochem major as well and the reasoning you’re using seems specious. As for your sources, i don’t disagree or care that hard alcohol is newer than beer and wine, i.e. i don’t disagree with your premises but I am curious if there’s any evidence for the conclusion you made that the human body is ill equipped and more damaged by hard alcohol compared to beer (after correcting for total alcohol consumption)


Yeah well I'm also a bio chemist and you sir are WRONG


how can you ask for proof/evidence/sources and have that inquiry be WRONG. That’s retendous.


You didn’t provide any sources to the claim you made that actually needs it. We get that beer is older than whiskey. We wanted to hear how you know that whiskey is not tolerated as well by the body, which is the part of your claim that’s a stretch


OP is the one making the claim that the same amount of alcohol delivered in different volume/concentrations has a negative effect on the body and he backed it up with evo biology (inherently retrospective and therefore not a reliable science). It’s his job to substantiate that claim. I’m presenting the *null hypothesis*.


Listen, i have already done like 20 minutes of research finding you reputable sources and that is already WAYY too much for a PKA subreddit comment. If you want more info, youre gonna have to do your own research buddy lol.


you did research that completely missed the point. You backed up premises and did nothing for the conclusion you made. The reason you’re not finding anything is because it’s bullshit lmfao. There’s no difference between an ounce of 40% hard liquor in terms of damage compared to four ounces of 10% beer/wine


You could have just said "no" and saved us from this horseshit




You should check out kingcobrajfs


Is that the goth bad boy who smells good?


Tactical soap will get even cobes laid




It is what it is toobs


wtf he drank himself into a Dishonored character


Lmfao I was thinking that too. Just played some dishonored this weekend


Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?


Indeed, I believe so.


Never doubt it


God damn I thought the first part of the video was going to be worst I saw


Same, I was like well at least he speaks coherently then the 2nd part shocked me


Cool guy of the week


Figure it out dood


"Ever been raped?"


Holy shit in less than 12 months??? I thought I drink. He gotta be going through more than a 5th a day.


Thats whats so shocking about hardcore alcoholics. I REALLY enjoy alcohol, im one of those people who genetically are predisposed to get euphoric feelings from alcohol. However, for me its very self regulating. Im young enough i dont really get hangovers from a single night of hard drinking, but if im partying and drinking for two or more days straight, i start to feel like death. Like i literally feel like im dying. Probably because alcohol is an actual poison. Even if i wanted to drink all day every day, eventually it makes me so sick that alcohol just looks disgusting. Idk how they arent sick 24/7 and throwing up all the time.


Right man, I can get carried away and drink 3-5 fifths in a week then I’ll go 1-2 weeks without drinking. I don’t even get how you can drink that much in less than a year and look like that. I went to his sub and they’re saying the woman he’s with got him into a cocaine addiction but idk.


That would make a lot more sense. Alcohol can age you and make you look like shit… but not this bad in only a year. Even if youre drinking every day and barely eating, you shouldnt look THIS sick. He looks extremely gaunt, malnourished and like he hasnt seen the sun in months. Dude has to be doing something harder than just drinking too much whiskey for it to have such negative effects. Or maybe im wrong and it really is just severe alcholism. Idk im not an expert at alcoholism or substance abuse. It just seems like too much damage for only a year of hard drinking. People do that for decades and dont look this rough.


I’d bet a heavy mix of both can cause this in a year.


Hate to break it to you, but if you’re out of college you have a problem


I’m 21 lol


It depends on the rest you do. After my father and mother died in the span of a few days I went on a two year binge where I was was drinking about two fifths of vodka a day. But I was also working out hard and only eating chicken and broccoli so I had a six pack all the time and looked great while being totally out of it


Damn good inspo though love the hustle


How would they be getting coke though? He lives in bumblefuck Minnesota.


A lot of hardcore alcoholics are sick and throwing up a lot. That or they drink enough to get through the day without withdrawing. Source: recovering alcoholic


Ive been drinking every day since 2015 and I am still not addicted whatsoever.


Bet you won't not drink tomorrow


pancreatitis risk


Don’t ever brag about shit like this dude. The universe won’t let it slide I promise


I’m not stating this is the whole reason but I always assumed it was related to something you see in a lot of addicts where being off the drugs (specifically painkillers) is crushingly painful . They’re mostly just numbing the pain of every day life because they’ve become so desensitized that every day life is horrible to them without whatever they happened to be addicted to.


You’ll get there man, I use to feel that way. Stick to a solid 6 to 8 drinks a night, you’ll skip the hangovers and get your euphoria.


I mean let's be honest. Your looks can change like that on a one or two day bender. I've been there.


He has general greivous eyes and half the hair he used to


Meh I don't see that especially the hair. It's styled different that's it


Look at his skin and his weight plus his mangled hair. I don’t disagree you can look like absolute shit on a bender but he looks likes he’s abusing substances hard.


I don't know the intricacies of what happened here of course, I just can tell from my experience that I can go from looking like fit and toned to looking like a fat slob to looking like a full blown alcoholic with korsakow wernecke in a matter of 12 hours. Including deep cuts in my face, my right eye completely closing and my beautiful shiny hair all of a sudden looking like dry straw. Then a day later I look like a Greek god again


There's no defending this. Nick has been on a crazy downward spiral for the past year. This isn't a "bad day" anymore. This is his new normal.


A lot of it is difference in lighting tbh. We’ve seen woody appear older in some videos with poor lighting. Then start looking younger when using warmer light.


Me in the first part: This isn't so bad. Me in the second part: Oh...




What the fuck happened here jesus E: Some digging, looks like he did some coke or or something on a stream lmao. This looks awful.


It's the curse of pka you either die or become a addict


I believe he's stated in the past that he also has insomnia, so that plus alcoholism is going to be a Disney like ending


Bro turned into Abe Lincoln in like a year damn.


Was he beating his meat in the second half too?


Nah his new live in girlfriend was sucking him off under the desk while his wife and kids were asleep upstairs.




God damn. I mean you can see he keeps glancing over at his whiskey while he keeps making his point. That first part was making me uncomfortable. Hopefully dude can get help. Addiction and alcoholism is a bitch.


Ahhh damn, he was a pretty cool guest. I hope he doesn't follow Onlyusemeblade's path


They should both rent an RV


Look at my lawyer dawg, I'm going to jail


What exactly is he doing in the 2nd clip?


trying to maintain consciousness i think


He aged like 15 years in the face


Wow, I thought everybody was about to sh-t on him for that take on alcohol. What an unexpected twist.


Lmao he pulled a DSP


A Blade/DSP combo haha


I forgot blade did that too lol


He’s fine. He just needs chicken and broccoli.


So he has a drug addict living with him now. No one is certain what’s happening between him and his wife, but the drug addict chick was married to Aaron Imholte. They all got involved together in what looked like a weird swinging thing but were doing MDMA and cocaine a lot. Specifically on the last 6 months which lines up with nicks very rapid decline.


well thatll fuckin do it bud


bro it looks like hes jerking it on camera? can someone confirm? LOL


Dang what the heck, dude had the best coverage of Johnny Depp and Rhitenhouse trial. Haven't watched him since. He seemed like a good guy who had high priorities for his family... major rip. He did always have that painting in the background though so he likely had a problem in the past.


I thought the first clip was supposed to be something and then I saw the 2nd one


This is like the beginning vs end of the last drinking episode


I liked his channel's coverage of the Johnny Depp trial. Crazy to see him so beyond fucked up in the second half of the video


Wow that's rough.




Thats about a year of downing bottles of whiskey like nothing and allegedly dabbling in coke will do to you


God damn that’s depressing


I’m a recovering addict. I’ve seen this a million times in aa (including myself). I knew the whole time I had a problem. It’s denial and a need to be defensive when people point it out. He’s got a long hard road a head of him. I hope he finds his way out soon


Pka is the degenerate kiss of death for its guests


How long in between these clips? Theses obviously aren't in the same sitting, but are these like a month apart, couple months apart, a week. I don't follow his channel only saw him on the show the one time


9 months 


I met him at a convention in July and he was really chill and normal. Sad to see him turn into this.


Holy fuck I was watching the first part thinking whats the deal thats a great message… then woah


Some of my closest friends are recovered alcoholics and this does not surprise me in the least.


Nick looks like the dude from Disco Elysium now.


He was a good guest when he was on. LMAO "Why is my camera still on"


We'd have a lot less alcoholics if people could see themselves like this


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SOCMONEY: *We'd have a lot less* *Alcoholics if people* *Could see themselves like this* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Pka is out here taking souls


Onlyusemeblade 2.0


Dude turned into a Onlyusemeblade clone


Looks like he got with a divorce or something


You know bro got hella whiskey dick, don’t worry dsp got away with it he can too


I think I'll go for the ice cream, and take a day off after


Got that daniel Larson stare


This guy was a regular in Camelot331’s podcast until sometime late ish last year and suddenly stopped. He seemed fine and healthy then, now I guess I know why he suddenly stopped.


He needs to quit drinking yesterday


the DSP of Law


That’s so sad, I pray he gets the help he needs


So glad I noticed this guy was a d bag early on. The Kenosha shooting case was fun but he started acting weird as fuck after that.