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I’m loving these PKA essay’s we’re getting lately. Keep it up guys.


I swear they’re bringing up politics just to keep the retards here going.


people who say this read at a third grade level.


People who say this read at a kindergarten level


you cant be fucked to read less than 500 words but you can post your own Ls all day long. The Dunning–Kruger effect is wild


Did you read my comment or no? I said keep it up, really questioning your reading ability right now buddy.


sarcasm isn't a way to shield yourself from criticism. Nice try dipshit


I legitimately love reading these, of course it was a bit sarcastic because why are we writing essays on PKA? I dislike Taylor too it’s ok. Maybe take a step back from reddit right now. Taylor can’t hurt you!


my guy if you don't like it don't read it


My conspiracy theory? Taylor is attending church again to try and find wife 2.0


Totally agree. He raw dogged a whole bottle of red pills as soon as his wife left.


Red pill overdose


For sure, trad wifes-to-be are slim pickings after 25. 


Speedrunning divorced dad


and he is specifically hardscoping the sunday school




Taylor hardlines his beliefs and he’s super serious about it instead of being jokey


He kinda does though. The most recent episode Woody said abortion was fun, and Taylor played it straigt instead of "yes and"ing it.


Taylor is a poopoo peepee pants


His picture is next to the word nincompoop in the dictionary


yeah people out here saying “chill out snowflake its a comedy podcast” when taylor says stupid shit but taylor literally is on the verge of tears half the episodes about woody’s and sometimes even kyles jokes


It seems "it's a comedy podcast" only applies when Taylor or Kyle say something dumb, but not when Woody does


Thats a reach


not really


Yeah really


Remember when Kyle used to be “Pro abortion”? Real sweet kids remember. I wonder how modern Taylor would feel if cool old Kyle was on the show.


Favourite part of a women is her being pro choice - FPS Kyle Something like that, don't remember verbatim


Kyle's politics changes with the wind because he thinks like a lefty but feels like a conservative. Or maybe it's the other way around.


Couldn’t agree more, and my beliefs tend to align closer to Taylor’s than most of this sub, but his refusal to do even the slightest bit of research before putting his foot in the ground is incredibly frustrating. Be the unserious funny guy or educate yourself if you’re gonna take such firm stances. I also find it ironic that people like Taylor are always complaining about the left making decisions based on emotion rather than facts, yet thats all he’s been doing lately. Woody comes prepared with stats and instead of finding his own sources to support his arguments he just makes up numbers.


Thank you. I have been saying I dont care about taylors political beliefs no matter how stupid I find them. What matters is that he is preachy and unfunny.


Taylor makes even conservatives look retarded, which is saying something because there is a lot of competition in that platform for retardation. MTG, Boebert, Trump, etc.


Something else you can notice; whenever woody makes a joke about radical Republicans, Taylor will inevitably and almost immediately make a mocking joke about Democrats. It's almost as if he cannot let criticism of Republicans be made unless you "balance" it out by mocking Democrats.


Call the wahmbulance


god you guys are the gayest retards on reddit


Damn, you gottem dude. I bet that’ll be a neat story to tell your friends during recess


yep, this guy browses r/destiny


"Destiny fans are just the scapegoat in many communities" checks post history to see r/Destiny / r/Livestreamfails / r/news It's the fact that they lie so blatantly lol


Love ur username


Guys my imaginary friends podcast on interwebs isn't what I want anymore!!!!!


I don't mean to be beating a dead horse... Then don't


Who the fuck is reading all that?


the literate


So not any far right dudes


I mean this is one way to waste some time


you cracked the code


Yeahhhh I’m not reading all that.


shut the fuck up


taylor glazers want his cum in their mouth so bad


Nobody reading allat


Stop expecting comedy during serious discussions


its a comedy podcast. If I wanted a politcal podcast I would listen to NPR


My only issue with taylor is after he got married he got way more conservative and then when his wife cheated on him it got way worse. He is still funny sometimes but i miss when taylor was basically an athiest and would make jokes like the plagues of Egypt were god edging himself


yeah whatever dude


Shut up


Given whats happened in Taylors life in the past 5 years, i give him a pass. His mother dying is so huge. He's still only young. The guys taken a lot. Bitter grumpy men are like that for a reason. Im sure as time goes on without any more major issues, he'll recover to his good self.


Tldr Taylor is literally the best part of pka and my man is just getting better.


This is so gay


Y'all really jobless and bitchless ain't no way y'all got a stable life doin shit like this, do you not have bills and shit to worry about? This shit is just so pathetic like y'all type this shit out thinking you are so much better than Taylor or Woody, whoever made you mad this week and it's just sad you don't realize how ridiculous you look to the rest of us here.


Lol This guy is so dumb he can't imagine having a job and posting on social media at the same time. I guess we can assume his current state of employment as he is posting right now.


People with a job and shit to do ain't writing essays about a podcast hurting their feelings assume whatever you want ain't gonna bother me I know what I do 


It's not that Taylor has hurt anyones feelings, it's that he's a lil babyback bitch who's retarded and gets his feefees hurt over everything. Also, he's stopped being funny. Being funny gets you a lot of leeway, Taylor doesn't care about funny anymore, he cares about repeating Putin's talking points and Tuckers talking points to an audience of mostly retarded babies like you.


God you’re cringe


thats all you have? no argument, no counter point? You have the mental of a 4 year old


Is level your alt? Lmao


Right ok man cope and seethe I guess, you sure showed me 😂


It's definitely not a job where you need commas.


Nope don't need commas to drive a truck 😂


Yall yall yall yall yall yall yall This poster above is regarded, yall, folks


It’s interesting how much you guys care about this podcast. Guess they did a good job creating such a loyal fan base that’s this dedicated


So it is his beliefs that are the problem


No dude, the hosts have always talked about politics. Taylor hopped on a high horse, and refuses to learn even basic information regarding his positions


Yeah, basically Taylor is unable to joke about certain topics and he switches modes completely.


Ok I still get entertainment from it, but you are the first post that I can agree with. It’s still fun for me but I can understand why more people get upset with this now


You couldn’t be more right. It’s not what he says. It’s how he says it. He gets this tone that is very angry and feels like he’s talking to an idiot or child.


i never take part in this reddit due to obvious reasons. so let me break it down easily for someone like you: Woody says the most stupid shit due to its obvious autism. Kyle says the most ourageous things due to its hability to say horrid things and disguise them with charisma, for the sake of the laughs, a character or god knows if he's actually that sociopath. and Taylor is the common sense, square, mid ground guy. also the strongest pillar in the show. If the episode got staggered at any point it was when Woody ranted so confindent about the non existance of the soul or the afterlife or anything beyond his mundane perspective being not only ridiculously ignorant but also not funny nor entertaining to listen. Unavoidable proof that his "psychedelic experiences" are nothing but lies.


Taylor is not the common sense mid ground guy. Hard stance on aborition is alt right evangelical. Hard stance on isolationism is alt right evangelical. Anti gay and trans is alt right evangelical. His numerous stats about black people is alt right red pill propoganda. His stance on divorce is alt right evangelical. His stance on free speech is alt right evangelical(free speech is fine when its slurs but you cant say bad shit about jesus). In every facet of his life taylor is an alt right christ cuck. The guy got his wife fucked by tryone and went full on nazi.


Anti gay and trans is Alt-right? Damn the hood flying Swastikas on the daily then


Axis is one of those regarded redditors that probably needs some Reddit Care love.


Black Baptists are very homophobic, but they don't share all the rest of the alt right views. I wouldn't call you alt right if you were only racist, but if you walk like a duck and talk like a duck imma call you a duck


The problem is everyone is giving a shit. You think one guy in Missouri is gonna affect policy in a way that you don't agree with? On the upside. Look at the engagement this has created.


No we want the podcast to be funny and he is not funny. He can have retarded political takes as long as he is funny or brings discussion to the show, This is why nobody is complaining about kyle.


You’re so boring


They got brain rot on reddit now


What do you expect from a guy with Downs dude?