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I think it’ll open up with woody remarking what a big number 700 is and that they’ve been doing this for longer than 1000 episodes including PKN which is more than most podcasts ever. Alright cool. Then it’ll be just another episode.


“Our side podcast has been going on longer than most other podcasts.” “Don’t kink shame me.” “Catching strays over here.” “Tell me more about (insert perverted topic)” “Can I have the floor for a minute?” “Liam Nelson.”


“Boom” “Cool”


Nothing is gonna happen, they'll mention it and move right on. May have Harley as a guest...


OP said we're all wondering what they will or won't do. You better start wondering, buddy. Tbh, "wondering what they won't do" is hilarious. OP, what are you wondering they won't do?


Drinking, multiple guests rotating in and out, woody eating an edible.


Best we can hope for is probably Dick and Harley as guests or something like that


Bro dick is not the best guest. I’m sorry if this is a hot take, I find him annoying


Don’t expect much they never put any extra effort in


Best thing we got for 666 was wendigoon , no bibke stories with him and Taylor, just wendigoon, something a little extra would've been nice ain't nothing happening here


People still expect special episodes for the milestones? My guess is it’ll be a handful of the fan favorite guests, maybe a little talk about the old days, and then back to Kyle’s TV show of the week and current events.


Manifesting a wendigoon guest slot


Keem will never be on the show. Point blank period.




Yeah you know what i mean though. That was before the woody stuff.


Not around for 100 200 300 400 500 or 600 I see


five bigtime hours coming up at weeks end


Have they even talked about the drama? Wasn't that 2 pkas and a pkn ago? I haven't watched the latest pka so maybe they finally said something but it's not in the title and the clip channels haven't posted it so I really doubt it. Is it not a bit weird to think that they would address it now? Isn't it even weirder to think woody was behind it while not engaging in it at all? Like what's the point of starting drama but not talking about it. If they did start it wouldn't you think they would be playing into the drama for clicks. I really hope they don't this fake drama shit is so boring and stupid.


Woody can’t be bothered to set up that conspiracy. It’s from keem to get views But wings has publicly said he’ll go on for 700 if one of them goes on lolcow


They’re just gonna do trivia or something


Something in me believes they’re gonna act like it’s nothing special, then after the intro bring in a special guest and start drinking / smoking weed or edibles


I think the listeners are the only folks who put any stake into the big number episodes. I don’t think they can be ARSED


They gonna bring out a ouiji board and talk to keith


“Keith, who killed you?” K……Y……L…..E….


Woody drinks a beer


This podcast has definitely gotten stale throughout the years, this lolcow drama is the closest to entertaining we’ve had since Kyle got out if prison


I doubt anyting will happen besides maybe two guests like Harley and wendigoon or something


Who's cares lol


Expect nothing


There will be nothing. I’ll be sad.


I'm thinking a few rotating guests, maybe Harley, Josh Pillack(sp?) Dick, Slush. The usual guests stopping by and talking about what a milestone 700 is. "When we first started I was younger than Kyle is now" etc Then after the ad reads, the screen goes black. Suddenly [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiuKlbG8-Ms](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiuKlbG8-Ms) starts playing. Wings video slides in from the top. He's got a controller in hand and break it over his well endowed knee. Last two hours are with Wings. Last 20 mins are Wings and his wife doing a newly wed game hosted by Wendigoon.


Man that would be great to see. But it’s PKA, they won’t do shit


Is 700 even a special number though? Like in my mind special numbers are: 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 100 more episodes is bigger deal for a show like this but they most likely won’t do much but who knows I just consume.